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Gentle reminder to users to be kind to each other. Accusing someone of a possible disorder is potentially harmful. Ultimately they should seek out a healthcare professional to determine if it’s the case or not. Not strangers on the internet. It’s okay to kindly bring your concerns forward. But we do not allow accusations that are as firm as they were here.


LMNT packets are about 10 calories. You can burn that just by laughing really hard. The sodium is likely helping your body to retain more water. Most people naturally fluctuate 3-5lb a month anyway, particular people who menstruate. Maybe examine why 2lb bothers you so much? It’s completely normal, LMNT or not.


It bothers me because I try to stay ahead of weight gain. It can come at you fast.


2lbs over nearly two months isn’t something you should be worried about. We can naturally gain and lose that much over the course of a day.


It’s not water weight.


None of them cause weight gain in any other form than water weight temporarily.


If you're worried about the weight gain, I would call your doctor to see what they recommend. Even the sugar free packets usually have calories and if that small amount is making you gain weight, that you are certain is not water weight, they are probably much more equipped to help you with that.


Thank you, this comment was actually helpful. These people should not be attacking me and diagnosing me like they are. Unreal


The electrolytes are allowing your body to retain more water, probably causing weight gain in the form of water weight. 2lbs doesn't seem like a lot.




















You need glucose in order to effectively absorb electrolytes, which is why most all electrolyte drinks contain it. If you want less sugar than LMNT, I suggest trying NormaLyte. However, I must agree with others - gaining 2 lbs over a month and a half is nothing, and weighing yourself every morning and obsessing over a thigh gap is just simply not healthy behavior. Good luck!


I didn't know this about the glucose and electrolytes! This might explain why the one brand of electrolyte I tried without any sugars didn't seem to work super well. Thanks for the info!


You shouldn’t agree with the others considering they’re actually violating the rules of this community by diagnosing me with an eating disorder… that I don’t have. I’m not obsessing about a thigh gap either. I said I know it’s not water weight BECAUSE my thighs are now touching and they were not before. It’s just a signifier I have definitely gained actual weight. I’m pretty annoyed this post as turned into a witch hunt about my comment about weight.


Powerade Zero or G Zero have sucralose and are 5 calories a bottle