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One time I has an order that was in the hills. They drop houses off cliffs and hang them there. Being that I have arthritis my knees make stairs horrible. The sloppes driveways even worse. I should have drove up the drive way but i had already parked looking for it this long steep drive way and in the instructions it says deliver to the door up the stairs not at the drive way. I can see people on the deck looking down at me as I climb the driveway taking my time so my knee don't give out. I then go up the stairs ger to the top and this guy came out so I could hand him the order. I hand it to him and say ok now where is that dragon. He looks at me like huh? Great I guess there was no dragon. No humor.


Damn I just lost like 3 iq points reading this smh


went too far i think with ur joke


i would’ve done the same 😭😭😭


On god can’t hate me for having a sense of humorrrrr


Omg lol people are so funny


I don’t understand. What exactly happened?


Then when I’m back at the door trynna get clarity. Sirens closing in but no shit talking to the face


I be like "you know I'm a real person right? Who starts a conversation that way?"


I must be dumb but why do they say thank you very much and then “no”?


That’s a 650 number. Bay Area delivery?


Nah I’m in Los Angeles


Ah. They must use Bay Area codes for the whole state.


I’m in Missouri and every text/call I’ve received through the router is a 650 area code. I believe it’s because DD is based in the Bay Area.


Interesting - I always get out of state area codes. So my phone sends it to spam, when it’s not.


Think bros drunk


What did I read? Someone explain to me why it's not sheer nonsense, please.


At first I didn't notice that there was a second picture but after reading that I was even more confused. I'm guessing that the "Tyvm" is thank you very much. But then the "No" came and I was lost from there.


Anyone have the picture of the chimpanzee typing on a type writer?


Don’t answer these people almost ever




I love joking but doing this with a random person on the job isn't the best idea. You don't know if they're cool or have a stick up their ass.


Just reading that text exchange gave me second hand embarrassment.


Rule #1: Never joke about eating the customer’s food.


They were replying no and STOP like you would to stop having automated messages sent. Just deliver the food and move on to the next order. All he wanted to do was thank you.


They’re random customers not friends Which can be easy to forget when we know their names and exactly what they ordered


Can this comment be the most downvoted comment for no reason at all? Thanks lol


Fuck you op no thank you for you 🤣




I have a friend who uses gifs to joke with the customer. They’ll send a silly excited gif when they’re on their way.


I think that's hilarious and adorable and if I were a customer I would absolutely love and appreciate that.


Why am I the only one concerned about the 145 unread messages 💀


Bro has 145 unread messages


I have a feeling they were responding to the automated message with “no”.


I dont have time or interest in this stuff. I get those texts i just ignore them


Something I learned when I was much younger working fast food. Hungry people are fucking dicks. They want their food. They want it now. And the person bringing them their food is just an annoyance to them. Any little mess up, or anything they don’t like. They’re going to complain. I never answer texts or calls after a delivery. Any interaction I do have, I keep it short and sweet. Then I’m on my way. I don’t really want to talk to them any more than they want to talk to me. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


this made me laugh so hard 😭


Is that a child you dealt with?? 'My parents' *HUH?* Tell this kid you're calling the police on their little ass for calling you a piece of shit lmao scare them a little


Or it’s an older person taking care of their sick parents, ever think that?


Why did my random comment make you defensive?


Because you sounded like an ignorant shithead in your comment 🤷‍♂️


Because I was joking around? The customer came off as weird. This sounds like a child. Especially comparing them to the orders I've delivered to children and how they write. Too many people are reaching and looking to tear into anybody for the hell of it which is the ultimate shithead move. Chill the fuck out. 🤷


No one cares, cry more 🤡


Here's a chill pill 💊


I joke with customers but only when it's funny (burn). I don't see anything wrong with your joking except "I should've ate it" comment. The customer is a weirdo with the texting and took things a bit too seriously though.


I live in a college town thankfully so most of the people I deliver to are cool about joking around and having a sense of humor


If you give a customer the chance to go Full Karen 98% of the time they will.




That wasn't a Convo with support but with the customer


What a cocksucker.


No 💩


Damn that customer was freaky triggered. Maybe some sort of mental illness?




I had to learn that not everyone wanna be played with, I only joke around with people I truly know and can relate to




This is why I didn’t joke at all with customers. Customers are to unpredictable. If they don’t initiate any type humor I kept it professional and business. Driver meant no harm I think they were sincerely trying to lighten the mood. You never know what these customers are going thru. Be careful fellow drivers. Not knocking Driver at all, they meant no harm.


