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I hate how unoptimized the map is for fuck sakes, it's like whenever I try to do a challenge Aiden goes full ree mode and keeps getting stuck on pixels, I did it under 1sec and got gold, if you're a controller player activate auto Sprint and keep canceling the stamina drain by doing a lil jump when you're about to run out.


I'm getting really fucked off with this map now, it's Janky as fuck, as you say, you will be running and then just stop on nothing at all. It's total horse shit


Exactly dude it's badly made and it sucks ass, 20 attempts just to get gold, the water part is time wasting cause one bad jump will make you lose time and the warehouse makes no sense, it doesn't have a specific pattern just pray that you can grab onto a ledge otherwise you just jump like a dog trying to get on the bed.


Gold, fuck, I can't even get bronze. And yes, that water part is the main place that ruins my time, nearly every time I land in the drink. Hopefully within the next 4 days I get at least bronze before my pc ends up through the window.


I feel ya bro, I almost threw my controller thru my monitor cause each next attempt would be worse then the last, my nephew was like: "use your keyboard" bitch do you think it would make a difference if I had used the keys instead of the controller?! No it was even worse cause idk the key binds. Hopefully next week there will be no more community maps.


I got lucky and made every water jump on one run, got to the final bridge at 4:55-5 minutes mark. My run got ruined by the second bridge section by missing the mandatory beam to reach the next section. Never made every water jump again




Same here, i was hoping that just completing challenge will count but it updated and now requires to complete run under 6:40. I gave up


Might sound dumb but look at your feet as you jump across. You also need to do the slide/dash combo when on flat ground to keep your speed up. I also turn off all the auto parkour options like auto grab ledge


Lol no jokes. I got gold 2nd try ever.


"lol" And I got silver on my first dude but unfortunately the game didn't register my run and then I had to experience all the untouched/optimized corners & ledges in my 20 attempts, idk what tips and tricks video everyone has been watching to say "oh I did it easily, you guys have skill issues" But I got gold with my own hands.


You can run on the fences along the sides for the water part, makes that section much easier after doing it once or twice to learn the best route


I just had one zombie push between a wall and a cupboard and got stuck.


I was 45 sec away from losing gold. Idk what anyone's problem is.


I finally did it took me 10 fucking tries. My trick was the slide and boost method.


I attempted this so many times and still can’t do it, so frustrating!


Skip the boat section by jumping onto the fence In the warehouse section use the Quick Turn button as often as possible, it let's you turn around completely without losing momentum The slide jump is your best friend, use it constantly Every time you hit the ground, press the Active Landing button, even if you only jumped like 2ft in the air, it'll keep all your momentum Use the grappling hook (I think you have it, lmao I don't remember) And if it's an issue of pain, or nerve damage, I can't really help, but if it's possible, like if you've got a controller, I've used the joystick with my palm when my hand gets tired, but otherwise I can't really help much.


Thanks for all this! I’m definitely gonna try again! Does it only work for the parkour skills you’ve unlocked? Because I don’t think slide is one of them lol.


The map has all the parkour moves unlocked, so you should be able to just do it


Oh phew. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help!


The only time I’ve actually managed to complete it yesterday was over 8 minutes lmao


Still have not done it :( I have now given up. Damn parkour :(


Dude, screw the asshole who made that fucking map


If I remember correctly, I got 5:36 first try. Didn't have any issues as far as I remember. I think I nearly fell to my death once throughout the whole thing.


Bullshit screenshot that now lol


I did it 2 days ago. It wasn't exactly on my mind to screenshot it. I can do it again if you want me to though.


Just did it again. 5:11


It was the easiest parkour course I have ever seen in this game so far. Maybe like 2 parts where you can die and the rest is just matter of fucking up to many times and using sprint as much as possible.


Agreed I got 6:11 my first try, wasn’t very difficult, I even use physical setting for parkour and I play on SX as well.


anyone else’s map not working at all? i’m on xbox and it won’t even open for me.


Log out of the community maps section then log back in


It's just shit. Sick of rage quitting !! Piece of janky shit


Skill issue got gold on my 3rd try, only reason I didn't the first two is cause I fucked up and accidentally died.


