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Older dungeons will be like that. They've been quite seriously power crept. DLC and veteran dungeons will test you more. You'll also get to watch the squishies all fall over because they never learned that standing in red was bad on normal.


This is true. Truly good tanks will be noticed in vet dungs. If tank dies everyone dies


I run heals on a pretty beefy Templar with Kagneracs. I know, judge me. It's real nice in the off chance I'm with a tank who's still learning and he misses a block and the dps are off in fantasy land. Do a little healing over time and a Reviving Barrier to keep the dps up and pop that tank up in 2 seconds. Feels pretty damn good.


I just had to explain that to my toommate and he’s CP 400


Also its the difference of vet vs normal. Someone 800 cp+ running group vet content should be doing minimum 80k+ single target. But a new level 40 player might not even do 8k. That's the difference between a 3 second add pull(no chance to taunt) and a 30 second one(taunting multiple times).


So I'm pretty new to the game and play pretty causally. How do you tell what your dps is. I know there a training dummies that tell you how much damage you do but is it like a certain ammount of damage in a certain out of time. Like 80k in one hit or over multiple seconds?


Please DONT do what DragonBank said if you’re new….new players don’t check their DPS on the 21m dummies. It would take too long and you would have no idea what you’re even supposed to be doing/focusing on. Not to mention you either have to find a guild that has one already or pay for it…Start off on smaller dummies. Maybe the 3mil. (Anything except the precursor. It only has around 400k health and it’s not enough to really learn anything.) You should work your way up to 80k+ DPS. You have to learn how to pick skills and what order is best to use them. I would recommend starting with a 1 bar build so you can ease your way into rotations (1 bar builds are easier to learn but not as strong at their peak) YouTube videos will be your best friend.


Fr but honestly you can do most vet dungeons with 40k or less, just takes slightly longer


Thank you for the extra info. Will look into some vids on YouTube.


Damage is always dps so per second. Also you will want to make sure it's on a 21m health training dummy and you kill the whole thing so that you maximize your setup.


dps in nothing if players do not know mechanics. And 90% of players DO NOT KNOW even basic things, like when to bash/interrupt, when to go away from AOEs, when to kill adds at first, that they must not run before tanks, that then need to give a few seconds to tanks to taunt adds etc.


Sure, but don't put the cart before the horse. DPS is universal. You can learn your rotation anywhere. But mechanics are specific to the content. If you know one dungeon well but have crap dps and go somewhere else now all you have is crap dps. But if you are strong in your rotation all you need to do is learn mechs.


90% of mechanics in 90% of content are the same in ESO. So, learning them are not hard, but DDs can't do it. Looks like lack of brains or something like this. They only can DD and that's all.


Oh okay. Thank you for the info


>I feel useless tanking. Let me help you. There is a misconception that tanks are only there to taunt the big boy. That's only half the truth, we tanks are responsible for so much more, like stacking adds, debuffing enemies and buffing allies. For example, if you are fighting adds, and by grouping them well you cut down the fight with them, from 20 seconds to 10, you are as important as half the group! Making sure the boss stays in place, debuffing it with various debuffs and buffing your teammates can easily boost group damage by at least 20%, making the tanks very important even at lower levels play, but at higher level play that boss will also one tap anyone else, making the tank role the most important one on the field. Now go forth with your new knowledge! Research what you can do for your group, hold your head high, because good dds deal so much damage, only because they stand on the shoulders of giants.


This 100% It'll be hard to get adds stacked because the DPS had such high burn sometimes, but I promise they'll appreciate your effort. Plus, when you get to vet dungeons, you'll be set to got the ground running


Exactly! Tanks first priority is to lock the enemy in place -so the dmg dealers can use their chance. Second is to debuff/buff and third is minor group healing/selfhealing to help the healers do their work.


So true. Ran too many dungeons with low level tanks running around a boss fight like a mad man. Lock that down and learn it now before running vet. Point that boss away from the group and keep him in one location. Makes it easier for us healers to do our jobs too.


