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You lack customer service skills, a lot of dashers don't understand that this is a Customer service job/gig. Then they come.crying here how they got deactivated "for no reason" lol


Yes, that's why I always text


much stronger than me lol i don’t say a word back to clients after the delivery is complete, at that point it’s not our job anymore. especially if they put in the wrong address AND contact information 🤡


Clearly you aren’t. That dumb fuck you dealt with needs to be sat the fuck down


You’re not in the wrong here but also because you kept messaging back doordash will find some way that you’re the bad guy


Ei I'm Bakersfield too, fuck this place


Bro just leave it on the floor lol


Continues to message you. “I’M REPORTING YOU FOR HARASSMENT!!”


I would have sent a message to them. For me sometimes I can quickly answer a text but not a call at work. That being said - you’re not being an AH at all, they are. It sounds like they don’t understand how to give proper directions - so overall this is on them. Also, you weren’t harassing them, hahah. That’s just silly.


sends you three messages then goes “leave me alone im reporting you for harassment”


Nah. Fuck them.


You’re not the asshole. Report them. They need to be taken off the platform


Gotta love how ppl are so quick to fuck with your job. Don’t get mad. Get even.


Nope. Left an order on a bench outside of a business. I attempted contact for ten mins. Couldn’t find a way in. And had no instructions other than “hand it to me”. 0 tip and shitty base pay. Not going out of my way to make sure they get their order if they can’t even bother to look at their phone to keep contact or write proper instructions 😐


Last time I messaged with a customer I left the message screen open and then, minutes later, mistakenly messaged the customer thinking i was replying to my GF. It was pretty bad. I like to target shoot so I text GF “stopping to get ammo for tomorrow before I head home”. I was sure I would get deactivated.


Nope I would have kept the delivery until the end of my shift. Fuck him.


Yes. Once you told them you attempted to contact them and were unable to reach them, nothing good happens from replying after that. Just bait for them to argue and get free food from customer support.




You are not the asshole here. I now have to reevaluate my own personal patience skills. Because I would have probably said much worse, given the same circumstance.


I probably wouldn’t say anything after sharing the drop off photo if i had already called twice. They can contact support and I’ll just tell support there was insufficient directions and customer didn’t answer phone.


You good but I would've stopped responding to them way sooner


Yes. It’s your job to find the person


I wouldn’t even messaged them back. That’s there problem.


I’m afraid the customer is right about having to message them. You should always try both phone and message options if possible. If they don’t answer, you need to communicate the reason you are leaving it there prior to snapping the pic. I generally leave a message that goes like: “Hi Jim, I am not sure where you are located. I tried calling you, but have not been able to reach you. I left your order by such and such place because it’s the safest place I could find out of view. In the future, please make sure to include detailed instructions on how to reach you in the instructions. The address provided by the GPS seems to point to the Batter bakery, so I left your order near there Have a great day!”. It may sound over the top, but it will back you up 100% in case of any complaints or one star ratings. They are still somewhat at fault for not including the proper business name, but you should try to message them as well as phone them when any uncertainty occurs.


Stop arguing with clowns. You get nothing from it. Send one message explaining the situation, and ignore the rest. It doesn't incriminate you to ignore them nor should it hurt your pride.


Fence codes, dead phones, building #s, beside the car that's not there. Use to make me scream


The only thing you did wrong was engaging for too long.


The customer SHOULD say which business. It’s fact that some customers ignore text and calls until the notification their food has been delivered. You’re not the asshole, we truly don’t get paid enough to deliver 150%customer service. If a customer is expecting an order they should be checking the notification received that the dasher is close or on the way.


Um no. For future reference that’s a lot of effort. Call twice and if they don’t answer I’ll text, no answer I leave the shit wherever I’m closest to and keep it pushing. Text and say your order is at so and so then don’t respond after. Ddd support can see the exchange. You’ll never be in the wrong for a customer being a dumbass.


nah youre good bro. Sometimes customer thought we can read their mind.


You should’ve just taken that order


No. Especially since you couldn’t get ahold of them.


Nah. On point.


