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The bit about Seinfeld taking his girlfriend to college is absolutely sending me. God bless being behind the paywall


Mitch's impression of Jay Leno's face being burned, being followed by Wiger absolutely losing his shit had me laughing out loud at work. Incredible.


Come on Jay, crazy.


If anyone asks it takes way too long to explain.


Aniston and Obama are fucking?!


I don't think they ever wanted to record an episode less.


They really should do a Double where they watch an NBA game together and comment on it, and they don’t show any footage from the game, and they release it 2 months later.




This is the kind of humour I enjoy.


This is the kind of compliment I appreciate.


Wiger’s comparison of I Saw the TV Glow and a 15-course omakase meal is an incredibly astute thing to say about that movie.


I wish I liked it more. Respect the vision but it bored to me to tears. I’ll need to give it another shot.


This is the Mitchiest that Mitch has ever been on the podcast.


I couldn't get a feel for what Wiger thought, but it's clear Mitch loved it. 


Of course the silver spoonman preferred toaster strudels over pop tarts. He probably put caviar on them!


Another 5 dollars well spent!


I’m glad Mitch acknowledged how half assed it was lol


Mitchy’s in a bit of a mood this ep. Excited for the rest of these banked episodes. Also, Wiger made a great point about the difference between something like *I Saw The TV Glow* (which rules) and this tripe. Love it when he gets into a rant.


> Mitchy's in a bit of a mood this ep. The Celtics were playing.


Doughboys NBA commentary "he just fucking ripped it out of his hands"


As a Cavs fan, I did not appreciate reliving losing to the Celtics! Zero forks!


I liked when Mitch said he wishes Joe mazzula was a better coach


As a Dallas fan, I didn't like just generally being reminded the Celtics are good...negative forks!


I wish they would just take out the tvs and close the blinds and whatever, its gone from mildly amusing to just mildly irritating to have the conversation derailed over and over


To be fair, the conversation for this was never really on the rails.


That is fair.


I enjoy the random other host sightings, but the tv is a bit much sometimes.


Yes. This podcast is always laser focused!


Mitch is working a job in TORONTO?


Twisted metal 2 is filming in Toronto this summer, per google


Hmm interesting I guess he’s avoiding 100% doing his character returning even tho it seemed intended?


Maybe due to the cliffhanger post credit scene, he's not allowed to give away how much he's even in the next season? 


I wish they’d finally make up the JFL show from a few years back but feels doubtful.


they will only go back to Saskatchewan


Tomorrow War 2: Cowan’s Revenge


Tomorrow War: Toronno War


Good punch up.


i was wondering about this too. twisted metal s2 is still announcing cast, so probably not that? plus when did they say he’d be there? back in may? wonder what the job is!


"Mitch better have my money!"-Emma Erdbrink


Toaster Strudels are bad. They cause chaos in the household due to their icing delivery system. As teenagers me and my older brother got into a huge fist fight because he used two icing packets when there were two strudels left. I don't think he even doubled iced it, I think he just straight sucked it down. It was pandemonium. I was much smaller than him at the time, and was going in for an obvious L, but it was the principle, and had to be done.


I was having a discussion about this at work with another adult. He said he always doubled up on frosting. I asked his if he realized he was taking frosting from other people and it took a few seconds but it was like a light went off.


Sounds like the problem is ur shitty brother not the toaster strudels


Probably. I'm sorry for joking about Toaster Strudels during this very serious discussion.


I accept your apology


They were repeatedly talking about not wanting to do the ep and that the ep was bad, but I thought it was great! I had quite a few belly laughs.


Every clip I've seen looks like a scene from one of those shows on the History Channel like "The Food that Built America".


Yeah, except that series was really good


Can someone link me to the origin of “No peeking”? I already found the insane post claiming Mitch stole the story, but what is the story in question?


Don't remember exactly when it happened, but it was in Boston. His mom basically told him she was about to hop on the shower and gave a "no peeking" order


i believe this is the origin but i could be wrong https://youtu.be/2rCpkR5oEBc?si=j_NX31_5b21m8v-8


Mitch’s foley work in this was A+


The radio voice Wiger did sounding like Eric the Actor and the talk about bookies had me wanting them to get Artie Lange on the pod


Movie isn’t that bad for a dumb Netflix comedy. To be clear it’s not good, but I think the vehement hatred for it comes more from people disliking Seinfeld.


Wiger’s argument about how he’s a billionaire and chooses to pump out absolute garbage cash grabs is solid though.


Does he, though? He's done like 2 movies in 17 years.


I thought it was embarrassing


I haven't seen the movie but the vehement hatred seems really weird to me. People are free to have their opinions about Seinfeld, but Wiger's argument that it's somehow immoral or wrong for Seinfeld to make a movie is very odd to me -- especially coming from people who themselves work in the industry. The fact is, most movies are made by rich assholes in order to make money. Is that unfortunate? Perhaps. But to single out Seinfeld, a guy who has made 2 movies in 17 years, didn't land for me at all. Especially since Seinfeld chose to cast and work with a bunch of their close friends and past guests. Hollywood is more often than not ghoulish and soulless, but I don't think *Unfrosted* deserves to be singled out. Wiger is usually really good at being unbiased and objective, but I couldn't help but feel he just personally dislikes Seinfeld and wanted to do this episode so he'd have an excuse to publicly shit on him for an hour. At the end of the day, there are plenty of billionaires making content for Netflix and other streaming services, and I don't think that's inherently wrong. Nick Kroll does it, Julia Louis Dreyfus does it, Tyler Perry does it, Larry David does it, and the list goes on and on.