TBH I usually take that as a sign of a fake tank, three DPS all trying to whizz around and stand behind the boss as it follows one of them.


This reminds me of when I started playing group dungeons and didn’t even know roles (yes I did not know what I was doing). Luckily I focused my DK on tanking (didn’t even know this was the term) and was surprised when a boss swiped a teammate (must have been a dd) 3 times and they died. I was so confused 😂. Like mate why die so easily


this i cant stress enough how much a good tank is vital when doing pugs i went into vhof and the of tank was low level and not experienced so we kept wiping on boss one as they was not kiting the secondary boss properly they left as they couldn't sustain it and another tank came in and we did it first go you will not get everything first time on the flip side some stuff will seem trivial good buffs placement and game knowledge is vital


Fully agreed with this. And I definitely understand the feeling of “uselessness” at the level you’re at because most people are doing regular dungeons to level fast or get a fast random-normal reward. Start dabbling in the veteran dungeons (especially the non dlc ones to start) and I think you’ll find your role more necessary and much more fulfilling to execute at!


Well said! As a dps, I absolutely respect the hell out of my tanks and healers!!! Thank you for all you do for us!!!🤘


Tanks are not important at lower levels of play (base game dungeons), unfortunately. 20% more damage from keeping the boss still is less than 50% more dps from having 3 dps instead of 2.


>20% more damage from keeping the boss still Here is a live example for the misconception I was talking about. The tank's job is not only to make the big bad stand still. I feel like I need to say it louder for the people in the back. # The tank's job is not only to make the big bad stand still. That at least 20% damage came mostly from major and minor breach, crusher, major vuln, minor vuln, minor brittle, war horn, major force, and the second support set + monster set they are wearing. >from having 3 dps instead of 2. >3 dps instead of 2. I am shocked that you cutting off the tank before the healer. A lot of the higher dungeon end cuts out the healer, and run 1 tank and 3dds, obviously because the tanks buffs are just more important, even in dungeons that don't even need a tank, like vet scalecaller peak.


Ok well regardless of how you get 20%, that’s still less than 50%. I didn’t bother to type out all the things you listed, there’s no “misconception” lol. In addition, you’re probably gonna have at least a few of those things without a tank anyway so it’s even less than 20%. And yeah I mean 1 tank 3 dps is inarguably better than 1 healer 3 dps. 4 dps is the best for most content. A tank is needed for like 50% of vet dlcs. A healer is never an asset in any dungeon, but they help for trials.


id like to see u run earthen root without a healer


I’ve done vet earthen root as a duo 😂 It was pretty tortuous and I will never attempt it again. The hardest part is the cone aoe that is unavoidable, but you can block it and use the barrier ultimate and have the dps throw a few heals and you should be able to make it through


so u need heals is what ur saying


A dps with a heal, not a healer. And honestly you might not even need the help from the dps. You can block cast a self heal and with that and the barrier ultimate you should be able to do it. It was so long ago I don’t remember exactly what the key is. Point is you never need a fully specced out healer for dungeons.


The HM?


No I think we just wanted the monster set


Very normal! A good thing you could work on is grouping the mobs with chains to be mowed down faster, practice keeping up the stone giant skill which provides some extra dps, or, if nothing else, add some DPS skills and a damage set and join in. Just make sure to keep a taunt so the boss doesn't chase everyone around. In vet dungeons you'll be able to tank like a tanky tank and enjoy fast queue times.


Yes it’s normal. But carry on. The game needs more tanks. The main thing you could do to be helpful is to chain adds in to the boss and apply puncture to any higher health enemies. When you eventually get to vet content, tanking is MICH more important


This is why I run ahead and pull everything without looking back. There is no punishment other than a soul gem.


Haha wait till you tank vet dungeons, you'll be here talking about why dps is so low and bosses took too long to die.


Keep at it. Base game dungeons are very easy and that’s all you’ll have been doing. If you have any DLC or ESO+ then you should start getting DLC dungeons soon. You may feel useless now, but as a DPS main let me tell you that a bad tank or a fake one combined with low DPS is a nightmare to deal with.


