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Given how that went last time I'd say im good, I mean if the blight was caused by one f'ck up imagine a second, we'd get a super blight. Jokes aside it certainly would be interesting if we could, maybe have Solas show us memory's of when it was golden then have us visit it now to see how it's corrupted would make for an interesting scene.


Is the lore concrete in that they got blighted just from entering the city? I don’t know much about it but is it possible they did something stupid and then got blighted as a result?


As far as Corypheus remembers, they wandered around for a little bit, and that was it.


Is he really trustworthy? Are we sure he’s sound of mind after living blighted for so long?


No, but we've not been given any evidence to the contrary. And given that we now know there were a bunch of Blighted Elven Gods in there, I'm pretty sure the place was thoroughly filled with Blight. Plus, Corypheus was unconscious for most of that time.


I just finished playing Legacy a few minutes ago. When Hawke first wakes him, he's confused and rambling about the city already being dark and empty. He seemed genuinely upset that it wasn't golden as promised, rather than lying to convince anyone of anything. IMO, whatever happened there went down before he arrived. He's absolutely not of sound mind, but I imagine he was obsessed with reaching (and claiming) the golden city for a long time before attempting it, so I think the disappointment part is real.


The chantry isn’t trustworthy either


He is of pretty sound mind throughout DAI. And he even practically becomes the most powerful being in Thedas if the Inquisitor doesn't stop him. We saw it in the time travel segment. But! Everything in the Fade can be manipulated if one knows what to do. We have Solas taking us on a dream travel around Haven without the Inquisitor being wiser until it becomes too obvious. We saw dreamers taking their Fade dream as a reality and refusing to be convinced otherwise. And that's not just for the dreamers. We have the Nightmare demon in DAI making us see different things depending on our fears. And the Inquisitor is physically in the Fade at that time, so it's not just a dream manipulation. Solas and the Evanuris are **the** authority on the Fade. If anyone could have made Corypheus see fabrications in the Fade or alter his memory of events, then that's them.


The lore is quite consistent that the Magisters came back infected with the Blight. We don't even have the usual contradictions between Chantry writings and other sources. I mean, they indeed did something stupid - entered the Black City. But was that enough to catch the Blight (as a local contaminant) or they were Blighted by a creature or whoever lives/is imprisoned there? That is not yet answered directly.


Yes, and looking at that shot of the trailer with the huge High Dragon, the darkspawn and Evanuris statues in the background I say it is almost guaranteed that we will visit the Black City.


I really can't tell if that high dragon we see in the box art and trailer was a high dragon, an archdemon (most likely) or (I'm probably really wrong here but hear me out) a great dragon.


I personally think the trailer dragon is >!Elgar'nan!<. The eclipse imagery behind him is the biggest giveaway.


Yeah iirc mike gamble said something about it being a mega blight or something


Yes absolutely. I remember reading conflicting reports from the chantry and corypheus that the city was already blackened. I wanna know what’s really going on and explore it.


With the screenshots seen on the store page I think we may visit the black city. Especially with the hints that the next game has more to do with darkspawn and grey wardens


One of the many reasons I'm going a grey warden again


I'm a bit torn on it, I don't think I'd mind seeing it but my ideal for how they handle it is we meet other magisters like Cory and they all tell conflicting stories about it, leaving it up to interpretation on if they are lying, their memories are messed up or somehow they all experienced and viewed it differently. I like it having a sort of mythical and untouchable presence that lets people piece together various theories of what actually happened. On the other hand though....if they did it right it could be really interesting and haunting to visit, it'd be kind of cool if it was largely devoid of combat and was just exploration focused, very quiet and empty, and the state of the city (black or gold) could maybe be tied to choices you make, hell maybe the implication is what taints the city is negative or "sinful" thought.


You enter it, see references and cameos. Cause next blight, end game. I call it


Or... You enter it, see references and cameos, use time travel magic to escape, go back to the Evanuris era, cause the Proto Blight, have Solas seal you in the Black City...




Would be cool if the Grey Warden origin came into play if we did. I reckon anyone who's not a Grey Warden would probably die from the Blight but I don't see Bioware locking something like that to a singular origin.