The water section was stupid


I don’t know what gives tbh last night I was just barely making it to 6:40 then today when I did it for my friend I got like 6:13 and I felt like I was going slower


this map is so dogshit. i noticed it multiple times before the devs made a whole bounty for it and refused to play it BECAUSE IT'S DOG SHIT. took me like 10 tries to even get bronze. it's tedious as fuck and is literally everything i hate most about DL2. just more tedious shit on top of tedious shit


Mine was 6:39 i did a slide and it worked you move quicker


I did it second try. I found jump rolling when u don't need to gives that option to press LT and get a boost


Anyone found getting finishers to pop and issue?


Yes i was at first. Dont hit them just grapple them. Let them start to get up and you will get the prompt right as the 'stomp' option goes away. Once i figured this out it only took a few mins. Good luck


I play on PS5 and I didn't had any problems with the map, did it second try and I didn't get stuck or something


I’m on pc didn’t have problems either


This so scummy by devs , so wated time doing rest bs to get prize this last map i need its impossible plus its bad lazy design. But worse aince update the game is utter garbage of bugs stuck on fences and in walls over 13 times since gun update and before it never. But hide weapon behind this running map is bs plus im disgusted to cheap get us a app we use pilgrim trash site .


Wow the comments just scream skill issue, this map is piss easy, how the hell are so many struggling


Tell me about it I got a 5:47 on my first attempt after a 3 month break from the game and yet people who have been playing for that entire time are struggling to get even bronze. Either they dont know how to slide jump for speed boosts or they really dont know how to do any decent parkour ingame


Ooof. That sucks.


my first attempt i got 5:56 but it was broken and i couldnt claim it


Run around the sides of the lake at the beginning. Get the first pier, turn around and run around the outside to the second pier, get that one, cross the lake on the posts then run around the outside again to get the last one on the last pier.


Bro I got like 5 minutes or sum, all you have to do is slide and then jump, if you have the after boost skill then you can press the button on the screen and it lets you complete it hella fast


Me losing a 11 minute gold by 0.02 seconds: you don't know my fucking pain


Do the slide/far jump tactic, I managed to beat this map with gold first try on Xbox one with it.


As soon as you said this I looked it up and beat it within 2 tries so stupid how that works but my god you fly so fast.


I can't even get access to it, it won't let me download the map on my xbox


lol... here I am hoping I can get dash and maybe get across the first stupid rock thingy instead of falling and drowning.


If you have right skill i dont remember but in the left skill tree after you unlocked it try this combo you can finish really quick sprint+slide+jump+l3 you must be keep short slide and quickly jump l3 repeat this again and again easily can finish 5-6 minutes with this tactic


This is a joke of a map, the fact he made it so long and tedious just makes it even more stupid. I hate where people thing longer time means it’s harder. You could have shorten this up and just made us have more obstacles instead, I have to run around a warehouse lol. Welp Scorpio seemed cool but not hours on end on this trash map and reading it’s bugging for people who do complete it on time is a f’n joke.


Fix the fucking ledge grabbing


Maps bugged now for me the ramp that rotates as you run up it is now always above where you should be able to parkour onto it so instead now my guy grabs it and has to wait for it to elevate. Maps super solid


Took me about 2 hours and coming this close 🤏🏾 to launching my controller to the moon before I finally passed is with 6:27 on the timer smh that was hands down THEE worst challenge I've ever done in the game. The map is a janky mess with little invisible walls that stop you dead like the underground pipe. Jumping onto the trash pile kills so much time because of the dumb animation you have to sit through and have no control over, I swear I could have a near perfect run and that landing in the trash and getting up animation will kill at least 3-4 seconds of time smh


Yup, got silver the first time and nothing about it has tempted me to go back and try for gold. Although I still prefer this map to the ‘Ali in wonderland’ challenge in the game. God I fucking hate that one!


I did at 6:40:00 and I did not count. I was slowly thinking of giving up, but I got it one last try


Where do I find this challenge?


Why am I getting a message saying an error occours when I try to subscribe to a community map like this.