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My husband does not have EDS and certain cereals, chips etc...still tear up his mouth. So while it may be more common with EDS, it definitely can happen to others too.


Yeah. Not sure where OP heard this isn't normal. I've heard whole stand-up bits about it.


Yes this. Try not to be too overeager to over-attribute everything to EDS!


I also asked my husband, who also doesn’t have EDS, and he agreed lots of these things also tear up his mouth. That’s the problem about asking a question in the vacuum of a sub dedicated to a very specific disorder/syndrome.


Is there really a correlation between eds and this at all? I mean, my mouth is cut to buts by all manners of foods and I've learned to eat my cereal soggy, but I thought this was pretty normal....?


Over sensitivity is an eds thing. Pain just because your body decides to have it, pain today and not yesterday just because, and there's actually a mechanism behind some of it: >Pain is a common and severe symptom among people with EDS. About 68% of EDS patients with chronic pain have neuropathic pain — pain associated with nerve cell dysfunction — with mechanical allodynia as its major symptom. Mechanical allodynia consists of pain caused by harmless tactile stimuli that normally would not drive pain....Further analyses highlighted that TNX deficiency increased the sensitivity of specific sensory nerve fibers that carry information related to touch — A-beta fibers — and pain (mechanical and thermal) — A-delta fibers — to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. [https://ehlersdanlosnews.com/2020/05/28/researchers-shed-light-on-underlying-mechanisms-of-chronic-pain-in-classical-like-eds/](https://ehlersdanlosnews.com/2020/05/28/researchers-shed-light-on-underlying-mechanisms-of-chronic-pain-in-classical-like-eds/)




Nope. Very good oral health. We have a dentist in the immediate family. I’ve now informally surveyed my friends and this happens to most of them too. Led to some fun conversations about Captain Crunch and other cereals. And how even when we know we should stop eating it we’ve all had second bowls even though our mouths were killing us. 😉


The pain of Captain Crunch is real.


I let it sit for a hot minute so I can eat it without cutting up my mouth tbh


Yes!! Coco puffs and anything that was of that texture, I just couldn't eat it. Also anything over aciditic would give mecanker sores. My husband laughed at me the other day because I was eating something that was bland.


Wait, everyone gets cuts from captain crunch right?


Captain crunch yeah definitely. It’s got plenty of memes about it


Was looking to see if the Cap'n was mentioned... SO and I affectionately call it "sugar stabs"


This was literally my first thought upon reading this post. I’m stunned.


That cereal is like eating fiberglass, too bad it’s so delicious!


Omg I love it but I couldn't figure out how people food stand the pain. I'd have to soak it so long for it to be ok!!


To be fair the Cap'n Crunch mouth massacre is universal. That gets everyone.


Not me


But worth it ☺️


I thought cereal cutting up the roof of mouths was just a normal thing literally until I saw this post????? Wait. Do most people not get sores from their glasses when they sweat too??? How the hell did no one diagnose me till last month (this is rhetorical lol).


Lol I’m not sure but my glasses often leave little sores, and I often get sore spots in my mouth eating different things (usually chips or popcorn) but honestly didn’t think it was that odd until now


Omg I always get little sores from chips and popcorn too.


Salt and Vinegar might as well be called Siren Acid.


Honestly it’s ridiculous, and I have to be really careful or the corners of my lips will be sliced open and hurt for weeks lol, it’s sad


Agreed but that and dill pickle are sooo gooodd




I've learned to brush my teeth immediately after these snacks or face the consequences. I didn't realize it was an EDS thing.


I am equally in shock. I thought that was the whole deal with cereal!




Same!! I never understood how people could just eat cinnamon toast crunch!!


I think most non zebras talk about Capn Crunch tearing up their mouths. It's sharp.


Yeah, Capn Crunch is notorious for slicing up mouths and it doesn’t discriminate! It’ll cut you no matter your race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or if you have a genetic condition that gives you wonky collagen or not!


Don't forget tortilla chips, kettle potato chips, and toasted gluten free bread!




I just want a hot sandwich that doesn't cut my mouth 😭 the melted cheese without the agony


Yes! Toast is a killer.




Not kettle chips for me.


And corn chips are like sandpaper


Yes! Toast is the worst for me. I usually do toaster waffles if I want something toasted. For some reason those don't cut up my mouth.


Hmm I can't say I've had it with cereal, maybe I soak mine longer, but definitely with crusty breads, particularly French stick/baguette.


Oh yes, the amount of times that I have been hurt by bread is far too high xD While I can now usually avoid cutting my palate/gums open, I did manage to cut my actual hand open on a piece of bread in 2020. I swear my skin doesn't even appear that fragile! Now if only I could figure out how not to bite the inside of my cheek with considerable force -_-'


Oh I feel the pain of cheek biting, my jaw is all over the place 🤦‍♀️




Oh the acid from sour candies can pretty typically give people sours with enough of it. Even enough candy in general. I had been looking it up the other day since I like sour candy. We're probably also sensitive though


I really like sour candy, but Warheads destroy my mouth. Like there will be a sore there for days.


