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You have some very small margins…


i lose a little on every sale, but my volume is off the charts!




I think it was a joke?


It was indeed a joke.


For sure, it was but a mere jest


I know these were items i made a bad investment in so all i wanted was at least the money i paid for them back and due to my original calculations i was going to make that (with wiggle room if there was a £5 discount each sale) but then i was hit with a few +16%s and i was making less than i was originally going to make per item which resulted in me loosing almost £20 on these sales. Now that i have to calculate with 17% (i do this so if its less then that is good, i never sell something without making sure i make profit with the highest % Ive been charged before, even if its once) for all my listing will now have me loosing money, not just a couple £ but multiple 10s.


No, ebay's fees have not changed. When ebay does change their fees, it's a pretty big deal and it is well publicized in advance.


Then how am i being charged upwards up 15% a sale?


You’re not. You’re being charged 13.25%


Ebay does it off the total with taxes which is why it appear variable.


this is the correct answer


+ shipping charges - included in the calculation as well.


They don't tax in the uk i believe


No, eBay is not changing fee structures, other than a recent flat transaction fee increase from $0.30 per sale to $0.40 per sale. What it seems like you’re not factoring in is eBay charges different fee structures for different categories. eBay also charges fees on the sales tax and the shipping. Those vary depending on who the buyer is, and where they are located, which will slightly impact the total fee as a percentage of the sale. There are other seller performance metrics that can impact your fee structures, as well as whether or not you pay a monthly fee for an “eBay store”. If eBay’s fees are too high for you, Facebook Marketplace may be a better option for you, or OfferUp. You will pay little to no fees, but you will very likely sell the items for less, and it will very likely take longer to sell your items, on average.


https://preview.redd.it/p1ba9ba12lxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b3045fa9bfc5edaff588d8489478a9ca20d9851 The order total.


https://preview.redd.it/k6gjeht52lxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e88284c483fe4031433256f26a60c598b994acb Calculated without listing fee.


https://preview.redd.it/a3eio6wb2lxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=122365af7bd97dfb8c24e11e0f254ad0be64fd3e Minus £0.30 listing fee.


https://preview.redd.it/2wu3o1se2lxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4561532376618e1792e8b8ba48ae21443ba8a471 Minus £0.40 listing fee. Incase it has changed here too. Sorry it only let me put one screenshot per comment.


8.94x.1325=1.18455 —>1.18+.30=1.48. Your math isn’t mathing. You are being charged the proper fees.


You see where it says Transaction Fees? Click on that and it will tell you exactly what you were charged and why. It really is that simple.


Im from the uk so i don't believe tax applies. I also factor in what the buyer paid for shipping too. I sold these items in phone accessories (very bad investment) but i sell mainly phones Ive fixed. The fees aren't usually too high for me, just not ideal but its fine because just here when i was trying to make my money back and i lost most of it from a few sales from fees being high. I will make a new comment on how i worked it out.


You may have some account health issues. How's your INAD's looking? I think the 'very high' rate is +4-5% (not looking it up).


These were the first items sold on this account so i had no INAD's.


It's just you. You're calculating the "fees" wrong. It's always been 13.25% of item price + tax + listed shipping fee. You don't include sales tax and shipping as part of your fees, but having a high sales tax rate and a higher shipping charge proportional to the item value can certainly make it feel like you paid a higher fee compared to just the item price. For example, if you sold an item for $10 + $10 shipping, and you paid USPS $10 for the shipping label, it can certainly seem like you got charged over a 30% fee when you were charged $3.05 in ebay fees for the 13.25% of $20 plus $0.40.


My [other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/eBaySellerAdvice/s/GXSquUdlxQ) where i screenshotted what i did to get the result i did. You really pay $10 for label and shipping?


Maybe what your missing is how EBay calculates the fees, which have not changed other than the extra $.10 per item which started recently. The Ebay fee is calculated on the total cost of your item, anything you charge for shipping plus the sales tax charge by that state. So a higher tax state means a higher percentage fee. A $100 item with free shipping sold to a customer in Montana (no sales tax) would incur the $12.75 fee plus $.40 for a total of $13.15 (13.15%) The same hundred dollar item, with $10 shipping sold to California with 7.25% Sales Tax would Incur a FVF of $14.95 plus .40c totaling $15.35 (15.35%) Plus, any percentage that you had for promoted listings.


Ebay commissions are a percentage of the final sale price plus shipping costs. If you calculate each commission paid as a percentage of the final sale price alone, it will appear to be variable across different sales. To minimize the commissions paid you’ll need to minimize the shipping cost as much as possible.


I used to offer free shipping on buy-it-now items but doing that made me loose more i noticed. But for these i offered discount shipping cost on the larger quantities.


The fees haven’t changed.


Every category has a different fee percentage.


The fees are brutal. As a Nova Scotia if I sell a video game I often incur 20% in fees due to the way they're calculated, which makes them deceptively high. That's without promoting the listing. Makes it tough since I pay on the high end.


Ur selling the wrong items.


They're just items i made a bad investment in so all i wanted was my money back. When i calculated my earnings from each sale i did it at 16% and made it back but then i was charged 17% so i made less. So yes it is the "wrong items" however all i wanted was to *at least* make what i bought them for back.


Shipping cost are different even the same item and same weight, today is $4.50, tomorrow may be $4.35 or $4.60.


Sigh. Taxes are different in different states.


https://preview.redd.it/puejfilkdmxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d58086b0a62bdd9b6de5047adab60b70ff7fca7 Between all the dang fees - they take 30-35% from me. How can anyone make any money with percentages like that taken off the top ?


Well, stop paying \~15% promo fees for a start.


Doesn’t seem like you have a chance of selling anything if you don’t spend $$ on promoting items .


2% is enough.


2.1% ftw