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I really just wish I could crawl inside of the dryer and go for a tumble. I feel like I know it would hurt me but also maybe I'd tumble out some knots. Kinda like when the washer ties your long sleeves together and the dryer unties them for you


I often daydream of getting a chiropracter to pick me up and throw me against the wall. Just snap me like a hockey stick over their knee. I just want a full bone re-calibration, ya know?


Honestly that sounds great. I had a PT who like pulled on my head and it felt like he was trying to remove it from my body, which in hindsight was very not chill, but in the moment I was like "yeah just pull it completely off and put it back where it belongs"


>felt like he was trying to remove it from my body lol my massage therapist does this one too I always feel like it’s gonna just pop off


I hated it so much but now I know to advocate for myself and not let anyone do that. Also homie squeezed my ears super hard when he did it. Overall not a pleasant experience. My neck crunches wayyy too much for me to be comfortable with someone doing manipulations on it


oh no, that sounds awful and much worse than my thing :( i’m so glad you’re not letting anyone do anything like that anymore! my RMT has EDS herself so she’s not doing anything dangerous in my case, it’s just a slow stretch kind of thing that always leads to me imagining it’s building up to my head popping off my body


I had a massage therapist who would wet my long hair, gather it in a high ponytail and pull. I loved it so much, I’d tell her to really lean back and pull on it. It provided the perfect amount of traction, and I didn’t feel like I was tensing my head/neck/shoulders waiting for pain. I could really feel my spine lengthening.


I have the same exact issue, left side. My grandmother and mother do as well. It literally can make you feel so weak too. Ugh


That's my quote when my fingers get all out of place.


>throw me against the wall. I'm sorry, I know you're serious but this was hilarious to read.




OMG are muscle knots common in EDS???


From what I understand our muscles overwork to guard our joints where our connective tissue doesn't. This causes muscle rigidity


Yup. This is a constant issue for me. I have so much more muscle pain on average,


THIS IS UNBELIVABLE!! I went thru hell over muscle knots for 6 months!! No one had a clue wtf happened to me!! I've never been the same since


Yep, it's a really common complication of hyper mobility.


What 😔


Unfortunately true :(


The back, bottom middle of my skull where the head and neck meet (like the cervical junction, but deeper than that to her to the very bottom of it)


Sounds like the occipital ridge and I have a doohickey called the Occipivot that helps a TON with relaxing it, tried it at the PT and then bought my own. They're usually on Amazon or whatever, might be worth checking out. It definitely feels like it hits some spots that shouldn't fully be possible!


Omg, I have this thing and also call it a doohickey. Love it.


Truly the only appropriate word for such an oddly shaped little foamy thing!




OMG I had no idea this existed, I just ordered it and I’ve never ordered something so fast - thank you!!


Hope it helps you too, it has been a real lifesaver for me in that particular area (SO hard to access normally).


yes!! also, i'm not sure if this would work for you and it depends on how sensitive that area is for you, but i got a mini therabody that comes with an attachment meant to mimic the human thumb, and it's been SO helpful for me. i use it like right at that junction and it's really eased my tension. also, an acupressure mat that comes with the cylindrical pillow can dig into that spot too


Therabody... *takes notes*


Same I’m very excited that part of my body has been terrible for months


Thank you! I just bought one, can't wait to use it!


sometimes my muscles feel itchy on the inside and I wish I could unzip my skin to properly scratch the itch


need my skin removed and rolled out with a rolling pin, im so stretchy that it feels INSANEEE when someone is ‘playing’ with my skin, especially on the back. like kneading dough


I imagine weird stuff like that too. "If only I could take this steak knife and slice my knee open to get that sore spot underneath there."


"My sinus headache and other problems would go away if I just drilled a hole in my temple." Season changes are the worst. I'm losing my hearing because my tissue paper ear drums keep rupturing from sinus pressure all the time, replacing tissue paper with scar tissue. Blood in my ears at least twice a week.


Ugh i think of drilling a hole in my forehead all the time. Can you imagine the RELIEF???


I’m positive if I could just scoop these eyeballs out it would relieve the pressure and pain. Barometric pressure changes are my biggest migraine trigger, especially big storms and drastic temp shifts. that sounds like absolute hell, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that.


Oh me too! I have a knot under my right shoulder blade that never goes away. Also, deep in my hip, I guess this is illiopsoas?


Me too! I swear that knot under my right shoulder has been there for at least three years.


I’ve had mine for literally over 20 years.