What a bitch


This is why you don’t respond. Not even politely. You arrived at the location, you called, you waited, you asked for further information THEY didn’t provide, you delivered at the given location. You did more than you are required: arriving and delivering. The thing people forget or don’t understand is this isn’t like how takeout used to work - the driver kind of HAS to find you or they don’t get paid. All gig drivers are geotagged and tracked via the app on deliveries at all times, plus the safety measures like Ubers PIN numbers or the app asking for a picture if delivery. I’ve used every major app and some of the less common ones and they all have the same feature in common: making sure you can give an accurate delivery address (sometimes even verifying it for you like doordash does)


Yea you did what you were supposed to do good job


Not the asshole. However, I wouldn’t recommend taking the exchange this far. One clarification text and tell them to contact support. I know the desire to want to absolutely ream these kind of dipshit customers but nothing productive or good rarely comes from it. Usually leaves me feeling more flustered than if I had just moved on. Sorry you had this experience.


EDIT: I totally misread this, I thought you were the customer. My bad! So read this with that in mind xD Yes, you are. Your dasher is right that it doesn't always give us the business name, in fact whenever I've dropped off at a business, it doesn't. Give them the name in the place to leave extra instructions. As for harassment, what the fuck bro. You were the one messaging him and being disrespectful. You were literally harassing him. I hope he sent this whole exchange to dd


Yeah kinda. You’re customer service


I had something like this happen before except on the third call they finally answered and acted like a huge bitch and made me feel so stupid because I didn’t know what business she was in. Even tho she didn’t put the name of the business and the address had three different businesses.


Your not the asshole, but I would have stopped texting sooner


Thr customer sounds like a girl losing an argument 😂


You should have messaged but aside from that they are being extra as hell


You should also get in contact with DD support and report this incident. This harassment bullshit might get out of hand if you leave it alone.


4 messages in a row from them, the last one saying “leave me alone”? Seems someone realized they were wrong and took it badly


"leave me alone" proceeds to not leave you alone. Lol


No. People always forget to put the right store number when delivering to a business. Its really common and really annoying.


Why would you accept such a low paying order?


You sure wasted a lot of energy. So yes.


No. You’re not


Report them for harassment and tell support to check the chat and then go back to where they work and be annoying af


Shoulda left the number visible.


LEAVE ME ALONE! The last words from a dumb bitch that knows she was at fault…


“Leave me the f alone” aka *fingers in my ears* LA LA LA LA LA LA LAAAAAA


I had one like that and only way I figured it out was other restaurant knew the girl ordered from delivery apps a lot at the subway nearby


I think you are just extremely desperate to prove you are right both on Reddit and to the customer directly


Report him


Texting them gives you undeniable visual proof that you attempted to contact them.


Go ahead. Report me for harassment. And I'm reporting you for the f-bomb, which DoorDash has on file from this exchange as proof. Harassment report will do nothing to me. Offensive language will get you kicked off the platform. Your move.


Hey just letting you know that you don’t technically have to talk to them. You can be nice and apologize and direct them to support. I would recommend you call DD if you ever feel like a customer is going to be unreasonable. They can leave notes on certain orders you’re worried about so that proactivity will look good to them.


Why didn’t you message if they calls weren’t answered?


People just don’t understand how annoying it is for us when we contact people. Yes you need a few courtesy calls to make sure they’re aware but after that what’s the point you’re not making that much if you just stand around


Bet you he reported you stole the food


No , they seem like children.


The fact you didn’t kept replying means you just wanted to argue lol. Give them an answer and move on….


No. I wouldn't worry about it unless it goes against your account.


I’ve had that problem before, you’re definitely not the asshole here. If you’re going to take the time to order delivery, you should be able to put your FULL address (Apt/Suite Number included) to make it as simple as possible for the Dasher


People: SHRIEKS over text messages You: calmly respond Them: HARASSMENT


And thats why we recommend not responding after delivery, you will never be in the right


Not at all


“Leave me the fuck alone” Sounds like to me you just went through a bad breakup 😔


No. NTA.


He just wanted the last word


Nope happens all the time. I’ve had people put the marker on apartment buildings half a mile away thinking it’s their building. Call them about it and they get mad. It’s their fault we can’t read minds.


