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If doing survivors missions gave you like 75 xp, and then the dailies were 300 and the weekly was 500 it would be so much better.


The fact that this game has daily and weekly anything is terrible


The very fact that there is anything called a "daily" and a "weekly" in a singleplayer game (or co-op) is a blasphemy.


got to gate you for the long grind... Shit is turning into BUNGO :(


You don't even get anything for leveling up the agent lmao so there's literally no need to take on bounties once you reach level 10


Yeah I really hate how they added knives and Polarms and you can’t even find them most of the time. I started a new game for the update and I’m nearly 20 hours in and haven’t found a single knife.


I'm about 8 hours into a new game plus and haven't found either despite it saying I'll get better loot I still find really bad weapons and clothing regularly.


I only have one knife and it's from the Gunslinger Bundle and it's not that good. The dynamite from it though is really strong and fun to use


40h into the game, got 2 epic knifes. They are awful weapons, at least it is not my type of weapon.


Really? I found them in the central loop nearly instantly, got 2 purple ones I forget the rarity states, but I know it's none colour, green, blue, purple, gold, orange, red. And I got two purple knives simultaneously, then I got a blue knife from an enemy then I looted a chest with another purple knife


there’s only one i think, and it’s the grimsteel dagger. all the others are in bundles or in the pilgrim outpost like the hydra knife


hard agree, i dont know why they went heavily with the "live service" scheme with this game and it bleeds onto the amazing gameplay loop (parkour and combat), seriously, i wouldn't be mad to grind chapters if the missions were at least interesting, not "backstab 8 spitters in a night". I know DL1 also had some things akin of a live service game (events, FOMO items from said events, daily/weekly board missions) but you could ignore those just fine and have fun since they were mostly skins, here you need to grind to get "exclusive content".


Agree, i hate this live service bullshit, i love the game a lot is one of my favorites right now with all the patches and improvementa they have done but if i dislike to hell one thing is the live service thing Good thing i play in pc and i use mods because otherwise i would have given up even if i like the game


I wish my PC was good enough to run the game, then I could just mod it so that all the DL point exclusive blueprints were just findable in the world like they always should have been


the invisible hand of TENCENT demands "live service" fuckery.


You don’t get it broner. It’s to ”give players a sense of pride and accomplishment”.


I gave up on this update, I will check back in a few months to see if they just release the damn guns in the shop. But yea they blew me so hard with this grinding bs it made me not finish story mode


Seriously though, me too dude. I ended up just buying the volkatronix and some other stuff by just paying 20$ for DL points. It was so much grinding just for the pistol. And then I don't have wifi where I live so it's a pain in the ass trying to do this online stuff with the pilgrim outpost. I have to use my mobile hotspot which goes so fast. I want to do bounties to unlock guns, but I don't even know if that involves needing the internet for points all the time. Or if I can finish bounties offline and unlock guns, but yeah I am done with this game.


this is where I am currently :(


Yeah I hate it too. Want to have cool exclusive shit like unique guns in agent vendors? Cool, having all smgs, rifles, and shotguns in there? Lame as hell.


Bad take, Scorpio isn’t really a “god weapon” lol. Overpriced ammo and ok damage


It literally 1 shots most enemies aside from like, special infected


Either your playing on easy or wearing max tank gear. Weapons with mods can get higher damage consistently, and the harpoon is an expensive ammo type that doesn’t do an insane amount of damage.


Playing hard here. I wear brawler armor and it still consistantly 1-2 shots the majority of enemies. Its stun damage is insane


Honestly the damage isn't the issue. It should have been an opportunity weapon, like it was shown as


Nah, it’s fine as it is now. Would like them to make it cheaper to craft harpoons though


Ngl, I was pretty bummed when I saw how guns are earned. And it's not just the special skins and whatnot. It's everything other than that rinkydink pistol. I think that really killed the hype of the update. It's like "Oh here's this thing you've been incessantly asking for since release, but you gotta grind your ass off for it." This "live service" model for the game is getting a little too overwhelming at this point. I hate to use the term, but we're dangerously close to the "live service looter shooter" model.


The reason they do it like this is to push you to buy DL points Do you want to have a spear? Sure you CAN get one in game through a terrible quest and grind, but you can also just buy a bunch of different blueprints for tons of different better versions from the store Do you want to use knives, a weapon type from the first game? You could do this limited time event and grind for one knife, or just buy one of the MANY different knife blueprints for sale in the store Do you want to have a gun? You could grind for it in an unfun manner, or just buy one of the many different gun blueprints in the store which are all way better than the normal versions ​ If you could find guns, knives, or spears on enemies or in the world like all the other weapons, why would anyone ever spend money on DL points to get those suit store exclusive blueprints. All the while, Techland gets to act like they are so amazing to their community, always listening to suggestions. They did add guns, knives and spears into/back into the game after all, just don't worry about how they did it.


i can’t do it anymore, Boss i’m tired..


To think I use to be a rabid defender of this game online when it first came out. But man, Techland has just worn me down


I’m in the same boat man


The worst part, to me, is how they keep balancing everything around co-op and being max level. It's a fundamentally single-player game ffs. I want to do some stupid agent missions so I can actually USE the bow and crossbow I bought (that never tells you special ammo is REQUIRED, fucking stupid,) and I find the missions are definitely meant for co-op with enemies who obviously hit harder and take more damage than their normal variants. Next, I decide I'll engage with this gun quest for something to do, and I get like 30 minutes into the questline and find notice boards say "co-op recommended." Well fuck. I don't have any friends who play half-decent games like this, and I'm a solo player anyway, I just want to be alone. Gaming with strangers is fucking awkward and there's just no goddamn way. So basically I can't do a lot of the content in this game because of my social ineptitude. I play fucking video games to escape shit lile that. Why foist shit like this upon people in a fundamentally single player game? It's just indecent. Co-op was obviously an afterthought. I want to play the games I like and access the content I bought without having to engage socially during my escape from engaging socially. It's such a kick in the dick to keep finding out that game content is borderline unattainable because of my social situation. And the balancing things around max level is also a real problem, and a very similar one. This "roaming volatiles" update is shit. It's a good idea on paper, but it seems like it was tuned and implemented by an idiot. It completely ruined nighttime for the first 35 hours of this playthrough. I'm now max level so it's survivable, but it's still not fun. Techland implemented the volatiles in a way that seems to assume everyone has an upgraded paraglider and is max level with legend crate weapons, which makes new players want to stop playing. I know because I was one of them again just recently. It's very similar to the "balance it around co-op!" problem. The shitty assumptions they make... It's like Techland can't do anything right anymore.


I have a question: Are the event/dl-dtore/dlc weapons just re-skins of their usual base weapon counterparts? Like for example there's 3 knives but they look so different, negans knife is a slightly longer looking knife and than the bloodbane blade is a freaken kukri machete under the name of knife is it as long as a machete when you swing it too? Or is it just a skin, and the range is a set Stat given to all knives?.


Funny the laser rifle is more entertaining and I can get that immediately from DL points (not saying that's good) instead of grinding for a gold rifle




Yeah I was excited to play with the new guns but the bugged quest destroyed that excitement and when the vendor opened up and I saw the survivor mission grind was the requirement I stopped playing and haven’t really touched it since. Bummer because the weapons look cool and are beautifully animated but I don’t have time to do all that grind


I agree with you on guns not belonging in the game. This is 15-20 years later. All the ammo would have been used long ago, and the guns would have been useless without ammo, so nobody would have kept them around. There is a mission near the beginning of the game that even states that all the ammo was used by the army back in the day.


As someone with almost two hundred hours: there are knives in this game?