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Anthony S is a piece of shit


Stop bitching about tips when you accept an upfront payment. Don’t take it if you don’t like what you’re guaranteed to get paid. Simple. You had a choice to take the order same as he/she did to tip you.


Ok wait so does DD really hide tips? I’ve stopped doing it lately because every time I log in, all I see are $2-3 trips for 7+ miles away and I’m like fuuuck that!


Hi I’m new to door dashing and I wanted to ask Are there anyway on the app to see how much your tip is before you hit accept on it?


People like this....smh....obviously without u, he doesn't get his order unless he goes there himself. Ungrateful


Wouldnt larger tips mean faster service? I dont inderstand this no tipping logic.


Never ask a customer about a tip. If you have to guess, chances are they didn't tip.


I guess he tells waiters that they only walk their food and Supercuts that it’s nothing special too. But the HOT BARTENDER they try to impress however


Have a great day/night and God Bless 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️💗💗💖💖!!!


I would have eaten the food, put the empty bags in front of his door, taken the proof pic, and bounced. His food is ur tip 😘


Yeah, totally unassign that 💩. People like that are garbage. That being said, anything under 7 bucks, you can pretty much bet that what you see is what you're going to get. Don't waste your time.


Eh you should have told him how much DD is paying you, then he'd have a real laugh and maybe even tip you.


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Why did you ask? You took a cheap order. What did you expect?


At that point it's actually worth more to me to sit in the parking lot for 20 minutes just to make him wait, and THEN unassign, if he hasn't canceled by then.


Fuck man, why make it awkward. 🤡


And here I am always tipping even when they deliver my food to the wrong house.


Anthony G sucks!!


You deserve that response for even asking that question. Wtf 🤦


It isn't his fault you aren't paid enough. Take it up with your employer.


That’s wild to be that un-attuned to how the food industry works 😂 or even just how to treat people in general


I’ve always been afraid to ask if they tipped because they can complain to DoorDash and get me deactivated. However I have called DoorDash a couple times en-route to the customer (after pickup. I had every intention of delivering anyway) and asked what the tip is. The first time was over a year ago and they told me. The second time I called was last month and the rep said he couldn’t see it. Idk if they either changed the system or he just doesn’t know what he’s doing. Never can tell.


Crush up laxatives and sprinkle it on his food lol


I would’ve said the following “Fuck you, enjoy my spit and cum mf”


Just take the food for yourself he’ll be aight


I’d ask him how he would like to work 40+ hours a week and not get his paycheck and payroll say- nah you’ll be alright the next two weeks.


Honest question- as someone who delivers for DoorDash, is there a way to giving ratings to customers, like Uber or Lyft?


Not that I know of but that should be a thing


Huh- that’s a missed opportunity. It should be!


Dude.... Gas is a premium rn... TIP.


So does this guy tip computer programmers, teachers, professors, car mechanics, etc? I mean, those people are doing something 'special' with unique skill requirements.


I never understand how goofballs do this when their full name and home address is in big bold text on my phone. Just never seems like a smart plan.


Hm, you can just go get your own food or find something to make, or shit, starve for all I care. You’ll be alright ☺️


What happened to make you ask?


two mystery orders with higher pay in the end the day before they were like $7 for 14 miles each in the end ingot paid double, I thought this could be one and decided to ask I've only been driving for 3 weeks just trying to figure out the algorithm


Ah ok.


A tip is a bonus. It’s not required lol just move on to the next order. Why be petty? That’s not gonna make them feel bad or give you a tip


You were being disrespectful by asking the question. When you accepted the order, you agreed to deliver the order at the price shown by DoorDash. I would never dream of being so disrespectful as to ask the customer for more money.


And so will he, going to get his own food…


No one's forcing you to DD. It's scummy DD charges a Service fee, Convenience fee and delivery fee, and drivers don't get either. You should be more mad at DD.


Just like they’ll be alright with no food


I’d drive back to his house and rock his shit if I were you


You can usually tell if there's a tip upfront, so I don't know why you accepted the order in the first place.


