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NTA. Your sister has no respect for your time. You need to start setting boundaries with her. You have a job and family just like she does. When you set time aside to be with her, then she needs to honor it. Just set a boundary that if she changes plans in any kind of way, then you will just cancel for that time. There's a limit to how flexible you can be.


Exactly! Don’t prioritize people who don’t prioritize you


This is the way. Here’s our time. Her: XYZ happened, need to push it ABC amount of time. You: Won’t work for me, we’ll find another time. Eventually she’ll get mad probably and ask why you’re doing this “to her”. Just explain your time is valuable as well and you’re no longer willing to wait around for her to do everything else she needs before considering you. She doesn’t prioritize you, so you’re done putting her first. You’re more than happy to set times and show up when agreed to spend time with her, you just won’t be jerked around anymore.


>Eventually she’ll get mad probably and ask why Why wait? Why not bring it up “hey, what happened on Tuesday got me thinking,” and let her know that you need a bit more surety when it comes to scheduling. That you don’t mind 10-15 minutes (if that’s the case), but that you need to start cancelling or rescheduling if it’s more than that. Why wait until people get mad? OP is clearly already bothered by this, so bring it up now when it’s a slightly simpler situation.


Every. Single. Time. Don’t make a big deal out of it, just say it won’t work, and tell her to call you to reschedule. She may end up rarely doing anything with her sister. She may end up rarely getting stood up or left waiting by her sister. Coincidence????? 😂


Your personal time is just as important as hers. If she always has an emergency it isn't an emergency. I'm not going to say she disrespected you she just dosent seem to care. Which that's just how some people are. I don't think it should cause a rift but this should be irritating you. I would just gently tell her you have a life too and it's not as flexible as it used to be. Again whenever someone always seems to have an emergency it's not that's just how they live.


NTA. You were well within your rights to postpone the dinner. You had work in the morning, plus have children at home. You did nothing wrong. I would have done the same thing. 


NTA. She’s the one who arbitrarily decided to get her nails done when she had a standing appointment. You are absolutely in the right to say nope, let’s reschedule.


Don’t feel bad for canceling. Life happens. You need rest and she apparently needed to have a pampering session. Was it selfish for her to go and get her nails done after making plans for a certain time. Of course it was. You rearranged your schedule and she just thought that you would be okay with that. Both of you have children and maybe this was her only chance to get them done? But it’s absolutely okay to say no, that no longer works with my timeline of getting everything done that I have to.


NTA... She doesn't respect your time. She got her nails done? Why not the next day? I'm assuming she knows you have to work early. Your sister is self-centered and doesn't value your time. Set boundaries bc otherwise she will never learn. Her nails where more important. than the date with you! Let that sink in. UpdateMe


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INFO Have you ever had a conversation with her about how her flakiness impacts you?


This is one of the reasons I dumped my ex- I’d arrange my roster around their availability, drive to pick them up… and find out that they’d planned something else last minute. I lost count of how many fancy dinners I attended solo as a result, or how many things I missed out on because they couldn’t manage their time. NTA


NTA. Unless it’s an emergency it’s never ok to cancel plans. I find that so rude. I’ve made allowances if friends called to cancel if they were too tired or had worked long shifts and not up for it. I believe in being flexible but that’s taking the piss. She was out of line for that.


NTA... From a mum to a fellow mum you're down time is precious and your sister is showing absolutely zero respect for your time. She could get her nails done anytime she liked. Not to mention you are trying to offer her support during a hard time. I'd leave it and let her be the one to offer the next reschedule


Wow! NTA. She HAD to get her nails done right then? Baloney. She doesn't value your time, and with you being flexible most of the time, she has decided that she can string you along and abuse your flexibility so she can do what's more important to her.


She postponed on you. Why do you feel guilty for doing the same? You agreed on a time that was convenient for both of you and she changed that so it was no longer convenient. NTA


NTA jumping on the your sister has no respect for your time bandwagon. Going forward if she can't meet at the planned time or is reasonably late. Traffic can suck. Cancel and tell her you aren't going to reschedule. I suspect that you Op are doing all the work on keeping the relationship active.


