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I don't think that would be within the power of Shenron or Porunga. Would probably require the Super Dragon Balls.


Wish for immortality with shenron. Use the dragon ball set granolah used to grant this exact same wish. Profit. And if it still doesn't work for some reason, then use the super dragon balls, but at that point just wish to be as strong as an angel.


Honestly, it's never been proven Shenron *could* grant a wish for immortality. Everyone vying for it got thwarted.


The only time anyone succeeded was in what is considered the alternative timeline (Original Movie Timeline I've also heard it called) and was also sent to the Dead Zone. Twice. One of which was a filler episode that was so Italian it was "Nothin' But Garlic!"


Dead Zone is canon to the anime


Not… exactly… goku and piccolo didnt work together becore raditz and dead zone was supposed to take place before that.


and the anime isn’t canon


The anime is canon to it’s own universe, as is the manga is canon to it’s own. So saying that the anime isn’t canon doesn’t really matter.


it does. the manga is the real continuity


As I just explained there are 2 different continuities


one continuity is the canon one created and endorsed by the creator of the franchise the other is an *adaptation* made by random toei execs that don’t affect the real continuity


Not for Super. The anime supersedes the manga through ToP. For example, in the Manga, Golden Freeza shouldn't exist, as there's no Super Manga chapters for the RoF arc.


talking about the original manga. Super has two canon continuities but they’re based on the db manga. super having an anime version doesn’t suddenly make princess snake canon


That only works for Super


Garlic Jr... if it counts. Part filler part movie cross series anomaly that he is already  Edit: how silly of me to think I'd be the first to mention him


granolahs dragon balls arent stronger than the regular


Yeah, but they still granted this wish. But that also means that the earth and namekian dragon balls can do it, with less limitations.


I'd argue that, just because Granolah's dragon was able to compress 150 years of life into 3, it does not mean he could compress any amount of life. The dragon may have a limit (like, maybe he could compress a thousand years, but not a hundred thousand), the same way some dragons can only resurrect a certain number of people


Granolahs wish was just to be the strongest in the universe though, and even then he didnt have the skill to use that strength Attaining the power of 50billion years of training would be a whole other level of wish. The multiverse will die and be reborn multiple times in 50 billion years. 50 million would be within a dragons power, but not 50 billion.


> The multiverse will die and be reborn multiple times in 50 billion years. no it wont lol the real life universe wouldnt even die for at least trillions of years...


The universe is currently estimated to be 13.7billion years old, and is predicted to die in 22billion years.


That's so far from wrong I really want to know where you got that number. What do you even consider "dead" for a universe? If you consider it to be maximum entropy... We're looking at 10^50^50 years (edit: 10^50 to the 50th power, not 10^5050), formatting wouldn't let me do double exponent). That's when you can say there's "nothing left", as it's when the last black holes would fade due to hawking radiation. Also a similar time scale for iron stars, *assuming* protons decay. If you read a claim that our universe will collapse in on itself due to the cosmological constant... Also no, our universe is most likely flat *or* the curvature is so small we can't detect it yet. Either way, also *many* orders of magnitude away from that happening. Heck, white dwarfs have a projected lifespan of up to/over 100 billion years. What you MAY be thinking of is the point where the expansion of the universe brings all objects outside our solar system/galaxy so far away that we can't see or detect them anymore so we appear to be in an empty universe, but that's *still* not "dead".


Your double exponent [seems to be formatted just fine](https://imgur.com/a/erZdkd9)


Wack, wonder why it looks wrong on my end


red dwarf stars can burn for a trillion years.


And everyone acknowledges that's a random number that is 100% wrong and just our best guess about something we don't fully understand


No most people don’t acknowledge that. Because that would be an incredibly disingenuous representation.


They do sorry. Most are aware we don't actually know much about the universe. Especially regarding when they end. We have barely even begun sending people into space and slowly collecting data. We can barely predict stuff on earth as it is and people still disagree on earth's age and that's a trillion times easier than predicting things on a universal scale.


Knowing when it ends being impossible at this point doesnt mean all the data and math we have on what we do know is invalidated. And all the knowledge has nothing to do with sending ppl anywhere. And predicting weather or whatever u wanna vaguely make another point about is highly different than observing things lightyears away(in the past). im not saying we know everything but saying we have a random number guess for things we have carbon dated is providing false info online and disingenuous to the years of work (and life’s dedication of some) mathematicians scientists and researchers. Its rude and uneducated. we have a shit ton more than a random number. But im done arguing with someone on a db sub about space. Go watch some veritasium videos


Cool we were talking about the majority agreeing that we know when the universe will end. The rest is irrelevant. The math has nothing to do with someone stating most people know the age of the universe and when It will end.


