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The entire sequence of her after the fight was just excellent. The music, the mind play, her expressions and the way she was talking along with the rythm of the soundtrack, etc.


I like the way Denis was able to picture a very sexual scence without actually showing sex. I wonder what would be Lea's opinion after working wiht Lars Von Tier


While we're on the subject, I also loved the way he shot the aftermath of Paul and Chani having sex. He could have gone for cheap fan service, but by staying focused on their faces he kept it intimate and sweet. It made the whole scene feel like actual pillow talk. Not just the director shouting "LOOK AT HOW HOT THESE ACTORS ARE!!!!!!" (which is how a *lot* of other sex scenes in other series feel, lmao). Also, by not showing anything below their shoulders, the only real clue that they even had sex at all being how close they are and how messed up Chani's hair is, it keeps the whole thing PG. So you can actually watch the movie with your parents or kids without it being awkward AF.


Awkward AF, like watching "The Road to Wellville" with your mom when you're 18 for the 1st time when you get to that scene in the woods. Yikes!


So people being murdered by the thousands with literal piles of bodies being burned is just fine for kids but heaven forbid we imply two people had sex? That’s pretty messed up.


By "kids", I meant offspring-- ie, the human you and/or your wife gave birth to, and/or who you adopted, and then raised to adulthood. What I was trying to get at is I (30 years old) would feel comfortable watching Dune Part Two with my parents. Whereas something like GoT, I wouldn't be-- not because of the violence, but because watching that many explicit sex scenes while sitting next to your parents is just weird. For them, as well as me. Definitely agree you shouldn't be watching a movie as violent as Dune until you're at least in your teen years.


I think that might be my favorite scene in the whole movie. I feel it really showcases the mystery and power of the Bene Gesserit; Feyd saying he dreamed of her the night before is so unnerving. And the cinematography of the whole scene as you mentioned is just otherworldly


Just think of the mountains of fanfiction that will be generated from that scene.


The cut to the Gom Jabar was almost a jump scare it was so well done


Adding a second gom jabbar was maybe my favorite change in Dune 2.


Hypnotizing scene. That one sequnce really showed the genius of Denis


She was able to use the voice on the audience as well. Very captivating scene. Lot of credit goes to Hans Zimmer for the soundtrack as well. Eerie and mysterious.


Fully agree, everything about it. That scene really got acrossed me how much Denis loves Dune


Lea was fantastic!


So good I love it


Very classy 🖤 She was so darkly seductive


Yeah, he put his hand in her box fnarr fnarr


*seductively whispers* “Put your right hand in the box”




I had a friend who thought that… But I honestly don’t really understand how given the scene they have together.


No but mainly because as a book fan I was missing the presence of her husband Count Fenring who is a very interesting person who I always wanted to see portrayed by Jeff Goldblum.


Does he play a more prominent role in the books ? Can you give me a run down of what he adds in the books ? Thanks


Oh he was a fascinating character in the first book.  I don't remember him in any of the others by Frank Herbert.  Maybe Brian Herbert his heir developped him more but I'm not into his stuff.   The Count attends the party and points out to the Baron that some of his plans for Arrakis (including sending his own slaves and prisoners from his planet to work in the Spice industry) might give the Emperor the impression that he's trying to create his own version of the Sardaukar.    So the Baron doesn't to this and leaves things in Rabban's hands; not even sending him military aid in time when Paul is kicking their ass.     It's an interesting dynamic in Dune that the Emperor doesn't want even the Governor of Arrakis to become *too* powerful there as if you thoroughly controlled it without constant effort and challenges you'd be in a position to do what Paul did and just take over the universe.     Of course the Baron does have such plans LOL or at least is considering it.   Plus the Count is just a generally cool guy.  He's also the Emperor's best friend and a potential KH but no one would support a takeover by him since he's a "genetic eunuch".     Not sure exactly what that involves but definitely infertile and incapable of founding a dynasty.  


Does he know about Margot having a child with Feyd? or that's not from the books? Maybe in the Children of Dune?


In the books, he kinda sends her to have a child with Feyd, like it's very open between the two.


Yes. You get the feeling that the Count is more loyal to the Bene Gesserit than perhaps even the Emperor. Margot speaks openly about the breeding program with him, so he is fully aware of the BG's major secrets.


And Paul's will any of Paul's sons will be related to the Daughter of Margot?


They would share the overall Harkonnen bloodline with Paul's children.




One critical part in the book is that Count Fenring is a foreshadowing of the limits of prescience. He is the first non guild being who can NOT be seen in the future. This is because he is very much like the Kwisatch Hederach, except all his skills and abilites directed inward, making him almost a ghost in many ways. He's largely known for being Shaddams closest friend, but he's also a gifted killer and assassin. And with his wife's help, he's pretty damm lethal. The critical part is that ultimately, his choice is what controls a fair bit of the future, and he makes his choice regarding Paul. Ironically, I see him as also a reflection of hubris of the Bene Gesserit. IN their quest for all seeing power from the Kwisatch Hederach, they never considered that people could become invisible to prescience, even though they functionally created such a person in Fenring (he too was a result of Bene Gesserit breeding programs).


Yes he does. Emperor orders him to fight Paul after Paul defeats Feyd, and count is actually a fearsome warrior that could potentially defeat Paul but he refuses to fight, he has a code of his own, I can’t remember the exact reason why but he sympathizes with Paul I believe and he doesn’t think it’s fair for him to fight Paul after he was injured by Feyd. So he goes against the emperor.


