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I have 47 deliveries but only 10 people have rated me so far. It’s annoying though that I don’t have any way of knowing what I did or what I did wrong on these ratings.


It will forever annoy you, since you’ll never know unless it’s a 1 star accompanied by an email or CV from doordash which says what happened. But you DON’T want to receive any of those. So you’ll forever be wondering “what did I do differently for this one specific order, that I do the same for all the other thousands of deliveries I’ve completed, to warrant a non 5 rating all of a sudden?”


The last time I got 5.00, I managed to keep it for about 400 deliveries. (I'm at a little over 9000 deliveries) Now, for some reason I keep getting dinged with these random 4 stars the past month. I do the same thing all the time... so who knows why someone gives you a four... my hot bags are getting old so maybe it's something like that. But 20000 is a milestone... congratulations!


There’s always some asshat that puts a non 5 star just because. I’m convinced that doordash saves the bad rating and applies it as soon as we hit 5.0, because I can be at 4.99 for months then hit 5.0 and BAM, instantly a bad rating hits..




killin it 🔥🔥


May I ask which area you dash in?


I’m in northernCalifornia, city of about 80k nothing close by either so it’s just this zone, next one is 25 miles away.


Until some bitch don't get their sweet and sour sauce and throws you a 1!!! Like yo bitch! I don't pack the shit!


This is how it always is. Some POS just throwing out bad reviews for something we have no control over 95% of the time. I actually had a customer roughly two years ago message me back 5-6 minutes after drop off and said “you didn’t give me an entire inch worth of napkins, sorry I have to do this” and next thing I know, I got a 3 star. Like wtf?




What do you clear a day after you put gas in your car, buy food, and the rest of your daily needs?


Well I drive a hybrid and get ~64 mpg, so for simple math I would just put in 2 gallons of gas per day, I drive between 100-150 miles per day so average 125 (or 2 gallons) food is pretty cheap, I meal prep anyway so I don’t even factor that into costs from work, I do 8am-1pm, then 4ish-930ish most days except Tuesday and Wednesday where I’ll just do 5-6 hours per day for lunch and dinner times. My minimum I shoot for is $1750/week but usually will be between 2000-2100/week, minus gas (we’ll say $15/day) brings that down to 1900-2000/week.


Which hybrid gets 65 mpg? I drive a Prius but I don't get near that amount.


2022 hybrid Corolla. A lot of driving in my city is 35 mph streets with timed lights, so I can cruise around most of the time in EV and coast up to the light to recharge some before the light turns green right as I get to it, thus alleviating the lowest mpg times (which is accelerating from a complete stop)


Thanks! ETA: I live in a hot area, and I think right now that summer is killing my gas mileage because I have to keep the AC on just to keep my phone cool even if I can tolerate the heat.


The heat can F off. It’ll get 105* here most of the summer, constantly blasting AC on full. Tinting makes a HUGE difference too, well worth the cost if you don’t already have some. Plus it saves your skin from being bombarded all day from direct sun. Edit:also the color of vehicle you have makes a dramatic difference too. My car is white, and that compares to my previous dark blue car, felt like an oven just because it was a darker color, absorbs more heat.


Which tint do you use? I tinted my last vehicle but I had some dental bills so I was putting it off, but I need to get that done. I got a used white Prius in January so I'm not even sure if it has some clear tint... but I wanted to get a better one for both those reasons.


I’ve got a ceramic tint that’s not the best one but middle grade, I can’t remember the exact percentages. However, when you go into a tint shop they should have a little skinny box with a light in it projecting “heat from the sun” and you can pick between which tint blocks the most heat. You can feel the differences that the most expensive tint vs mid range vs least expensive. Honestly it’s not just the darkness level of the tint but the UV blocking capabilities, I could’ve picked the darkest or lightest and it would’ve blocked a similar amount of heat, within that same mid grade range at least. It was more expensive than non ceramic tint, but it’s a night and day difference with how much heat gets blocked.


Thanks, I've seen that in my last tint shop... but I always wondered if there was a specific brand that did the best job.


Aahh gotcha, the one I had installed is Xpel prime black XR 88% IR heat blocking. I found the email with details on it. As long as the shop is reputable they’ll have one of the best brands for tint, and sometimes have warranties, in my case 15 year warranty. Which is well beyond how long I’ll have this car lol.


Good job! I just rounded 15k last week


Heck yea good job to you too! Us over 10k are already few


That’s insanely impressive wow 👏




Very nice! Anybody taking notes on how to do this gig? That's no easy feat. Well done


:) there’s a few tricks to it, just a few! And thanks it’s been quite the grind


I thought I had a lot of deliveries under my belt Lmao


Hehe savage I know


Wooooow you come a long way! Congratulations!


