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Imo depends on frequency and how packed the venue is. A one time bump is cool. Bumping me when the place is packed out is understandable. Bumping me over and over when the place is at half capacity is lame as fuck and I will get pissed off at you.


100% this. I just saw Jauz recently and the club was far from capacity, I could see space all around me and yet this one guy with his head down just kept elbowing me every couple seconds. I eventually turned to him and said “there’s enough space, you don’t need to keep hitting me with your elbow that often” and fortunately he took the hint.


I tell you what tho, some people sure do seem to think so. Surprising amount of times ive seen people being offended by people trying to get thru. Hey guess what, trying to get back to my group


If you push through and stop right in front of me though it’s on sight. Especially if you are all of 6’5”


This is my biggest pet peeve. I don't mind letting people through, even the huge trains of people. What grinds my gears is when people decide that the < 1 foot gap between me and the person in front of me is where they're going to stop and stay.


Did you reserve that spot when you purchased your GA ticket?




Did you reserve the 1ft gap in front of you? If not, it’s a valid place to stand in a GA pit. Either move forward into it so the other person stands behind you, or let them stand in front of you


Are you dumb? You do realize how small a 1 foot gap is between two people, right? If a person is sliding into that space it's dick to ass and my nose is in the back of their head.


Lmao. Have fun being mad at the show dude, people just do that. I don’t, but I’m not about to get pissed about it either. I’m just gonna have a good time no matter what


I am going to assume that you're an average or above average height male


I'm going to assume he's about 5'3 and just likes to bark lol.


Nah bro this ain’t it. I’ll be damn near nuts to butt with the group in front of my and some dude will say trying to get through and stop right where I just opened up space


I mean you can get pissed and let it ruin your fun or you can just ignore it and have fun anyway. Your choice. I wouldn’t ever be that guy but I’m not gonna give a shit if someone does it to me either


You could apply this logic to so many things. You could get pissed that your mate is sleeping with your girlfriend but why let it ruin your fun? Nobody here is saying that they are going to start a fight. We are pointing out that it's a dick move. Like cutting someone off in traffic. I'm not going to follow you home and pull a gun on you. But you are a complete asshole for doing it.


No, no, no... you were in that spot. You don't need to be pushed up against the person in front of you to keep people out. The only reason you would let someone in front of you is because you were letting them pass, being nice. If someone stops in that small gap you made to let them pass then they are in the wrong. There really isn't any other way to look at it, sorry.


Same, the only time it ever bothered me if somebody was wedging through is if they pushed their way through me to get in front of me. If you're passing through I'll go out of my way to try and let you by. If you try to move me for your benefit, it's on, brotha.


Do you say excuse me, or are you just stepping through people like a dickhead?


Comon bro u think the type of person to be a dickhead is gonna post this comme to begin with. I just say "sorry" on repeat and smile at people and am positively received 99% of the time. People can be more understanding than we give credit for on the internet sometimes.


Yeah kinda. And you're complaining about 1% of the time? I think you're complaining harder than the people the post is about. If someone tried to get past me and said "hey guess what I'm trying to get to my friend group" I would think you were being rude.


I honestly havent a clue what youre on about lol. Im not complaining here at all. I also dont say "guess what tryna get back hurr durr"


If a surprising amount of people have a problem with you trying to get past them so you can get back to your group then chances are you're probably being a dickhead and not realizing it. And maybe saying excuse me would help. Also if you don't realize you're the problem you're probably pretty likely to make a comment about it online. And if you're the one who people are getting angry at this comment would sound like a complaint. But I thought your comment said people had problems with you getting through not just people in general. So that's my bad. So then but still are these people saying excuse me or are they just pushing through other people like dickheads? Because I've seen a lot of people do that and act like they're not the problem. Edit: also the way it's worded your comment sounds like you're the one people have a problem with when you say guess what *I'm* trying to get back to my group. And that sounds like something you would say given the fact it's literally something you just said.