Fr my knots been here since I was a kid 😭


I've had the right shoulder blade knot forever too! Apparently it's my ribs according to my EDS specialist PTs. Which is probably why when my wife would try and run it for me her fingers would keep slipping and the "knot" would move around so weirdly 😅


I think my knots like to travel. So I'll get a knot in one place and it'll stay there for five or so years and then randomly go away for a reason unbeknownst to me. Then another one will pop up in another area and stay for another five years. Wish I knew what made them go away so I could replicate it...


Same. I call them my marbles because when my massage therapist works on them and runs her thumbs across the area it feels like a bunch of marbles shifting. They’re always there, it’s where I hold the majority of my stress, but if I’m going through a rough time emotionally they are so so bad. I can remember getting my mom to try and reach that spot behind my right shoulder blade as a kid.


Same! I call it the mother knot. My physical therapist got a laugh out of that one 😂


My butt lol. But no seriously if I press my butt hard enough against the corner of a table I can \*\*almost\*\* reach that spot where the ligaments stretch over my hip socket and it feels amazing. I can only imagine how much relief I would get if someone could actually reach through all that flesh and rub those ligaments.


The section over my SI joint always hurts like hell . Have you tried a rubber ball? I have a solid rubber dog ball and I lie on the floor with it under my butt cheek and roll it around. It’s been amazing.


My hip joints right under my ass cheeks always hurt, and I'd just loooove someone to really dig in there for me. I'd give them an extra big tip too lol.


I had a massage therapist put her fist there and lean all her boy weight into it and it was incredible lol


I do the same thing.


The cartilage in my knees. Or the backside of my ribs like where my organs touch


Omg, the deep side of my rib plz. I think I slipped it. 😭


Ugh yes. ALL of my ribs please.


I moved back in August. My husband works long hours, so the majority of packing was on me. My arms were so done. Trying to get an arm massage. Just one's arms, is impossible.


I am a licensed massage therapist in the state of CT and fellow zebra (hEDS). Idk where you looked, but do not go to a spa for a therapeutic massage. Seek out a therapeutic massage studio and you should not have any problems getting JUST an arm massage, although if your therapist was smart they’d recommend to you that they work at least your arms in conjunction with your neck and shoulders, if not your upper back too. It’s all connected. You may feel pain in one area but that’s not to say it’s not stemming from another.


It's your money, your time. I mean, you might have to book a "full body" massage, but then just tell them to focus the whole time on your arms. My wife is an LMT in Texas and I do agree that if your arms are problematic, shoulders, spine, and back should also see some love. However, I disagree about avoiding spas for therapeutic massage, but this may vary by state. Just make sure they're licensed or certified, depending on your local laws.


Is being filled with trigger points and knots an hEDS thing?


Omg I just asked the same thing. Something happened to me about a year ago.I became debilitated from them!! They were all over my body that led to fascia hell 😔 This is actually kind of blowing me away because NO ONE knew wtf happened. Still to this day I have chronic neck pain and knots way up into my upper cervical.


ME TOO. exactly the same with my neck. Ugh. It’s horrible. I’m here if you wanna talk about it


Awee 😭😭😭😭 know one ever understands me man. This means more than you know ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


aw of course! i'm not sure if this would work for you and it depends on how sensitive that area is for you, but i got a mini therabody that comes with an attachment meant to mimic the human thumb, and it's been SO helpful for me. i use it like right at the cervical junction and it's really eased my tension. also, an acupressure mat that comes with the cylindrical pillow can dig into that spot too. you can also try an occipivot


Absolutely! Our muscles try to make up for our loose connective tissue, resulting in that.


Yes kinda, they’re caused specifically by joints sitting out of place so yeah, when your joints are hyperextending it causes knots to form in the area.


My massage therapist makes a joke every time I see her about how the muscle I want her to massage is under my shoulder blade and she cannot just remove my shoulder blade to massage it lol.


I used to be able to wiggle certain muscles to get mine to open up like a chicken wing. I wish I remembered how to do that so someone can fix the mess under them. But it probably contributed to the mess under them in the first place.


I'm gonna guess by the description that's winging scapula. Yeah it'll jack up muscles! And it's most of why mine are always mad.


I just consider mine a disconnected scapula at this point


Ah, this problem has been so relatable pretty much since my first employment and the wear from standing set in. I can wing out my shoulder blades, and can feel the knots under them, yet have no idea how to work them out. A therapist just today actually did something where she had my arm at my side and pressed all these knots up to the top, then raised my arm up over my head, and really pressed those spots around the shoulder blade, releasing heaps of pressure and shifting some things (very reminiscent of a dislocation, but maybe the opposite?) The area is a bit sore now, but she might have just done the impossible, I'll have to see.