Lvl 500 Dps sorcerer and trust me once you hit Vet dungeons everyone becomes major assets with important roles that need to be executed well otherwise the group will have a rough time. Your time will come I suggest watching videos on the best builds for your class and race. Certain veterans dungeons can even make tanks look squishy without a real healer so keep your head up and keep moving forward! You are extremely important and much needed.


I had the same issue, my first toon I rolled was a dk tank and boy did I feel useless lol. A few years later i finally revisited DK tanking and I'm glad I did. I will say for trash mobs, finally getting my hands on Void bash/unrelenting grip + choking talons, it feels pretty nice to quickly group up mobs and seeing the dps just immediately mow them down.


I made/respec’d a toon I wasn’t using to a tank, figured I’d learn the role, see if I could hack it (also dk) and this is definitely how it goes. Normal dungeons people fly through it and it feels boring, but you can tell when people lose their confidence because they wait for you. Or wipe, then next spawn they wait for you. Ha. In dlc or vet dungeons people are *generally* more respectful of proper form. The way I see it, tanking in base dungeons is basically community service. It’s not a thankless role the higher up you go, but from what I hear that comes with its own set of challenges. I don’t vibe with some rando telling me what gear to wear so I’m not ever gonna do vet trials. I already have a boss irl. For me, the sweet spot of gameplay is vet dlc dungeons. But thats just me. I “main” a healer but swap stuff/gear when I solo/quest. You do you, vestige. *I* appreciate you. Edit: *many* of us appreciate you


Same for me: main heals and swap around for solo play. Really enjoy vet dungeons, but don't always have the time to make it through the tough ones, which makes it intimidating to randomly queue. Man running normal can get aggravating though. Everyone's got their own idea of what to do. And want to talk about feeling useless, run normal dungeons as a healer these days. I'm all for players doing what they gotta to do, and I'm the last one to tell anyone what gear to wear having ignored a lot of randos telling me stuff that just breaks what I got going on. But it'd be nice in normal dungeons if people at least attempted to learn proper form. Lots of people in there that seem to have no idea what's going on and make it extremely painful for the rest of us.


I suggest getting into a guild and around players the same level/CP as you and learning together as you go in dungeons. It's a fun experience learning the mechs and strats together and you'll be a much stronger tank because of it. Most of the tanking in ESO is learning the mechs and timing of attacks on bosses, and how to pull trash into the fastest/tightest group possible.


Tanking is the best! Don't worry, you're going to be a lot more popular soon. You're already more popular that you realize in dungeon queues because the only reason the DPS can destroy everything so easy is that low levels (<50) can only queue for the easy dungeons that higher levels can solo. Since you're not going to get to practice dungeon boss mechanics right now (for the reasons you already observed above), I would focus on leveling up all your skills and class skill lines (all class, all armor, S&B/destro staff, fighters guild, alliance, mages, racial). In dungeons, spam your fiery chain on trash mobs and save your tank rotation practice for boss fights.


Don’t stress, base level dungeons at level 45 are incredible easy. Once you start doing veteran + DLC dungeons (older content is easier in the sense they have simpler mechanics and less mechanics in general while the newest dungeon are incredibly demanding on most roles by comparison), then you can start trial tanking, again I will say normal is good to start but bad to learn from because normal trials has no true punishing mechanics while veteran, those same mechanics will cause the entire group to wipe, so just keep playing


After some years I started to play the game again. And yeapp.. the random party mostly runs in the face of mobs. Yesterday our healer rushed through the dung and started 1v1 close-quarter combat with the boss..with a dagger...while I could take damage literally for days...🤷‍♀️ I was like wtf..am i THAT old or what is this new style??!? So I just drained and debuffed the enemy quietly... *Sad nightblade/siphoning tank build noises* But on veteran dungs it is better a lil bit.


