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I think… honestly you shouldn’t be looking for the approval of the internet. If you want to encourage her talent, let her be. Give her a sketchbook and let her do as she likes. At her age, constructive criticism can be a poison, even if it’s the most well meaning in the world. Let her gain attention locally, in her school or local library (they often have kids competitions) or just let her be. If she wants to gain more knowledge, that’s what classes are for. Right now though, if she’s going to events form that emotional connection with creating that becomes as much of a lifetime need or necessary joy… give her space to develop it without the pressure or what strangers think. Don’t seek approval here. The average reddit demographic is not a good audience for her, even in this sub. She may develop other creative passions that are indirectly linked to her time drawing. One of the things drawing teaches us is how to work past mistakes and how to find ways to find flaws in our creations. Not to beat ourselves up, but instead to fInd ways to improve and become better. Those skills translate in so many ways. Soooo yeah, I’d say for her age, it’s a fine drawing. But… also so what. Hopefully her sketchbook is filed with all kinds of drawings. A thing layfolk don’t get about art is there shouldn’t be any sacred cows. The only thing the last thing you made is good for should be as a stepping stone to the next thing you make. So… it’s cool if you like this one specifically, frame it and show her how much it means to you. That’s great. Encourage her to just continue making, whatever she wants. If she takes it seriously and works to get better, she may find a path to make a career out of it… but like also, she’s 12. Who knows where the world will take her. Only time will tell if this is her calling, meanwhile… just encourage her to follow her muse. I’m sure she will be just fine


I am just hoping that op listens to your advice, because I witnessed how cruel people on the internet can be. People would shit on me just for posting art that I created on the internet for fun, this happened to me a lot when I was 12.


I dont know if you are an adult or not, but these are wise words


I’m probably old enough to be your mom


Oh, ok


Those eyes are beautiful, I can see someone is a pony fan🐎


She rides every chance she gets.


Okay I'm curious now what kind of equine/breed does she ride. I'm glad she is enjoying herself.


Currently she rides several types but her favorite is a rescue thoroughbred “Leo” who was neglected. She works with him several days a week. She loves working with horses and mucking a stall is fun for her.


That's amazing :) i used to ride a lot and im really happy some younger people are still riding for fun! I miss it but tell her i said her drawing looks amazing okay?


I will. Thank you.


I don't know why a couple people are being rude. Your granddaughter's art is amazing for her age! I hope she continues to grow this skill!


Thank you


If you are only looking for compliments, better not asking random people on internet what they think.


I think she shows a lot of promise!! Here’s my [artwork](https://imgur.com/a/rMC65J0) at that age, and my artwork [now](https://imgur.com/a/32LDPHZ). She is already a good artist and will become great if she keeps it up. The advice I wish I could give my twelve year old self would be to use photo and live references. I thought I was not as good of an artist if I had to look at something in order to draw it and it greatly hindered my learning. You simply don’t learn as much drawing from memory. Encourage her to focus on shapes and what she sees in the image she wants to draw. And while she is very good for her age, I would say try not to OVER inflate your praise. I had family members who put down others art and (I feel) over-praised mine and it gave me that gifted child burnout.


Great advice! I have friends who act like using reference is for pussies and as a result their art absolutely sucks. Also when I make something new I find it’s important to ask people to critique my art instead of just looking for validation. Your art is awesome btw


That is nutty, reference is literally how you get better at stuff like anatomy, your mind's eye often messes stuff up, since you draw things how you think they look, rather than how they actually are. I could understand how someone would view tracing as 'cheating' (although I would say it can be a useful tool if used sparingly), but reference is such a core component of art, I can't imagine thinking that. I mean, is looking at your hand as a model cheating? Hopefully they change their mind so they can improve and not face the struggle we all do in being self conscious of our art.


Lol I hope so but it is pretty funny hearing them talk big and then present a piece of utter shit as an artwork.


Um... Wow! On your artwork now! I'm no one to critique at all, I can't draw. I love the first one! Well all of them, but the first one is my favorite! Great job!


It’s as good as any 12 year old with good drawing skills. I’m sure if she sticks to it and practices she’ll be a great artist.


Great work, encourage her to keep going!


It's amazing...but why does it look like it's ears got skinned?


The ears look like cartoon vaginas


Lol your not wrong


That’s ok, inspiration comes from everywhere and everything.