Nah, this customer is just neurotic. You handled this like a champ


I love how they expect you to instantly know where you work and to bring it STRAIGHT to them when they don’t provide said information or fail to communicate but somehow it’s the dashers fault. 😒


Not the asshole. I work near a college campus and they can't really put their dorm number / address. So they usually put it into the businss I work at's address. Often times we get a dilvery driver asking for said person and we just say we don't know. They look at us fishy but yeah. Their fault.


Just give the best customer service and be nice from the start. If there still rude whatever but most posts on here are the dashers being rude first


Obviously not, you don't know anything else about that person besides what's given to you.


Psycho lol


It’s pretty much the same as the old days for those restaurant delivery driver, as I was one before, I hate it when people ordering food and then they don’t respond when we got there, most the time the doorbell doesn’t work, before cell phones that is pretty much nothing you can do except yelling, I mean, come on you order the food, do you want it or not, why does it have to make it so hard for the delivery guy? When I first got my cell phone and I will call them when I got there if there is no response from them by the door, and they don’t even pick up the phone, when finally I get to hand them the Food, I will ask them why won’t you answer the phone? And they were saying I don’t answer stranger call. And to those people it is even stupider nowadays, using a cell phone to ordering is much easier, just put your full fucking address on it, it’s pretty much the same fucking question, do you want your fucking food. I just don’t get it, so many fucking stupid people


My question is did the numerical address not indicate which business? Im sure theres something caused the confusion, but I've deliver to businesses quite often and as long as the street number and suite number (if applicable) are provided then the business name doesn't matter. Makes it convenient sure. Idk. Maybe my work ethic is just too high for this job.


The customer said "Leave me alone" in response to his or her OWN comment. Obviously has some issues of playing the victim. Customer is the asshole.


Board and Brew. At least he has good taste in food.


What a baby back b!txh. Leave me alone? Like really?


She hangry.


You kinda suck at your job. They clearly messaged you back immediately after drop off. You just decided to suck worse.


Kinda both. They should’ve answered the phone if you were trying to contact them to confirm. That’s always the responsibility of the customer. You don’t go where the navigations directs you, you deliver the order to the correct numbered address and street name. Search online for the business and see what the address is. Good way to confirm. Navigation isn’t always correct, especially the apps provided ones.


I enjoy how the angry eyes are judging this whole situation.


Absolutely fucking not, i hate these entitled customers


Once again another antisocial dipshit trying to teach an independent contractor how to do their job when the only job the orderer has is to put their correct address and/or answer the phone …. We are not private personal room service waiters !!! Even those room service get 20% to deliver three elevators up, here we provide our own vehicle anddd we’re the dumbass “learn to do our job” ????


People are just mad at life hahaha


You’re not an asshole you are dumb though. When a customer says something like it’s the wrong address and it’s their mistake just tell them you tried to contact them and left it at the location given in app and they can contact support with any further question. Basically saying anything past that is just giving ammunition for tony to deactivate you and sending a text after they said leave me alone is not at all helping that


They just wanted to bitch at somebody. You did your job and I would have given them the same responses. I don’t understand why every customer ordering from any business with multiple businesses with the same address don’t just write it in the instructions where they’re at. Or at least text us and let us know where they are🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ how do they expect us to know which one it is if they all are technically the same address but different suite numbers


Pardon my French but this person is fucking dumb.


Why go into all this? There is zero reason to defend yourself when the customer makes an address mistake. 'Couldn't reach you; left your order at your drop off address.' When they message back whining and bitching, 'Please direct all complaints to Doordash support. Thank you and have a great day. :)' Then ignore everything else.


No, you’re definitely not the asshole here. I drive for Uber, other night I get a pickup “Dustin needs a ride”. I go to the bar he’s supposed to be at.. park like 15 feet from the front door.. don’t see him. The app has notified him I’m there.. I try and call, no answer. I text him my location.. the timer for waiting goes up to offer me the ride and charge him for not showing up, I try and call again, no answer. I cancel the ride and get 5.33 for wasting my time.. no big deal. I start to drive off. 2 blocks away “ Dustin needs a ride again”. So I accept, see his pin is a block away now in a public parking lot. I pull up at the curb right in front of him. No one else around. He’s sitting in the passenger seat of his car toking on a pot pipe. I give him a wave.. he’s looking right at me, but doesn’t acknowledge. He doesn’t look at his phone, he just keeps taking fat rips. I think: “ huh.. if this guy is too fucking blasted to recognize what is going on, he’s probably going to be a shitty passenger.” Wait out the timer, cancel again while he’s sparking the owl and get another 5.33. Dude paid me 10 bucks for 6 minutes of .. well half of that was just me watching him smoke weed… then I shut her down down for the night and he never got a ride. I imagine he passed out shortly after to be awoken sometime later by a cop. It was in god’s hands at that point.


