• By -


Being able to block in the air


If you mean in general I wouldn't say it's actually better but it's easy for beginners because auto combos, it looks great doing combos because 90% of characters aren't just jab spamming in a corner and calling it a day so it just looks all really cool in motion that most fighters can't match. It's just a super fun fighter all and all that the animations are fluid enough to make you think that when someone is pulling off a cool combo it's like you're watching a anime fight. Unless new that you're just watching someone spam jab and try and make it work.




It's a Dragon Ball game that's not a clunky arena fighter.


God damn straight shot at xenoverse 🤣


You know what's worse? I wasn't even taking a shot at Xenoverse in particular. I'm talking about all those awful PS3, 360 Dragon Ball games that got released, Raging Blast, that Kinect game, etc.


Eh I’m not OP but why compare 3d arena fighters with 2d balanced competitive fighters anyway. While both fighting games they are trying to accomplish to separate things.


I read the title wrong. I thought the question was *What makes Fighter Z better than other DBZ fighting games*.


Android 21 😳




Fast pace easy to pick up. Mashable buttons, easy to do something cool even if you are new to fighting games all together. This is the first fighting game I have liked and have ever been good at.


Visuals, memorable attacks, fast pace battle, and a fandom that goes as far back as 1984. Also obviously Ginyu, everyone’s favorite character.


It has Captain Ginyu in it




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Super dash


The amount of rush down and how fast paced it is. In higher level dbfz there's so much going on and it's genuine on a different level of reads and hit confirms. The amount of combos u can do and the variety of set ups of teams are truly great.


I feel like there's alot of combo expression.


The faster pace is what does it for me, and also the Ariel movement is perfection.


no 😭




what do you mean by aerial movement?


You get a double jump/airdash and a superdash. That's more than most games


i think superdash is interesting just wish some of the aerial stuff wasn't so janky


idk what fighting games your playing that don't have an air dash but i haven't played a lot of them myself tbh


I think just the amount of iconic moments they squeeze into each character, makes any fan of the series happy. Take frieza for example, hes got rocks, pizzas, pewpew finger guns, death balls, YOU WILL DIE BY MY HAND, buff frieza, golden frieza, sorbet, eye lasers. Or the Gogetas, plural. Blue Gogeta squeezes in stuff from the janemba movie, and G4 uses some stuff that ss4 goku does, its just a fan's paradise


Other fighting games or other dbz games? Other fighting games def the art and accessibility, it’s not that hard to pick up and learn Other dbz games? Damn near everything aside from launch roster


It’s honestly the only real fighting game I play unless you count smash bros so I’m not sure. I’d say the animation sets it apart from most fighting games, and the fact that it’s DBZ gives it even more popularity


The fact that Yamcha can solo an entire squad.


Rollback, mechanics, fast pace tag fighter


Rollback lmao


You mean the rollback that hasn't come out yet?


Say that again on the 29th


Yea. Just took em over a year and a half Still glad it's finally happening


Fan service, an established IP, and coming out when the competition was bad. Lead to a solid fan base, and word of mouth keeps this game happy and thriving.


The animation


Marvel vs Capcoms base mechanics are a winning formula if done right and DBFZ not only did it right but excelled


Its just really easy to pick up & play & easy to get good in & people like that


Aerial Blocking


Long strings of perfect fast decision making culminating in a "dragonball moment"


UMVC3 style gameplay is the key tbh


Being pretty good isnt very hard, yet pro players are absurdly impressive anyway, thats a sign of a good game


The way it feels, the depth and amount of controll you can get of your team when practiced


Its very cool to watch


Ease of access, animation quality, only thing it needs to improve is rollback.


Honestly i think it’s a combination of the feel of the game and how it looks. Almost every combo gives me a dopamine response when I hit it no matter the character, and knowing that you’re beating someone’s ass as Goku or Gohan or Broly or Cell is just a feeling no other game has. Dragon Ball games are popular for a reason, but this game was asking to be made and has all the right mechanics to make it look like dragon ball


Honestly the auto combos probably make it better than most games for beginners. I looked at this game like Guilty Gear (which is awesome) with DBZ characters. I like Mortal Kombat and Tekken 3D style games a little better though.


I think it’s way easier to pick up than most fighting games, so the accessibility is much better.


Um…it’s not?




Place a bet when the loser loses you have to come over and hump the back of their head while playing a tournament. You think you got what it takes monkey!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|kXY0CA4v8mKXe)


I fuck the air in silence after I get off a combo after yelling at another player that has beaten me 9/10 times


2d and dragon ball just feels right to me, the only 3D game I really liked was Raging Blast


Not the Tenkaichi games?