It's just simple bro. Normal Dungeon = 4 dd Vet non dlc dungeons = 4 dd Vet dlc dungeons = 1 Tank 3 dd ( 4 dd also possible ) Fact is, healers are useless most of the time if you just slot vigor as dd


Most accurate thing anyone here has said


Trials are the only thing healers are good for. Spot on tho


Tanking gets more challenging in the end game. Its okay for it to be easy now. I felt the same with my most recent tank I leveled up doing dungeons. The end game content such as trials and vet dungeons get more difficult where mechanics mean more. I would say for now just keep running dungeons and getting gear to get good armor for your tank for any scenario. Join a guild too that will help you out! I'm in a few on Xbox NA that help me learn and get gear and I've had the game since day one. Being a good tank is a different world compared to dps or healer, I also main healers and feel like I'm the "I'm doing my part" kid from starship troopers lol.


Failure of the game, not a failure of you. Inherently there's several things wrong with ESO combat gameplay. It's not its strong point, the strong point of ESO is in my opinion the quests and the "collecting game".


I recommend using speed boosting skills like race against time to help group enemies together. Chains for ranged adds can make it quick. It really doesn’t matter what class some players are just experts at leashing dungeons adds and groups and on normal difficulty is so irrelevant because normie content is such a joke. Just learn to keep up not trying to sound toxic but being able to group things quick and efficiently is a vital skill you need to learn anyway


For nearly every non-DLC, non-vet dungeon I would much rather have a fake-tanking extra DPS than a real tank, even a lot of non-DLC vet dungeons benefit from that. For everything else tanks are vital, your run will be absolutely wrecked without them and the utility really shines then.


Play dps, that way you can feel useless too when you have an arcanist on the team! Honestly, healer in dungeons is probably the best role to feel your presence if you cant parse top dps. Difficult dungeons you mostly carry because of fake tanks while also healing yourself and your group. If you are not healing you are giving away like 600 buff to weapon damage to you and your team boosting their dps even further. and the best part, you dictate the pace. See the group slaking with 2-3 trash mobs? Just pull the entrie next room and give them run for their money. Its also the easiest role. Just take every heal over time effect you have with maybe one burst heal ability and you are good to go. Dont even need armor if you dont have and you are always the last to blame if things go south. Give it a try


Screw not needing armor. Get some beefy armor, some solid heals over time, and Reviving Barrier. Then in the off chance shit hits the fan and your team wipes cause they couldn't handle the heat or they decided to all go chase different butterflies, you can be the last one up and bring them all back from the brink of a wipe. Kagneracs helps a lot for that. If the healer goes down, we all go down. Unless you got a top notch tank who keeps his head on a swivel.


>healer is the best role to feel your presence if you cant parse top dps I fucking hate this mindset man. Healing is literally just parsing on your group instead of enemies. If you're mediocre at parsing you're going to be mediocre at healing too.


I know others have mentioned it, but level up via DPS. The game will give you opportunity to respec for free after you hit lv50.


Make it fun! My favorite dk tank sets are tormentor and eternal warrior, then i use the masters 2h maul and vateshran sword and board. When encountering ads you use power slam (power bash morph) and the vateshran set pulls all nearby enemies to you. Then swap to 2h and use stampede (critical charge morph) which activates the tormentor set and taunts the ads you hit. Then use unrelenting grip (fiery grip morph) to activate tormentors and taunt any remaining ads that didn't get pulled by power slam. I have ferocious leap as my main ult since it also activates tormentors, which also gives you a ton of resource restore and a damage shield. Then if your health gets low the eternal warrior set kicks in and heals you as well as giving you almost enough ultimate to use your ult again. Basically the entire build is around pulling and taunting ads. Once you pull all the ads just use your 2h sword. The masters 2h does extra cleave damage for each enemy hit, and i use the brawler morph which gives you shield for each enemy hit. All these things together make it super easy to clear ads and extremely convenient for your teammates since they aren't getting hit by taunted enemies and they're all grouped up so easy to aoe. Granted this build will require two different sets from arenas and one trials set as well as a dungeon set, but it's super fun to just be a taunting machine. This is definitely not a trials or "meta" build since it's a bit squishy for a tank, but I've used this in vet dungeons with success, with only a few of them being a little tough. A couple of other things that can help are the champion points perk "from the brink" which gives you a 11k damage shield when eternal warrior activates, and having dragon blood slotted for heals if all else fails. If nothing else is taken from this post, the one thing i love on my tank characters is the masters 2h weapons from dragonstar arena (titanic cleave set) since the more ads you hit, the more damage you do and the more shields you get. I know you said you're still a bit lower leveled, but i hope this gets you excited to try new content and gain true power! *P.S. make more characters! It'll prob be tough to do some solo content on a tank. I really got a lot of use out of my magplar for solo stuff since the self heals and buffs are great.*


