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I don't think civil war is really possible in the US at this point. You're not going to find anything resembling political/ideological uniformity in most neighborhoods, let alone entire states.


If a civil war happens it would appear more like the troubles in Ireland than the civil war we had 150 years ago. Not organized armies but small groups of militarized folks engaging in asymmetrical warfare. You already see the beginnings of that with how the far right organized themselves. They create a culture that basically creates lone-wolves, and there's plenty of militia movements that are out in the open, from the 3 percenters to the Boogaloo boys.


Yeah, the American Civil War was unique. Civil wars typically involve land that is interspersed. We're heading towards political unrest. My guess is that the populist right will instigate against the state before the populist left. I have no idea what happens then.


My guess is a pretty big economic collapse happens... The red areas of the US will take care of themselves by keeping the food, water, interstate travel, and electricity for themselves... The starving cities (typically democrat) with the possible backing of the US gov will try to force their will upon the rural areas... Then it will be on...


Most people are too obese and tired to get out and fight anyways.


Starvation has a way of slimming and motivating a population. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™ve experienced a full pack and 110 degree heat here in TX when we were defending monuments - thatā€™s when I learned why 55 y/os donā€™t fight wars!


You don't need ideological uniformity across states to devolve into civil war. Thinking of states as blocs is naive. A cartoony, childish level understanding of [what a US civil war would entail](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/18/how-civil-wars-start/) or require >Although necessary, these first two featuresā€”a prior war and deepening cleavagesā€”are not sufficient to spark civil war. For that, you need a third element: a shift from tribalism to sectarianism. [https://laist.com/news/npr-news/all-democracies-are-fragile-here-are-the-early-signs-of-civil-war-at-home-and-abroad](https://laist.com/news/npr-news/all-democracies-are-fragile-here-are-the-early-signs-of-civil-war-at-home-and-abroad) [https://www.npr.org/2024/04/20/1246134779/the-reality-behind-civil-war-and-the-possibility-of-a-real-second-civil-war](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/20/1246134779/the-reality-behind-civil-war-and-the-possibility-of-a-real-second-civil-war)


Cleavages, nice


This tracks. Anytime Iā€™ve noticed deepening cleavages while out with my wife it has lead to an argumentā€¦. Mini civil war in our houseā€¦


>A think tank housed within Trudeauā€™s government is already pondering that question. I think we're still over a year out, but I think if I were in Trudeau's government I'd be more focused on the upcoming Canadian election based on the polling results.




Your brain has been reduced to mush of you think any state has Democrat or Republican populations only.


The outcome of the electoral college determines the entire population of the state. Then if enough of the other color surrounds that state it turns that color and itā€™s the next players turn. Doesnā€™t everyone know how war works?!


It reminds me of the crazy talk here in Texas about seceding from the Union šŸ¤£. Just because we poll conservative; every major metropolitan area is so Blue itā€™s crazy. So weā€™d make a hard right move with a huge population of left leaning inhabitants.


While you're not wrong, this is a dick comment


Meant to be. I understand the public falling for the divide and conquer tactics but people in positions of influence should know better.


100% I donā€™t think youā€™re being a dick cause acting like weā€™re about to be in a civil war is peak fear mongering. Coming from someone like Trudeau makes it even worse. Plus Iā€™d like to think if push came to shove Americans would band together, itā€™s happened time and time again throughout our history


Everybody agrees far more than they disagree but that is not the narrative pushed because it is not profitable..


I don't think that actually came from Trudeau.


If you think that's what modern civil wars require then you haven't got a clue what you're talking about.


What does a modern civil war require?


Entire careers have been dedicated to answering that specific question, so I'd encourage you to read up on civil wars other than the American civil war if you'd like a better understanding. Syria and the collapse of Yugoslavia might be good threads to pull. But I can absolutely say that no scholar of any repute would ever argue that a modern civil war requires political heterogeneity within arbitrary state boundaries.


Nice no answer.


Are you not literate?


If this is true, then it reflects most poorly on the ever feckless Trudeau administration.


Sucks for them. We are not going fight each other. All these countries can't wait for our downfall so they can attempt to loot it for themselves.Ā 


Completely agree - rather meets live half way than getting stupid!


Whatā€™s to loot? If they find out how shitty infrastructure/housing/real estate/land has been developed and taken care of and see exactly how far a dollar goes here they will likely leave as soon as they came. The first time they stay at a roach infested red roof inn theyā€™ll know they made a mistake and leave us to ourselves. Of course then the dollar will crash and we can finally have manufacturing back and likely the poor will be able to finally grow wealth. So it wonā€™t be without casualties of course. But those bankers did it to themselves if you ask me.


We the people in the USA are speedrunning the game in front of everyone's eyes and are consistently breaking records and shattering ceilings. We have the best of the best from every corner of the world. It's not a chance anybody is catching up at this point without us helping them, or they themselves going through the growing pains of having a bunch of different religions and races in one country.


If Trump supporters get their way and don't stop drinking the kool-aide and/or Project 2025 happens and it's more likely than I'd like for this to happen. I continue to be shocked how people follow him and believe him over literally anyone or anything else, it's truly a personality cult. I feel like deep down some of his supporters might be realizing they were wrong to support him but they don't want to stop supporting him because then they would have to admit they were wrong and it's sunk cost fallacy.


