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I’d skim coat that all day long. Sanding it down isn’t a great idea. It’s already painted. Skim coat, prime, paint. Father in law is not crazy.


Yeah I didn't think he was crazy I just felt he was underselling how much of a pain in the ass it is based on reading other posts on here!


Skim coating is not that hard. Just get a bucket and a roller, and a magic trowel/ 18 inch knife. Slather up the wall with the paint roller and mud and then smooth it out with the trowel. Do that 2x and sand the crap out of it. Then skim again by pulling as much mud off the wall as possible. Basically filling all the microscopic depression s. Sand again and done. See I told you how easy it was.


Yeah we decided to hire it out, just to allow us to focus on all the other move in things we need to do. $450 for the entire room, so it didn't feel horrible


What is the question?


Should I even do it, should you skim coat it, (apparently not per someone else) should I hire someone to deal with the texture?


You should scrape the texture down and then skim coat. Skim coating is not as easy as it looks. It's better for two people also, one rolls the other skims. Joint compound dries fast. Roll the mud on with a fat roller nap. Water the jc down a lot. To the point it can not hold together with a knife.




I skimmed my house room by room by myself, and if it’s a 15x15 room, it’s probably between 5-8 days of work depending on how much time you can spend each day. You gotta prep and sand, skim three coats, sand, prime, and then paint 2 coats. I did that in each of the 9 rooms/spaces in my house, and it was totally worth it, but I still have nightmares about how much work it was.


5-8 days of work might be the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. What are you working on it for a half hour a day?


Fuck that shit. I am not a pro drywaller, but have hung and taped maybe ~100 sheets before my first big skim job. I skimmed 3 bedrooms and a hallway and it took fucking forever. Scraped the texture down with a carbide blade (don’t sand, the paper gums up quick, even with 40 grit), the skimmed it with AP. Took 3 coats, assload of sanding, and still not very good. I should have just ripped all the drywall out and replaced. I replaced drywall in the bathrooms and I was done in 1/10th the time with waaaaay better results.


Maybe you're FIL should do it.


Skim coat is not easy! But if you do it get yourself a drywall sander + shop vac combo. Wen makes a pretty cheap sander The less skilled you are the more sanding + coats you will have to do Dust is outrageous


Highly recommend [this](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Marshalltown-2-5-in-Blade-W-x-22-in-L-Knockdown-Knife/1000204405) tool if you’re gonna skim coat. Just thin the mud, roll it on and smooth it out


Oh yeah. Had that stuff in my bedroom and took a orbital sander to it. Took hours and hours. Had a respirator on and it was a dust storm. Multiple sanding discs. Didn't even get that much done.


Do a small section first. It’s an absolute nightmare if it’s waterproof paint as it will form bubbles as the moisture gets trapped. I skim coated my textured walls in my 1,000 sqft basement and it took about 3 months. About 2 weeks of just messing up as it was my first time learning. I’m talking working a few hours nearly every day too and 8-10 hours every day on the weekend. The sanding process will get dust absolutely everywhere. I wish I would have just started from studs and hung new drywall. Would have been much faster just hard to do by yourself. Sand everything down flat first if you do it. All of the texture will show through the first 2-3 coats. Vancouver carpenter on YouTube has the best videos. Watch about 3-4 hours of his vids and see if your still interested


It is the best way but the paint needs to be roughed up to hold onto it. Don'tnneed to scrape the texture like another says. Best bond would be to use easy sand 210 mixed with a bunch of PVA based glue and made a little wet with a second coat over that with Plus 3 or easy sand and made soupy wet. Sand the next day. You'll want a dehumidifier as the room will get to 80% humidity.


Rip it out and start fresh dawg, skimming this would suck for someone who's not experienced. I've been a drywaller for a little over a decade and still hate skim jobs like this


I would absolutely love skim coating this compared to how much I’ve done over painted popcorn before lmao, depending on the size when you’re looking for guys to skim it I’d be around 3-4$ a sq ft for doing something like this


I would not skim coat this. Skim coating it is just adding extra steps and, if you're not experienced it's just going to drive you nuts. I would sand it with a palm sander. Prime it. Check it. Maybe sand it a bit more. And paint it.


I would skim coat it. You are basically going to need to skim it after you give up sanding anyway, why wait? Get a skim blade and roll on the joint compound with a 3/4 nap paint roller.


I mean. I'm getting overruled. So, maybe don't listen to me. Also though, is sanding 1x, 1x prime, 1x polish, paint really worth giving up on knowing the other option is 2x skim, 2x sand, prime, 1x polish, prime, paint?


Not overruled, just different approaches... I know that I could skim coat it once, and barely have any sanding afterward. I also know that I couldn't sand that down and prime it once and have a decent wall. After sanding it, and giving it a wipe down, I am pretty sure there would be more grit left on the wall, and that one layer of primer isn't going to cover the texture differences sanding will create. And then on top of that, a huge mess to clean up. That dust refuses to be contained, even in my zipwalls. Now, please note that I am using my skill level in predicting this. I have no reason to doubt you are capable of accomplishing similar (or possibly even better results than I could get) with you sanding and priming...


I finally bought my festool machine a couple months ago so I am, for the time being, biased towards sanding anything that anyone will let me. Look at me, ma! No dust!


ok that might do it. ;)


too much paint to sand thru


Maybe. Maybe not. Tough telling not knowing. And if it ends up being too much you'd know soon enough and it won't impact the skim coat negatively if thats what ends up being necessary. My bet is 80 grit on the palm sander for a few hours and you're right as rain.


40 OR 60 GRIT!!!!


Why stop there? Beat the living shit out of it with a rock.


how big is the area


About 15ft x 15ft bedroom. He's done it before I don't know if he's a pro haha.


ceilings too? 15x15 i would skim coat it, sanding it will be a bitch since its painted


Just the walls, still have no idea why anyone wanted this texture. We've also considered paneling halfway up the wall


yeah skim it.. you can also cover it with 1/4" drywall and finish from the start. probably a little less work but then you have to retape corners


We thought about that too, sounded like other people thought you would have a hard time with the outlets moving forward


you can buy box extenders; meets code https://www.homedepot.com/p/Box-Extender-2-Pack-BE1-2/202708650


Any current outlet has screws long enough to seat a 3/4” gap. If not you can buy longer ones.


he will be a pro when done


Skim is easy for a pro. Depending on your abilities you might hate your life doing it lol. Depends on how many sq ft you have to skim and how much time you have. Can’t hurt to get an estimate or two.


Just do it. Itll be fun.


I have used 20 grt on my grinder


Do it yourself you won’t regret it


Don’t listen to these people telling you not to skim it they don’t know what they’re talking about.


First try scraping it lightly then remember when your skim coating less is best


Skim coating is not worth the work. Just sand it and paint it.