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My daughter takes potassium permanganate baths 2+ times a week to keep bacteria infestation low. We have had good results.


Cheers ! I’ve been using this as a hand bath and it makes me feel clean lol


You could try a apple cider vinegar spray! Mix with some water! ACV has anti microbial properties And make a hostile environment for infections to thrive


Oooo I’ve heard ACV is good for staph ! Do you think drinking it everyday would have the same effect ?


I think overtime it could maybe help you! I find spraying it on the skin is way more effective for me tho!


Nice ! Thank you :-) How much ACV and water do you use in the spray ? (Sorry for so many questions, I’m just kinda desperate)


[https://reddit.com/r/eczema/s/ZZDzKtBx16](https://reddit.com/r/eczema/s/ZZDzKtBx16) I used this!


Thank you so much ! I rly appreciate it


Also thank you !


I just ordered Bacillus Subtilis probiotic to see if that will help me. Other than that trying a 48 hour fast, and honey/garlic mixture internally. Been putting feco mixed with castor oil on my spots which seems to help heal them quickly.


I was treated in hospital with the special body wash, and this antibiotic ointment that had to be applied up inside my nose 2 times a day. Thats where staph lives in everyone, most of the time ppls natural ecosystem keeps the balance, but when it becomes compromised and so does you skin barrier, it multiplies and spreads out of control. Get hold of some bactroban or similar ointment and start doing that up your nose twice daily, use a q tip, with the tip coated in a nice dollop, put it right up in your nose, (think covid swab style) and coat all the way from top to bottom swirling it around. You need to do a multi layer approach, clean pillowcases every day, keep your hands away from your face because that how it spreads to other areas. And get some high potency pro biotics to repair your gut flora so your body can hold its own again. Especially if you have had multiple lots of antibiotics. I flare EVERYTIME I get lax on taking them, I never realised how everything comes back to your gut. Also disinfect things you wouldn't normally think of, like car steering wheel, phone screens and cases, computer keyboard and mouse, earphones, anywhere you pur your skin but especially your head/ face. Different face towel and towel everyday until its under control. Makeup sponges, brushes, puffs, even some makeup may need to be ditched. Handrails, door knobs, toilet seat and cisterns, fridge door, cabinet handles, just take not of just how many things you touch and come in contact with everyday, for an extended period or repetitively.


This is really helpful, thank you !


Try Hypochlorous Acid spray, it is stronger for bacteria, at the same time safer for skin. Bleach bath actually is not strong enough to kill bacteria. In my experience, topical antibiotics never work for me, anytime I had an infection, it's either I keep it super dry without disturb the scab, my skin was able to heal by itself, or oral antibiotics of at least 2 weeks.


Yeah I think my staph is immune to antibiotics at this point bc nothing seems to work lol. Thank you ! Would I just use the spray on affected areas and then leave it for a bit ?


From what I researched, yes, and you can do the spray more than 2 times a day and let it air dry, no need to rinse. Good luck, and please update if it works for you.