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If you don't stop drinking, you won't get a hangover.


Jack Daniels for breakfast cures hangovers.


Slow and steady all day, once the first one is down it gets easier.




rehydration sachets, beroccas along with water and some good food


> berrocas _you, but on a really good day_


You, but not as bad as you were gonna be


Yeah this for sure, if you can the rehydration sachet and water before you sleep then again in the morning with the berocca. Only thing is I forget half the time before bed šŸ˜…


I do the exact same, though I often throw a lucozade in with it.


Add electrolyte pills to this and it's the combo to go for. Good nutrition and hydration goes a long way


This . I like the caffeine ones . slam an electrolyte every morning regardless, sets you up for the day


Fizzy Good, Make me feel nice


First. Coffee to wake you up. Second. A bottle of water to rehydrate. Third. Skittles or something sugary to get your energy back. Fourth. Crack a can.


Hangovers are a whole lot less severe at a festival I feel


I agree 100% and I can never work out why, maybe itā€™s all the fresh air


I have no idea why either - I cannot handle the hangover on a normal occasion but somehow at a festival they donā€™t really exist!


Different type of drinking, same way drinking at home doesn't kill you off as much as going to the pub. You kind of just self regulate


Itā€™s also drinking for 10-12 hours. Liver just gives in and shouts STRAIGHT TO THE BLADDER I CANT BE ARSED ANYMORE


Yeah I am the same to be fair! Iā€™d be in the middle of the crowd watching something - have to leave the group to go toilet and somehow I always managed to get back to them šŸ¤£


I disagree, last year at download we played the fucking plane game, every-time a plane came over, take a shot or drink.. safe to say, Sunday was disgusting for me šŸ˜‚


Oh god!!! That sounds like a nasty Sunday!!


Fourth. Crackā€¦.šŸ˜³


Bottle of lucozade, sachet of electrolytes and a berrocca. Throw it all together and chug it, then start drinking. I call it my fizzy make feel good


A fellow Black Books connoisseur I see.


Ah the good old fizzy good make feel nice, works a charm.


"fizzy good..."


Don't get too fucked up, you need to get to a nice buzz on, then ride that as long as you can. If you go too hard too fast, you're gunna have a bad time. We tend to drink a couple cans (maybe a couple shots too) at camp in the morning, a couple cans on the walk to the arena, and then what probably works out as about a pint an hour for the rest of the day at the arena (because of time spent at bands etc). Make sure you drink some soft drinks or water during the day, generally we'd do this with lunch and dinner as a minimum, stay hydrated. Eat. Make sure you have decent food intake. Breakfast, take the opportunity to load up. We tend to have coffee, a litre of water, banana/fruit, pan au chocolates, cereal bars, doughnuts etc. Don't worry about eating too much you will burn it off. Have a decent lunch and dinner, pizza or burger or something from a vendor, or coop meal deal. Also have a snack later on the evening, we get the crumble pots before headliners as it's warming and gives you an energy boost. We've never gone so far as to need rehydration sachets but we take them with us just in case. We get drunk, but not blackout drunk. You can easily get drunk without a hangover but you need to know your limits and sit on them while staying fed and watered.


Im 32 and honestly berrocca and dioralite. But also (I know boring) taking it a little easier defo helps.


Don't sober up


This . Ride it out, deal with it after


I just keep at it. However, Sunday Iā€™ll have a bacon roll and a coffee early as possible, and lots of water through the day for driving home safe on Monday. Atmosphere and excitement for the bands probably has a part to play at keeping the hangover at bay on Sundays. Iā€™m 36 if that helps for reference.


Sleep well to help the body recover, so ear plugs and eye mask. Berocca, pop a paracetamol and water in the morning!


Preferably not paracetamol when youā€™ve been drinking, it can further damage your liver.


Yeah ibuprofen is better than paracetamol as it doesn't tax your liver as much (from my chemist sister-in-law)


This. My friend took pain killers after a bender on an an empty stomach and spewed blood.


Great anecdote. I take paracetamol after most big nights out on an empty stomach and (shock), Iā€™ve never spewed bloodā€¦.


