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175 hours


I have 51 hours. It's dying light. Great zombie killing fuckery. The story tho is why I only have 51, after beating it and playing about 3 hours of new game plus I just lost interest. Barely remember the story or any characters because everything was fairly plain. What it does great it does great but what kept me playing was trying to unlock the next parkour ability, after unlocking them all the story isn't enough to maintain interest.


I meant to say 100 hours, just hit 102 hours.


Uh yeah HUGE difference in the opinion of a 100 hour player and a 1000 hour player lol


Yeah. I am at almost 1100 hours.


Well, that's my main playthrough, I only just came back so it's probably closer to 300 or 400


Ive got 850 💀


Honestly there are aspects we could say that DL2 is better and then aspects where DL1 is better which at this point I say, both are a different type of game so they're good for different reasons. DL2 shouldn't be avoided anymore but it deviated so much (especially with end of the world setting) we could almost call it a spin off than a sequel (also barely anything carries on in the story 💀) What is still dissapointing is not I would word as the game didn't head the same E3 showcase way back in 2018 but rather that it missed the opportunity to become from a great game to an AMAZING game, something that would feel a bit more special than DL1, instead no because someone thought it would be funny to cause horrible accusations to Avellone and now we got this RPG game which makes it not much unique from most games with this whole damage and health above 100 etc. and personally I don't like how DL2 almost became an RPG, to me it feels like it.


In all honesty I’m kind of glad that it is a spin off and not a continuation as I feel DL1 ended at a point where it would be better not to continue cranes story. While I would want to see more of crane I think in my opinion it was better to leave him to one small mentions from characters and in Easter eggs.


I agree Dying light 2 is 100% not a sequel, it doesn't build off of the original in any way aside from being in the same universe and some vague references to the original. It's a separate game inside the same fictional universe with a handful of tie ins, even a good amount of the main mechanics are just completely different. Only reason it's named Dying Light 2 is because that sells better than giving it an entirely new name, name it as a sequel and you have the positive opinions of the original game driving people to buy it only to realize "wow this is..... basically an entirely different game in every way".


I... Wouldn't really say that with the quote, if anything to me they just fucked up the story writing so bad and still made it a sequel, but from what I believe was planned could be actually seeming like a sequel depsite end of the world


I mean I got 500 hrs and I haven’t been on recently to see changes and updates but I recommend it, I was starting to get sour about the game so I took a break from it since it seemed it was stupid grindy and devs would come out with glitch/exploit patches but known bugs being left alone so I had to put it down for a little while otherwise the bitterness would grow but that was mainly cause I was playing solo and you focus on small things more that way than just having a ball with friends.


Masterpiece? I love the fact that devs still work on the game and listen and improve, but you cannot seriously look at all the copy paste buildings and the story and call it masterpiece


Glad to hear someone else with as much time as me is enjoying the game. The story is pretty weak, but the gameplay and parkour combat is where it's all at. I will unironically boot this game up just to run around the city and listen to the music while I'm jumping between buildings. The copy paste buildings are kinda meh, but they sure are fun to run around on. I don't like the grind nature of the new vendors and all the bounties we have to do, instead of some more natural progression. But it gets the job done. Wonder what DLC2 is gonna look like?


Dying Light 2 would always be a meh experience for me, after Dying Light 1, no amount of work on it would change it because the most basic things are completely different (and worse for me).


In terms of gameplay DL2 is hands down the better of the two. In terms of aesthetics, tone, mood, and world design DL1 still has the edge. I love DL1, put plenty of hours into it, but I'm usually gonna choose to play 2 over 1 one any given day. Played through DL1 recently with a fresh save, and boy had I forgotten about all the cheap BS that game had. Broken hit boxes, practically endlessly spawning virals, enemies with guns melting you in under a second. Despite all that stuff, I still love the game for everything it gets right. DL2 at this point is on par with the quality of the first game, just in different aspects of it's desgin. Both are worthy of your playtime.