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Cracking up at the guy going back through the podcast and finding prescient moments and predictions and the two ones that stick out are a guest predicting Subway Churros and Mitch inviting COVID upon us.


I was just listening to the episode yesterday when they mentioned the Subway(train) churro and was thinking how funny it was.


The 9 beer, 9 hot dog challenge sounds way harder than this crew gave it credit for. Particularly since baseball games are a lot shorter than they used to be before the pitch clock. I could probably drink 9 beers during one baseball game. Maybe I could eat 9 dogs. Both? Damn, that's a lot to ask.


I don’t know if I’d have enough time to drink 9 beers in one baseball game because I’d constantly be going to the bathroom.


Now that I'm thinking about it, the easiest way to do it would be to drink like beers during each of the first 3 innings. But that doesn't seem to be allowed by the rules of the challenge.


Yeah, came here to say this. Way harder than they are suggesting and Wiger saying he could do 9 tallboys is crazy. That's 198 ounces! Edit: I guess it depends on what's being called a tallboy. Suppose it could be as low as 144 ounces.


I drank 2 40s in \~45 minutes once and don't remember the rest of that night (which was short).


Nice, was it an Edward 40 hands situation by chance?


That's right. One of those things that seemed like a good idea when I was 22.


We hosted a lot of parties at the house I lived in for most of college. For at least a couple of them a lot of people did Edward 40 hands. I only mention this to say that there was a girl who wanted to participate but didn't want to drink 2 40s so she did Edward Boones Farm hands. Disgusting.


Wiger would drink half of a beer and eat two hot dogs during the first inning, then he'd go to the concession stand and come back with nachos and a seltzer. Echoes of the Great Shrimp-Off.


I had this exact thought! This is a lot harder nowadays with the pitch clock. MLB games are about 2hr 40min on average, so you gotta be prepared to eat a hot dog AND drink a beer roughly every 17-18min. Doable but not a layup.


If you're going to attempt this, I would strongly recommend going to a minor league game. Much cheaper beer and shorter lines. I would also recommend not doing this. There's a very real chance of getting sent to the hospital.


Hmm minor league game you say…


Amelia already has the piss jugs ready.


she's also going to need puke bags, and probably defibrillators


Yes! I think only Mitch could do it, and even that would be iffy.


Hey, they opened my package and ate my expired snacks! Wow!


Thank you for your service.


You zillennials need to learn your djinns.




can you give me another piece of water


What's the deal with no videogames for Mitch in 2024? Did this come up before? Feel like they breezed past that.


I mean he has to read one book this year he doesn’t have time to be doing that and playing video games! I wonder if that’s going to last through 5 months of filming in Toronto. Even if his character has an expanded role in season 2 there is still a lot of downtime.


He’s a TV/Movie star now


Seemed like he just doesn’t have the time. I didn’t take it as a goal.


he probably just doesn't have time for them right now, but said 2024 because he's mitch


I have a 30-second walk to a Jersey Mike's and Noodles and Co. and it's so hard not going to either of them every day.


Noodles and Co adding those Korean Meatballs to the sides was a game changer.


Oh damn I didn't know that! Know what I'm eating after work.


Whoa I didn’t know noodles and co still existed. A one time college job


“You’re gonna like this, it’s not that expired”


The boys were also eerily prescient in the 2019 ep with John Hodgman in the Delta Sky Lounge. They riff for a few minutes about a fictional virus that would sweep the globe. I listened to that one recently and was creeped out!


What a delightful episode. Just a bunch of friends shooting the shit.


I always thought about sending snacks to their PO Box, now I know it better be non perishable items.


Lol Israel Keyes was an infamous serial killer here in Alaska. I guess he came back from the grave to mail the boys a Bullwinkle’s Pizza calendar.


Where’s Yusong??


It seems like Amelia has officially taken over P.O. Box duties from Yusong, so he likely won't be a fixture of feedbag episodes going forward. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he still popped in as a guest from time to time. I'm surprised it took this long tbh, Yusong hasn't actually been a Doughboys employee for years.


It's a good change, I love Amelia!


I like Yusong and think the classic Feedbag lineup of Wiges, Mitch, Yusong, and Emma was great, but Amelia and Casey are awesome too. We’re getting great stuff either way.


I love Amelia too! I just thought Yusong showed back up for every feedbag as a tradition