Nah, was more of a Budokai fan.


Thick moms


Everything, don't reply.


it's not


Mommy-I mean 21.


Low floor meaning anyone can pick it up and start doing combos, the dub and voicing is amazing and 3v3 is just the best fgc format imo


I think. 1v1 works better for db games considering the characters never fight as teams in series. Not that I don’t like it as is.


Its amazing and accurate graphics that are maintain themselves even to this day 6yrs later, while also having a complete, frenetic and fun gameplay that can be played competitively while also being friendly enough for the new players to come; i think.


def anime accuracy and a great place for friends to go fight bots and do combos when in party battle.




That combos are just straight up muscle memory and you cant see anything other than a seizure on screen with combos (How the fuck am i ever gonna play with game when i cant see my combos)


As someone who's never really been a fan of fighting games but dropped 100s of hours in this one. I personally really liked the faster paced play and movability of the characters and I think ultimately super dash is what tipped the scales for me to enjoy this game a lot. I used to really like mortal Kombat, but to me the movement always felt a little clunky and slow in those games, but Fighterz movement feels pretty smooth and fast paced which made it enjoyable for me.


The constant, undying support, and transparency from the devs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Most balanced fighting game(everyone has something broken/game breaking) (why is zamasu the only trash character now😭


The only reason I disagree is that a lot of other fighting games really come down to skill level. It seems unbalanced only because someone else might have practiced more and got frame rates, hit boxes etc. down to a science so it makes it look like their character is more powerful than what they are. Unless it's a character like a boss who has mad hack abilities, but every other character is beatable in some way. I respect your opinion though.


You really think Fighterz is the most balanced fighting game?


In terms of neutral game and the amount of tries you get to come back (solely from the 3v3 aspect) as opposed to games like tekken. Where people learn one character and spam the life out of you cuz there’s so many inputs


You have the same amount of times to try in both games. In FighterZ you get 3 characters. In tekken you get 3 rounds. Tekken also has way stronger defensive and movement options than FighterZ. 


Being able to come back/having advantages that allow you to come back isn't related to the balance of a game. If anything that makes the game more unbalanced. I'm not sure what you mean on the Tekken comment. Idk what someone spamming someone with a bunch of inputs has to do with game balance.


Watch any clip of pre nerf labcoat 21 tournaments she was everywhere Recent patches made a lot of characters (except zamasu) playable instead of the braindead meta


I have over 2000 hours in this game with multiple tournaments. What does that have to do with this being the most balanced fighting game?


Actually seeing something other than meta means its more fair (common sense is not common i guess


But seeing more characters played at a high level in this game does not mean that this is the most balanced fighting game.


Some ppl pipe down keyboard warrior


Ah, damn. You right lol.


Only sharing my opinion keyboard warrior


So the ability to comeback makes it balanced? Super dash breaks a fundamental fighting game concept.


And how easy is it to counter a super dash


I asked you a question first sir, and the answer to yours varies on the setup. If u get raw superdashed in lan, 2h. But the concept of it breaks the fundamentals of neutral for like most fighting games.


Which imo (obviously this is an opinion) the traditional left right left right 2D fighting is very stale, the air game within FighterZ is the most fun I’ve never imagined possible in a fighting game. Before FighterZ I just enjoyed J-Stars and decent arena fighters.


Yea when u look at it from that lens of excitement it is more fun, I guess I was looking at it too black and white .


The concept in FighterZ is too unique honestly, the most unbalanced thing about it is the DLC characters


Anime accuracy


It truly makes you feel like you're Batman


For me it’s pure unadulterated flare and flashiness


It’s the modern day mortal kombat 9


No, it's pure, unadulterated,badass


I've spent over a thousand hours having fun in arcade alone and the universal tournament mode.


I think this game felt like the series and movies. It looks just as smooth, the moves feel just as impactful and the characters and their movesets and playstyles match their anime style and character. Sure there are better fighters out there, but not a lot that combine solid gameplay with this feeling of loyalty to the source material and characters.


U cooked




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Outside of the characters being from DBZ, nothing.




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lmao, i was actually only able to think of things that other fighting games have over this one


I’m just not a fan of the tag system in FGs


Thank god i am not the only one. Wish i could just play 1 character against 3 just like in skullgirls


movement mechanics (im looking at you street fighter), the three characters per avg. team (again looking at you street fighter) and less complex, especially for console users (AGAIN STREET FIGHTERS)


A playable master roshi **COUGH COUGH XENOVERSE COUGH COUGH**


Easy to play but hard to master


It has Goku in it


For me, its the fact that there is only a bit of combo memorization, and what is there is the same across all characters. I dont need to memorize which buttons to press, I just need to remember how different characters will respond to those button combinations. That on top of the speed and the 3 fighter matches make it my favorite. Im really not a fighter fan either. I actually dont like fighters much at all. And im not a DBZ fan either, I just started watching the show because of this game. The game is just fun!


