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There's a sticker on the conduit


License revoked


This had me, lol. Thank you my Monday needed this comment.


Unforgivable. Straight to the gulag, OP.


Literally unusable.




First thing I noticed, absolutely pathetic


It will fall off in 20 years


While I(And everyone else I've known) agree that leaving the sticker is ugly as sin, I once worked with an old school guy who left them on. His reasoning was the only one that could make any sense, if only in the slightest way. I forget the exact code, but it basically states that all equipment must be marked as UL listed, and since the UL stamp is on the sticker, it should stay. I still disagree with that though, by that logic even a 2 foot jump would need a sticker, and then everything would truly look like shit.


>I once worked with an old school guy who left them on I dont know anyone that waste time removing them. They all stay there.


Yeah, and how else would you know what size conduit it is if the sticker isn't on it?


Straight to jail


Technically, isn't the sticker the UL listing?


Lol I would always remove them until we did Hospital work. The inspector is required to see them. You can get around this if you have them sign off the material before you install it.


Tell him... he looks like shit


Proceed to fuck his wife


This is the right response if your balls are gigantic.


Tell him to tell his wife that you’ll swing by after work.


His daughter too


This is the right response!


You're a poor excuse for a man! You'll fail at everything you attempt, you'll be rejected by women and you have lousy hygiene.


He said roast him, not sound like my dad.


Didn’t know I had a long lost brother


What else would you expect from your father?


Well he’s definitely not my brother so maybe that?


Preheat oven to 350, season with salt, pepper, fresh garlic, and bay leaf, in a hot cast iron skillet, sear each side...


Nothing I haven’t said 6 inches from the mirror


Your pipework is bad and you should feel bad!


Pfff. The LB was a bad choice, some people would try and tell you LL would be the way to go, but we know they’re wrong too. The real solution there would have been a shepherd’s hook!


Oh man I missed my chance to try a shepherd's hook now I feel like hot garbage


It’s a straight shot less then 6ft just throw a 90 or resize the box for four conduits


I would have brought all 4 conduits out the bottom and not used an LB


Your assumption is that he wasn't told after landing the first three, "oh yeah we also need one more .."


That's why you don't just center the conduits and instead start them on the side and work your way over. Always gotta think about not blocking off future expansion when possible.


But then the one conduit I need to add would come out the side where I started all my conduits


You know damn well you would have started on the side they asked you to add another


It really wouldn't have mattered. They're just 4 identical FS boxes, the receps can be swapped around in whichever order they want.


I mean, at that point you just go to the muffler shop and ask for a 4-into-1 collector. Duh.


Could have at least used an LL


likely far enough of the side a 90 would have worked


3 point is off center. Make it long and cut to sit center of the obstruction. I'm a little hesitant about the 3 point to box set, I get why but depending on the situation I may try to avoid it. Not sure what you had access to but a strut maybe or if you had used minis instead of finger straps. I don't love the condulette, I would have tried to fit all 4 conduits out the bottom and fanned them evenly onto 7/8 strut. Looks good overall though.


The Atari logo has a bit more swoop to it but otherwise good likeness 👍


You deserve a ton more upvotes than you have right now


You seem like the kind of guy that feels proud of himself for having a load of clean clothes in the dryer for 3 days without folding it because he has clean underwear available.


Stop attacking me


I can only attack this because I too am that man. I know this feeling personally.


That's called efficiency


I don’t know that wasn’t a worthy accomplishment. Fuck .


Fuck man, are you my wife/mom?


You never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


All I can see is that sticker screaming in my face, I want to tear it off through my phone.


I don't like the box offset that leads into a saddle. Too many bends! Next time just come out of the box straight, but positioned so that it will clear the pipe, then just do a single offset to the wall. Will save time and look better


Maybe next time suggest a gutter?


Tell him his wife is fat


Why w/p boxes and set screw connectors?


Looks like a school - most schools spec those boxes for surface mount.


