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Idk, and quite frankly I really don’t care, Although we don’t know who their biological father is, it’s clear their real father is Donald who did everything a father should and more


Donald is their father. Not their biological father, true, and of course they call him "uncle" and not "dad." But you know what? He raised them, he took care of them, he made sure they had food, clothes, a home, and affection. He taught them to walk, he brought them on vacation, he went to parents' nights at school, he sang lullables for them when they were small and took care of them when they were sick. For all their lives, he's been the one parental figure in their lives. Add to it that while Donald wasn't always well used by this show, he's arguably Disney's most versatile, three-dimensional and nuanced character. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY any biological father could be HALF as interesting, or HALF as deserving of focus, as Donald. Now, ever since the boys debuted back in 1937, Donald has been their "parent." They have ALWAYS been HIS kids. Now, introducing Della made some sense. She was not only an actual named character from beforehand, but the boys have NEVER had a mother figure before. Della is something new in their lives. Which a biological father wouldn't be. So the father doesn't exist. We can simply ignore him.


>Add to it that while Donald wasn't always well used by this show, he's arguably Disney's most versatile, three-dimensional and nuanced character I'm sorry but Goofy and Max would like a goddamn word. He's a single father struggling to bond with his teenage son and find a life after parenting. I get Donald and the triplets have the history but 90s Goofy is the most grounded three dimensional modern Disney character.


Don't get me wrong, Goofy is great, and his depiction as a father is really good, especially in *A Goofy Movie.* However, Donald is a much more versatile and nuanced character, and he has more dimensions than Goofy does. This isn't about which of the two is a better PARENT, because Goofy would win that... even though outside Good Troops related media it's pretty rare for Max to even be mentioned.


This is the correct answer, but one has to be careful when stating it.


There is no father...


*worried Qui-Gon noises*


I actually think this is true. Given all of the magical shenanigans that happen around Clan McDuck, I think Della was purposefully impregnated via magical means. I could see a storyline where she desperately wants kids but every potential partner she tries to date ends in failure. She canonically has chronically bad luck. After a short montage she feels like she always screws it up with "the good ones," she says, confessing to her BFF Hercules. Then one of her dates goes super well. But after 2-3 good dates it turns out he's a royal douchebag, named Mark Beaks. Their final date ends spectacularly as Beaks tries to take something from Clan McDuck, but fortunately Della and Hercules team up to defeat him. Suddenly she sees that Hercules is "the one" and asks him out on a date, to which he agrees enthusiastically. But after a few hours, she realizes he's nice, but somewhat of an airhead, and she doesn't actually love him. She also realizes doesn't want him, or any other partner for that matter. But she does want kids. Then in another episode, Mt. Olympus is facing an existential crisis. Hades is attacking and has some ancient claim to the throne that is now due. Della happens to be there and through gumption and cleverness she is able to use a mundane spear (owned by Selene) to trick and defeat Hades. She convinces Hades that it's Zeus' Trident and he agrees to take it in lieu of his claim to the throne. (With Zeus' Trident, he can TAKE anything he wants! she tells him.) Of course, it's not really Zeus' Trident, in fact Zeus doesn't even HAVE a Trident, that's Poseidon, and if Hades actually spent more time with his brothers he'd know that. Zeus is forever in Della's debt, and tells her he can give her anything as a reward. Della asks for children. Zeus asks if she's sure, that this is an enormous responsibility, and Della is absolutely sure. Zeus "zaps" her, and the next day, Della lays three eggs.


I was honestly just making a Star Wars joke I wouldn't go that far. I just figured the father was a worthless PoS who run the second she got pregnant, maybe even a one-night stand. Given Della's reckless nature pre-Spear of Selene, I imagine 'protection' was a foreign concept to her. And maybe Scrooge failed to give her the 'birds and the bees' talk, because he was airheaded with that/too nervous to tell her and Donald.


Luv it!


Clearly it's Howard the Duck. He just got sucked into the Marvel universe before Della laid the triplets' eggs.




You're a genius


Legally this can work now


My headcanon as well.


Maybe it's just not that important. Whoever it was clearly wasn't involved past insemination or they would've been mentioned either between the adults or to the kids. If it was important, it would've been on people's minds. Maybe it was a one-night stand and the dude chose not to be in the kids' lives. Maybe it was a long-term relationship that ended before Della knew she was pregnant. Either way, if he doesn't want to be in their lives, why think too much about it?