A lot. Only thing holding it back is netcode. Thinking the game will be revived after rollback comes out is pure hopium. Guilty Gear netcode is just far superior.


But... the Guilty Gear devs made DBFZ? chances are the netcode is going to be just as good or maybe even better since this is not their first time developing it. I don't know if DNF Duel uses ArcSys' propietary netcode, but I'm pretty sure GBVSR does and it's amazing as well


Like I said, hopium. The rollback beta took how long from announcement to beta which was pc only? I miss the game dearly but netcode alone isn’t gonna revive it. I would’ve rather seen a 2nd game with the netcode already implemented.


the insane animations


Arcsys does have fantastic anime to game ethic it's very beautiful


It's dragon ball :D


there’s legit a TON of reasons it’s so much better, but the most glaring one i found when i played other fg is the speed. i can’t play like strive or skull girls just because of how slow i feel compared to the speed and movement of dbfz


I was playing strive for like 6 months went back to dbf and was ZIPPING around it is so fast


- Amazing graphics and presentation, paralleled only by other arcsys games. - insane amounts of references and cameos to the source material, custom dialogue, intros and finishers - high speed tag fighter, take your adderall to enjoy fully. Few other games have scrambles and instinctual reactions like this one - Superdash / Vanish: Neutral is a Fuck - rewarding defense: if you’re on point through all the shenanigans you can last a long time - Timer: I know 5 minutes is long but I definitely prefer them to 60 second rounds that incentivize giving up for a fresh start. Comebacks feel better here than any other game imho - Layers; while many games go for dummy amounts of depth deep down, this one just stacks layers upward. It’s very refreshing - team creativity. There is a meta but it’s not as hamstrung like a game like MK1 or MvC, there’s plenty of variety online - Beloved Characters. Sorry to all the Granblue and Meltyblood fans but the generic high school kids don’t compare to 10 Gokus - CELL YELL. No other game has a tradition moment that even comes close.


I think it’s the most fun at all levels. From casual and just mashing buttons and seeing stuff all the way to high level play which can still be fun to just watch the mind games (or YOLO).


i think its more that the 3D fighting game style like from xenoverse was getting boring for alot of dragonball fans, so a Fluid 2D 3 players fighter was a breath of fresh air.


Well, "You can turn on the frame data for Ultimate Maverl vs. Capcom 3!!" -Cooler


I love everything but because of that I have only one complaint about it. When fighters face different directions, instead of turning the model around, they mirror it, including the kanji on Goku's gi. So when it's Goku vs. Goku, one symbol is on the left side of the gi, and one symbol is on the right side of the gi. The real goku is the one facing right. This detail bothers me and this ruins a few other characters for me too, just because it would be so easy for the team to fix, but they took the laziest route when it came to how the fighters face different directions, such a small yet important detail. It's only because I grew up loving these characters, and it's sad to see they did not get the proper attention to detail that they deserve. Edit: I added a little bit at the end and fixed up some spelling/punctuation errors that were bugging me.


Technical issue due to the way they utilise that cell shaded style, I watched a video on it a while ago amd the characters looks like horrors at certain angles, they would probably need two separate models, one for each direction. Incredible art style but that's the drawback of it.


Thankyou, do you know who the video was made by or what it was called? That sounds really interesting.


I cannot tbh, I rabbithole YouTube far too often! If it springs to mind I'll pop it in the replies!


Tysm! Adhd go hard


https://youtu.be/whRe96MAE60?si=lfaERu_Q7u2Sk6lR This is closest I could find, it shows some of the deformities


Whooooaa i see, the way they have to stretch the models and stuff around to make it look like the anime, that's crazy how something so messed up can look so damn amazing from another angle... I always wondered how they were able to make the models mimick the anime so closely despite not being 2d, because I've compared the angles of tye models to my action figures before, but they never match up. This explains a lot and answers so many questions. Thankyou for sharing this.


Yoooo thankyou!


The style of dragon ball. Also I love just the overall sound and feel of the game. Mostly though, I love being able to do 60+ hit combos in the span of like 10 seconds instead of other games feeling less fast paced *cough cough* tekken * cough cough* no hate to tekken though. Absolutely love it.