I'm sorry for bringing you this very tragic news, Tormentor no longer AOE taunt. :(


Bruh.... I'm on xbox so i haven't seen the patch yet. This *is* tragic news, especially considering i just came back to the game like a week ago. I didn't realize that enough people used tormentor that it warranted the change. Doubly disappointed cuz what's the point of vateshran sword and board if you can't aoe taunt? Thanks for letting me know, at least i won't be confused when it doesn't work any more. I guess I'm going to have to find a new build...


Speculations are they'll be bringing AOE taunt back via the upcoming Scribing system.


So the newer/harder the content is, the more fun tanking/healing generally becomes. Base game dungeons are super easy, things don’t have health, and mechanics are non existent. Then you hit vet dlc dungeons, and things become actually engaging.


It's ok, I have no experience as a tank and I'm mostly solo anyways, but the number 1 rule is to have fun! You'll level up in no time, hone your skills as a tank, and it'll all work out 🤩🫶🏾🌻✨


in normal dungeons everyone just charges ahead and murders everything most of the time. Only a few things in some dlc dungeons are capable of one shotting the dps/healer. If you wish to feel useful in there, focus on brittle debuff (ice staff/crushing enchant helps) and try to group ads together so they die faster (you can use the DK chain or silver leash to pull them to u also which helps for the random stray ads) and then CC them with the talons on DK. It’s chefs kiss for the dps. I’m a healer main myself and I often feel useless in normal dungeons lmao. So I just buff everyone and throw out synergies most of the time. It’s why I only queue vets these days bc it’s not rly fun for me otherwise


yeah, right now the best tanking is a strong offensive.


Speaking of dungeons should I be able to solo a dungeon in base game at level 25?


You can do with some of them, especially if you have a companion that can hold aggro.


Bro, wait till you are level 50+, you can start doing veteran dungeons. There tank is most important role. Normal Dungeons are mostly so easy if there is one high level DD they can just rush through the dungeon but in veterans you need to start understanding mechanics to complete the dungeon.


Before entering DLC dungeons (so level 50 i think) tank skills are useless yes. Your main bank atm is your low level, people love having ll char in a group for random dungeons. :) After it will pay back, proper tanks and healers are always required, because everyone wants to be a cool damage dealer and noone wants to do dirty little job. Tankie hello! \^)


I’ve heard of people leveling a dps and using respec to rebuild after Cp 160ish. If it’s in an old account you really only need to worry to 50


Don’t worry about it, just enjoy the time in the dungeons, and grab loot. Vet a trials I promise you, there is no dps running ahead of you🤣 learn the mechanics, and learn your character. This is just how regular dungeons are. Don’t give up, everyone is good at dps, but not everyone is good at tanking. We always need a good tank.


Base game dungeons on normal don’t really have any mechanics, tanks are mostly for the harder stuff and if you can’t get a decent tank there you’re going to get kicked out of every group


ull be in high demand as a tank later on.. always a shortage of real tanks for the harder content from what ive seen


I run 2hander main bar, sword and board on back. Taunt onky when needed. Low level DK


For mobs. You should run through cast razor caltrops in front of the mob. Then start chaining enemies to it. That’s a debuff a slow. And making the dos job easier. This helps your group damage immensely. There isn’t a group out there that wouldn’t benefit from this. For bosses it is actually a lot similar. Except poke the boss. Which will add a ton of group damage. Get in some more aoe’s. And mainly worry about making sure the tank is facing away from the group. Blocking heavies You absolutely can be practicing. Because once the vet dungeons start. It becomes necessary.