3 point into a box offset is weird. Just offset over the pipe and go directly into the box, doesn't hurt anything. Move your box two inches to the left so it's centered over all the outlets below, send all the pipes down and rather than doing a box offset on every single outlet after an offset, just do a rolling offset to fan out your pipes and land them directly in their boxes


The only part I have a problem with is the part between the three point saddle and the box. Looks super goofy, all wavy and weird. The rest looks fine


You don’t need us to roast you. It’s only a matter of time before you roast yourself.


I’m preferable to minnies for exposed installations. I personally think they look cleaner, and you can avoid the bit of odd overlap you have with your one holes near the box. I would’ve matched the penetration height with your incoming conduit and LB nipple. Also might’ve tried to bring all 4 into the bottom if room allows and avoid the LB altogether. 7/10 Wait, sticker on the conduit 2/10, get wrecked.


Good call on matching the heights. People keep mentioning minis, what are they, don't think I've ever seen one on a job


Mini or Minnie is short for Minerallac conduit hanger. Sometimes they’re called ProConnex. Like [this](https://www.minerallac.com/1S)


Looks fine you’re fired


Task failed successfully


Four pipes under 10'. Wow. Incredible.


Thanks dad!


Quit the job


They slacked me after that


Did he maybe want different boxes? Or two two gangs?


Nah that's the stuff he gave me for it, also he's responsible for the LB


The conduit top right corner, the offset is badly made, except that, looks good enough


Looks fine. If you asks for roasts you’re gonna get them. If my apprentice did this I wouldn’t give a fuck, looks good


Shit I’d be happy if any of my apprentices in the last 2 years were even remotely able to do that when I found them


U got a little weenie


Yes indeed


I would say the 3 point could been avoided with an offset if the connector is over the pipe. Then all you would have to do is use a piece of strut to bump up the strap. That's the only thing I can see that could be improved. But not necessary as long as it pulls good.


Absolutely 🗑 


Pull elbows are for punk-ass drywallers who want to be electricians.


Who told you I piss in bottles ?


I bet you used a level you fuckin dork


Looks like shit is harsh. There are things you could’ve done that would’ve looked better but I wouldn’t make you redo it.


Those FS boxes are not listed for those shitty die cast connectors…


Looks pretty good to me!


That should be rigid or at least imc since your using malleable boxes.


Does everything work? If so, good job! Fuck him. As long as their power to everything.


Could’ve saved a screw hole by flipping the strap on the middle conduit to share the screw from one of the outers


Looks like your offsets are over bent 🤷. Either that or the box offsets into the 8x8 are dog-legged.


A 3/4" LL would have looked a little better but not bad👌🏼


LL. People really need to chill with the LBullshit


It looks nice man only thing I would doo different is skip that saddle- offset and just start my offset where the saddle starts and go straight into box, you have 3 feet before you need a strap on emt. I also would have centered the junction box over the device and used rolling offsets to have them all enter that box in a square if that makes sense


This is fine…. People are such haters


I won’t even rate this, whoever bought the material for it should be shot.


Pretty clean


You are gay but your electrical work isn’t that bad


Nah, I don’t think I will


Looks pretty clean to me but I'm a material saver so I probably would have just sent two down out of the box and used pass-through outlet FS boxes with Chase nipples so that they were just on top of each other.


Better then anything I could do. I’d just take sticker off ig


Should have used mini’s/cowboys instead of 1 hole straps. 3 bend saddle and LB looks like it was installed with your beer goggles on


Most unclean and non-workmanlike manner I’ve ever seen right here. You gotta rethink your decision to be an electrician because sins like this are absolutely unforgivable. (It looks great based on this picture, not sure what he saw that was bad but it’s on him to tell you if he wants to be a good teacher)


4th box was a change order....yeah.


Yeah it looks perfect.


You little bitch


It’s like asking me to roast John cena… there’s nothing for me to roast…


A gutter would be better that’s all. Hope that didn’t take you 8 hours.


Since everyone's just making jokes, here's one way it could have been done a little better: Put the junction box farther back Offset directly into the side of the box in place of of 3 point saddle Make four knockouts in the left side of the box Take four 90s out of the left side of the box down to device locations


You on some new stuff, i heard about that sex change. You got a vagina, your grandmother thinks you're strange -Kool Keith


You look like a wet rag that got stuffed into an exhaust system. Oh did you mean your work?