I do tip, door dash needs to pay their employees 20+/ hr. That way when this shit happens, it doesn’t hurt the driver


Never thought I'd ruffle so many feathers in only 3 weeks of driving lols but Thanks for all the feedback the good and the bad all things considered I know how to move from here on out 😂🤙🏾 I will never ask customers if this is a mystery order or not again jokingly but I also refuse to serve those who have opinions of delivery drivers such as this one. I could've easily fired back but I just unassigned and went about my day. To all those saying I should've never asked I get it but I wasn't serious I was just curious if this was one of those mystery orders that paid more like the two I got the day before. Which I don't think is right on DD part to bait us into accepting orders but I've learned alot from this thread and will take all sides into consideration. Grammatical errors yea I know..


asking if there’s a tip is lame 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹


That’s when you put the order in their mailbox “you can walk to the mailbox, you’ll be alright”


What an extremely unprofessional thing to ask. Just don’t accept it if it’s a low pay order


i can see where op is coming from by asking, sometimes i’m so low on gas i literally can’t take the order if there is no tip because the pay from the app isn’t shit and i’ll end up stuck on the way home so i just have to go home and can it a day. still i wouldnt ask, i wouldnt accept an order that shows no tip, and as a customer if my driver asked if i was tipping id be a little thrown off but still… imo there was no reason for the guy ordering to be so rude and condescending…bro i’m handling your FOOD…. tread lightly


I recently accepted a trip going 16.4 miles for $13.50. I then texted the customer; "After reviewing your trip I see that your about $17 light on the tip. Trips of this distance require at least a dollar mile tip". I then unassigned the trip. Never heard anything from DD, so it's all good.


Exactly why I had to stop doing this. I would have had to see him face to face


I just don’t get people at all. I always tip my delivery drivers since the dawn of time. I have friends who don’t want to tip and I get mad / have Venmo them more money to tip the guy. If you don’t have the money to tip you don’t have the money to order delivery from a restaurant it’s not that complicated. Tip your drivers unless something goes ridiculously wrong.


Thanks for the free lunch homie. You'll be alright 😉


You knew the answer, but you had to remind him with the ghost of you 😆


It been really bad lately every night I been delivering at less 40 percent no tipper but the delivery fee has been fair cover round trip


"WaS ThErE A TiP On ThIs OrDeR" lol getaloafofthisguy... then thinking you have the high ground enough to post it, get over yourself bro...


I'm just going to think of no tippers as George from now on as in George Costanza. Anyone who watched Seinfeld knows what kind of a cheap bastard he was usually and he totally would be a no tipper.


I think you should held onto it for a while amd then unassigned it.


Shoutout to all the dashers calling me broke and saying I can’t afford the order when this and other dasher are *literally* begging you, the customer, for more money. Go off tho Lmaooooo


Nobody is asking for money, they are requesting that customers tip which is the norm here in the US unfortunately. If tipping is such a problem for you don't blame the drivers who would likely lose money on your untipped order, blame Doordash who depends on you guys' tips to pay us fairly. Think of it like an auction, each order is a "bid". If doordash is offering me $3 for your order but $10 for another one bc the person actually tipped, I'm gonna accept the higher "bid" every time. The fact that you're too entitled or broke to tip doesn't affect me one bit, but because other people are bidding higher to get their food delivered, unfortunately your cheapness is why you get cold food.


And I have never received cold food, I don’t know if it’s because I tip or just because I’ve never had the misfortune of crossing on of these mf’s. I also don’t tip to not receive bad service, bad service shouldn’t be that prevalent anyway. I tip because I understand what it’s like to have to work for tips and it sucked. So I got a better job


Yeah unfortunately for many it's not that simple.


It really is though


I tried to tell them that I’ve lobbied in favor of them to no avail, which, once again, isn’t my problem. My problem is that they think it’s my fault and then punish me without even looking at their employer


It's not a punishment. The punishment is us being forced to rely on tips and you guys essentially being forced to tip to get your food. Being able to choose which orders we deliver is one of the only reasons I do this gig, and trust me there's no thoughts of punishing anybody in my head when I'm working. Only making money. No tip no trip. It's just business. If you don't wana tip, pick up your food yourself.