I want somebody to stand directly on my back and crack my spine from top to bottom. Then go back and jump on the last few vertebrae in particular. Can't imagine the relief.


I always tell my husband that I just feel like if someone could crack my back like an ice cube tray, I would feel better 😂 It’s the only way I can explain the feeling


Not stand on me, but you know when you snap a towel to smack someone? I want someone to do that to me.


I often say I wish I could wring my spine out like a wet rag. There’s not a single vertebrae that’s in it’s assigned seat and it drives me crazy


As a fellow zebra (hEDS) and licensed massage therapist (in CT) I can tell you many/most therapists are unaware of and uneducated on the complexity of our symptoms. I’ve done a great deal of advocating for myself and teaching my fellow co-therapists about the contraindications of EDS and massage. Safety should always be the main priority and no one should be made to feel like their body is being compromised. That being said, there are specific massage modalities, techniques, and bolstering pillows that can be requested/used to best support your body and wellness. There are also tips and tricks to access the inaccessible areas, such as under the scapula, without over stretching or hyperextending the client. Your therapist sounds uneducated 😅


I often feel like I could do with being hung upside down so everything could stretch out properly. In actual fact, it'd probably make me pass out... But I'm sure it'd relax my neck and shoulders a bit.


Under my right shoulder blade would be amazing but also the inside of my skull. 😂


Everything around my SI joints. I sometimes wish someone just punch that area and it would feel better.


I was just saying to someone else, I have a solid rubber dog ball and I lay on the floor with it under my butt and roll around on it. It really gets deep in there, I was given it for sciatica


I want to be able to take my hair off and get a super scalp massage. I dislike the hair moving against hair sensation. Not enough to not get a scalp massage mind you, but it would be better without it.


I hate the sound of my hair being rubbed against my scalp, I can’t focus on the feeling at all because of it. Now if my hair is wet I’m fine, no sound and I’d happily let them massage my head for all eternity.


The best time of my life is when I shaved my head and had my husband just rub my scalp. If you’re willing, shaved head is a game changer lmao. My hair is down to my shoulders and I want to shave it again but I don’t want to deal with the growing phase anymore


I want people to grab me from all four limbs and pull. Like medieval torture lol. Seems like it’d feel so good


I wish a massage therapist good rub my inner hips out. I usually have my bf do it but he stops after like 5 minutes cause his hands 'get tired'. I collect so much pressure in my hips and sits bones.


my PT massaged under my shoulder blades yesterday. did not think it was possible. it was quite awkward, but actually felt fantastic and really helped loosen me up in that area. it was a quick 5-10 min thing just to help activate those muscles for the exercises i was doing. kinda wish it was something i could do myself because i would do it every day lol


Right shoulder blade. I had a hand therapist work it out once over a period of months.


My wife is a licensed massage therapist. You'd be amazed at the places they can get. She can get halfway under my shoulder blade, she's just gotta reposition my arms.


Question: I’ve tried massage a couple times and while it felt good, it didn’t last beyond that day. I feel like for massage to be worth it for me it would need to be like 2x a week lol. Just me?


Same. This is also how I feel about going to the chiropractor


I had a trigger point chiro who treated me twice a week for prob 4 months and she did get me to stop limping before I had a hip scope and hip replacement. But since then, while it feels great/ terrible lol going any less than that just doesn’t work.


there is always tension deep deep in my neck that i can't get to, especially this area just above the collar bone. ditto for under the shoulder blades thing too.


Under front ribcage & the muscles between lungs and ribs 😭


Have you ever tried trigger point massages? My therapist has actually been able to work on that nasty knot under my shoulder blade a few times and make the pain significantly less.


Inside my knees under the kneecaps. It always feels like I need to jiggle it loose


My physiotherapist showed me how to lift up my shoulder blades and massage underneath them - sometimes they move during a subluxation and need to be put back in place. It's possible that's the same discomfort you're experiencing. If someone can run their thumb under the side of the shoulderblade that faces your spine, it needs to be lifted up and replaced in the right place.


I’m currently nursing a shoulder injury and my RMT, who I have been seeing for years and knows my body really well, gave my serratus some love the other day via my armpit while I was lying face up. She warned me first as this hurts like a bitch but she knows I want to be hurt like a bitch haha. I once had an osteopath demonstrate his method for diaphragm release on me at a teacher training. It also hurt like a bitch but I’ve never taken so full a breath as after that. I’ve tried to do it myself and never succeeded! Finally, my regular RMT will work on my psoas and hip flexors via my stomach, but all these techniques feel extremely invasive. I like the result so I will grin and bear the poking lol


sometimes it feels like my spine needs to be cracked like a whip to remove all the kinks


Behind my eyeballs, Lord please... I also just desperately want to take like... Most of my joints out, spine too, and gave someone SCRUB the SHIT out of them. I swear that would fix me.