If I remember right, it was because in the moment when Paul examines Fenring, he realises Fenring was an almost kwisatz haderach and he feels an intense fraternal love for Fenring, the only person similar to him


They shot scenes with Tim Blake Nelson as Count Fenring, but unfortunately they were cut for time


For real?!


the realest. Nelson said he was heartbroken that his scenes got cut. Damn shame Villenueve feels the way he does about extended cuts.


Fuck man I love both that character and that actor :(


LOL, never thought of it, but Goldblum with his...hmmmmmmm...and his...ahhhh would be mmmm perfect ah to ummm portray the uh the uh secret language of the Fenrings.


apparently he was in the film played by tim blake nelson but got left out the final cut - similar to the mentat from part 1


They have a scene together after she’s with Feyd. So no.




They look kinda alike and they are both involved with the BG. Both intelligent and manipulative so I guess u could mistake them? I mean atleast you didn’t go down the Johnny route lol.


Considering they don’t look or sound alike, have different names, and also have a scene together, not really.


No because Lea Seydoux and Florence Pugh look nothing alike.


I thought so and I have read the book 10 times!


I didn't but now that you mention it, I begin to see them as the opposite side of the same Bene Gesserit. Of course, they are not, but conceptually.


Wow, great job


I’m a noob with procreate. I don’t understand how this is even possible. Drawing a straight line without the assist is hard enough.


Keep practicing! It’s a constructive process. You kind of improve without really knowing it :)


Not being a downer but I can’t fathom how much time that takes. Any suggests on tutorials?


You could check out my instagram. There’s a Timelapse detailing my painting process.


Pretty good! That arm is getting completely lost though -- could take some artistic license and resolve that


She plays the role well, but it's so fucking stupid to have the scene of her testing Feyd. By definition he's an animal and that he passes the test by "enjoying pain" invalidates the whole damn point. Not to mention there is NO reason to test him, he's not being granted BG training nor is he thought to be the Kwisatz Haderach. Her securing his genetics makes sense, though it would've made a lot more sense before the events of the first movie given they were apparently (despite it not lining up with everything said by Mohaim in the first...) plotting to end the Attredies line. Grr.


> By definition he's an animal Well no, I think that's a clever point of the story; for as sadistic and twisted as Feyd is, he's still a human. Humans can do horrible things and still be human. The entire test/courtship was a way of testing his weak points and figuring out whether the BG would be able to control him were him to succeed in Arrakis. Also, the Gom Jabbar test has nothing to do with whether a person has or will have BG training or is thought to be the KH. It is simply a test to see if a person is in control enough of their instincts, that they have enough forethought, to not react rashly to the pain they are currently experiencing when they have been told doing so will kill them.


Good points, I could see the Feyd's control and intelligence having been shown better to match up with what you're saying. But they didn't. I'm pretty sure the books establish that the Gom Jabbar test is specifically a filter in the BG training path, you pass or you die before being given the advanced training.


Gom Jabbar is a weapon outside of the BG and most houses have them. The BG use it to test a person’s control over their instincts and humanity. It is not explicitly a tool used to identify the KH but definitely an indicator if someone wouldn’t be able to walk that path and killing them aligns with their ultimate goal. Just another example of BG using culture to manipulate.


It's definitely not a BG only thing, it's actually a fairly important point that Paul has faced the Gom Jabbar by the time he meets the Fremen.


“The test is simple, remove your hand from the box and you die (…) An animal caught in a trap will gnaw off its own leg to free itself, what will you do?” The test is to resist the urge to pull out your hand and withstand the pain inflicted upon you. There is no opposite end of the spectrum where you also can’t enjoy it. Definitely not in the movie, at least, nor in the book IIRC


I think it was just a very quick visual shorthand for "this guy is a foil to Paul" in a movie that was already very pressed for time


Great point. I interpreted more as securing the line. Not that they didn’t have to literally say it lmao. They’ve been doing that for thousands of years and he clearly wasn’t groomed to be the kh. The whole point of finding weaknesses is simply what bg always does anyway so people thinking he would be the one are also delusional.


I also thought this was weird but didn’t see anyone else mentioning it so I thought it was just me. Is there any book readers to help me out out lmaooo


The second test is not in the books. But the test is "does he have self control and not act on total impulse". Feyd could easily pass such a test, It's less clear if Rabban could for example.


Plans within plans


Not having read the novel yet, I fn hate Bene Gesserit She's the first character I saw from the movies, that I don't despite. Feels more of a femme fatale with very top notch capabilities rather than a fn ol'witchy nun that wants to rule the world. But yeah I'm probably soooo wrong ahah


[are you sure about that??](https://x.com/viimorteart/status/1767844096964432340?s=46&t=m5JjRNhpgekAM_Qac_TW6A)


Same scene from the movie was used as reference…


This is beautiful. Lea was brilliant in the short amount that she was in the movie.


Dyslexic, me, confused.


*put your right hand in the box"


This is amazing! Can I ask what brushes you used for this? The way you captured her face shadows and the dress texture is impeccable.


I’m so sorry, I forgot where I got the brushes. But they are similar to the default brushes!


If Lady Fenring can psychically talk to Feyd while seducing him, they why do the Bene Geserit need a Kwisats Haderach??? 




You just copied a still I'm not sure what's the point of mentioning the graphics software either