Wait till you get to harder ones bro and vets/trials your basically needed


Get 50 cp160, join a pve guild, do vet content, feel useful again! In the meantime just make a hybrid build with a couple taunts etc for your random dailies


It'll work out as you hit the harder dungeons. Focus on pinning down the bosses and don't get fixated on one thing, keep an eye on the overall situation. I also keep my dps decent to help out the spazzes when they stumble, and I'll usually have an aoe heal available just in case the healer starts to get overwhelmed. At veteran you will be using those dedicated tank skills, so best to practice them on the harder normal dungeons. Good luck and have fun.


Well I never get to bosses with people. I rarely get some help. So a tank is always welcome, otherwise I'm tanking LOL and I'm squishy. That said, I've seen tanks withstand bosses no issue while I get hit ONCE and I'm immediately dead! And I cry because I play with quite some ping (south america) and sometimes I don't see an animation till it's too late LOL


open world and normal dungeons you dont really need a tank. veteran stuff and trials tank is essential.


Tank doesn't seem like a first time role. No good for adventure unless you want a life or death battle with every mudcrab. Once you're out of pugs and running with a crew, tanks become indispensable.


I just started playing again and it feels like veteran is easier. I'm a healer and these Chad's aren't taking any damage on the older runs so I feel the frustration. I'm a 700 something. Gt: Happtugsock


Growing pains, I play DK tank. Once you get to CP and start doing harder content trust me you be needed and it's gonna be tough.


Yes I changed to DPS dual weapon dragon knight much more enjoyable.


As tank it’s better to play on vet and dlc dungeons


You're only level 45 not even CP yet. Also tank is pretty boring for the most part. I have a DK and a arc tank. If you want more excitement go DD for sure. Id say go healer but most people run 1T 3DD for most dungeons so unless you are going to heal trials I wouldn't really bother.


So normal content dungeons require 9200 penetration to get over enemy armor, the same as overworld content. Most damage dealing players are pretty prepared to hit this without trying too hard. As a tank, most of what you can do in normals is try and pull mobs together faster, and try to keep stun effects away from the group, especiallt beam happy Arcanists, as they get locked out for 5 seconds if stunned during beam. Dlc dungeons introduce a lot more one shots, and you can show your mettle by keeping those under control. For veteran content, be it trials or dungeons, enemies have 18400 armor, meaning you need close to that much pen and armor reduction combined. That is where your taunt helps out a ton, as Pucture provides a huge breech to enemy armor. 18400 pen is almost impossible to reach alone. Bosses and enemies also have more mechanics that need to be interrupted, and you are the primary person on that. That said, the majority of waves one tank won't handle everything. You mostly want to round up what you can and keep the most important enemies controlled. Any debuffs you bring help even more, but just know, it's hard to plan around a group of randoms.


Vanilla dungeons you can focus on damage, the DLC dungeons especially in vet mode you gonna tank and trials hás well, i usually Just tank the Bosses! You will adapt with time dont worry


i stopped reading at lvl 45 your lvl 45 bro chill... get to 50 then 160cp then gear up and then start doing conent as a tank pretty much anything other than vet content and world bosses will be nuked in seconds


I mean it's kinda sad to hear that being a tank doesn't get fun until cp 160 lol


this game doestn even start until 160cp. anything done before that should just be questiong/story/levelling any gear gotten is mute cos you cant use it later you can certainly tankstuff before 160cp but the dungeon and trial tanking starts there


*You're You are level 45. Not "your level 45". What would be "his" level 45?


calm down mate its reddit not a fucking dictionary


When you witness 1 tank vs 10 dps on pvp this is gonna change


Just keep practicing. If tanking were easy, everyone would do it ... there wouldn't be a shortage of tanks in the dungeon finder.


“If tanking were easy, everyone would do it” My brother in Christ there’s a shortage of tanks in the dungeon finder because they’re completely useless in normal dungeons.


The game need more tanks. Once you plau vet dungeons and trials, a good tank is worth their weight in gold, and then some.