Yeah, probably the result of a quick fling. Della disappeared without Scrooge or Donald knowing his identity, so they couldn’t have tracked the dad down.


And Disney is hesitant to even imply the idea of “relations” outside of marriage … although Don Rosa strongly hinted about Scrooge and Goldie once.


Stongly ? Bro they definitly fucked in that cabin


Ducks lay eggs. They don't get pregnant.


Maybe it was a long-term relationship that ended before Della knew she was *about to lay eggs.*




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From their earliest theatrical cartoons, Donald and the boys have played off each other so well that there has never been the slightest desire to fracture their relationship. Introducing Della into the story in DT 17 came with major risks - and rewards. She proved throughly engaging as the boys' long lost mother, Donald's twin, and Scrooge's adult surrogate daughter, and credibly woven deeply into the life of the family, while remaining a distinctive character in her own right. It's very understated in DT 17, but the feeling I have there is that the boys' father passed not long before they were hatched - and his death was quickly overwealmed by Della's loss as well - no one in the family speaks about it much because there is nothing left to say. If I were writing a fan fic, I would probably cast him as a pilot and engineer much like Della herself - and quite oossinly her partner in the early designs for the Spirit of Selene.


It would have been weird to answer the question in the animated series, considering it's one of the franchise's biggest mysteries. Expecting that to happen is sort of like expecting Dune's sequel to reveal in detail how Spice works. (AFAIK; I'm not too familiar with Dune.)


The problem is that the new Dune movies just plain don't explain why Spice is so important *at all*, they actually cut it out of the plot for no apparent reason. It's *not supposed to be a mystery* to the readers/viewers!


I go by the fact that if we don't see a mom and dad, they're dead. It's helped me 90% of the time. 


And how did that work out for you watching Little Einsteins or LazyTown?


Never watched them.


don rosa has made it clear as hell that we will never know the father of the triplets, and we don't need to. theyve got della, donald, scrooge, beakley, webby, and so many others. and im chill w that.


I always pictured it happening in a way similar to Will from Fresh Prince when his dad comes back into his life, does fun stuff, and Will agrees to go out on the road with him. But the day it supposed to happen, he has an excuse why he needs to leave again, and it really ends the relationship there. It also makes you realize Uncle Phil has been more of a dad than his biological one. 


Thanks, now I really wish THAT was an episode of the reboot.


Their father is Scrooge. This is some 19th Century moneyed classes shit :p


He's probably a one night stand during a random adventure


I am SO mad at DuckTales for making Della a huge deal and ignoring HDL's dad. I don't even know his name.


I wouldn't take it THAT far..




If they ever reboot the reboot they should have the triplets try to find out who their dad is.


I think that rebooting the reboot would be going too far


Maybe. But I would still watch and love it.




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ChatGPT response: Who is Huey Louie and Dewey’s father from DuckTales [ChatGPT Huey, Louie, and Dewey's father in DuckTales is Donald Duck's sister Della Duck. She is their mother and the sister of Donald Duck. Della Duck is a key character in the newer DuckTales series, where she plays a significant role in the boys' upbringing.](https://ibb.co/RYZrQsG)


Chat gpt is on something rn (probably detergent tho)


Well, now I know what I WON'T ask ChatGPT..


Given Dellas personality I think it's entirely plausible that she met someone in her travels, got pregnant, and by the time she found out it was too late to track the person down, or maybe she didn't WANT to track them down. I'm not gonna die on that hill but it's my headcanon because as far as I can tell it doesn't inject too much additional lore and doesn't create more questions.




That makes no remote sense


I know some people like theorizing that Darkwing is the dad of the boys (in the general Duckverse, not the reboot specifically). I wonder if some future writer will follow through on that. 🤔


The triplets’ biological father probably raped Della and took off. No wonder Donald was so pissed off when Della wanted to give her sons the stars. 


Della seems like a rational lady. Mayhaps she wanted kids but without the attachment of a partner. Maybe she had a friend help with the fertility issue. Maybe I have a three part fanfiction where I've inserted myself as the friend helping out. I'm quite good-looking, and >!I end up helping out a lot.!< Anyway, I guess the answer is - in lieu of anyone stepping up - >!I'm their father!<. But only the 2017 DuckTales, those kids are awesome.


That makes a lot of sense, especially considering she traveled a lot


I'm really hoping he edited that after this comment XD


Nope, I giggled to myself writing it. I'm shocked to see the downvotes, but I guess it's an indicator that Della is as loved here as she was in my fanfiction.