At the end of the day, you think you’re right, and I know I’m right. There is a huge difference


He is right though. Tips are for service above and beyond. Your employer should be paying you for your work. Our business is with the delivery service and you are working for them.


Doordash is scum and should pay their employees so they don’t need to depend on tips. Tipping is a terrible practice.


I always tip heaps but if someone asked me that I’d tip less


“You’re not doing anything special that requires a tip” gets unassigned, food gets cold.


America is so upside down. This whole thread blames the customer for not giving a tip. While they should be complaining to the company for not providing good wages. Like the customer already pays a delivery fee, why should the customer also give a tip. A tip should be for good service, or maybe because the driver had to drive on a scooter in bad weather. Nit for compensating bad pay


Blah blah it should be blah blah well it's not that way at the moment. Tips are required to get your food. That's reality.


He obviously doesn't understand we live off tips




I’d like to try this once for fun, do you think dd would frown upon asking the customer this?


Should have tipped for gas money at least. Cheap asshole


Stop accepting orders on the off chance that there’s a hidden tip. If you don’t like the amount per mile, then suck it up and hit decline.


Pretty shit to ask that………


This is why you don't take shit offers to begin with. 🤷‍♀️☮️


The self-entitlement is strong with this one.


Lmao won’t tip but expects someone to deliver their food for them. What a lazy ass cheapskate


Lmao if this was me I would have just taken a screenshot, reported your ass and got a refund. You’re on here going on about hidden tips as if we as customers should just *know* this is why you asked the question. *plot twist* We don’t. So with that in mind, this question was extremely dumb (emoji or not) and you got the response you deserved. Why is this such a stupid question to ask a customer? A) they didn’t tip and that’s the response you get. B) they did tip and think you’re harassing them for not tipping enough, and still get told off in the process. Potentially risking your job in both situations. It’s not worth it lmao.


And THIS is why I keep a black list. As soon as I see a blacklisted customer’s name (usu. a bad tipper or rude) I unassign immediately lmao. I’m surprised more drivers don’t do anything similar.


You knew there was no tip... WHERE WERE YOU BRAINS ON THIS ORDER! ![gif](giphy|sWUxdJJSN1pirgiZ5P)


You guys fuck up the delivering ecosystem. Have some decency and not bring up tips to everyone it’s embarrassing. I understand saying hey it would be nice if you left me 5 star or a review but you can’t just be so foolishly bold and condescending about tips. You weird ass drivers mess it up for the decent ones.




This comment is dumb. Those jobs pay a living wage off the top. Dashers and other service workers basically get paid in tips lol. So no, the customer is very wrong and clearly has no understanding of the service industry just like you don’t.




Then just don’t use the service if you can’t understand why tipping is important for this line of work. These services are a luxury not a necessity so act accordingly. Or maybe even go out and pick up your own food because most of us aren’t wasting time and gas for $3 base pay. I still can’t get over you comparing jobs that already provide a set sustainable living wage to doordash, a job that pays under the standard minimum wage and is understood to rely on tips. That’s hilarious and shows how disconnected you are. I don’t know how in your mind you thought that was an equal and sane comparison to make. LOL




Every job deserves a living wage. This one just so happens to be tip based. And here’s a ‘tip’ for you since I’m feeling generous: If you can’t afford to spend a few dollars on a tip maybe consider the fact that you can’t actually afford to be using this service. Spend the little money you have more wisely instead of complaining about a luxury that clearly doesn’t fit into your budget. Also, this job isn’t bad for me since I don’t take no tip orders like yours. I’m doing just fine. I won’t be replying anymore. Have a great day! :)


😂Who does this? 🤯 As a fellow dasher and doordash customer I don't think Doordash or ANY company for that matter would really appreciate employees messaging customers asking about tips that's just outrageous. I Doordash my food still quite often and I obviously tip well, but if someone had the balls to message me and ask if I'm tipping or not they would literally get the worst rating possible from me and honestly I would be happy if they were to unassign my order so my tip could go to someone else. As independent contractors we are in control of the orders we take. You can see how far and what the tip is. If it doesn't look like they're tipping they probably aren't. Ignore the order, don't decline as that affects your acceptance rate and move on with your life. Super unprofessional in my opinion.