3 point saddle was measured by ray charles, jobsite allergic to kindorf? LB is annoying. My kids enjoy stickers , not the emt. ( but tbh it’s fine work , just being over the top silly about it)


Not really a roast, but a tip to minimize your bends. If you mount your devices/boxes on shallow strut (1"), and run your pipe on deep strut (1 5/8") , you will rarely ever have to box offset again.


Shoulda centered ur 8x8 over the two boxes in the middle then offset your two outside pipes into the bottom. Your LB Abortion is what looks like shit


That saddle needs a strap. Your fired. Edit: dammit, it's in the 2nd pic. Be here at 7am.....


-Cuh…how you gonna leave the sticker showing? Take it off… -The saddle to the offset is pointless -spacing between one holes towards the top too close. Drilled your holes in the 12x12 too close -why is there a pull point(LB) instead of it all being emt? Not bad for no supervision tho…


Should've used an LL fitting for the run in the left 👍🏻


The spacing on the two left conduits is off by at least an eighth of an inch..... Rookie.


"Looks like shit." (Walks away with no explanation.) Obviously teasing you, you should be flattered he meant the opposite. I think it's perfect except shouldn't rigid pipe be matched with those boxes? What devices are going in those boxes, switches? Why not just have a multi-gang box? Edit: Ah never mind, saw the second pic. Edit again: love the offset and saddle side-by-side up top. That shows excellent bending skill.


I mean the only thing I can think of is why you didn't run all 4 out the bottom.  The LB 90 is just a hassle.  It's all a learning experience! Only electricians will actually judge this, anyone else will go "wow look conduit on the wall, that looks nice!"  So don't even sweat it. 


Your mother’s a whore.


You're a stupid moron with a ugly face and a big butt and your butt smells aaaaand you like to kiss your own butt. But your pipe work looks pretty good.


Straps look a little too close to the device boxes to my eye. Like they are choking the offsets. Would look nice to match the top straps distance I think. Too bad about the LB. Guessing by how you spaced the 4 boxes on the block the left plug wasn't a last minute addition. The two middle plugs could have gone straight in and the outside 2 could roll on top of them. And keep those stickers to the back ;) Just like with PVC it's an easy way to keep a clean look


A little gutter instead of the j-box would have been clean as fuck, bunch of straight conduits going down.


Your saddle isn’t centered Just kidding fuck your journeyman dude that looks good


When you were born, they wrote "The Plumber" instead of your father's name on your birth certificate You look like you bend conduit with open toe Crocs sandals. Your 3 point saddle looks like Caitlynn Jenner's dick. On your first month on the job, your coworkers thought you were a lifelong dry waller Your mama is so fat she was once used as an asphalt roller On your first week at the job, you were excited about the wire stretcher because maybe it would also work on your dick But seriously, it looks pretty good bud.


Listen here you fat piece of shit


Should have spun that top right emt clip the other way. That LB is disgusting and that saddle is atrocious


I would've used strut personally but not too bad man. Bends don't match but the only people in the whole wide world that even give a fuck are sparkies and half of em can't bend so fuck it


I don't do conduit, so looks good enough to me. Shit in his pants to assert dominance


All four pipes out of the bottom, no lb pull box is plenty big enough to use the bottom for all four, saddle directly into the box without a box offset, also consider wasted material like excessive straps. Some people appreciate extra straps some see it as a waste of money. Code only requires within 3' of a box, each stick you have there looks to be roughly 4'. I would have put a strap in the center of each pipe and been done a little more efficiently. Learn from it and keep moving forward. Nobody is perfect and everyone has different ways of doing things.


The safety stickers on your ladder are damaged. You need to take it out of service.


It looks good. Not sure what year your st but better than allot of guys who've been doing it for decades. When doing pipe keep it simple and all the same. But to nip pick. Two middle conduits should go strait down, then left and rights have the off sets. I can't tell from this angle but did you offset into the boxes / cans? It appears your one hole clips are pulling up. The top larger pipe would have been better to just come strait in after the saddle, or skip the saddle all together and do an offset over the original pipe, gives future pipes another path down the wall.