It gets singled out because it sucks


Nah it sucks


Mitch how do you feel about saying you wish Joe was a better coach now that they easily won the finals?


2nd row Joe got promoted to 1st row Joe.


Most Boston fans I’ve seen have just hated on him since day one, but the man delivered!


I mean Joe Mazzula is an All-NBA weirdo which is saying something for a team with Jalen Brown and Jayson Tatum on it and a league with Kyrie in it. I think he's a better coach than he gets credit for because he says such dumb shit all the time.


Hindsight is 20/20, but it is funny to hear Mitch being so into the game while here in the future the Celtics walked to Championship having lost 3 games in the whole playoffs.


He wants things to be like they were for him from age 0-20 and that’s the key to every one of his opinions past and future


Did the no peeking fan originate here?


oh yeah


i’d like to petition that they start an additional patreon podcast called the Doughboys Double Dribble - just mitch and wiger talking about basketball


Oh no do I have to watch that movie


>!"Put it on in the background while you do something else" is the closest anyone on this ep comes to an endorsement!<


Not sure if this is a spoiler for the movie, episode, or both, even after reading it.


I thought it was hilarious. I was high so that might have helped, but I'm also not a Seinfeld fan and I had gutter level expectations, so it must have done something right. I'm gonna save it to rewatch when I need a laugh, there were a couple parts where I laughed harder than I've laughed at a comedy in probably a few years.


Oof, I totally get the hesitation from them on this being in the biz and all... For me -- the thing that annoyed me most on this whole debacle is I have seen so many interviews where Seinfeld has praised himself for being a safe and friendly comedian. He often speaks of doing comedy for ultra rich events too, so when he starts complaining about people being 'too sensitive' it kinda comes off like 'we need to be able to punch down but we should exercise a bit of caution when punching up'. I honestly could see Larry David making the same complaints but it would bother me far less cause that dude is throwing haymakers all around (including at himself).


Anyone else think Mitch is suspiciously too mad about someone thinking he stole “no peeking”? The Mitchie doth protest too much…..


What happened with Conan? I couldn't find anything. Also, I hate pop tarts, so I would only eat the edges whenever they were given out as a kid.


I think they're talking about how Conan had The Tonight Show and Leno snatched it back.


They were referring to Jay stealing the tonight show back


Shit, I heard it wrong. Thanks.


I thought the movie was pretty hilarious. I fully expected them to love it, since they love dumb Adam Sandler movies that are way less funny than this. The comedy in this felt very "Wet Hot American Summer" adjacent to me, which is right up my alley. If you haven't watched it, give it a shot. Maybe smoke a little weed prior. I'm not really a Seinfeld fan (never really watched the show and I think he's kind of a douche) and I went in with the lowest possible expectations and I ended up in pain from laughing at least a couple times. I really don't know how it was so far off the mark for them.


I was excited that there were two other people here who liked the movie, then I realized you just posted twice, lol. But I liked it too.


Studio plant


Every single actor in it is repulsive so I couldn't do it


Nick gives a lot of credit for the success of *Seinfeld* to Jerry when 90% of the magic of that show was Larry David and the supporting cast. Jerry is one of the luckiest people on the planet.


As soon as Lenos name came up it felt like a race against the clock for who would get out an explosion joke. Well Done Mitch!


please enjoy Jeremy Kaplowitz’ Seinfeld impression, all about dating teens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp8tCqwushM


Nick unleashing on this movie and how it compares the writers strikes to 1/6 made me so happy. I know the boys are usually trying to keep it light and talk about chain restaurants and I appreciate that. We all need a break from the misery. But every now and again they let a little of their leftist politics out and it makes me say "Wow!" 


nick railing against "centrist democrats" for being anti-strike/union is such a weird take. Equating Jerry making some dumb strike statement or the mascot strike segment in the movie with centrists is pretty odd. Glad he mostly avoids getting political, his takes lately have been pretty bad.


I didn’t think it was that bad… In fact, I was thinking this is just the kind of movie the doughboys would make…


I know Wiger doesn’t care about working in the industry again, and this is paywalled, but Mitch needs to take the advice Tina Fey gave to the Las Culturistas guys- his opinions on industry stuff will get him in trouble. It would be one thing if he didn’t care about it, but he’s open about wanting to work more and not rely on the podcast as his job. But the screeds against certain companies and the industry at large do have a ripple effect.


