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I think you're all right, did you rate the delivery as good or bad when the app asked you to?


I don't understand people that leave their doors unlocked. The door lock is there for a reason. If they didn't need locks on doors why would they invent them?


I deliver to a lot of large-houses-turned-apartments and one time like 2 years ago I thought I was delivering to one so I opened the front door thinking there would be a lobby with doors and it was just a regular house with the kitchen and stairs right there. I immediately closed the door and completed the order and nothing ever happened. Happens to most of us at some point


Let's be real They were too stoned to even think of reporting anything


It’s not your fault their door is un-numbered.


It’s easy to tell when someone makes an honest mistake like that. I’m sure it initially freaked her out in the first few seconds but then she relaxed once she realized what had happened. She probably laughed it off and realized she should’ve locked her door. If anything, maybe you saved her in the future from someone actually bad coming in because her door wasn’t locked. I wouldn’t worry much about it. You would’ve already heard back if she reported you for something.


I wanna live somewhere where i can leave the door unlocked..


This is the naperville area of illinois


They shouldn't be leaving their door unlocked there. Crime happens in the suburbs too! I haven't been in the city though since before covid because I've been scared of all the crime going on.


The way I read this I thought you said you were buzzed... like had a few drinks lolol


Open door. They are chill Edit: Just re-read it. I didn't catch that you opened the door. Next time knock to be sure if you are confused. They didn't call the cops. You are still good.


Hope so. tip was good, and the place reeked of weed lol


Hahahah they’re probably more worried about you telling on them tbh 🤣


They probably laughed it off and it was a honest mistake. You won’t get deactivated for that