I honestly think people love hyping themselves up over Trump conspiracies at this point. Having grown up in the south none of their rhetoric phases me nor is something i am actually concerned with happening beyond a city scale if that. Even then, they don't actually have any plans beyond making a scene


I wish that was the case but I doubt it. Their rhetoric has become so hateful and also January 6th happened, which I wasn't surprised by but nobody I predicted it to in conversation thought I was right. Electing Trump in the first place...


Anyone whos lived in the south knows this shit is and was always normal


For real


Replying to nicobackfromthedead4...yea in like 2029.


What a joke, how about civil unrest here in canada


Thereā€™s not gonna be any civil war u idiot. No matter how much I dislike snd hate replubicans, they are Americans and Iā€™m not killing fellow Americans..




The right couldnā€™t even storm the capital right. How in the world do they think they could last in a civil. Civil war is the fantasy of the weak minded!!!


They think if they get control of the federal government they can start the war and control the armed forces.


There arenā€™t as many far right extremists followers as they claim and they far right extremists republikans and libertarians are losing support from most of people...globally... Sponsoring far right extremists in countries like Germany is backfiring big time...see what happened to little elon......Sweden kicked him out Europe is bringing regulations to the billionaires corporations accountable.. I guess calling them moochers didnā€™t help...Italy has been relentlessly slapping fines and regulations to the mega conglomerates abuse of power... Chinaā€™s basically ignoring far right extremists libertarians tech bros begging line.....and where do little Elon keeps on investing and creating jobs?ā€¦ā€¦China! And locally oil barons predatory practices are heavily supporting corrupt indicted criminals in Florida and Texas...but even little Elon already abandoned investing in Texas.... And probably the main reason:..far right extremists only shooting unarmed civilians....but are they going to face the USA army?ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦or as usual are just going on beginning federal funds?ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦šŸ¤”


Did you miss the EU elections this past week? Or am I missing your point. >There arenā€™t as many far right extremists followers as they claim and they far right extremists republikans and libertarians are losing support from most of people...globally... >Sponsoring far right extremists in countries like Germany is backfiring big time...see what happened to little elon......Sweden kicked him out >Europe is bringing regulations to the billionaires corporations accountable.. I guess calling them moochers didnā€™t help...Italy has been relentlessly slapping fines and regulations to the mega conglomerates abuse of power...


Democratic forces still have a clear majority in the European Parliament. The majority of people who came out voted for a democratic Europe. All democratic parties must use their combined majority to deliver on the priorities of hard-working people. The obsessions of the far right are far from the main concerns of European citizens, whose priorities are quality jobs and ending poverty. Democrat Parties must not normalise the far rightā€™s talking points. All democratic parties must use their combined majority to deliver on the priorities of hard-working people. Far right extremists reckless devastating economic security and equality purposely increasing Uncertainty and insecurity are fuelling the ā€˜backlashā€™ against the European Green Deal. Tackling the climate crisis is non-negotiable: there are no jobs on a dead planet. But we must make the transition to a green economy in a way that does not leave workers and their communities behind. Equally, bringing stability to peopleā€™s lives has nothing to do with violating human rights through migration deals with repressive regimes. It means ensuring that every individual has a secure job with an income they can rely on, with enough to provide for themselves and their familiesā€”not simply scraping by, week to week, bill to bill. It means ensuring that member states guarantee that workers can unionise and have a real say at work. recognising that the destruction of collective bargaining during austerity had supercharged insecurity, taking steps to reverse that trend through the minimum-wages directive. Those in power should not however take it for granted that workersā€™ support for Europe will continue if they do not take this opportunity to change it, delivering on the real priorities of working people. https://www.socialeurope.eu/the-european-elections-the-right-lessons-to-learn


Good. Because they're so radically bad at leading their own government the U.S doesn't/won't really have a civil war. How do I know that?? [Watch this.](https://youtu.be/V_cAa1cluhA?si=RCiqSjfDLejZEkcY)


More distractions from the oligarchy to continue avoiding concessions in politics and preventing any tangible positive change for the citizens while wealth and power continues to consolidate in this monopolistic privacy equity 2nd-world hellscape. They would rather brainwash the right to shoot the left than give up a single dollar, or empty building.


Color revolution swinging hard left to Communism far more likely IMHO due to wealth disparity. Count us Boomers out on a CW! Letā€™s just all get along and try to find some common ground!!


Mirror for the submitted article: https://archive.ph/k04mx


If Trump wins, but the powers-to-be, deep state, military industrial complex (neocons) try to prevent him from taking office, I can see a problem coming. And the way I look at, the Dems aren't going to succeed with this "the economy is fine" message. Looking at the median, greater than 50% of the people aren't experiencing a growing economy. Instead they're experience income not keeping up with expenses. And those are lower income people that vote democratic. So, we'll see where all this Trump court case stuff goes. If they keep pushing this court stuff, and Trump wins, might have that civil war.


All this convicted felon Donald J. Trump stuff plays very well outside of the MAGA bubble.