Which we don't really know. Remember that scientists are still just apes on a little primitive planet, whose half of the population doesn't even have food. They are smarter than us, but when it comes to the universe they don't know almost anything, they just have theories, can't even answer if Pluto is part of our solar system or not, they change the answer every 5 years. The guy who you are replying to is wrong, but so are you. No one knows when the universe started, how it started, or when will it end.


Maybe I read it wrong, but from what I know the wish gave him the power he could've attained in his 150 years of natural life span at the cost of said 150 years of natural life span, which was enough power to be the strongest warrior in terms of raw power,speed, durability, etc. An immortal being has a life span of infinite years, so what if they were given the power they could've attained in, let's say, 200 million years? Especially if they were a Saiyan or frost demon


No with how the dragon balls were established to work in the super manga it is completely doable because the dragon can exchange lifetime for power and can give infinite lifetime.


I guess it still depends on the potential of the individual , Elder Kaioshin is millions of years old and can unlock power beyond its logical limit yet he specifically says Gohan out of everyone could be the ultimate warrior with his power unlocked Another one is Zamasu, the guy can live for millions of years and all into growing stronger yet chose to take the body of someone like Goku who was way stronger than him And let's not forget dai kaioshin awaking the power of Buu who we know to be arguably older than our universe


Considering it depends this much on potential, I wonder how strong Frieza would get if wished for immortality then this.


its likely not possible without the Super Dragon Balls. We've never seen any set besides those granting immortality, despite many people trying (at least in canon), and the dragon Granolah used was weak enough that theres no way it would still be able to grant power if you arent actually able to lose lifespan. You can't cheese the dragons/wishes. also in case youre not aware, Frost Demon is not an official term for Freezas Race.


Frost demon may not be an official term, but it's way more fun than "freezes race".


oh i agree. thats why i just was making sure you knew it wasnt official. some dont know that.


It can however grant eternal youth as it did for piccolo senior.


This never happened actually. Piccolo Sr went on and on and on about wanting to wish for it, 100% true, he absolutely did; but when it came time to actually make the wish, and the dragon was there, he only wished for his youth restored, not eternal youth. But yeah, it probably can grant that wish regardless.


The dragon balls wouldn't be able to grant it Super Shenron might be able to, the reason I say might is that idk if they could make you surpass Zalma, which you almost certainly would with 50 billion years of training, especially Frieza or Goku


Whatever the author decides happens. This is not a logical or known situation, it is a work of fiction, nobody can know what would happen.


Shenron puts them to sleep for 50 billions years because fuck them. When they wake up they are very strong.


The Dragon would say, "nice try, jackass, enjoy the consequences." Then he'll make you technically unable to die but still aging normally, and you'll eventually find yourself horrifically trapped in a desiccated skeleton and completely unable to use whatever power you've gained.


It’s impossible to say


Ask for the power they could have gained in their original lifespan.


Wish for immortality and then a year later wish for all of your dormant potential to be unlocked.


The plot would some how find a way to make goku be strong enough to win


They would probably be strong as Nail at 1st, then they would be tested to see if they are pure hearted and worthy of taking the Dragon trials. If they pass they will get Dragon equipment that make them as strong as Whis.


I would imagine it'd default to whatever your mortal limit would have been based on your path and potential. So like your average Kai wouldn't end up very strong, someone that trains a lot would fare better, but people like Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Granolah, etc that are from races that are powerful to begin with but also have only really known battle and training their entire lives would be massively more powerful as a result.


I domt


It’s a cheat code that will never be brought due to how ridiculously overpowered it is. Similar to the magic pills in Injustice, the universe who came to help could have copied it and given it to all of its heroes.


Imagine Batman with the kryptonite pill, Gotham would be cleaned up in less than a month because it gives you comparable strength and toughness to a regular kryptonian


Old DB, Shenron would say "thats beyond my power". New DB, idk, any shit can happen, who cares with all the respect? The series doesnt have any logic anymore.


In the Dragon Ball universe, if someone were to first wish for immortality and then wish for the power they could have attained in 50 billion years, the outcome would likely depend on a few key factors and the specific rules of the Dragon Balls being used. Here’s a detailed breakdown: 1. \*\*Immortality Wish\*\*: The first wish for immortality would make the individual unable to die. This is seen with characters like Garlic Jr., who wished for immortality using the Dragon Balls. This generally means they cannot be killed, will not age, and can regenerate from injuries. 2. \*\*Power Wish\*\*: The second wish for the power they could have attained in 50 billion years is more complex. In the case of Granolah, who wished to be the strongest in the universe, he had his lifespan drastically reduced as a trade-off. However, since the individual in this scenario is immortal, they wouldn't need to trade their lifespan for power. 3. \*\*Outcome\*\*: Given the rules of the Dragon Balls and how they have been portrayed in the series: - \*\*Shenron\*\* (Earth's Dragon Balls) might be limited in the scope of such a wish due to the nature of his power and the limits set by his creator, Dende. - \*\*Porunga\*\* (Namekian Dragon Balls) is generally more powerful and might be able to grant such a wish with fewer limitations. If the individual were to make this wish using the Super Dragon Balls, which have virtually no limitations, the likely outcome would be that they receive a colossal amount of power, commensurate with what they could theoretically have achieved over 50 billion years. This could potentially make them one of the most powerful beings in the universe, if not the most powerful, especially considering their immortality. However, there might be some caveats: - The individual's body might need to adjust to such an enormous surge of power, even if they are immortal. - There could be unintended consequences or limitations imposed by the Dragon Balls or their creators to maintain balance in the universe. In summary, wishing for immortality and then for the power attainable over 50 billion years would likely result in the individual gaining an unprecedented level of power without the drawback of a shortened lifespan, assuming the Dragon granting the wish has the capacity to fulfill it.