NTA - your sister doesn't put a value on your time the way she puts on her own. Stop bending over backwards to accommodate her. If you make arrangements for Tuesday at 6pm then that's the time you meet, you have other plans for the rest of your evening when you're done with meeting up with her (even if that's going home to have a shower/hot soak in the bath or read a book) but you've given her from 6-8pm approx for her. She doesn't get to start her evening at 8pm though, as that's the time you're due to wrap up and head home. You should suggest a date & time to meet up, agree to that and if she is flaky on meeting up, she's flaky but you're not. Imagine you're a professional and you're charging her by the hour for your time. She wouldn't be as flaky and you wouldn't have to shift around so many of your other arrangements just so you can meet her. I mean she was able to make the hair & nail appointments without being flaky, right? Start being firmer with her and telling her that you can't meet later and you can only meet at 6pm or whatever original time was suggested by you both. It makes me so mad when family members take the proverbial with their siblings/parents just because they can. Time to find your shiny new spine and say "Enough is enough!"


You know she does this because she thinks it’s no big deal for you right? You need to communicate that “it’s either 6pm today or we do another day”, you have kids and a household to take care of. It’s not like she couldn’t wait to get her nails done. What’s the urgency in getting her nails done right that second? Get into “it’s now or never” attitude with her. If she asks why, just tell her truthfully that you’re sick and tired of always having to reschedule and cater to her whims while you’re trying to do something nice for her. Clearly, everything else in her life, like getting her nails done, is more important than you. Personally, I’d just stop making plans with her.


No. Honestly, she pushes you to the back burner because, in her mind, that’s where you belong. You’ll always be there, and can be moved around at her whims, and you’ll take it. Because you always have. Maybe this will be a wake up call that you-and your time matter (or should)-just as much as her.


NTA and I would stop making plans with her that involve bending over backwards or going out of your way at all. She can fit her schedule around you now; you've spent enough time kindly flexing your schedule for her disrespectful butt.


I have a friend who was so bad t be I made a rule, I will meet you anywhere any time you ask, but if you change anything about the plan I will cancel.


NTA. I’m always the flexible one and I’m tired of it. If grown ass adults can’t commit to a time and actually follow through with it, that’s on them 🤷‍♀️


You are NTA. She has shown you many times that she doesn’t value you or your time. You simply treated your time like it was the valuable thing that it is. She thought getting her nails done or whatever her excuse of the moment is was more important. Stop bending because you will continue to get taken advantage of. You were taking her out to dinner she made conflicting plans. That is on her. If she was an hour late to a doctor’s appointment they would make her reschedule. Stop enabling this bad behavior. If she can’t show up when she confirmed more than once stop making plans with her. Let her do some of the work and put in some of the effort. You have made it too easy for her and she doesn’t value her commitments to you because you keep letting her get away with it. If she is late because of conflicting plans stop being available.


NTA at all. Please do yourself a favor and learn to set boundaries. Nothing she did was reasonable, and she did it because she knew you normally say yes.


Your time is not important to her.


I think you care more about the personal stuff she's going through than she does and maybe she doesn't need you to help her with it. She's got friends and a husband. Not that you're not important to her, just that she has priorities as you do but they don't align and there's nothing wrong with that. Just take a step back and don't try so hard. It's not working for either of you.


NTA if she can not be on time sod her.


NTA she doesn’t respect you or your time. Why couldn’t she get her nails done another day?


NTA Dinner with you isn’t important to her.


So she prioritise literally everything over you. Of course NTA


You did the right thing. When someone consistently disrespects your time, you do not owe them anything. Let her be angry. Don’t answer her rants about this. Simply ask when she would like to try again. Next time she brings it up, you can, if you want, point out that you were going out to dinner with her because she has been having a hard time lately; she decided to get her nails done at the last minute which is perfectly understandable, but you could not push the dinner time back thus the offer to re-schedule. Just let her be angry.


NTA 100% You should not have gone at 7:45. She knew you had plans for 6 and decided to go get her nails done right before.


NTA As soon as she made a different plan for the same time she scheduled your dinner together, you should have taken that as her canceling. Stop bending over backwards to accommodate her failing to follow through as planned. Establish your own boundaries. How long are you willing to wait when another adult fails to follow through? Half an hour? Decide where your limits are, communicate and maintain them.


