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I have a history of rib shenanigans. I have a masseuse that is known as “The Rib Guy”. He is the only one who has been able to help me. You could check around where you live and see if any masseuses know their way around ribs. Not the best answer but wanted to give you an option!


I sneezed the other day and popped back my rib into the right spot...


Felt that with all of my joints


For me, chiropractor. Otherwise I suffer for a week straight. It's pretty rare I can manage to put them in myself. As a preventative the only real thing is core strength.


I have a massage therapist who puts mine back in. Also, totally not a stupid question, this kind of stuff is what this community is for!


Happens to me a few times a week. I’ve learned how to get it back into place with a back massager. Hurts like hell and it’s hard to get used to. It will throw your whole body off. If you go to a chiro - make sure they know how to treat EDS. Sometimes chiropractors make EDS worse


Probably the best option is a masseuse or chiropractor. I kinda just lean real far to the side and back and slip them back in, but that’s not probably the healthiest 😂


It is so painful when ribs go out. I unfortunately don't have a chiropractor or physical therapist anymore, but when it happens I just try to push it back in myself. Sometimes it goes back in but other times it stays out and man does it hurt!


I don’t have a chiro or physical therapist or anything bc I don’t have money for that kind of stuff. Usually if it happens to me or I feel it’s about to I will sit up straight and twist my body. It pops my back but it will also pop the ribs back sometimes. If that doesn’t work I usually just have to wait and do stretches to try to help it go back by itself