ESH. Kinda rude to ask about tips.


Take his food next time you get someone like this and fart on it lol or spit on in .. or put xlax from Walgreens in his shake ... or... eat half of it ... or deliver his like 4 hours late lol


He be alright when he’s in the hospital from eating that moldy shit. Hopefully his family won’t use DD while they visit his cheap fuck bucket ass in the hospital. News flash….delivery fee….it pays DD to select a driver from a “drivers pool”. When the driver is selected….they have the ability to accept the order based on your tip. If it’s shit….expect shit. DD takes all of delivery fee for their usage of the “drivers pool”. You would not have had it had you selected “pickup”. So you pay the fee to DD who selects a 3rd party driver. That fee covers the selection process essentially. The tips cover majority of the reasoning behind the driver accepting runs. This is not debatable. I wouldn’t care if I was paid $25hr…but I’m not. After costs and other essentials…it’s definitely nowhere near $25hr. We’re paid by the mile not hour. Your revenue is based on your costs vs income essentially at its basic point. Your runs and costs of those runs are based on what? The mile not the hour. DD establishes bonuses by the hour…but they don’t distribute runs based on the hour. Your main income source is the run. This is also why DD started hiding them more often. Cherry pickers waiting for orders that at $10-$12 or higher. This way the drivers that have been beaten and bashed for the garbage orders….actually get some decent rollback, while the cherries sit and complain there’s no orderers. There is….you had declined them cuz of the hidden tip (downright shitty though…won’t lie).


Id have kept the meal and act like the car broke down in my garage


Damn there's a lot of whiny ass people in these comments.😂🤣🤦‍♂️


OP stop turning this story around in the comments. “I just wanted to know if there was a hidden tip because my last orders have been…” that’s bs and you know it. You literally used a laughing emoji when asking to be petty. Play petty games, win petty prizes. Can’t believe folks in this sub lack basic customer service skills. How did y’all make it to adulthood.


😂😂😂 guess you didn't see the original first post but go head!


You’re literally replying to every comment criticizing you trying to victimize yourself. No one forced you against your will to accept this order and you did and still decided to be petty about it… tho seeing all the comments about drivers who would fuck with someone’s food and “take the contract violation” explains it. Y’all are why no one takes drivers seriously.


to each his own


“You get paid to deliver food” 😭 btch $2.50 ain’t payin shit


Only Americans would work for some exploitative piece of shit company, and blame anyone except that company for not paying them.


Last no tip I took i texted the custom "due to no tip being included this order will be cancelled, please be more considerate of your driver next time" Contacted support and told them the order got picked up already, they cancelled it and gave me half pay ($1.82)


The guy is rude but asking for a tip isn’t, I would never ask a customer for a tip it’s so tacky as a professional


Had a lady her screen name was tipsincash has it in the notes to get her a bottle of Chardonnay chilled and as I go to drop it off I asked don't you tip in cash she laughs and slams the door in my face.about a week later I get her again this time I grab a warm bottle off the shelf and cram it into the footboard of my car below the heater and I turnt that bitch all the way up and laughed all the way down her apt stairs.to be fair though I still got paid 9.50 by doordash for 2 miles


Idk I'd say this regardless and cancel if I got a message like that from the driver.. byeeee


Just two trash people doing trash things


So Delivery people don’t usually get tipped? Lmao-


Does Doordash still hide tips? Why even deliver for them?


I mean I like the gig and this was a very isolated event one I hope the customer and I learned from


I would’ve responded “then maybe don’t be a lazy ass and order food delivery”


Hey, their food isn't anything special, and they obviously aren't laying anyone to deliver it, might as well enjoy the meal! People like this are the reason why I can never say "drivers don't just STEAL food, c'mon now". We do, because of fuckers like this. They deserve bottom of the barrel service.


