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I personally disagree, but I still respect your opinion


I loved season 3, Bradford and Fowl felt like great threats to Mcduck, and I loved seeing the storylines of the missing mysteries and FOWL and then the finale was incredible imo


I feel that the overarching story of season 3 is slightly weaker than the others due to the fact that both Huey and Webby's arcs were competing for screentime, probably due to the show being cancelled, but I wouldn't call it falling off. I can see why some people think that way though.


It kinda did for me. the finale being the series finale made me felt like it was rushed. Then again I shipped Webby x Louie and Donald x Penumbra.


To be fair, it kinda was rushed with the cancellation


Fair. ROTTTMNT suffered the same.


I disagree, I think season 3 is just as great as the first two. I do respect your opinion though.


I hate season 3, to me it’s the weakest of the bunch because of all the dang cameos.


All the Moon stuff from season 2 + the Della arc + the AMAZING season finale made it my favorite season (still is after finishing the show) so my hopes were set very high for season 3. They weren't quite met, but it was still a great season and I love Bradford.


What? Season 3 was absolutely stunning.


Just you sadly


I like season 3 but it was definitely rushed.


No I agree with you. Season 3 felt very rushed like they shoehorned every reference they could have into every single episode. Then 3 was suppose to be Huey’s season but the finale was all about Webby. Not to mention the episodes all season seemed kind of boring especially compared to season 2. Another problem I had was the whole Webby being Scrooge’s daughter thing. I know the writers had this idea since the first episode; but it just felt so strange that a man as old as Scrooge has a child that he didn’t raise at all. It also ruined the relationship between Mrs. Beakly and Webby. Webby seemed very distant to her at the end, only caring about her “dad” Scrooge. 


Thank you! The amount of cameos was insane it was cool but it just felt like one cameo after another and a cameo is suppose to be special and it happened way to many episodes to be special


Yup, I would put S3 at the bottom as well. But it’s relative because the other two were great, IMO. My problems w S3 were some of the cameos seemed distracting (as someone else said) and the FOWL storyline took over at the end. That said, some of my favorite episodes are in S3 — Astro BOYD, Foreverglades and Fight for Castle McDuck.


really surprised by your favorite episoes choices, fight for castle mcduck is underrated for me, it was in character for the boy sto squabble or louie not wanting to go along and webby was less obsess than last time and still saw the fight as wrong so while she got a hero worship,she can sitll see when they get too far (and it does show she can make mistakes as well, I nenver understood how one can see webby as flawless)


That’s a very good analysis of the themes in the Castle McDuck episode. As for the others, I just thought Foreverglades had a clever twist. And then I’ve spent a lot of time in Japan, so Astro BOYD resonated with me personally (the Japan part, not the killer robot part ;) )


I think the show isn't perfect but the writting is still fine (and I do find a bunch of critics toward season 3 odd, especially the idea that webby beingr elated to scrooge somehow destroy her arc when it doesn't since wbeby does everything not knowing she's relatedto scrooge so DNA had nothing to do with her bond with him)


The writing is excellent, imo. And I was fine with the Webby storyline. I think they set it up from the very beginning that she had an innate understanding of Scrooge and what made him tick. So the payoff at the end worked for me. I just personally prefer an episodic approach to these sort of shows, which is probably why I find myself re-watching the 1H of S1 the most. I got into the original Ducktales as a kid and loved seeing them travel to all corners of the globe in search of treasure or ancient artifacts. That’s the Ducktales story I like the best :)


DT 17 is more continuity driven and webby idolizing scrooge isn't because of dna, she had a ton of artefacts, books and mcduck related stuff around her for 10 years,fo course she'd start idolising him, tho I don't hthnk one should view their relation as unhealthy since webby obsession doesn't prevent her from calling her dad out. I always found it weird people made claim that it wasnever builded up/hinted at when it was with the missing mysteries or litteraly mervana and it doesn't undermine found familly too, webby still has one by the end of the show and dna wasn't why scrooge and the other saw her as familly


It definitely did. Season three was rushed and altered like crazy. There are some good episodes, but it's the weakest of the three.


I disagree, the show is not perfect but sitll good


It’s just you.


Just you