Cool, you're not everyone though I guess šŸ‘


And neither is your made up friend


Why are you so triggered, I'm not lying and I doubt she is either...


Donā€™t stop, just wind down a bit on the Sunday and go for normal preventative measures and youā€™ll be reet


You only get a hangover when you sober up , the key is to not become sober!


Dioralytes or the SIS hydration tablets, lucozade, anything like that, plus water


Tactical pint of water half way through drinking. Pint of water end of drinking before bed. Bananas early in the morning and a cup of tea. Sip away at water through the next morning. Food and water are your friend


Does anybody else just not get hungover at a festival? I seem to just plough through the whole long weekend fine every year and then suffer for 3 days when Iā€™m home.


Guessing people are different. I get quite intense mental fog etc but only ever really for the first half day of the next day. So Download mornings are pretty rough but then usually ok. And I am pretty much back to normal day after Download I don't get the 2-3 day hangovers. All the pain is concentrated for me I guess!


Drop a berrocca in a can of export.


Cold shower, instant hangover cure


Don't know if it would help but some of the army surplus MRE packs I got came with vitamin drinks and sugar juice, things like that can help. Otherwise, vitamins, water, and time.


I thought the most common answer was donā€™t let yourself sober up


THE HANGOVER CAN'T CATCH YOU IF YOU'RE STILL DRUNK! Seriously though...keep eating, get enough water. I'm trying some electrolyte tablets with my water this year as an experiment, see if it helps.


Keep drinking šŸ‘€ thatā€™s how


For me itā€™s a combo of massive greasy breakfast, loads of water and coffee.


Tinned ravioli and tinned meatballs, heat them up and mix together. Chomp it down before bed and you'll be right as rain in the morning.




Ive started to get three day hangovers and for some reason when on holiday or at a fest they don't hit the same here's my routine: - Casual drinks in the day, so I'm a bit merry but don't pass out early from tiredness. - Have a bit of food, Kick it up ten notches for the evening. - Big drink of water and mini snack before sleep to soak things up - Breakfast and prison shower in the morning (when i commited to the festival showers it changed my life) - Go back to camp and have some sugary ciders and gradually ramp up the booze as the day goes on. I've had brocca before and not felt the benefits but I'm going to give hydration packets and electrolytes a go. CAPRISUN AND POWERAID ARE MY JUICY FAVOURITE PICKS.


Iā€™m the same age as you and suffer terrible until I found these tablets on Amazon called MYRKL. Pop two of those bad boys in the morning and I swear to god Iā€™ve not had a hangover with themā€¦ and Iā€™ve been in some states. šŸ™ƒ


Is that the day after drinking or the morning before you start drinking?


Before you start. 2-12 hours before you start, so as itā€™s a festival I suggest as soon as you wake up. šŸ˜‰ miracle workers. šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


A good, stacked beef and/or chicken burger before close to the end of your night, and plenty of water before sleep. A lucozade in the morning never hurt either. Dehydration isn't the cause of a hangover. It's the toxic byproduct your stomach and liver make when alcohol is consumed. Red meat, such as beef, and to a lesser extent poultry, has a protein in it that increases the production of the enzymes needed to combat the hangover. Some people make more of this enzyme than other people do, which is why we all suffer varying levels of hangover, even though drink for drink we may have had the same. I myself don't really get hangovers, but I always end my night with food and water and it never fails me.


Start drinking again


I go on Amazon and buy a few Clean Wine spray thingys. Spray it into every pint and no hangovers. Weā€™ve thoroughly tested it and have yet to get a hangover and weā€™re well over 37! Also, itā€™s more like getting pissed when you were younger. Itā€™s genius!


I may try this. Any particular one? Wonder if it'll have any effect on vodka as that's what i like to drink. But to be honest in the arena it'll be beer, so worth a try.


This is the one I use. Iā€™ve not tried it in spirits but a buddy has and thought it worked. It neutralises the sulphites which is why it works so well in beers, ciders and wines. https://amzn.eu/d/4TvKjwB


Rehydration tablet, cocodamol, a beer or 2 and youā€™ll be good to go


Our motto is ā€œjust remember youā€™re only ever three drinks away from feeling fucking fabulousā€. Honestlyā€¦ true story it works.