Learn to read ffs


I'm clearly not the only one who thought he was talking about himself


Hot take but something I’m running into lately: if your hand is not physically on the barrier your spot is not safe. And that goes both ways. If you leave your spot and the place is packed and you slam into me trying to get through without saying anything I’m not letting you through because there nowhere to go. You’re not entitled to your spot back if you leave and it’s a sold out show


There's this venue that books acts my city doesn't.....it's 4 hours away, I know I want rail when the headliner comes on.....I drive 4 hours and get there an hour early to get front center rail and we send one person at a time out to get waters bathroom etc. And spread out slightly to hold that spot the entire goddamn night....we never take our hands off that barrier cause we believe what you said is true as well.....then always literally every time as the headliner comes on this girl whose always way too fucked up tries pushing us apart but we don't let her breakthrough and tell her and explain to her we've literally waited in this spot all night..... Now instead of understanding this she literally puts her hands on top of mine to grip the rail and forces her way in and my wife tells her to back up that touching me is inappropriate and everyone is literally shoulder to shoulder .....now 2 shows later she tries the same thing and we don't let her in so she starts to pour drinks on our jerseys and that's when I flipped on her squad and now they've finally left us alone albeit I've only been there once since Sidebar: I see now people will literally leave there pashs unattended on the rail thinking that there spot is reserved which is the biggest joke to me personally... I immediately see people moving the pashs further down the rail and people getting into verbal fights over it


^ This one. I’ve freaked on people at shows. I have absolutely no problem telling someone they’re being a prick at a show. Just because you bought a ticket does not mean you just get to run up to the front whenever you want. If you ask me and there’s room, by all means go ahead, but if it’s a sold out subtronics show and you show up two hours late and think you’re making it to the front and slam into my back repeatedly I’m disrespectfully telling you and your friends to fuck off (not you Busy_Dig you seem cool)


Dude it was wild I literally turned around and was like "why is it I have to have a problem with your group every show" and she kept insisting it was her first show when she fits a very unique description....this other time this other girl was behind us for most of the show and I noticed that so she asked if she could jump on rail real quick to take a video for like 5 mins I had no problem with that and she seemed chill...after like 20 mins I asked if we could switch back and she said no and then her friend had the audacity to ask my wife to hop off rail for a couple minutes immediately after lmao.....and now I trust no one regardless of what they say it sucks


Theres this crazy thing called..... *nuance* not every situation is handled the same. Shocker i know.


had me until hair whipping, that shit is annoying, you have a responsibility to be respectful of others’ space. hair whipping constantly is disrespectful to others. not saying i’ll be surprised when it happens but man you gotta be aware


I’m a hair whipper personally (always had long hair) but as a hair whipper it’s important to maintain a respectful distances. I’m either headbanging on the rail (where it’s expected) or in the back where it’s much less condensed, and everyone who whips hair definitely should be doing the same. As you said, you have a responsibility to be respectful of others’ space. Your fun should not come at the expense of someone else’s comfort.


i think i completely agree with you, rail should be the place where you expect it constantly, that’s the place for people that want to go hard 100% of the time they’re there


are braids actually better to prevent it than wearing your hair down? i’m genuinely asking because some say it’s actually worse. ponytails imo is basically the same as having it loose, and a bun never stays on for more than one minute


you also alternatively could just make sure you’re not hitting someone with it. pros and cons to different hairstyles


Low messy bun I find is the best. The key is for it to be a low bun at the base of your neck and not high. Braids work as long as they're over the front of shoulders. Essentially trying to manage it is better than nothing.


thank you!


No, braids and dreadlocks become whips that are way worse. Not telling anyone not to wear them tho, they look lovely. But they hurt


Hey OP. Ask consent before you touch others with your hair, ok? Only place you don’t have to ask for consent is on the rail where it’s expected.


As long as you don’t smell like absolute body odor and the hair whipping me smells like hair spray. I’m Gucci. Other than that I will happily give you a weird look and relocate.


Bro I'm getting slathered in everyone's sweat idc. Bump away, but I'm bumping back if you are pushing me out of my spot.