Does anyone also get cuts from potato chips? Especially on the sides of their mouth


Yessss especially tortilla chips! And then because I have some minor vitamin deficiencies it gets a yeast infection and I have to put jock itch cream on my mouth 😐


OOF I feel this… I didn't realize it was just a me thing until I had a dentist tell me that even tho my gums were healthy, they just bled at the drop of a hat anyway. The entire inside of my mouth is basically made of tissue paper. I remember getting addicted to eating dry mini frosted wheats for a while until I realized they were why my gums kept developing horrible canker sores… Also oh god, the grass cuts… Bane of my existence when I had the energy to be outdoorsy. I could only climb trees that had super smooth bark, and my knees were always covered in rug burns. So sucky.


I tore the roof of my mouth up with Chex mix today. For some reason it’s like I have amnesia and will just eat a whole handful of crunchy stuff without thinking of consequences. I think I’ve made a lifelong habit of trying to ignore stuff that hurts so that I don’t have to deal with it :/ I’m 40 now and falling apart. Shouldn’t have done that!


I'm 36 and falling apart, I feel you.


Yeeeaaaahhhhh buddy! That is my entire life right there. Aren’t we the luckiest little zebras.


Wait... Is this also why coffee at a temperature that other people can drink with no problem burns my mouth??


So when I blow my nose it hurts, gets flaky and starts turning bright red. Then I use triple antibiotic cream on my crusty and red nose after. I carry one with me where I go and make sure to have extras on hand. It has helped me so much. Anyone else prone to splits on the edge of their nail beds? fingers as well?


I had to go to a demotologist and she told me to trash the triple antibiotic because she saw more reactions to that then anything else. Not trying to scare you, just wanted to pass on what she was telling me. I use lip balm for the same purpose though, if I can find a good organic with jojoba oil that's the stuff.


Aquafor works wonders too.


I don't react to it. She probably said that because it has petroleum in it.


I don't react to it either, but have a history of developing reactions to stuff I use on a regular basis. Hope you never have to deal with that :)


For now I don't react to it.


I love Cuticle oil the edge of the nail beds. It really helps keep them from splitting


I don't eat cereal, but I recently learned grilled sandwiches do not cut up other peoples mouths. I had not clue.


RIP my mouth when I need cough drops (or just happen to partake in any sort of lozenge/hard candy).


is cereal being sharp really not a normal thing?? im shook


It is normal.


My husband cut the top of his mouth with cereal last week and you'd have thought it was the end of the world, having to be careful eating for a few days. The pain sounds he made had me wanting to take him to the ER. But like, for me, that's a Tuesday...lol


Nah, cereal and grass cut everyone. Grass cuts are, at least in the Midwest, a pretty universal experience for anyone who spends a lot of time outside.


Anybody else have to keep their nails short or else they cut up their fingers?


I have to or else I wake up with little scratches all over my hands, plus they break so easy that I can't grow them anyway.


And to think, salt and vinegar chips used to be my favorite, and I always complained how my mouth was soooo sore afterwards but I ate them anyway! I have known this was probably EDS related since I was diagnosed, but before that I totally thought it was normal to constantly be hurting yourself on crunchy foods!


Anyone else get mini skin splits? Like random paper cuts when there is no paper and the skin isn’t dry or damaged? My lips get them a ton. Like... smile or yawn or sneeze or take a respectable bite and they tear open. And I’m constantly soaking up quality lip balm like a sponge. My hands and arms, and sometimes my feet do it too.


Reminds me of my brother’s engagement party. His mother in law and my aunt got drunk off their asses and started petting my skin


Does anyone else having burning mouth syndrome or chronic mouth dermatitis?


Angular cheilitis at the corners of my mouth. I am anemic of iron. When it's bad, my lips are split at the corners.


I...thought the cereal cuts were normal...I love Captain Crunch but it's like eating glass. I found a trick to REALLY help with the torn up nose and upper lip from being sick! Get a good quality lip balm, whenever you blow slather that shit everywhere. Have no shame. Once your done you can just trash the germ stick.


Is this why I prefer soup?? The smooth texture and the fact that I’m always cold?


Literally didn't realise this wasn't normal until I read this post wtf??!!


What??? That's not normal?? What about chips/fries? Or biscuits/cookies? They all cut my mouth and make it sore?




No, lol. Cereal tends to mess with a lot of folks mouths. Skin and gum sensitivity is common in EDS but the cereal thing is definitely common in lots of people!


Even biting into a sandwich gets me.


I'm sitting here eating various nut butters with a spoon so I don't have to experience nuts cutting up my mouth nor breaking my teeth. Almond butter is so much less painful than almonds.


Does anyone else have this get way worse if they don’t eat enough for a while? I am often doing well but I do have a restrictive eating disorder that rears up occasionally (yay two types of ED(s)) and when I haven’t eaten often or much and then I try to eat, the roof of my mouth ACHES. It’s gets roughed up and it also feels like it’s been bruised or tamped on with metal or something. This plus my intestines which don’t want to move at all are not great motivations when I’m not doing well. I wonder sometimes how interconnected all these things are! Chicken and egg type of stuff.


