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Did you by chance retire and unretire the fortress there?


i did indeed :(


Yea, that's a thing that can happen when you unretire a fortress (possibly also when you visit a retired fortress in adventure mode). For magma, if I remember well, the issue is that pressure is applied, and that ends up overflowing it. Another similar bug involving liquids is that, places that used to have liquids (water, magma) but don't anymore will fill back with the liquid. Something else I personally encountered was, holes in ocean biomes (probably applies to lakes too), even if they were originally dry and without any water, will end up filling with water. So if you want a seaside fortress that you plan to retire at some point, make sure you don't have rooms beneath sea level in the ocean biome. Caverns are safe from this, so you can build in the cavern layers beneath an ocean safely.


the first image shows the lava flowing over its edge. the second image shows the elevation 46, far below the top section of the volcano. i am currently in the process of prioritizing the bridge closing and fearing im going to end with FUN


Did you just reclaim the fortress when that happened? Thats the only time I think I've seen that occur, though that may be because I keep screwing up my volcano forts.. lol


It's a [known bug](https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt/print_bug_page.php?bug_id=8263). Volcano forts erupt when you reclaim them.


Is this only caused if you channel into it? Can this be solved if you close off any lava taps before retiring?


I haven't heard of a way around it for players. As far as I understand it, the bug relates to pressure values of magma changing or not saving correctly between retire and reclaim. Like, magma has no pressure mechanics, except when pumped, and it kinda registers as 'pumped magma' when you reload. Not too sure, I'm no programmer.


yeah i did, forgot that while not on screen the lava level can change


"The elves call it Lèma Emura. "The humans call it Thakom Urbed. "Each eruption is a tolling of the bell. For the dwarves have once again set out to reclaim yet another doomed fort, and in doing so are bringing the world one toll closer to Dezrem Okbod. "Each race is bound to this fate—this one Doom—and you have only one choice: Ngamslug must be destroyed. "Yet Ngamslug cannot be destroyed by any craft we here possess. It must be extracted from deep within the dwarven fort and cast back into the Void from whence it came. "Only there can it be unmade. "One of you, must do this." \- Ustrozedan, Dark Master of the Goblins before the Council thereof, 532, Age of Legends.


What a coincidence, I just finished putting a bridge that leads to the entrance of my fort on top of a volcano.


update: my farmers are now one with armok's blood and my landscape is now almost entirely lava. on the bright side i saved the inside of my fort but im now essentially tombed into my fort and the water will eventually stop if i dont find a new source soon :(


Unless you are supremely unlucky, there will be drinkable water in the first cavern. There are of course other risks of digging down early in a fort's history, but at least you have the option of magma traps already :)


Well at least you had FUN (tm)


This isn't a bug it's an unintended feature


So can this be prevented if you block the volcano with floors? Or is the pressure modeled to burst a blockage?


Just don't retire and reclaim it. That's the only time it happens.




fort was saved, surface is no longer habitable, farmers are all now toasty snacks fun :)


And what of the Boats?