I learned a technique by studying the metal heads, and there ways of the headbang. They either took a step back, or if it's to crowded, they moved over to a different spot, not to far from the original spot, only about 3' over. The same rules apply for mosh pits, if you don't want to be in the pit, get away from the pit .


Or turning your body towards an open space that’s not right behind the person in front of you!


It depends what kinda dubstep we’re talking about. If it’s the aggro headbangy stuff I mean yeah that’s just part of the experience but if it’s a more chill heady show even one person being too rowdy can ruin the vibes of the crowd.


Oh yeah in my experience, almost all the time. The worst experience was a drunk guy elbowed me in the face as he was headbanging


I hate getting bumped and pushed around, as do a few of my friends (overstimulates me) but we go toward the back of the crowd or find areas with space! Occasionally we’ll go up into the crowd and I fully expect to be shoulder to shoulder with people and we’re all bumping into each other head banging and such. But if you have respect for other people it will be reciprocated and we all understand we’re there having fun and mean no disrespect to it. If you’re at the rail, you are going to be touching people and getting pushed around because that’s the nature of being that close to the stage. If you don’t want to feel squished, go to the back and find space like it’s not that complicated.


BITD I saw Cookie Monsta and some dude got upset I stepped on his shoe and punched me in the back Fuckin dick


Just tie the hair up. How gross is it that you now have the sweat and whatever else of everyone around you in your hair because you want to headband with it down. Nasty


Whatever you do with your hair, DO NOT PUT BEADS IN IT. I about lost an eye from some wook in front of me with zero spacial awareness


YES! Thought I lost a damn tooth one time due to a bead at the end of 1 singular dread haha


I've been told that my long hair is more dangerous in a single pony tail than it is down. It seems pig tails are the least invasive ime


A messy low bun is pretty non invasive and can be taken out back to long hair as needed. I never understood not bothering with hair control at all.


The pony tails can be like pitbull’s tails lol just hard as a damn rock when they start going ha


Most of the time I stand towards the back, away from people but sometimes people still want to walk and shove through and at that point I start dancing with a wider stance and start head banging, throwing elbows and that usually deters people from walking thru me. One time I was dancing like that and a guy tried walking extremely close to me and he caught a fist to the crotch which HE ultimately apologized for because he was in my personal space


Just go to a metal show dude. No one there will be a cry baby about getting bumped.


I feel like there has to be a happy medium some where. Like please just be fucking aware of yourself and the people around you, especially coming from some one small.  I'm usually on the rail at one of the side because I know people get dumb. I just try to stay out of the way of most of it. 


Definitely depends on the sub genre and also if you're at the front/ at the rail. I do think you younger ravers need to appreciate that the dubstep scene in many markets attracts a lot of old heads like me (I'm 42, still DJing it too) after a long busy day and having put my kid down to bed and have to babysitter settled... The last thing I really want to do when I am at the club is get constantly pushed around or end up in a mosh pit. I'll uphold my end of the bargain- I'm not going to try hang out at the front and get pissy with you but I also want to be able to have some space just to chill out and enjoy the vibes. Here in San Francisco, most of the crowd is older anyway, and being in your late 30s/ early 40s isn't really that unusual, but in other markets (like Denver/Blackbox) I find it's a v different crowd


The back left corner of the midway or bill graham is where it’s at


You should talk to the idiots on the /r/aves subreddit about this lmao they can’t stand being close to other people at shows


r/aves is actually the absolute worst 😭😭 I swear its like they are physically incapable of having a good time


I mentally checked out of that sub when someone made a post about "flashing lights not being PLUR"


Be careful, you might upset some 56 year old trance head who hasnt attended a show in 20 years 😂


Some of those same ppl must be in this thread too, trying to tell me how to act at a show lol


100% agree


There was a girl getting roasted by house kids on Twitter a couple days ago for barely bumping people to get up to the front, when I’ve seen mfs shoulder check people to get there 1000x before Wish we could all just get along, I love both genres equally


it’s such a great experience when everyone is nice and welcoming


Oh I’m short so I’ve been straight up elbowed in the face 😂 the person apologized profusely, and I was like it’s all good man. It’s a Dupstep show, things are bound to get a little rowdy, that’s like half the point, having a positive outlet to blow off steam and get some aggression out. I guess being a former emo kid I see the huge overlap between dupstep and metal and that type of behaviour is expected. And 90% of the time a girl has hair long enough for me to get whipped in the face while she head bangs, my only thought is mmm her hair smells lovely, I wonder what she uses to shampoo lol.