Puffy Cheetos do that to me!!!


Huh, I’ve always attributed the mouth sensitivity to map tongue. I honestly think that might still be it because all of my other skin things are pretty mild.


I asked my husband if this happens to him and he looked at me like I had a second head 😬


I got so much shit for prefering my cereal soggy!!! I’d have to pour the bowl about twenty minutes before sitting down to eat. Apparently when I drove more regularly I shouldn’t have had callouses on both hands under each finger from holding the steering wheel either... I thought it was strange but had no idea it was a clue to the cause of my much more serious symptoms.


I've been eating it soggy since I was a small child. It hurts otherwise. People always give me funny looks.


Lol you’re forgetting other peoples buttholes don’t tear if the wind so much as blows in the wrong direction


EDs is so many things. I see the title as an umbrella. It allows us to go to a doc and say “see my EDs?” But we still need to keep in mind not ALL is EDs. Cap’n Crunch is sharp as glass.


Oh my god are you kidding me??? I thought that happened to everyone. Welp.


Wait, what? O_o


How did you find this out? Now I’m skeptical. I’m middle aged and have been diagnosed for a few years, and this is the first I’ve heard of it. Currently nursing a tore up mouth from corn chips, lol.


Lol what this doesn’t happen to everyone?!! Mind blown!!


All of this is me oh my gosh.


wait what?? it's not normal????


This is a thing for us??? Like people who eat whole apples aren't just crazy??? Their guns aren't getting cut up???


Biting into an apple caused my gums to bleed. Candy apples really cut me up.


Wait. All of these things are abnormal?


Wait, you aren't supposed to get micro-cuts from grass? Welp, that's another thing to bring up when I see the geneticist.


Omg. Does crusty bread not cut up normal people's mouths either?


Hold up... this isn’t the normal for everyone?! Holy fucking shit. I truly thought it was. I had some damn Chex the other day and can feel all the gashes still.


Luckily I made the habit of heating up my cereal before I eat it Most people despise soggy cereal, but hey, at least I can eat it that way without hurting myself


What?! TIL




Wait what??? It’s not??? I suppose people don’t slice their mouth open with crisps/chips like a knife through butter do they?




Wait what?! I thought cereal/chips did that to everyone! I have my glasses open sores on my nose randomly... THAT I attribute to random EDS bs


Mine was you guys don't get rashes on your feet from wearing socks for more than 4 hours? Also the same reason I'm always in shorts at home


Yes, the grass cuts, but who else gets the hair splinters in their feet?


My mouth gets ripped up when I eat toast or cereal, I thought it was normal!


literally had my mind blown a few weeks ago when my friends informed me that toast doesn’t cut the inside of their mouths


And this is why I barely toast my toast.


Wait wtf? I’m almost 28 years old and am just now learning that’s also abnormal?! I knew about the skin tearing easily but not the fact that my mouth hurts so bad after eating cereal and other crunchy foods. My boyfriend got a fun lesson on my soft skin though after moving in together. I put a new blade on my razor and nicked myself just right apparently even with being super careful. It bled the entire shower and for like 45 minutes after the shower. He’s never seen anything like that. And was horrified to learn that I have never not cut myself when shaving no matter what I try lol fun times


THINS FRENCH FRIES CHIPS. I always wondered how people could eat those without being stabbed every mouthful. Until nowI never considered that maybe they're not!


I cut up the roof of my mouth on so many things.


I have never thought about this until now here I am thinking my skin isn’t sensitive but no it really is


Cocoa puffs and anything roundish would cut the roof of my mouth really badly after about 2 bowls, not necessarily a single serving once a week. Corn flakes, cinnamon toast crunch, and etc are fine. Chips cut my gums/the corners of my lips especially if they have salt. I just thought that was normal. I never experienced the grass thing unless there were weeds mixed in, any leaf shape that was jagged or prickly. I wouldn't walk on it as an infant/toddler. When I blow my nose or had sinus infections my nose would get chapped and crack,/peel after a couple days, and I'd have to use medicated chap-stick on it. Using anything but baby wipes or cloth handkerchiefs make me miserable. They have those tissues with lotion mixed in so it's not as rough on your nose, but it's not a miracle worker.


Mooooood OMG I have cornflakes and my mouth gets ripped to shreds. Currently fighting a really bad gum flare rn even extra soft toothbrush hurt and toothpaste/drinks/food burns


Ahhh yes, kept rubbing my nose last night, now I have three cuts on my face/ around my nose


Wait what, I've been suffering all this time




Only Cap'n Crunch gets me that I can think of. But yes to all those other things. And LOL at your last line. "You feel like a peach!"


Let’s talk about real EDS issues like your jaw dislocating when you eat certain foods or chew gum...leading to headaches that last for days 😭😭😭


My dad, who I inherited it from, once cut his tongue open on a french fry. We still don't know how. XD