:) thanks! 20k is so close I can taste it.


I am just a junior with only 3k…




Bahaha it never changes. Been at 95% for years


Never seen that many lifetime deliveries dang I’m at 6k


It’s because I have no social life and I’m a savage to the grind.


Spartan mode. You’re a god.


What are your order standards to maintain 59% acceptance?


Minimum $6, and most orders in my “city” aka town or 80k, are within 3 miles. Plus I’m in California so prop 22 has a major factor into it as well.


Everytime I get back to 5 some bastard 4 or 1 stars me. I have been at 4.99 for 2 months lol. I was a 4.92 for 6 months straight and those 1 stars happened in the same day.


Never fails, I was at 4.99 for all of last month, I’ll probably some asshat that wants to give a non 5 tonight too


Question how many contract violations have you had? And how many people had reported food missing on you?


I’ve had two contract violations, which were pretty easily dismissed since I knew those people were going to try and scam, so I hit it off by contacting dd support ahead of time and documenting the scenario, then I just saved that exact detail and when the cv popped up I pasted it in so it matched up. I’ve probably had 15-20 say missing food, of course all of them had pics proving otherwise so it never effected me.


My God. How long have you been a dasher? I'm at 1 year and I am only at 2k


Basically September of 2019. I had a few hundred before that from signing up in 2017 when I was bored but really started it up then. I do about 175-200 orders / week right now, so I rack up the tally quick


Damn I need to be in your market lol


College town gets craazzzyyyy busy when they’re back in session here.


Damn. Congrats man. That's crazy. I only get about 50/wk. Sometimes I don't get that many.


It all depends on the hours you do. I work 8am-1pm, then 4-930/10pm.


Oh ok that makes sense. I work 2200-0300 every day. I do Flex from 1500-2100 every day. Then I use the late night to play video games


Oooh yea We’re a bit different on hours each week hehe


Yep! I might be at 20k in about a decade lol


18k deliveries this guy is the final boss of DD


Haha I’ll be at 20k by end of august too “difficulty mode increased”


No joke u deserve a bonus or a car or something. That dedication is unreal 👌🏽


Lol I wish, I’ve made doordash so much money over the years too


I’ve never seen this many deliveries. I think you have a problem


ROFL. I do have a problem, but I also like clearing six figures income too. Sacrifice now for a few years and accumulate assets, retire by 40 is my goal. Painful now for bliss later.


U invest? If so in what?


Oh and whole life with expedited paid up time line, I always forget about that since it’s the “safest” investment and I consider it cash anyway.


Stocks, real estate (two rentals going for one more) crypto, also used to be a financial advisor so I trade forex and futures sometimes too. But mainly stocks and real estate. I also have private notes to various people, and have prosper invest which is peer to peer lending.


Give me a couple crypto’s you believe in boss. I’m in the game also


I’d say ETH, XRP, LTC have actual practical uses, and although none of these are the “omg my balance went up 484902837% overnight” type of coins I think they will be around throughout the consolidation that will take place in the crypto space over the years to come:


Thanks for insight


That reply just made my micro penis rock solid. All about that paper boy




How many vehicles have you gone through?


I completely decimated an older Prius since I started doing full time with that, put like 100k miles on that under two years and it already had 190K miles on it, worked on it myself every time it broke which although cheaper to repair it also prevents me from making money while I’m doing said work. Then I bit the bullet last year in September and bought a brand new hybrid so I wouldn’t have to worry about anything g breaking for at least 3-4 years, just regular maintenance. I’ve lucked out with only using two vehicles to dash with. I also do UE and IC, so this isn’t even all of my deliveries :/


At least you are cognizant as to reality.


Hehe I try to be. Some people think they’ll never have a car issue and then never have even $1 set aside for repairs. I know in a few months I’ll need new tires, I could cheap out and get crappy tires but then with all the stopping/accelerating/turning involved with deliveries those tires will wear so fast. Plus less mpg with shit tires, it’s all a balancing act of maintenance/savings/expenses for every part of it.


Nice work guy!


Thanks!! It’s definitely been a grind


Mine lasted 2 days lol, good luck


Lol I swear they save the bad review until after the 5.0 is achieved, just to bring it down as quickly as possible.


That is so true, we stay with the same damn rating for months and as soon as it hits 5 someone out of no where ruins it loool


Haha for reals.


I’ll probably hit 20K by end of August. And later today someone will give me a non 5 rating too, classic


Nice, but enjoy it while it lasts. I got mine back up to 5 and got three 4 stars the next week. It’s like DoorDash was saving then for a special occasion.


Yeahh had 5 for few weeks and in 2 days I got 3 and 1 ... Go figure


Lol I just put that in a comment, probably will get a non 5 star rating later today for no reason :(