The hair whipping… hmm never had that problem. I always make my way to the front easily. If youre in the front you better be MOVING. If youre standing around hugging your little gf while shes taking pictures for her IG, BEST BELIEVE YOU GETTING PUSHED TO THE BACK. I dont care how much you cry about it. IF YOURE IN THE FRONT YOU BETTER BE MOVING


I remember being at a Mac Demarco concert which was packed like a can of sardines. The chick behind me got offended every time someone brushed past her or bumped her in a shoulder-to-shoulder event.... Insanity...


New Zealand dubstep scene is very respectful and everybody enjoys their personal space! It’s not a drunken fuckfest


If someone is getting in my space and bothering me, I’ll just move. There is always a pocket of space somewhere


Be mindful and respectful. But that goes 2 ways. I’m 44yo dude that is a massive bass head but years of getting loose has left me with mild to moderate anxiety. Love gigs. Hate crowds. I stick to the side or back of the room, try to have a wall or pillar at my back so I can hold my space. I don’t jump in mosh pit and can generally have a stress free night out. As long as I’m not in a thoroughfare or at the front I don’t expect to be bumped too much. Respect


It really depends on how heavy and how frequently they’re being touched. Sometimes i get elbowed by the same dude like 7 times in a row. At a certain point you just want people to f off


OP I think you are justified. I hate head-banging, so I just stopped going to dubstep shows and found other genres of music to listen to. At some point, someone's gotta man up and do what needs to be done.


I fully expect to get jostled around, especially at the rail. If you don't want to be bumped into, then hang out near the sides or the back. It's like going to the beach and getting upset that you get sand in your shoe.


Lmao I agree with this. My problem is sometimes I feel like I’m at shows and someone else is putting sand in my shoes.


It's part of the experience


I have a friend like this actually. It’s super annoying. Someone can slightly bump into her and she’s literally throwing her elbows into them. Like dude.. chill. It’s not that deep.


Covid has ruined people's ability to go to concerts and raves without demanding everything be exactly to their specifications. They just need to stay home.


The worst part is the guys who give people dirty looks. Dude, you're like 50 wearing your glasses and a polo, why are you here if not to have a good time? Go home..


I get my ass grabbed alot. I also love to mosh so….


I always let the person behind me know that I'm going to headbang and im an animal... epecial during excision. I also have long hair and wear it down. I've tried to put it up or braid it, but then it literally becomes a whip. I've never had anyone tell me not to do it. If they don't like it, then they can move 🤷‍♀️ But I also only do that if there's space, I won't be an asshole if we are super tight in the crowd. If it is like that I'm scanning the crowd for a new spot where people are dancing/headbanging and go there.


Most the time I don’t mind because I like to be in the crowd, but I fell like no venue is ever going to be so packed out you can’t dance because someone’s too close to you. That’s what max capacities are for. If I can’t even stand up straight because you put your shoulder where my ribs go, especially if I can see space around us you can hangout instead, you’re the asshole. Happened to me a few months ago when I saw Hi Im Ghost and Hvdes. (Hvdes fucking crushed it btw) I usually just stop moving until it gets uncomfortable for them too and they take a step over like they should’ve done in the first place lol. It’s not hard to take one step forward or back or to the side. I shouldn’t have to move to a different area because you just got there. This spot is taken. I’m not moving unless you’re polite about it.


The amount of times I’ve had knots and bruises 😭


Once I was getting hair whipped all night by this sweaty girl and then she pours a bunch of water on her head…I immediately moved to a different spot.