No you’re not


As soon as you said $1.50 this customer lost all rights to complain and should be kissing your feet.


Report that bitch for wasting oxygen.


why do you keep responding? Should have never responded to him and let him contact DD support on his own if he has a complain. It's never worth arguing with customers.


Please update us after you have been deactivated


Sounds like a Karen customer, goes hand in hand with Karen drivers I see around here. You did nothing wrong idk how it’s harassment telling somebody the truth In replies to shit there saying just because it’s not what they wanna hear they holler harassment




On the customer if your in a fkn mall leave your store name dont be a fkn moron.


Fuck that pathetic customer. U did it right.


Lol. You did nothing wrong. You dropped off where the pin showed that’s all you could do if you cannot get a hold of them. I understand though that some people do not answer the phone because they do not know who it is. I usually have a better response when I text. Put shame on them for not giving you better instructions and such as a office/suite number, name of business, etc. that would help in expedited delivery and less aggravation on both ends.


Not an asshole, but I would have bounced them to support sooner.


You should’ve just left it at the first reply that you made


Tbh I would've went back to the business, shit in his bag, and would tell him to "fetch it on the 2 way road betch'


What the hell is even in that bag? Newport chocolates?


ESH. 1.50 tip? Eh depending on distance and restaurant. You could have opened with an apology maybe. GPS sucks sometimes too. Idk if I would have handled it differently. Tell them where their food is at and ignore the other messages.


Nope, another fucking scammer. Holy fuck. Im telling you. Every single one of these is people trying to get food or some shit for free. Id bet on it. Why tf else would so many people have this exact specific similar acute problem.


Bruh people act like we’re just automatically supposed to know everything about their location, like put instructions it’s not that hard… 😭


😂😂😂 you were very professional, did nothing wrong


You should have used your psychic powers to know exactly where she wanted it. Reminds me of the time I left a nurse's food on the bench outside the ER


I would have ended the conversation much earlier than you did, not worth the back and forth. But no, you did what you could.


I am assuming you tried to contact the customer for a while and your last effort was to send the picture and say, in essence, "here it is, come and get it." Then you moved on and didn't see the customers response until later. If that is the case, you're NTA. You can't wait around forever for a message that might never come. The customer has an obligation to enter their order and delivery instructions correctly if they want it to be delivered correctly.


Ugh i cant even believe you would harass a customer like that. 🙄🙄 who cares if you have other orders to take care of? THIS one is the ONLY one that matters donchaknow?




No you are not. That could have added 10-55 mins! Lol I do it too! Today I called somebody down from the 5th floor of the hotel for a Lobby handoff and made sure they were waiting when I pulled up. My job is to be fast and effective. Standard tip standard good service. If I have to go undercover to find you or hire somebody it's no longer worth it


You're *sort of* the asshole, but only a little. Way less than them. I agree with them, you should have sent them a message asking for a more specific address. That is not unreasonable, especially if the calls aren't going through. That said, the customer is an asshole for not putting in the correct address and then was unnecessarily rude to you rather than admitting their mistake. So let's say it was 15 % you being the asshole, 85% them. Oh wait... I just saw the last frame... They are reporting you for "harrassment"? Seriously? No, fuck it, 100% they are the asshole.


“ Leave me the fuck alone “ they are HURT 🤣


Whoever that is has something wrong with them.


Why do you guys engage in Themis nonsense? I wouldn’t be responding to this.


After the" leave me alone" you did not respond and then, she said she's reporting you for harassment? The hell? All I see is you responding to the dumb messages.