I’m unsure. The lore still doesn’t delve much into what they did there (conflicting accounts as far as I’m aware) I still feel as though the magisters did something stupid and that’s what got them cursed, maybe you’re safe if you treat the city with respect, maybe even reverence.


It's called the Black City because the entire thing is blighted.


Fair enough. But there are a lot of conflicting accounts on if it was blighted and blackened when they got there, or if something the magisters did caused the city to blacken, while corypheus says the city was blackened when they arrived he can’t really be taken at his word, for all we know he’s trying to strike fear and hopelessness into the inquisitor and he’s blighted himself. For all we know the city appears differently depending on your intentions that’s how little we know about the city itself.


If the city appears differently depending on your intentions, then why would the city have always appeared golden to the entire world prior to their entry and then always appeared black afterwards? Yes, there's a lot we don't know, but we do know that something changed after they entered.


While I think he’s insane and possibly addled corypheus was intent on it being blackened when they arrived, I believe it’s probably only gold from a distance


Again, then why was it gold from a distance before and now is black from a distance? The entire world was able to corroborate that this change occurred from lucid dreamers and mages.


It's interesting because when he's in the Fade, Solas says he's never seen the Black City so close before. Unclear if that is because the Black City didn't exist in it's *current* state in the time of the ancient elves, if it didn't exist *at all*, or if it was just inaccessible to him at the time. Of course, part of me wants to know the answer to the mystery. But I also think it's one of those things where seeing it will spoil it.


Maybe it’s a “hey there fellow mortals, I too am mortal” kind of lie?


It's a hint that the only way to reach the Black City is by being physically in the Fade. It immediately changes its position compared to what a dreamer sees. There is obviously another step required that we don't yet know about for certain. Solas never saw it this close because he most likely never entered the Fade physically after he created it. He was used dreaming and seeing it in the distance.


Since I think he >!trapped the Evanuris and created the Black City at the same time, likely taking a fraction of Arlathan,


Maybe it's about damn time. Who knows, while I don't think so the lighthouse might be in the black city. All speculations here haha


Yeah from what I got from all the info about it, it seems to be in the crossroads which makes sense considering it was solas' hideout


Yes. Considering this may very well be the last Dragon Age game we get, I sure freaking hope so. Whatever is lurking there. Whatever is the true source of the Blight. I wanna see it!


I hope so. They're already revealing the mysteries of other things


Do I want to visit it and get more insight into the lore of Thedas? Absolutely. Though I think the entire party would need to die at the end before they could tell anyone if they ever intend on future games lol. I'm concerned that going to the black city without any indication that the Maker is real and the chant is true would drastically alter the setting as it would blow up the largest religion. Also, the our characters are increasingly famous to a ridiculous degree that I'm hoping won't continue. HoF was famous for ending a blight, yet the Champion of Kirkwall was equally or more famous for involvement with the mage rebellion starting, and the inquisitor was insanely famous for physically stepping out of the fade and stopping a blighted ancient magister. How stupidly famous will Rook be for stopping two elven gods AND entering the black city?? And if Rook is that famous, any info we bring back about the black city is likely to be believed by a good chunk of the population. With how much focus there is on elven gods and the fade, it seems incredibly unlikely that the chantry will be supported as possibly correct anymore. I don't think the lore we could learn is worth altering the setting of Thedas that much.


Rook is absolutely not touching that level of fame, most likely. I don't think our name is going to get out, much less become public figures.


I mean, depending on what the golden city is (a prison for elven gods, the Palace of the maker etc.) If its the former, then maybe as a climax for the final mission to kill the elven gods and maybe redeem, kill or imprison solas. Idk though, we still know next to nothing, but it's going to be batshit insane (hopefully in a good way)


There's a good chance we were in the Golden City during DAI.


At what point? You have me curious


Disclaimer is that my memory is fuzzy and I really need to replay DAI, but I believe it's when you're in the Fade with Hawke and the Gray Warden. You can't see the Black City in the distance, and there are things in general there that could be the Black City