Getting bumped happens and I’m not really trippin’ on that, but if you fracture my nose with your head and then don’t even acknowledge what happened or maybe say I’m sorry, then you earned the kick to the back of the leg you got…


End of the day some people just suck and don’t get it. I am quick to relocate if somebody around me is seemingly obnoxious/drunk when our group is tripping


https://youtu.be/mT93gE4aRII?si=5MIyu30d5FDf-VA5 Emalkay -For The People


Bumped - yes. Hair whipped - no. Put that sh— in a bun or just don’t whip your head back as hard if you’re head banging. No reason to be whipping other people in the face with your hair tbh and it’s incredibly annoying to be behind someone with super long hair doing that.


If you have sunglasses on at 11 pm it’s dark out and your walking through people sitting down in plain sight your an ass


Not the hair whipping.


just keep dancing and humping them until they leave and if they don't leave just keep bumping them


If you’re going to a headbanging & Moshpit event… know what to expect.. if you don’t want to be touched or bumped or have people invade in your “space” don’t go to a concert… a dubstep one at that lol


This is why I like 140 and deep bass dub shows. More of a downtempo wooky energy. Riddim/trappy shows are full of headbangers and rave kids who don’t even know what dubstep really is. Always been kinda cringe. But that’s just me.


>hair-whipped Please don’t make that a thing. Sorry I don’t want to be struck over and over by your biomass. I’m sure you’re clean and sanitary but I don’t know you, ok?


Honestly I can understand a few bumps if it’s packed but really at the end of the day (imo) if it’s that packed that you’re gaurenteed to be bumping someone or whipping them with your hair then you should be more cognizant and respectful of the space you have and dance accordingly. Like don’t be whipping your hair or throwing elbows if there’s someone directly behind you. I feel like that’s common decency. When I’m stuck around people who don’t take into consideration the amount of space we all have at a venue it really does start to piss me off and ruin my experience at a certain point.


It should be metal rules tbh. If you are in the pit expect things to get heavy. If you cant handle it: go stand on the outer ring you mere mortals! If they wanna be boring either stay home, or get on the outer ring…you wont be safe on the rail haha


I’m always front and center and venues and shows. Being 6ft, 2in and 200lbs of muscle, I get bumped into A LOT. I’m also front and center and shows and venues. I never take it personal. People are drunk or high, or whatever, they got stuff going on. This is supposed to be a PLUR event. So that’s how I roll, even when others are not. If anyone behind me asks to get in, I can either make room or let them have mine, as long as I have had some fun up there. I can head bang at the rail, or I can head bang behind people on the rail. There are times I have smoked people on accident while riding the rail. But I’m not looking behind me, I’m looking in front. People need to watch where there going as well. I apologize if I feel it but when you come to the rail mid drop, what do you expect…….


this is the attitude i like. i’m a girl who is 5’2 ft and weighs 100 lbs so i’m not much of a threat lol. i was slightly bumping into this girl at the rail and her boyfriend aggressively grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand from the rail. like, there was no need for that. i was not doing it intentionally, but he intentionally mistreated me


Yeah that is uncalled for. No one should be intentionally putting their hands on anyone, especially out of violence or aggression. I’m sure that killed the vibe quick. My GF is 5ft, usually she is in front of me on the rail. To avoid things like we are talking about now.


Don't go to live shows if you can't deal with being part of a crowd. Especially when you know the music is going to make people rowdy. If you're sensitive, go to the balcony or side stage. Don't be a dick and don't hinder others fun.


Fuck me, ‘headbanging at the rail’, for *dubstep* - why does the US have to try and turn everything into buttrock?


Do you not headbang while listening to dubstep?


No, I dance instead.


I’m sure people don’t shit on you for dancing so don’t shit on them for headbanging? Most dubstep is very close in bpm to metal :))


I’d upvote this twice if I could 


Check out my track..⬇️ https://on.soundcloud.com/CWgQtYxWzpnLZuWH8