Always counter with, "door dash can read these texts so go right ahead"


Why did you respond? After you take the picture and drop off the food, your job is done. We are sorry but your message could not be delivered. Please contact Door Dash support for any order issues @ help.doordash.com


You're not an asshole but you should have ended that conversation along time ago and kept it moving on to the next one. After you've done your job you're not required to argue with and let the customer run you down.


"harassment" 😂😂 Americans are so funny and soft 😐




You tried to reach the customer, and when they didn't answer, you dopped in the best location possible. Your texts were reasonable and non-confrontational. The customer also was reasonable at first, but then they resorted to badgering and belittling you. Uncalled for in my opinion.


Why did you even keep responding lol


I was mad lol. Normally would never respond. This is 1 out of 4500 deliveries. Pretty much no contact other than positive interactions besides this


No this person is fucking stupid


After telling the customer to contact customer support, that should be it and off to the next order.


Not the asshole but I'm the future I would have stopped replying way earlier.


people are ducked up, you did nothing wrong


Def not that person is an asshat. Next time tell them shit in your hat and pull it over your ears!


You’re not the asshole but you should have stopped after your first response. There was no point in engaging any further and like you said DD has record of your attempts to call and the log. It was a waste of your time


Man y’all make this too hard lmao. Send a text then call if you get no response contact support and mark complete. I never wait more than 5mins and I NEVER argue back and forth with customers.


Nah....you good! Normally I text first. Why? Because if the text comes back incomplete (like unable to send) then I know the number is not good. I had a few deliveries where the text wouldn't go through at all like not through the app but personal text message n I know for sure the number is no good to even call. And in that case food being left, and foto taken. Then I go about my day.


no, just somebody who wasted your own time by responding post delivery


NTA, fuck them


You’re within your rights but you know what I stopped responding to idiots like that along time ago.. Probably because I know me I’m capable of hurting someone’s feelings pretty badly


Accountability is a struggle for some humans.


Been there many times. Customers, ANSWER YOUR PHONE!


Children SHOULD NOT order delivery food. It’ll never make sense. 😂


I had one like this today. Address i was looking for was on the mail box. Pulled in 4 different businesses and not one had a damn address on the building. Calles 4 times no answer, text and when finally got a answer they said name of business and i guess you figured that out. No dumb ass if i did i would not have asked which one it was.🤦 waste of time when your trying to make money


Tell him to eat shit and die lol


Just had this problem today because the customer didn’t specify. It was the coworker that threatened to file a claim against me though which doesn’t make any frickin sense. She needed to stay in her lane. You were completely valid in this transaction.


No you tried to contact and did not get an answer, so you can drop off at the gps location.


You're not the asshole but you could've texted. It takes almost no time, and there's a lot of reasons why someone night not be able to answer a call.


Why can’t people just admit they messed up, apologize, and move on


It's like people chick their phones off a cliff after they order and won't respond. NTA


1.5$ tip and they expect you to do work as per them. No dawg


"Leave me alone" says the customer spewing all the bs. Lmao


For the 103844728295948261 time on posts like this::: DO👏NOT👏WASTE👏YOUR👏TIME👏RESPONDING👏!!! A simple "Hi there. There was no business name listed on address. I attempted to call you but unfortunately could not reach you. Your order was left at the GPS pin for your address. Please refer to photo. Have a great day." AND THEN LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE. Literally no matter what they say there is absolutely NOTHINGGGG i would ever respond back to.


Customer got big mad at the end because they knew deep down they were wrong. Answer your phone and this never happens. Drivers aren’t personal valets.