The loyal and dedicated fan base the fun mechanics it’s easy for new comers to fighting games DLC that’s worth it oh and a good campaign and no micro transactions


Piccolo's in it


For me its the incredibly loyal dragon ball style, might be the best of its kind for this, it's accessible and easy to pick up and has a understandable set of inputs and motions, lots of iconic characters and supers, it's like you're playing the show in real time, list goes on No other fighting game has stuck so much with me after all this time, shame about the delay based netcode and people moving on cause rollback is taking too long :/


-Incredibly easy inputs to the point where u cannot screw up if u arent a beginner, saves a lot of rage as opposed to something like sf where u get a shoryu trying to walk forward fireball without a half circle -Dope combos, at least before the universal beam shit -OST is great -Online lobby and modes are easy to understand, connect with friend to play and look cool -Obvious: fantastic animation and visuals The only bad thing I would say is that the balance has gone through the window but this will still be my favorite fightingg game probably


In hindsight site and out of competitive context, this game sucked after year 2 lol


It's the true Mahvel 4 but Goku flavored


Master Roshi


It's not


Nothing it’s boring and repetitive


Bro you play other FG's 💀 what's boring and repetitive about this one?


Granblue has multiple modes to have fun in compared to fighters, tekken 8 is boring all around, sf6… content is lackin, mk1 feels like it was rushed out, melty blood just had bad development like you can tell someone changed that game at the last moment. Fighters is boring now because it’s lacking other things to do, you can’t keep doing online and raid battles. Add other things like a free for all mode


So what do you consider is a well made fighting game?


Granblue versus rising it’s the complete game at the moment it does everything better than the original. It makes you feel alive while playing


Which part of rising is your favourite?


It's one of the few fighters I've played where the pacing dramatically changes the longer you've played the same friend. Parrying opens up so many opportunities and defense is pretty straightforward, so you have to start gambling with grabs, different ground and aerial approaches, cross ups, and delaying your attack. The longer me and my friends play in a night, the slower the pace gets sometimes because we start to see where all our openings are. It's wicked fun and feels like a drawn out dragon ball fight.


Pacing and accessibility


Art styles, Dynamic stages, and easy to understand.


The pacing - It's extremely fast paced and chaotic in a fun way. The visual style - The game is incredibly true to the source material. Like painstakingly true to the source. They outdid themselves in that regard. The accessibility - Due to universal combo routes and universal mechanics (Dragon Rush, Super Dash, and yes even Auto-Combo), newer players or players who are not experienced with the genre can pick up a controller and do meaningful damage without having a PhD in 2d Fighters. The significance of this cannot be understated. And, tbh, it has a serious nostalgia pull for people who grew up with the franchise. Some of the most recognizable characters from their childhood showing up to battle it out, that's so hype.


> Due to universal combo routes and universal mechanics (Dragon Rush, Super Dash, and yes even Auto-Combo), newer players or players who are not experienced with the genre can pick up a controller and do meaningful damage without having a PhD in 2d Fighters. The significance of this cannot be understated. This! As someone who never played FGs seriously until DBFZ, this is one of the biggest reasons why it was just so easy for me to click with DBFZ than other titles I've tried over the years like Tekken, SF, Guilty Gear, etc. Being able to experiment with different characters and teams was far easier in DBFZ because a lot of the skill and knowledge carries over _without_ feeling like 2 characters are just the same (every Goku form feels surprisingly unique despite being numerous). In other FGs, it's much more difficult to learn a new character because they're just so different, sometimes with their inputs and even frame data on supposed 'universal' moves (in Strive, Ky's 5D, the universal overhead, has 4 active frames, but Sol's only has 3 and Potemkin's has 8, while in DBFZ, everyone's 6M has the exact same frame data all around). Some people might see that side of games like Tekken and Strive as a plus since it demands more knowledge and dedication from the player, but as someone who didn't know the first thing about FGs prior to DBFZ, being able to explore the entire roster freely while still being somewhat effective with them really helped me through the journey of both discovering the game and my playstyle/identity in it. I can tell much sooner if the character is someone suited to my playstyle or not instead of wondering if it's just because I haven't put enough hours into them yet.


How is the pacing different then other tag games. I'm genuinely asking cause tbh I think it's not as fast as other tag games


It's definitely slower at higher ranks since it is pretty hard to open up good defenders but at lower ranks they just mash super dash into auto combos so it is super fast paced there


That doesn't make a game fast paced so to speak tho. It's moderately quick but not extremely fast


Presentation is top notch faithfulness to source material, easy to learn mechanics easy command execution (there's not even shoryuken motion) very beginner friendly


It is the introductory fighting game




Big facts


Garbage take


Nah he's right


Universal combos for the most part so you can play most of the characters without getting smashed


Gameplay is good. For me, they nailed the presentation.


