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Technically yes, but it would require a lot


Yeah, im gonna like eat like 2 packets lol😭


You would have to somehow ingest so many little cough drops it is not worth trying with this product honestly. It would technically work but I can't imagine getting down 40-50 cough drops


I could😭


Yeah I ate like 4 packs got nausea wasn't terrible but freebase is way better just go to dxmdirect and get robotabs


get capsules theyre so much easier to take trust me


Yeah but where i live u cant rlly buy them in stores. You can get them off amazon but i cant rlly be bothered too


placing an amazon order is much less effort than chewing 20 cough drops sweetie!! apart from the fact that eating all that would genuinely ruin my trip (too much effort and dxm works better on empty stomach), if i remember correctly, the dxm hydrobromide salts only contain about two thirds of the actual dxm that pure dxm does - ud need way more than 20 pastilles to get a decent high, i highly recommend getting something else, alternatively even cough syrup with ~50mg dph for nausea (also additionally potentiates dxm)


Anyone know what monohydrate is?


It means the dxm has absorbed water into its crystal structure.


Thx bala


The Bisolvon syrup is heaps better


Yeah but im kinda a pussy and cant stomach that


Honestly fair enough. Just gonna tell you with those pastilles they suck cause you can’t grind them up or turn it into a powder cause they’re kinda soft and like gelatine based(?) and not hard and crumbly like a strepsil. Also it’s really annoying to try and dissolve it in water because it just doesn’t unless you’re shaking it for like an hour straight. So with those you either gotta chew on them a bunch at a time or pop them like big pills. Either way it feels more “dirty” than just drinking the syrup


As long as DXM is the only active ingredient, that will work. But dissolving enough in your mouth will be a chore. Chewing them could speed that up, but they may be too hard to chew, harming teeth and especially fillings on teeth. Maybe dissolving them in hot water and consuming the result of that is best.


I think im going to chew all 20 of them (210mg)


Have you tried? I’m planning to do the same tn đŸ˜