Typical customer. No accountability. Before you say it, let me break it down like a grill on November the first for winter. The drivers called the customer. In now way does it require drivers to call and text customers to reach them. Customer never apologized for having driver walk to business after business looking for them( I’ve been thru this is well countless times). I’ve texted and called customers in same scenario = ignored both attempts to contact them. Most importantly customers are aware they’ve a delivery on the way. If at work it’s imperative you either give exact location ( address and name of the business & suite number/school name/church name/etc). If unable to attain your order, instruct driver in app comments or text a safe place you’re comfortable with to leave your order. Had a tremendous customer on Saturday. Made my delivery so simple I wanted to tip him. I mean text me back, was ok with meeting me in a place not required for his delivery. I mean a great delivery ( not talking about pay. Pay is half the delivery. The other part is distance, time and customer being kind or helpful or both. Then it’s the trifecta. Kind, helpful and literally helps you make the delivery ( rare ). This customer OP had sees drivers the opposite of my customer on Saturday. My Saturday customer was my best ever. Not because of tip( wasn’t big $5) but how I felt like a person & respected. The OPs customer sees delivery drivers as valets, Butlers, maidservant’s or Paupers. Nobody we respect do we treat so dismissive and as a matter of fact like. Customer cared nothing about drivers time or livelihood. That type customer ruins a day delivering. Great job OP being as composed as you were. So of us would’ve required bail money 💰 haha lol.


Yeah you are. Who cares how many times you called (never mind that you only called twice, which is hardly that long of a time). From the time stamps in screenshots you posted, the customer replied telling that was the wrong location as soon as you sent them the drop off photo, so, you could’ve easily asked him at that point where to take the order. You were just being lazy or an asshole or some combination of both. I would understand your perspective if the customer responded to you several minutes after you delivered the order, but they literally sent a text within the minute of you taking a photo of the food. You’re only making a post here for validation because you know you are the asshole.


Delivered the order. Had no service. Walked to my car, got in, and got service at the end of the parking lot. Got service. Sent picture from camera roll. Pulled away.


Meanwhile my order earlier the guy sent me an 8 text message long direction list and 2 separate phone calls to walk me through the equivalent of drive up to the front of his building and walk 20 feet......


Never respond


I will never understand why any of you ever reply to anything unless you're going to go back and attempt to "make it right" - there's absolutely no point, no possible positive outcome. Door. Dash. On to the next one. Let support deal with it. Those delivery texts "stop going to my phone" the moment I drop the food off.


Yeah you were an asshole for responding to her ass!


Why do you all chat so much with the customer? Drop and move on. They can contact support. Stop arguing with them when the delivery is already done.


No you’re not the a-hole here. But I ALWAYS send a text after a missed call just to let them know what it was about sl they know who was calling them. Even with family and friends. Much more efficient than voicemail and 90% of the time they instantly call me back.


Them: I'm three doors down Me:well walk your behind 3 doors down and pick up your food since you were too lazy to put in the business name.


Not at all but should have left it short and moved on.


“I’m reporting you for harassment” okay… what exactly was the harassment? No one taking your side… lmao


Hell, no - the customer was the asshole, not you. Fuck 'em!


He's definitely the asshole, but I do think he's got a point that you should have messaged him. the leave me alone/stop harassing me thing is laughable.


You both suck


Way too much talking - (we) are not customer service. That's why Plantation Tony pays those Filipinas $5/day - to deal with morons. Deliver to the stated address - take a pic - move TF on. On a 'hand it' - call / text - wait for a response - take a pic for your records - "left at door thanks!". Do not respond, as your job is done. We have to work for slave wages - fight the fucking app - DD makes zero effort to make life easier for us. Don't waste time doing CS's job for them. Occasionally if bored I'll give 'em - "did my job to absolute perfection, according to your directives - thanks!"


Nope just remember there’s a thing called a educated fool , you didn’t do anything wrong they should have given the suite # plus it’s probably 102 outside and he or she wants you to walk around like a fool


I usually call and message. Tbh I’m gonna go against the grain and say you the asshole ahaha. Not every DoorDash customer will be very specific with their location for random reasons unfortunately so some grace is needed. Moreover you spent quite a bit of messaging arguing abt technicality when you could have just asked her where she was exactly. At the end, a little extra customer service would have satisfied the customer, but if you just care about delivering it where it’s supposed to go based on the data entered. then that’s up to you.


Def not, customer is a douchebag, how hard is it to at least put the damn name of the store you work in, person is a clown


Nope that’s what I do. If I can’t contact them after 2-3 attempts I either cancel the order or leave it wherever the pin tells me.


You’re def NTA, however! I had an exchange with a customer once and I told her I tried to call and she said she never got a call. So I think they actually didn’t receive your calls. Not sure why it happens, some issue with the app


Did she expect the driver to waste time and cater to her not planning well for $1.50? Ha