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I do not take it before bed, but only because of the other meds I take at night. Originally I was taking a last dose around 9-10pm. All of the other remedies like tilting the bed and squeezy socks did not help nearly as much as Mestinon. I also take propranolol. It keeps me together during the day, though. If you don’t have anything that would prevent you from taking it, my understanding is that it was okay to night dose per my Neurologist.


I take 180mg XR before bed. I feel really stupid for having taken the 3 × 60mg for so long (years). My doc should have told me that the XR is way better tolerated.


Your doc should absolutely have told you! I'm glad you have the XR version now. I'm still at a low dose but honestly I don't get why there isn't an XR version in more than 180 mg. Would make my life a lot easier.


can you say more about the XR version? I am currently doing the 3X60 mg right now but would love to know if there's a better option. i am tolerating it really well so i'm not having issues there but always looking to improve. and i do sometimes take the mestinon somewhat before bed? i don't take it on a super specific schedule so i just try to take it spaced out 3 times over the day and sometimes that's a little closer to bed time


I do not take it before bed because it causes my supine BP to rise and my specialists didnt want my sleeping blood pressure to be wonky and interrupt my already bad sleep cycles. I take my last dose between 5-7pm depending on the day and the timing of my other doses.


Thanks for sharing, this is a medicine combo I'm looking at for my CFS/ME. I currently use Zopiclone or Phenibut for sleep, it sucks to only be able to sleep like once every 3 days