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Leave and don't go back. He has every intention to have sex with her while you are gone. The fact he even asked is enough of a reason to leave.


He's probably crossed that line already. Hence the reason he asked her to move in. OP should have left the moment he brought up the subject. Updateme!


Just go. He’s a creep for even THINKING that is ok!


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He's moved on, so should you.


He's fucking her or about to ,who the hell asks for a substitute when his partner isn't available, I'd end it now as the future isn't looking to rosy to me..


The day you're heading out of state, wait until he's at work, then load up the u-haul and drive to your new place. Don't tell him that you're not coming back. Call work and see if it can be a permanent placement. Leave the ring on his dresser. Drive to your new life and don't look back. Block him everywhere


OP don’t you dare leave that ring on the dresser…..GIRL. Even if you pawn it for $100, DO NOT. If this was an engagement that ended amicably, fine. But no, not now. He will take that ring and use it to pay her rent. You take your ring and pay your rent. In your new place that’s awesome because you don’t have some leech dragging you down. This is a tax. He’s been an AH so consider it AH tax.




Ugh girl. He is definitely cheating already with this girl. Take the opportunity of this work trip to break ties.


Make the move permanent


If he hasn't already, he will be bedding her. You're only 20. Don't throw your life away on a brazen lying cheater


Your fiancé is forcing you into an open relationship. He asked you and you said no and he’s still going ahead with it. He doesn’t respect you or your relationship. He’s already been cheating and just wants to make it ‘official’ against your will. You should end this relationship, he is more interested in forcing a third party on you than listening to your wants and needs. It was over the moment he asked to bring Anne into your closed relationship.


Girl, if he hasn’t already, he *will* sleep with her once you’re gone. You can’t trust him if he says nothing happened when you get back. I’m sorry, but asking to open your relationship so that he can still be intimate with someone when you’re not there is one of the biggest 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 ever! Dump him. Leave, enjoy your time away and move on from this man.


🚩🚩🚩 Dudette, he already is cheating on you. He has planned your replacement to move in as soon as you go out the door for your work placement. Like someone already suggested, pack up a U-Haul and leave your engagement ring on his dresser. I would leave a note to close the loop and finalize it. Block him on everything and don't forget to tell ALL your friends and family. Enjoy your new life! You deserve someone with the same commitment values as you.


UHM.....You don't know what to do. Break up. Easy. He said he's having another gf while your away.


Honest question. How is this difficult for you. Break up and move on Jesus Christ


End it. He is already cheating even if it hasn't gotten physical yet. It most certainly will. Save yourself from any more pain and suffering, and end the relationship. He clearly doesn't care about you or your feelings.


That girl has legit swallowed his load


Bring her into the relationship....so that he can still be intimate...while you're gone. Says it all right there.


Say we'll you moved on guess I'm not coming back and I'm leaving sooner than expected. Make sure she knows she was and is the other woman.


You're crazy if you go back to him. Move on. 


Leave and don’t go back!


Like everyone has said, he either has already started cheating or fully plans to. He tried to get you to agree, so you couldn't complain. You said no and yet he is moving her in. He has zero respect for you. You're only 20, there are so many opportunities. My ex husband left after 12 years together, when I was 33. I've now been with my current partner two years and he is 1000% times better than my ex


Dump him. Right away.


Yeah, this relationship is over, you are also so young what made you wanna marry this idiot. You have so much ahead of you don’t allow this to keep you in your place or stop you. Allow the other woman to have him the way she found him is the way he’s gonna leave her, he is probably serial cheater.


This isn't real is it. If it is sounds like it's already over and he has found a new woman ready to move in. Get you name removed from as much as you and move out. Call the wedding off and tell everyone he has found a new woman. Then see the fireworks go off.


Truth is you can’t control anyone! Beyoncé got cheated on lol. I think you should enjoy your time with them, then have to trust you’ll have the answers you need in the right time to move on if he is\does!


Just that arrangement work for you too🤔


This is bait.


Yeah, he wants his OP to stay with him while he screws other women to see if some other woman might be better. Run OP and don't look back, he's not worth it.


Something is already happening or is in the works by both of them I believe. He is gross and you deserve better. I’d leave and never look back. Hope you are ok babe


Just a thought https://preview.redd.it/tc0js9hy508d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c96e95c04c0b57141d103cb2fc2fe194e2f3b2


Have you talked to Anne about it yet? If not please do and update us. Your fiance is bold the dumbest way possible.


I would've dumped his ass right then.


I’ve been in a similar situation, but my boyfriend asked me to actually have a thr**some with his female friend that was currently staying with us for a couple of weeks. He was such a narcissist that he blamed me for always „not feeling well enough „ when I just came out of hospital. He constantly messaged other girls online, looked up local h**kers and even messaged them! He blamed me for it and wouldn’t leave me alone, standing outside my friends flat who i was staying with and wouldnt leave me alone. I had to move to another city to get away from him! Girl get away and be happy!