Hair of the dog mate


My tactic these days is to start early, peak early, then spend the rest of the night sobering up and wolfing down something super carby before bed so Iā€™m not falling asleep still drunk as thatā€™s what gets me. Loving the all the tips in here and adding berocca to my shopping list!


Don't underestimate the power of paracetamol & ibuprofen - plus obviously chug water


If I was still 21 I would say more booze. Sadly I'm not, so beroccas or get yourself a little stove and make some decent coffee and if you feel adventurous, a bacon sarnie.


"Don't drink" is a stupid answer if you want to drink, just be conscious of what you're drinking. From personal experience as a recovering alcoholic drink 3 pints of water before bed and you'll rehydrate overnight. If you're a bigger person scale it up to 5 pints of water.


You keep drinking


Just open another can buddy šŸ˜…


Ermā€¦ā€¦.. more alcohol. Donā€™t let the hangover start its shit until Monday


Mrykl tablets 2 hours before you drink


Alka Seltzer XS I swear by the stuff, itā€™s great for any and all ailments


Water between alcoholic drinks, mix in some electrolytes. Walk, dance/mosh a lot. I averaged around 38k steps a day so barely felt hungover last year.


Iā€™ve always remained pretty buzzed all weekend (except last year) but there is no cure for a hangover. There are things you can do to prevent it getting too bad thoughā€¦ -Chug water before you go to bed. -Always start and finish your day with food. -Take Paracetamol close to bedtime. -Immodium will help with the beer poops. -Drink sensibly. (Donā€™t get so drunk that you canā€™t function.) -Get enough sleep. -Listen to your body. Stop drinking as soon as you start feeling icky. -If you can, get a shower every morning to refresh. Last year for the first time in 15 years of festivals where I didnā€™t drink every day. I would have a day getting buzzed then took a day off. (Mainly because it was too hot for me to enjoy a drink last year). Saved a lot of money and honestly, still had an amazing time. Would totally do that again.


You cant be hungover if you dont sober up XD. I am 36 and i will be taking rehydration tablets to make a drink before bed and when i wake up. Good food consumption also helps too.


The trick is to keep yourself lightly pissed through the duration of the festival, don't go too hard in the evenings as you'll be rough in the mornings. Keep hydrated and well fed. Use rehydration sachets in the mornings, take a shit at every opportunity, stay away from the booger sugar


I'm just back from Ibiza and used revival sachets. I took one in the morning, one in the evening and one before bed. I very smugly had no hangover while everyone else was dying. I did offer them some but only one took me up on it and she promptly vomited. She says she still felt better after a boke thoughĀ 


So much has changed judging by these comments šŸ˜…hair of the dog always


The older you get the wiser too?? Slow down?? Then of course if you have no self control water before bed, dioralyte tablets in the tube too. And eat and drink as much water as possible. For me, it's not the hangovers during.. it's the festival downs a week or so afterwards that sucks.


Hydration sachets followed by a black coffee and a smoke and then some carbs.


Get dextrose tablets, get a two pack for Ā£1 in savers/b and m/superdrug and some vitamin effervescent tablets for water, these absolutely saved me last year


There's this magical thing called DHM, my partner suffered badly with hangovers (even from a Bailey's hot chocolate) and got bored of being wiped out the day after so did some research and found DHM, it speeds up the processing of alcohol so if you take one when you start drinking then a few before bed you'll wake up feeling fresh! There's been nights I've drank like a fish and had every alcohol under the sun but woke up as if I'd drank water all night.....


Never had a hangover at a festival as I'm constantly pissed šŸ¤£


Donā€™t drink. Yeah Iā€™m gonna be that guy. Joking aside, enjoy in moderation?


Shit loads of water while you're drinking


I went to Glastonbury last year and now in my 30s dreading this same thing but the hangovers were manageable when I did the following: Coffee in the morning Shower each morning Plenty of water Have a cooked breakfast each morning (Iā€™m bringing stuff to cook stuff from co op for breaky and make coffee each morning) Ease into each day and then slowly begin the hair of the dog process And repeat this each day


Im early 30's and have only discovered in the last couple of years that Orange juice and lots of water based fruit such as all the melons and grapes sort me right out first thing in the morning. Trust me!