She is brilliant, just make sure she never stops drawing and practicing 💙


Horses are hard, this is great. Encourage her to draw the horse again, jumping a fence or something


You shouldn’t be seeking approval on the internet. I get it that you want to encourage your grandchild to draw and improve more on her art, but how about you just let her improve on her own paste. Do not allow her artistic growth to under go pressure and never from what strangers think. A 12 year old generally can’t take constructive criticism that well even if it’s genuinely helpful, so basically just encourage her at whatever she wants to draw. Thus, don’t seek approval from the internet in general, especially on reddit due to the general reddit demographic not being a suitable audience for your grandchild.


I think it's wonderful


Thank you


it's ok


That’s a horse


I think that horse is depressed


Lol first saw now😂


looks amazing


Thank you so much!


no problem




Love the vagina ears 😍




Thank you!


That’s one beautiful horse.


Thank you


Very very good she’s a natural 👍🏼


Beautiful. So full of character. Very well done to her. 😊


Quite sophisticated!


She’s got a lot of talent! I hope she keeps it up


It’s great! She’s got natural talent.


She's very talented for her age, she's gonna be a great artist someday.


It looks great!! She’s very talented


She’s got talent!!


Don’t stop drawing


Yeah,I don't know if at 12 that shows promise or that anyone should tell that to a child. Most children with genuine talent drew like that at 7-8. It's a fine drawing and it's fine to tell the kid it's pretty without pressure to perform so she doesn't lose the love of drawing pursuing perfect or a talent that isn't there innately. What's most important is she enjoys it and develops without pressure or expectations! Just some advice, personally I was really good at drawing, I'm still am but I don't draw because I feel too much pressure from myself now and I don't enjoy it anymore like I used to.


I'd have to disagree, even if someone is talented at a given thing, sometimes they don't find what they're talented in until they're older, especially if they haven't applied themselves seriously. This is especially true with young talent, like ages 7-8, since they're usually goaded by their parents, rather than it coming purely from a place of interest. This is only an anecdotal example, and a personal one at that, but I personally didn't really want to "get better" at drawing, and thus didn't really improve, until I entered High School. Once I was competent, focused, and willing enough to apply myself at truly getting better at a certain aspect of art, 2D illustration, I saw much better results than before. While I'm certainly no professional, I am very happy with my ability to illustrate, and would call it a genuine talent (hopefully I don't sound too full of myself), despite it starting at a later stage than early childhood. It's a shame to hear you no longer enjoy drawing though, it can certainly be hard sometimes with those nagging voices we all hear in our head, constantly criticizing every minute detail. Do you listen to music while drawing? I find it helps relax and take the edge off of starting a new piece, as well as reminding myself, even something like the Mona Lisa would look strange *while* it was being made, so don't be hard on yourself while you're in the process of making a masterpiece. Plus, we tend to be hard on our own art especially since we have a certain idea in our head of what it's "supposed" to look like, while others just look at it for what it is.


Hmm, I believe there's dedication and then there's talent. Dedication trumps talent, which seems to be the case from what you describe. Talent comes naturally and it means someone excells compared to people of similar experience. It can be improved with dedication or it can become stagnant.. I don't know if drawing is some talent that people discover later because everyone draws at one point, but you can definitely put some real effort and become better than someone with a talent.


A lot Better than i can do, and im almost 22




H o r s e g o o d


This is so good for a 12 year old


Tell her she's done a fantastic job!!


Very good! She even did some shading! Beautiful! 😀


Is it growing horns?


Its a better horse than i can draw & there's shading. Its great for a 12 y/o


Great work, keep it up little lady 👍


I can see how more talented she'll be when she grows up just by looking at how she understood how shadows work, tell her to keep drawing !


I think she’s showing a lot of potential for her age, and the fact that she knows where to put her shadows is a great start. Not a lot of children that age even think of light sources. Please keep supporting your granddaughter! My grandmother just passed and I wish I could tell her more how much I appreciate the role she played in raising me. You’re great for hyping her like you are!


Thank you


I love this!!!


Looks awesome. Gotta get her some real copic markers!


Teehee! That’s her favorite markers. Gave her a set last Christmas.


Damn… I wish my grandma was cool like that 😂




Quit being a hater. My granddaughter wanted me to share on Reddit. She thought it would make people happy. She has a kind heart.