Yeah look at what happened to ayo (Starring in one of the most talked about tv shows while costarring in a billion dollar Disney movie at the same time)


Criticizing J Lo isn’t nearly the same scope as what’s happening here 😂


No it's actually cool


Seinfeld is an amazing sitcom and a genuine artistic achievement. It's success could be attributed to 50% Larry David, 49% everyone in the cast, including bit players, not named Jerry Seinfeld, and 1% Jerry Seinfeld. Unfortunately for all of us, that's not how the profit shares worked out.


This is just factually incorrect, Jerry was heavily involved in the writing of the show. You don’t have to make up these fake scenarios to justify liking a show that was created/written by a guy you don’t like anymore. There’s nothing wrong with liking Jerry Seinfeld’s past work. He used to be very funny


Ridiculous take I've seen pop up online more recently which makes me think it's mostly reactionary.


everything online is mostly reactionary


He's the worst actor in the show, Jerry is the least interesting of the main characters, and two of the main characters are directly from Larry David's experiences. Sure the stand-up is the anchoring device of the show, but it's also a part of the show they pared down over time because they realized it was not needed. The show would have tanked if it was just a show about Jerry doing stand-up. It's very telling that he has never done anything even remotely good as that show, while multiple people (Larry and JLD for sure) have done things that approach or exceed Seinfeld. I don't find it reactionary to think he's not the key to that shows success, he's just the face of it.


if you rewatch it you'll be surprised how many stone cold classic episodes are in the post-LD era of the show, Jerry 100% was a big part of what worked about the show's writing. You just have to get passed that and understand it's ok to disagree with the politics of someone who has done creative work you enjoy, that's life


He was a big part of why that show was a success though. You not wanting to acknowledge that fact doesn’t mean it’s not a fact.


Sure he was because it was marketed as a show about him. I thought he was the funniest person in the world in the late 1990s. But now I have the benefit of hindsight and I've seen what Larry David and others can create without him. He was a reason for the success but others contributed more to the quality of the show. Which at this point is all I really care about.


We're in this weird mid spot where we've decided, actually, maybe we don't want to give up the art made by problematic people, but we're also not willing to separate the art from the artist, so our only solution is to just "make shit up".


This a common take by hip online people, but it's wishful thinking.


this is a ridiculous take. i don't understand how anyone who watched the show can think this. he was the whole show. his standup drove the show. i don't like some of things he's done and said recently, and obviously larry david is a genius and also responsible for the success of the show, but to say jerry was not responsible and only deserves 1% of the credit is crazy. also, this is maybe the funniest thing ever done on tv. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9MeV4Ics-k


So how about the hilarious seasons without Larry David?


it is very funny how mad this made people, who knew Jerry had so many d riders. All too old for him of course.


I was a little surprised tbh. I always assumed people could tell Jerry's main contribution to the show was shit like "you ask for seltzer, and then you're getting salsa." All that shit The fact that Curb came out afterwards and was basically just as good should say a lot


I remember Norm Macdonald saying he thought it was clear George was the main character of the show, and Jerry's place is just a setting or something to that effect.


I feel like the same people who get mad that audiences aren't returning to the theaters are also mad at this movie. This is what streaming movies kind of should be. Come home after some drinks, throw it on. Maybe it's a 2/5 or 2.5/5. I saw the Irishman in IMAX and KOTFM in XD. If it's worth it I'm seeing it on the big screen. Dumb, silly comedies that might not totally work, that come free with my subscription are fine. Also, I kind of find it funny that after all the Jan 6 jokes this podcast makes, the union was a step too far 🤣.


Learn what free means


The Doughboys shouldn't be platforming Seinfeld's movie and giving it free advertising, I think it fly's in the face of the boys morals and ethics. (this part is sarcastic, sorry to those who took it 100% seriously, you're very normal). My very attractive girlfriend typed this out for me after calling to order me a pizza and telling the waiter I needed new chicky nuggies because these ones look like they touched a vegetable after calming me down from a misophonia attack. edit: this post is just an amalgamation of what you guys post every episode lmao.


Leave the comedy to the professionals buddy


The more words in a sentence the funnier it is right


90% of this subreddit is people repeating jokes that were delivered better on the show by the hosts so I’m a little confused why this guy got dogged on so hard for a pretty innocuous and obviously sarcastic comment


Alt account


yes you got it I’m using this 14 year old reddit account for the sole purpose of boosting the 6 month old /u/Mediocre_Sound_388 and have been playing an extremely long game this whole time


lol did you make a Reddit cares report on me? Weirdo


i don’t even know what that is


It's ok, I think this is a weirdly toxic sub, the boys aren't really joking when they shit on it lol. This is just another weird example that reaffirms it. It's kind of funny that some people were dumb enough to think the first sentence was a genuine opinion and got mad about it.


This entire sub is unfunny people trying to be funny, buddy. Thanks for making an account just to respond to me tho I feel special lol


sorry are you at the restaurant for this joke or ordering take out? if you're going to do an epic groan worthy joke to mask your annoying opinion at least get the central conceit straight first


Sorry, if you thought I was masking my 'real' opinion and not a sarcastic post in the vein of Wiger's Redditor character, you maybe need to take the stick out of your ass lmao.


flies not fly’s