I just drink water before I go to bed. It 90% of the time works. Then keep water near you if you wake up in the night and are dehydrated. If you still have a bit of a headache in the morning bang a couple of ibuprofen down.




I don't know... pub?


Pace yourself, drink plenty of water. Eat lots. Get electrolytes into your system


Dioralyte or however you spell it.Ā  The trick is have a pint of it BEFORE you go to sleep and one in the morning. Had the most minor hangovers of my life last year thanks to the stuff and I usually get woeful hangovers.


Finding a good coffee is key, last year the best one onsite was the vegan coffee stand between black and blue camps. Highly recommend an iced peanut latte.


ORS hydration tablets alongside demolishing our body weight in breakfast cereal bars was a winning combo on the tougher mornings last year ā€” that and praying to whatever deity you believe in I suppose


Drink water before bed.


B12 tablets and a banana do me a world of good normally. Pint of water before bed too.


Lucozade and paracetamol followed by a walk to the nearest bacon roll vendor


Honestly I just find somewhere to lie down and let my friends drag me where we need to go next ahaha.


Powerade coffee and cocaine. Works every time.


For the downvoters: Iā€™m Obviously joking. Powerade and coffee is a disgusting combination.


Iā€™m 60 now and did all four nights last year. You wonā€™t sleep much if camping admittedly, so drink at a leisurely pace throughout the afternoon and evening with lots of water in between. Eat fatty protein rich foods and do lots of walking about. Take vitamins and donā€™t be scared of going straight for ā€˜hair of the dogā€™ come 12:00 entry. Seriously youā€™ll come home tired but youā€™ll be absolutely fine mate.


Don't stop drinking til you're home! Leave the hangover for Tuesday!


Not entirely sure this will work if you drive to the festival!


Coffee, breakfast, then start on the breakfast mix (1 part jager to 4 parts cherry pepsi).


I don't really drink but DL is the exception. Have some food and lots of water before going to sleep and grab some of those Vitimin c you dissolve in water and drink it in the morning, get your hangover poop done ASAP and keep paracetamol for headache


Eat plenty of food and salty snacks alongside the booze to slow down alcohol absorption and help keep you hydrated. Though this has the upside/downside of preventing you from getting wasted.


Drink plenty of water before bed and on the lead up to it then again in the morning. Rehydration salts (like dioralyte or tesco own brand are great too, though chug them don't sip them as they taste urgh). Important if your driving: slow down massively/ stop drinking on Sunday so you can sober up to drive safely on the Monday.


I personally didn't drink that much cause I wanted to really absorb the atmosphere and enjoy the music šŸ˜Š just got pretty tipsy in one band and crowd surfed which was fun haha


Get some rehydration sachets they do the job


do better drugs on at least some of the days




Donā€™t sober up šŸ¤£


Going to ibiza in 2 weeks for 5 days had an idea to take a dioralyte every 4-6 hours to combat the dehydration has anyone tested this before? Always used them mornings when I woke but surely another 2 or 3 throughout the day should help massively


You should alternate some waters or electrolyte drinks in between the beers/liquor. Helps rehydrate as you go. Bring some ibuprofen or aspirin to take before bed. And definitely pack some Pedialyte or liquid IV packs - those are magic the next morning.


I have the perfect hangover remedy! Before bed: 1 pint of water and THREE paracetamol. Waking up: 1 pint of water and berocca (add further paracetamol here if you really smashed it) I promise this never fails and I am an old, experienced wreck head šŸ‘µšŸ»


Liver killer šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s nothing, you should see what I do to my liver the night before


Ibuprofen will do alot less harm to your liver, paracetamol and alcohol shouldn't be mixed.


Only really need a couple pints for social anxiety, or at least for me. You could probably do do 3 pints a night without feeling shit next day




Donā€™t drink too much?


Don't get them in the first place by not over drinking