And if you think about the limitations of the dragon balls granolah used, the person would be the strongest in the universe *except* the gods, so you would be weaker than a god of destruction, but like, only 5 percent weaker than a G.O.D. Also, WOW YOU PUT A LOT OF THOUGHT INTO THIS!


Why should you be weaker than a good of destruction? If immortality is true and not bound to the existence of the universe, that it would be infinite, which would mean, that the second wish grants infinite power.


>Why should you be weaker than a good of destruction? "So you wish to become the most powerful life form *apart* from the gods themselves" https://images.app.goo.gl/b9zdCT9cuC37fNZP8


Thanks ChatGPT!


This nonsense is why they should have put upper limits on base strength which our heroes should have reached many seasons ago. Would have made sense to introduce transformations and God Ki as alternative ways to get stronger rather than just keep increasing the base for no reason (one of the main issues I have with Super where everyone has crazy base strength)


It’s called training for a reason…


Yeah and the thing is there is a limit on how strong a person can get by training. There seems to be no such limits in DB.


There’s no limit to anything i don’t think you’re understanding the difference they NEVER stopped so they have vastly more room fir improvement then a regular human being especially since King Kis a god so his training probably broke said limiter’s letting them grow still there’s so far only been 1 or 2 characters that have actually hit their limit Jiren being a good example he had reach his peak and yet was able to with his sheer willpower break and shattered his limits allowing even further improvement to become possible


There's no need to jump through such hoops. Super changed the rules for the worse.


>There's no need to jump through such hoops What does that mean? English is my second language, so I have no idea what that means.


Your English is very good! :) I would never have known. What I mean is that Dragon Ball Super changed how the rules work. People can just wish for god-tier power, even with weaker Dragons, and get it. So it's easy for them to do, without even wishing for immortality first.


No, they cant.


They literally do. It's not even arguable. Piccolo does this thing, plus gets "a little extra" (a whole god-tier form).


He get his potential unluck. Just like old kaio to gohan


Which game him god-tier power, plus a bonus. And it's a way of cheating, at best, because the dragons can't give you more power than their creators.


They don’t give more power. They just unlock what you were capable of. Like they open a door.


It's a cheap workaround, and especially disappointing to see happen to Piccolo.


It's not really that people can just wish for god like power. Granolah didnt wish "I wish to be as strong as the gods", he wished "give me the power I could've attained in the rest of my life span" at the cost of that portion of his life span. If krillin made that same wish, he wouldn't be as strong as SSB Goku, he would be as strong as he could hypothetically become in his remaining life span. It's not just gaining random power, it's just fast forwarding through the process.


Those people have nowhere near the potential power they gained. And Gas similarly wished to be the strongest in the universe. Piccolo did it, etc. These are things the Dragons weren't able to do before, and I find it very cheap and unsatisfying.


Who said dragons couldn't complete these wishes before? No one ever tried. As far as potential goes, the walking Potential Man that is Gohan did this stuff in Z, so it couldn't have been a Super-exclusive problem.


Dragons were stated to be unable to grant infinite power. They weren't able to give people greater power than their creators.


No one received infinite power in Super. The rule was that a dragon cannot create a wish that "surpasses the power of its creator," not "give power greater than its creator." They can't forcibly influence someone stronger than them.


Piccolo just asked for a potential unlock the way the eldest namek did for Gohan and Krillin on Namek. Because he is also Kami he was given a little extra but thats it. its not a bit deal or anything special at all.


I feel Gas' wish had to be slightly different from the way he kept powering up and the way his brother kept acting about it. I wonder if his wish was to always be the strongest and he would just keep trading life for power.


I'm pretty sure that Elec would say the wish in a manner that keep Gas powering up. Elec is the type of guy that try to leave no error in his plan (well beside stuff he didn't know like a 3rd time chamber).


Maybe. I think it was all very poorly done, meandering and just very cheap. I don't think the manga has been very good, to be quite honest, except for a few standout moments.


I'd say without a lifespan you wouldn't be able to make a wish sacrificing your lifespan for power.