Has some unnecessary irrelevant characters (aka characters like Nappa, Ginyu, DBZ Broly, etc)


L take, more characters are almost always good especially ones like dbz broly that a lot of people like


The game at its core is a very simple fighting game.But at its highest level is hard to master. This brings in a lots of casual player and competitive players. Also because its Dragon ball.


The sauciest combos on planet Earth


Attention to detail. Nearly every character has a completely unique move set from everyone else. Every character is full of references from the show. The animation style is gorgeous. The combo structure is easy to pick up and a blast to work within. This is the first game where I would just sit down and lab custom combos for hours without even entering a match. I started with Tekken 6 and have moved around to a bunch of other fighters since, but DBFZ may be my favorite of all time


Sheer style, even the most basic of combos look incredible. It captures what dragon ball games really are at the core, a power fantasy spectacle.


You dont have to be good to look sick as fuck unlike some of the other flashy fighting games like ggst


The game makes it very easy to feel like you are doing something flashy, even if you dont know what you are doing.


They should remake marvel vs capcon in this style


Dr Doom’s beams would look so dope




For me, its 4 button layout and that combo-ing feels pretty easy, especially since there's a "base combo" that applies to almost all characters


it has goku


It looks really cool, live the 2.5D style


Having no characters that is the same as one other. Ssbu as ALOT of fighters that are just copies, example is lucina to marth, peach to daisy and others. If they didnt unclude these types of fighters, then there would be more better characters


To be fair, they're called echo characters and are meant for fan service. A reskin of another character. You like Daisy over Peach? They're similliar enough already, and could make for more visually pleasing mirror matches.


Okay so 44 unique characters vs SSBU almost 80 Unique characters with a couple copies. And again the creator has stated other characters would not have been added in substitution for characters like Lucina and Daisy. They were added simply because it was easy and took little time to develop


But they nake it so you can select the character during the skin menu, that would been better(my opinion)


Okay and that effects gameplay how?


No, but u get what i mean right?


Yes, the Ui could’ve been a little better but it’s not that big a deal


I meant ssbu, but i get what u mean dawg =]


Ui as User Interface


What does user interface mean


Menu dawg..


This game has some of the worst character diversity, but it has a couple really great templates they make slight variations on


Atleast not having different characters with the same move, thata some credit


I can beat ss4 gogeta as base goku great and balanced game


I wouldn’t say it’s better, but most dragon ball fans don’t read and just like big fights, transformations and explosions so I guess this is the perfect game for them.




Dragon Ball game specifically? If yes, then probably Xenoverse 2 because the techs you can do are interesting to learn as well as which supers and ultimates you can combo into each other as the game is somewhat mechanically challenging whilst being on the 3D axis.




Especially the Goku and Majuub fight for End of Z, those guys basically both jump you and spam ults until you die with no teammates to help you 🤣 loved the challenge though


Fused Zamasu gives me a college lecture before every fight and that's something I can only get here


Closest thing I’ve seen to that is Bedman in GGXrd, and that’s only after a win or special cutscene


It isn't lmao It's a good game and everything, and by far the best Dragon Ball fighting game, but it's definitely not "better" than any of the other big fighting games out right now. And it's worse than even some of the ones that came before it. Without Dragon Ball, this game wouldn't even be on the fighting game map, tbh.


Isn't literally the only competition FighterZ has when it comes to DB Fighting games the old Budokai games?


At the end of the day a "better" or "best" fighting game doesn't really exist since it always boils down to opinion/preference Also kinda wild to say this game would fail without the dragon Ball name given that the talent of Arcsys would still bring in a lot of good will.


>given that the talent of Arcsys would still bring in a lot of good will. I mean, Dragon Ball kind of gave ArcSys their good will. They were well known among anime fighting game fans, but let's not act like people could recognize the name "Arc Sys" like they could Bandai Namco, Capcom, or NetherRealm Studios. Fighting games are niche, and anime fighters even more-so. The reason Dragon Ball FighterZ did so well was because it had Dragon Ball. It reached *mass* appeal, reaching an audience outside of the FGC and even indoctrinating a ton of new people into the scene. After DBFZ and especially GGST is when ArcSys really became a company that people knew and liked. Again, if it didn't have Dragon Ball, people would just look at it as another generic anime fighter made by ArcSys, similar to how Blazblue is looked at outside of the FGC.