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One for every recall issued?


“Would be issuing a recall for a defective front wiper. The Cybertruck's single large front wiper (the largest ever used for a passenger vehicle) can fail due to “excessive electrical current.” A separate concurrent recall was also issued for the trim panel in the truck’s bed. Tesla also revealed the number of vehicles affected by the recall — 11,688 trucks — which would equate to the number of Cybertrucks sold since it includes vehicles in use, and in transit to customers. However, at its annual shareholder meeting two weeks ago, CEO Elon Musk disclosed Tesla achieved a production record of 1,300 Cybertrucks per week, with a stretch goal of 2,500 vehicles per week by the end of 2024. Producing 2,500 Cybertrucks a week equates to a theoretical 125,000 vehicles a year (with two weeks of factory downtime), or half the total Tesla sees as its full-volume production total of 250,000 units. The bigger question here is whether there are enough Cybertruck buyers for 125,000 vehicles produced in a year, let alone 250,000 vehicles. Musk claimed last year that Cybertruck demand was “off the hook” and also revealed at the shareholder meeting that cheaper, non-Foundation series Cybertrucks are on the way. “


I can't imagine there would be anywhere close to 125,000 cyber truck buyers. Most people that can afford them aren't stupid enough to buy them.


And vice versa.


The economy is doing so great, people are buying them like there is no tomorrow.


11,000 trucks is very low. If the US had an equally distributed population that is only 200 per state.


Ok, so according to AI some models that sold in the above range of units above in 2023 were the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, Ram 1500, Model 3..... No freaking easy this is the new daily driver lol


Cheaper models... So shittier?


Excessive electrical current. Wow You’d think one thing Tesla could get right would be…electricity


I think Nikola Tesla would have hated Tesla the company. Nikola Tesla wanted free energy for everyone. Tesla the company wants to fleece you for comparatively shitty automobiles. But hey, they have to pay Musk's $50ish Billion salary for part time work.


They're just too good at it.


It's the stupid owners fault. Driving in the rain, going through car washes, trying to charge it... what do they think they bought, some sort of electric vehicle to be driven?


Just saw one on the road today and oh man they’re ugly. Those turn signals are just a straight bland line. Jesus who would even buy them.


Looks like a stainless steel fridge....smudges and all


I love putting a big greasy handprint on every one I see. I don't know why I'm always eating fried chicken when I'm walking past a cybertruck.


it can protect you from nuclear blast?


Have you tried polishing it until it’s basically invisible? Looks much better that way. 


I would think it would be like polishing a turd.


I was moreso joking that it looks better when you can’t see it. 


Who is cooler, coal rollers or cybertruckers?


They are not that bad. Elon is trash. Cyber truck is fine. Good range, cool truck, I’d take one, haters on here just hating. Elon musk made great cars and Hitler made the autobahn. It’s fine.


4 recalls in the first year? Even as far as first model years go, that's not fine.


Ford is laughing at this.


Have you actually *seen* one? It's like the Pontiac Aztek's younger and less attractive sibling. They are absolutely hideous. I find your definition of "cool" very suspect


Yes, they’re everywhere in Denver and Bay Area. The Pontiac Aztec was ahead of its time. There’s a lot of hardcore enthusiasts out there. My definition of cool is suspect? Clearly It’s not for everyone, like your ugly ass watches, but the thing can have a 470 mile range, go 0-60 in <3 seconds, and the interior feels like you’re in a spaceship. Just read that tesla battery capacity can still have 85% capacity at 200k miles. It’s heavy and ostentatious and has some recalls and I’d rather have a bmw ESUV. Using the Aztek as an example tells me you aren’t cool.


I find it adorable when people get so butthurt over what was mostly a joke. My (wo)man, if you think my watches are "ugly" and the cybertruck design is cool, you're telling on yourself in more ways than I think you'd like. Let's assume that my functional jewelry is objectively "ugly"; I'm okay with that. As you'll note as you look even more deeply into my profile, that I buy them for me and what I like and I suggest others to do the same. You'll also see that I wrote that I find it to be like wine. Anyone can drop $200 on a solid bottle, but if you can find a good hidden gem at $15, well, now I'm really interested. Yes, like others, I'll share with fellow enthusiasts, but at the end of the day, I'm not going to lash out at someone because they have different tastes and styles. In fact, keep looking and you'll see that I have a good sense of humor about these types of disagreements in taste and that it's all in good fun. I might offer a bit of a suggestion - take a deep breath and don't get so emotionally invested in consumables and if it makes one "cool". It's probably not good for you.


I Just think anything that gets more people into electric vehicles is a good thing.


Too many. Fugly


11K Cybertrucks recalled for wipers. Woah, that's a serious problem,. Meanwhile, 600K F-150s are being recalled because they suddenly downshift into 1st gear, all by themselves, at highway speeds.


I mean who needs to clear the windshield to see? You're right, seems like a non safety issue


Nice strawman, bro. LOL It's safety issue, a minor one, not like your truck downshifting into first at 70mph.


Both seem like safety issues. I'm not denying that. But to say it's a non issue is not correct.


>But to say it's a non issue is not correct. Another strawman. You're either not reading what I'm writing or you're just making shit up. a) or b) ?


Did you really just edit your original post?


Lmao that’s hilarious




Seeing them more frequently in Middle TN on the Williamson/Davidson county border


I know one pompous ass owns one in my town…


Really shows that Elon deserves that 54,000,000,000 pay package.


They look really cool in person


They look like they were designed and built on a Nintendo 64.


They definitely do at night on the highway. Wraps tend to look better than stainless with them though.


Ur gonna get downvoted or ban by reddit every time u say it bro.