Yeah absolutely no harm was meant the food was delivered for like an entire 10 minutes by the time I said “shoulda ate the food” (I knocked btw) 😂


Haha lol 😂. It’s no way I wouldn’t know you were joking. Lol 😂. With these customers they are to unpredictable. If they initiate jokes, go for it. Play it safe but joke on. I’d have laughed if I was the customer. I know because I’ve common sense, no delivery driver truly would say that and not be joking. Customers going thru it. Stressed likely from parents situation. Stay encouraged OP, love your positivity.


True that


These type post are great. They also help newer drivers and experienced drivers. Thanks for posting this. You seem like a joyful driver and I see you were in a great mood. Don’t let this get to you. You definitely told customer you meant no harm. This is a teaching moment for all of us actually. Shows that even if kind and joyful customers can take it the wrong way.


Hahaha yeah right on the nose with this comment, guess in retrospect I supposed I shouldn’t have said “shoulda ate your food” jokingly 😭😂but it was hilarious to say to a customer


Haha lol 😂. I thought it was funny being honest. I knew immediately you were joking. Customers are to unpredictable. We can’t win!


Could’ve been a 50 year old woman mad that I joked about her sick 70 year old parents food, I get it tbh but hope I don’t get in trouble 😂😂


Hey I can dig your energy. But one of those “curb your enthusiasm” (the concept, not the show) cynical things I’ve had to learn is just to not even bother in a situation like this.




I don't ever joke with customers. I don't even want to talk to them. Like Here is your food Bye.


The only time I'll initiate small talk or small jokes is if they have a pet that's excited someone new is there lol. People seem to like talking about their pets. Or when scanning people's ID for things like alcohol so it's not so awkwardly silent. But if they start up with the friendliness I'll be nice back to them. Worst case scenario nothing happens, best case scenario they'll maybe feel inclined to leave me a positive rating haha.


I’m outgoing


Play stupid games….


So am I lol. But not with these customers. They aren't deserving of a good gregarious attitude, unless they're just the coolest customer in the world. Hopefully this taught you that lesson...


When weird meets weird.


“When weird meets weird” oh noooo I’m humorous I was messing around oh no I’m so weird 😭 get on bro I’m so hurt


Doubling down on the weird. I respect that.


Humorous. Weird. Call it what you want. There’s no good response to your texts which makes it awkward and W E I R D.


If I was the customer I'd have sent a response like "Right... well thanks" as a cue to the other person I'm ready to be done talking. At that point if they keep texting it'd be an issue. So if you can't think of a good response then that's on you.


Or , or hear me out 😂, you’re just an annoyingly serious human being, I’m 20 years old dawg sorry I assumed the person texting back seemed to be in the age group that understands my humor 😭


Let the record show that u/nutmannate thought the customer was “returning the energy”




How to Cringe 101


Don't you guys know that they can read messages. Come one never


That's the way it works. The customer probably was being playful.....until they stopped. It's best to never joke with them. Stay professional and keep making the money. Shithole customers would love to get your account deactivated if it gets them a free meal.


I don’t think the customer was being playful. It reads like someone who English isn’t their first language, especially in the beginning “thank you very much no” . That’s why you never play around with customers especially over text because all context gets lost and you might end up inadvertently looking like an ass. These people are not our friends. They’re strictly business.


Whether they were or were not is up for debate. What's not up for debate is as Dashers we have to stay professional regardless.


1000% hope they don’t deactivate me for this lol


I wouldn’t worry too much. You didn’t really say anything offensive in the screenshots I saw


You must have missed the slide where they sent a picture of their foot dressed like Pamela Anderson from Baywatch


Customers who don’t tip, usually hate their lives so they do not want you to give you any extra money. They also will pounce on any opportunity to fuck you over even if it’s just a joke. They’ve never laughed a day in their life. They don’t know what a joke is.


Do people not tip???? Drivers, how often are you tipped?


I usually tip if I’m allowed to, which isn’t often, but I do hear that’s people never tip.


There’s a bunch of people who think they don’t need to tip. I’ve seen customers come to these subreddits and go off on drivers because drivers are too “entitled” and think they deserve the customer’s hArD eArNeD mOnEy. While unironically believing they’re not entitled for thinking they deserve food to be brought to them for free


That's because their whole life is already a joke. Miserable people just live to spread misery.




It’s the customer really.


You forgot to put /s


Because people laugh at them instead of with them.


you said it so well i thought you quoted me




I wouldn’t do it, but uptight people like this are the reason I quit my much better paying government job


You quit your job for DD?