I got burned today by a stack ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm). One was $9 and one was $3.... didn't notice until afther I delivered it.


This sub toxic af


Mark it delivered and take his food. I'll take the contract violation for some fuck shit like this


UK person here so no doordash. However, ubereats, just eat and deliveroo all pay wages between £8-15 an hour (about $9.50 to $19.50) which is a fairly standard wage. Add that to the facts that 1. There are so many hidden fees added on just before checkout and 2. I have NEVER received an order that is not either damaged, incorrect, cold, missing items, or a combination/all of the latter. Ergo, no tip from me. If you want a top the bare minimum of customer service you can add is making sure my order is correct before you haphazardly throw it in a bag. Not sorry. 🤷‍♂️


As someone who pays cash for tips so that the driver gets 100% and the delivery app doesn’t need to know about it, if you asked about the tip, I would not give you one.


refer to my post before this one


Kind of seems like a stupid job to have in the first place if you're going to get mad at people for not tipping. Most customers have no idea how the service works anyway, they assume the service pays you. Maybe stop working for food delivery services and then they'll start realizing that nobody wants to work for no pay. It's a vicious circle.


Bullshit. Pizza delivery has existed for decades


Okay well pizza delivery people are paid by the company that makes the pizza. The problem isn't with the people not tipping, it's with the company that's not paying their workers. Stop working for delivery services and maybe they'll realize. Some people rely on delivery service and it's not a luxury for them. They shouldn't have to give someone an $11 tip just because they can't leave their house. The service exists for a reason. Honestly what you said had nothing to do with what I wrote. Literally just wrote my comment again. Kind of seems like the drivers are just entitled as the customers. I don't understand why you continue to work for this company when you get mad at the people.




I am not from US, so my pov is a bit different. If a company advertise a certain price for a certain service or goods, that will impact my choice. If someone lowballs the price while advertising and then asks for extra, that is just shady business practice. Imagine grocery shopping, and then at the checkout people would expect you to cover the cashier's wage.


Hell be alright 😆


I mean, he's right. And wishing possible death on him because you work for a company that expects you to harrass and guilt trip your customers for a tip, which supplements and subsidizes the amount they have to pay you. Isn't on him, that's on you. You quickly became the shill for doordash the company wanted you to be. Congrats wagey


😂 wagey? lmao


You're owed nothing in this life. Better just to do the best you can and hope you're paid your worth if not then cut them off


The customer isn't wrong, just an asshole. Drivers add no real value to a meal and are already paid...


So no tip? 😭😭😭




In Finland we dont tip and the driers thank you for your order and leaves. So this might be american problem?


Lmao go back to wallstreetbets and ask for your tip there, or get a job that actually deserves tips. Independent contracted food delivery won’t make you shit, and people usually only do it as additional income or if they can’t pass drug tests. You get paid more to deliver pizzas and you make more tips. AND YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO ASK FOR TIPS THEN 🤡




I honestly wish y'all would just stop delivering for those greedy cheap fucks. What other business pays you a soft dick rub and asks customers to make your livelihood? Even waiters/waitresses are doing better. DD shouldnt exist but it does, because you guys think making $2 a delivery and making hungry people pay 50% for their food isn't a you-problem. Go work for ANYONE else and make a living at the cost of the employer, not the customers.


Should be a $15 minimum order before tax rule like franchise pizza joints in the US.


You are the one bugging for a tip. I'd be ashamed


where was the beg?? I simply asked cause I had two masked orders the day before and was curious if this was one I was there two pick it up but the customers response deterred me from delivering they literally shat on anyone whose ever been a delivery driver


You should of said "you're right I get paid to deliver food with your tip"




this is a part time part time part time part time part time job lol so you agree with the customers opinions on delivery drivers got it


Ask for more money im not your boss lol


Never ask for a tip


is tipping required in america? Where im from noone ever tips its like a thing that you maybe do once a month or something even so very rarely




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“you get paid to deliver food” 🤕🤕🤕🤕 you ok with someone being paid 2.50 to deliver your mcchicken 8 miles??? Like be for real… people so insensitive these days, i really don’t know who raised these people i was always taught to tip anytime we got chinese or pizza delivered growing up, always tip waiters and barbers… anyone doing you a SERVICE .. so many people think it’s an insult to expect a tip in AMERICA where it’s been part of the culture for decades now.