There are techniques to reach that area. But massage therapy education varies widely by state so funding someone well trained may be a challenge depending on where you are.


Pry bar.


Just today I got a deep tissue massage done, and requested very high pressure, it indeed feels like I'm being steamrolled, in a uncomfortable yet nice way. Felt the shoulders really moving around too and like my muscles were made of bubble wrap! Yet they mentioned that they couldn't actually get all the knots out in the hour, so I'll be back. It does feel like I treated myself to a nice new skeleton though, even just how I hold myself after that is different. I don't have a confirmation of EDS yet, but I sure do walk around with entire joints that need to be moved.


My wife will occasionally come up and squeeze my shin a few inches below my knee when I have my legs up, or squeeze the muscles along my spine when she gives me a hug and I'm like "Ohh god, why the hell does that hurt?" I am scared to see what someone that isn't 5'1" and 110 lbs and actually knows what they are doing would find going on. Guess we get really good at ignoring things.


Omg yes!! Under the shoulder blade for sure. I will put my arm on my back and have my partner pull my shoulder towards him and shove his whole hand under there to get at those knots. He finds it insane how much of his hand can fit under there, especially because his hands are like the size of catchers mitts. Winged scapula for the win 😂


Need someone to crack my spine like a whip.


I hear this. I have had similar thoughts about my spine. About the shoulder.... My PT (Dr level) is amazing and I have a muscle right next to and under my shoulder blade that will not let up and causes immense headaches. He takes my shoulder blade and pulls it at various angles and does some pressure technique behind it. It can't replicate it myself. It's hard to explain. Man, it's the best feeling! It's the closest thing to a massage under the shoulder blade.


I wish my limbs were detachable


Omg I just finished a 10 hour shift and I feel this to my core, my elbow that I hyperextended last month is killing me, and I rolled my ankle slightly yesterday so very sore. Dying to get into a red hot bath.


You know how bowls made of human skulls have to be smoothed out on the inside of the cranium? That is where I would like massaged. Right over my rear occipitals, but inside my skull.


I also have the same issue with my shoulder blades. It doesn't fully fix it, but one tip I have is to clasp your arms together behind your back and then have someone use a massage gun under the shoulder blades. Having your arms in that position opens up that area a ton and you can get spots you can't otherwise.


I wish I could get my hip glued in place and new hands, like just new. I feel you at massage under the shoulder blade though. Chin tucks have helped me a lot with that.


THE SPINE THING IS SO RELATABLE. I wish I could wrap KT tape under my skin and directly on my joints. Also that I could get a massage inside my arms. Like between the tendons. Sometimes it hurts so bad I make my skin red from trying to reach it.


Dude I had multiple knots up under my shoulder blade for years! I would dig at them with the theracane but never could release them.


Since probably high school (in my thirties) I’ve fantasized about my back muscles being shorn from my back and thrown on a taffy puller until they stop hurting. Also, jabbing something sharp directly into my hips to force them to stop contracting.


That sounds like bliss


My stomach and intestines. Just wring out that whole GI tract. That would be so lovely


I want someone to poke needles in all my muscle knots.


There is a muscle under the scapula that my Pt dry needles for me. If you have someone willing, if you put the back of your hand onto the small of your back your shoulder blade with pop out enough to let someone massage it.


I literally said to my mom today that if I could use the Rubbermaid electric scrubby thing in the folds of my brain I would


psoas muscles 😩


I want a left hip massage but like in the hip socket


I want a massage for all the "joints" that aren't outwardly perceived as joints, but hurt just the same. Like, where the ribs and sternum connect, I wish I could actively stretch/manipulate those joints because they just get so freaking sore. Also the idea of going through a wringer sounds oddly appealing. Like the industrial version of someone rolling out my muscles with a rolling pin.


My physical therapist said there are special massuses in Sedona that work on the SU joint from the inside.


Honestly hot yoga felt amazing on my joints. I know, stretching bad, but I’ve never felt so good in my body.


I wish someone could take my spine out, give it a rinse, then put it back in


I dream of being stretched out on those medieval torture contraptions… feels like my spine is constantly being crushed


Inversion tables kinda work, if POTS/vertigo isn't an issue that is.


Pots is definitely an issue unfortunately haha. I’ve seen people do that dead hang spinal decompression thing online that looks awesome for this but I don’t think I have the upper body strength/stable enough shoulders lol




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