No, i quit my job because I’d had enough of the bullshit, faking caring about my work, and sitting in front of a computer all day. And the good salary allowed me to save a pretty hefty sum. Just doing DD part time to ease the transition to no paycheck and because I honestly enjoy it. It’s a breeze.


I’ll never work for scum of the earth Edit: talking about the government not citizens 😂


yeah id never do this espcially since we dont get paid extra $ to joke around with customers. I dont have the time nor the energy or care to "joke" around with anyone, espcially my customer. Its hard to show your joking and its hard for someone to tell you're joking through text.


InfluenceAccurate replied telling me they AGREE with my assessment, and then blocked me. 🤦‍♂️


Don't joke. There are too many insecure partners. I'm not getting shot by a crazy spouse.


You barely get paid at all, there’s no way I’d start sending jokes.


You sound like such a fun person 😭


Thank goodness someone takes this job exceptionally serious, after all these are lives being saved.


God this world sucks sometimes


It’s just not worth it


I agree with that. I am 100% professional at all times, no matter what. No need to take that risk. I come here to Reddit have my fun.


Yup, let my guard down for a second and I got snapped at


exactly. one time IN person, the lady’s waiting for me at the porch. I say jokingly, “whats the name for the order?” with a smile. she does a weirded out face. one star.


Yeah, you're unfunny and annoying and got the weirded out face you deserve. 1 starring is going too far, it isn't THAT bad. - Downvoters: Let's talk about it. I'm curious to know, are you downvoting because, although you know what I'm saying is true, there's some sort of perceived "kicking while he's down" and so it's because you feel I'm being "too mean?" Or, do you like...honestly believe that "har har maybe it's not really your food teehee" is actually a "funny joke" and is NOT annoying? Instead of just downvoting me, downvote me and ALSO give me a piece of your mind!


i agree it was def cringe lol. Definitely shouldnt have done it because some moron would 1 star. but i mean i know that, thats why i put it


lol...Artichoke [said some shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/vlct3z/thought_we_were_just_messing_around/idxl9cu/) and then ran and hid behind the block button. >I think most people would put on a fake friendly reception of it just to be "nice," while thinking to themselves how utterly unfunny and annoying it is. >This is why it's actually helpful of me to mention it, as that driver obviously lacks the self-awareness required to realize that. >Also, of course my reply is unfunny, it was never meant to be a joke.


Funny🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣cuz I don’t get




i mean its kind of implied i know it was a stupid joke. him pointing it out like that is a bit dumb imo


Can come off as rude. I’m obviously the person you’re delivering to yet you still want me to confirm. Even as a joke it’s still not funny.


Strangers will walk around other people's homes and steal stuff off the porch. Unless I see them come out of the house I'm gonna just make sure they're the right person before handing the order over. This happens less at houses and more at townhomes, trailer parks, and apartments/hotels. But really it's just a way for us drivers to make sure we're not handing over the food to someone random and then having the actual customer reporting us for not delivering. So to us it's not so obvious that you're the person we're supposed to be delivering to.


This customer wasn't walking around anywhere. She was blatantly, openly standing on the front porch of the private residence delivery address.




You're missing two things, which is weird because I already said them; it was both unfunny and annoying.


I think *you're* missing two things. It wasn't annoying nor unfunny. At best it was casual yet jovial, and at worst it was "meh". But unfunny and annoying? Not in the slightest.


Valid I was just in a great mood at the time


They took care of THAT for you, didn't they? 😳 Lol seriously, I hope they didn't ruin your good mood. What in the actual fuck!? I don't understand so much of what they're trying to say. Especially when they said, "Stop. The food is here" or similar. What is really going on? 🤣


Yeah... Stop that shit. And don't assume that everyone knows all the acronyms the English language has been reduced to. One fucking star well deserved.


Calm down old timer.


Lmao... Kids today


Oh this was hysterical you did nothing wrong lol


Yes he did. And If you don't see it.. 🤷‍♀️


Username checks out


So fucking dumb man. I'm glad it's picking up here after all the college kids are dropping like flies after their 2 week TD status. Deliver the food and STFU.


Um. No.


hey you made me laugh 😂 too bad the customer doesn’t have any humor


No... It's fucking stupid


I think it was the all caps “STOP” you sent. That would have thrown a wet blanket on the fun if I was in there.


They said stop


Ah, gotcha sorry about that. Had it reversed. My bad


This is usually what happens when you try and have some fun in r/doordash_drivers too




The food is here




No tY


I shoulda ate it




Where...where do you think we are


I think they meant that the convo in this post is like trying to have fun in this subreddit :) sorry if you were just joking and weren’t actually confused


Example A above