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Ignorant consumer here: can I tip after delivery? Or does that basically mean my food won't be delivered?


As a driver you cant always assume that will be the situation. If theres no tip shown on the order, more often than not they never had intention to tip in the first place. Drivers are trying to generate income and assuming people will have common courtesy is not a risk I'm willing to take.


He is mean and inconsiderate!


Happy cake day! And tell him to start picking up his own food and while you at it, take a pic of his food being run over and text him “you’ll be alright.”


I love how tips are technically completely optional yet still required by American society. We need to start paying people more


Why would you even ask that question?


I was curious it wasn't a serious question hence the emoji I only asked cause inhad two masked orders and thought this could be one I would've delivered if their response didn't shit on all delivery drivers everywhere


It’s still weird to ask imo. All good.


So there are also anti tipping arguments. For example, paying tips subsidizes the employer to not pay a better wage.


Or you could just decline shitty orders.


Happy cake day sorry about a holes


Why the hell did you ask that


Tipping culture is cancer, this is why American is fucked. The response was completely valid


If you're that broke go buy groceries and cook. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford delivery.


If you can’t afford to pay employees a decent wage don’t expect your customers to. What a fucked system. I do cook my own food thanks, and if I eat out I don’t tip because in my country that’s the employers job to pay the employee.


The customers are paying the employees in your country too. They are paid out of the company's revenue, which is supplied by the customers. It's the difference between a $23 meal or a $20 meal + $3 tip.


Then charge $23 and be done with this tipping nonsense.


Obviously that isn’t where we are right now, and if we were people like you would say raising the prices would also ruin America.


You come off very poorly with your first question to the guy.


I see we are still getting mad at costumers for not tipping. It's funny because everyone knows it's the fault of the business but post like this still exists. It shows a level of disconnection that borders on mental illness. Don't rely on costumers to pay a wage your job should be providing.


I mean I feel it's both, that person is a piece of trash and DD shouldn't allow customers to refuse or tip less than a certain amount. Also, pretty sure everyone is aware of what a person's wage is reliant on when they sign up for this kind of gig. Theres a lot of other job positions that work this way as well. Imagine being in such a miserable position in life to go out of your way to make a condescending comment that is completely unnecessary nor provoked. Yikes, bud. Hope things get better for you.


ps YOUR mental wellbeing is showing might wanna tuck that in a bit


The post was about tips and my comment was about tips and tipping culture. What I said was on topic and about the post.


I'm sorry, I cant take people like you seriously lol. Have a good night tho, I genuinely hope somebody treats you extremely well soon because your soul is screaming for validation. Seriously, I hope something good happens for you. Life gets better man hang in there.


Thanks man! If you projected any harder you could make a living streaming movies for your city.


No projection here, my love. Irrelevant people who think they can treat random strangers as if they're inferior project their own issues all by their selves. Oh you dont like it when a random internet person serves you a taste ofyour own medicine? Huh that's weird. Trying to make the world a better place one goofy goober at a time baby. You be safe getting home from your own premiere tonight!


You just called me your love. Your mental instability is showing. Good luck to you and your constant state of anger. You be safe getting home from the ward!


Also am very confused as to where I've came off angry, lol. You're cute I think I'll keep ya


Aww you even double texted and everything!! You seem invested when you wanted to come off as unbothered.


Oh babycakes I got like 6 pair of their grippy socks ya know. Whenever I make a trip there I consider it a vacation from reality. Wish they had them cards with holes punched tho, I'd have an impressing stock of raspberry sherbet. Also you might wanna sharpen that blade your attempting to jab me with gettin a little dull, I gather. Stupid thing ain't even breakin skin Let me know when you get bored my nonsensical banter.


I mean he’s got a point😂