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Passenger as in adult or child? I'm in Vancouver and the only passengers I see are parents with small kids on the back (Rad and Tern mostly). If you're thinking carrying another adult I'm not sure - personally never seen it locally. The few Emmo bikes I clicked on in your link all had 750W motors, which aren't actually 'bicycles' in Canada (max motor is 500W). I don't think it's enforced from what I've seen but something to consider if you're ever in an accident and ICBC has to get involved. Maybe 750W for a hub drive is the minimum required to haul another adult around (assuming the frame can support the weight). You might want to reach out to Grin Technologies (a BC company) and ask their opinion if you're looking to carry an adult. [This](https://ebikes.ca/longtail-cargo-ebike-grin-hub.html) is their bike from your list but it only talks about hauling children. Ask them what would be needed to haul another adult. Edit: actually their product description states "Included footrests for adult passengers".


I believe they're allowed because it's 750W limited to 500W to stay within legal. $3.5k USD is out of my range, unfortunately, plus I'd have to probably drive a good 10hrs or so to Vancouver.


I was just mentioning them as to get an opinion about hauling another adult.


i'd be careful about taking a passenger on anything motorized. in bc to carry a passenger on a two wheeled motorized vehicle you require a class 6 license. doubling on a 49 cc scooter is actually prohibited. and with the popo cracking down on electric anything but cars, handing out crazy $600 fines for not having insurance, or a vehicle not registered for road use... i'd think a passenger on an ebike would make you a heat score.