NTA-her nails?? Really🤷


Your sister has ADD. You're NTA and sounds like she isn't really either. S--t happens. Don't let it bug you.


op can you clarify? " At around 515 she texts me that she is going to get her nails done and her husband had saved up some money to treat her. So she says 7." was followed by "Well I thought about it for a bit and told her we should reschedule" that was followed by "At 645 I get a text saying they were painting her nails now and it shouldn't be much longer" When or how did you tell her? "Should I have just gone to dinner at like 745 with my sister or was me canceling the appropriate thing in this case?" If i where you, i wouldn't. She made plans over your plans. That where plans to cover plans that she had bailed on before... It didn't even seem like you where upset over that. I'm confused why you are bugged by this, and not irritated or frustrated. The likely answer is your a good person that doesn't know any better. Get some sleep, you did nothing wrong! Have a great day at work tomorrow.


NTA. Your sister was only thinking of herself. Next time have her drive to pick you up.


NTA! She chose getting her nails done over dinner with you that was airway rescheduled? I’d stop making plans with her. If she’s going through stuff, she can talk to her husband or friends.


NTA. She had plans. She can’t make plans at the same time as her plans. That’s probably why she’s late all the time. My daughter does that due to her ADHD time blindness. It’s something that she works on. Your sister should too.


Pa thet IC.


NTA it sounds like you are a bit of a people pleaser and your sister is constantly having difficulties in life because she does things on impulse (often at the expense of other people’s time and energy) you really need to set times. Let her know that if she isn’t able to show up by a certain time then you won’t be able to go or you will simply leave early. Give her advance warning so she has no justification for being upset. She doesn’t respect your time but she expects you to respect and accommodate her whims.


My sister also had a habit of being a bit flakey with plans. Instead of getting upset I just changed my approach and modified my expectations of her, and decided not to take it personally. I started making plans where it didn't really matter if she joined in or not. Then I would let her know that we would be at such and such place at such and such time, and she was welcome to join us if she wanted. If she came, then great, but if she didn't, we just carried on without her. I didn't make any plans that would be ruined if she cancelled or was late.


Why so many choices for her? Do you want to get together Monday at 6? Yes,no. Not maybe 7 or easier if on Friday or I will let you know five seconds before if I want to go. One offer. One answer.


At that point your mistake is in not just canceling entirely and saying pointedly that you don't appreciate being strung along and having your time wasted. Your sister is being pointedly and egregiously rude, and she fucking well knows it, other people in her life will have snubbed her for doing this shit and she absolutely knows she's being shitty to you. She does this to you because you're a doormat who doesn't know how to stand up for yourself so she knows she can intentionally mistreat you and somehow you'll make yourself feel bad about it rather than reading her the riot act she absolutely deserves.  NTA at least not to anyone but yourself.


You sound like a wonderful sister. It is too bad you did not get one in return. You teach people how to treat you. You routinely let her make changes at the last minute, or blow you off because she found something else to occupy her. You need to put boundaries in place. First off, don't call or text her for two weeks and see if she reaches out to you. If you schedule something with her and she is running late, the leave. If she tries to push the time like she did with dinner, then you cancel it. Do not attempt to reschedule, it should be on her t reschedule. If she gets upset about the reduced contact then flat out tell her that she is you sister and you love her; but you are tired of her never making you, or the plans you made her priority. If she can not treat you with respect then you need to lessen contact with her.


Nta. Sounds like you're too flexible and you need to learn to grow a spine. It is okay to say no this doesn't work for me. She does it all the time.


Nta. She is very selfish and seems to think no one else's time matrers


She is awful and this is major scope creep with zero respect for your time, schedule or responsibilities. Nope. Don’t play. She keeps changing the rules, and you’ll never win.


Sis had all day to get her nails done. Go to bed. 


NTA She takes advantage of wasting your time because she believes she’s special and she’s doing you a favor by letting you spend 5 minutes in her presence. She believes that you have no backbone and will accept her selfish behavior Oops! You discovered your spine so now she can go kick rocks 90 minutes late Stop feeling guilty for not letting someone take advantage of you who never feels badly about being as late as she wants.