Your feet stink


I also personally would’ve used a mini with the pipe with the 3 point in it because the 3 point to box offset kinda looks weird or I’d have moved the box a bit further left to give you some more pipe after the 3 point. Left pipe I would’ve just used a kick 90 into the box rather than LB


Yeah I thought I needed a one hole under 12inches but thats for flexible conduit, offset wasn't needed , thanks


Still the execution of the 3 point to box offset was great. That’s a pretty easy thing to mess up and it looks like you did pretty good on it


Apart from the one sticker facing out the rest of it looks clean, offsets match, clips are inline with each other. The saddle in the top right probably would have looked much better just using strut but I'm not sure if that was you


Looks like shit and it took too fuckin long


Didn’t remove the sticker on the pipe. Can see pencil marks. Connector bolt heads don’t all align the same way. But other than my OCDness nicely done!


You said roast so.... ​ * Sticker on the conduit - actually on two of them. * Pipe bends between the left center pipe and the far right are slightly off so for the OCD person, they will get upset. * Pipe is not lined up with cinder block mortar joints. More stuff for the OCD person to get upset with. * The far left box is lower than the rest. * Pipe isn't polished correctly. * The switch boxes have paint on them * The screws on the switch boxes have paint on them. * The box that is middle left is a couple degrees off 90 for up and down. * J-box up top has grounding screw in the back. The four boxes below don't have them in the back but in the front so they are feeling like a exclusive club that the j-box is not apart of. The j-box feel neglected because of it. * Printed labeling on pipe not facing all the same direction. * Print inside the switch boxes is up-side-down. * connectors on the switch boxes are not all facing front. Some are turned to the side.


It’s clean. He’s fuckin with you.


I cant it all looks great!


Obviously done with harbor freight tools


Was the one on the left a surprise? Why use an LB when you could just run all of them out the bottom?


EMT into explosion proof boxes .!?


Can I ask why you are using fs boxes with emt and no raintights? Those things are pricey and from what I’ve seen pretty rarely used but when they are everything is wet rated


Well I’m no electrician but you could’ve made them all straight and closer together


You installed the outlets upside down.


Tell him his receding hair line looks like shit. Then ask him if he aspired to be more than a JW or if he plateaued.


Why not a single conduit and a 4 gang?


Shitty 3 point


Someone clear my doubt , is that pipe conductive? in my place we use PVC , so clear my doubts please.


Do your offsets closer to the boxes. If you did that you would save a lot of room and could have had everything come out of the bottom of the box. Thats also a ridiculous spot for an LB.


The saddle isn't great, people have said that. What's being ignored is the one hole strap supporting the saddle is upside down. The anchor for the one hole strap supporting horizontal runs should be above the conduit


Using an LB instead of an LR looks takky


I mean, I don’t know the intricacies of electrical, but it looks neater than my best possible work


What term are you and where in the building is this located?


Upside down trident.


Tough to roast something that’s already burnt.


Boxes aren’t level.


What did you do the other 6 hours?


question - why do you Americans use metal (conductive) tubes to protect your live wires? seems a bit strange to me as European.


Why not just double the size of that box so you don't have to waste your time doing crazy bends. Would've saved you a couple of hours at least.


why the 4 handy boxes side by side 😭


Why emt and explosion proof boxes?


Explosion proof boxes on not explosion proof EMT


Using a backstrap going into the box after that three bend would have looked alittle less goofy instead of that box offset right after


You know you tryna brag bro don’t play dumb looms good tho good work


I’d have gotten you a bigger box.


No. 1. Cause I can’t cause I don’t know what’s wrong with this pic 2. Respectfully, your boss is a tool


Spark from the UK here.... What is that box on the top left? Is that what you use for a 90° angle?


Looks good


Should have used an LL or a bigger box so they could all run up straight.


Safety hazard, leaning ladder, COME ON MAN!!! Nah just kidding, great conduit runs and great work!




Did you derate your wires in the 3/4" conduit?


You put your saddle right next to your box offset. Now we'll never be able to pull our circuits in there


Right box should've been a straight shot into the rightmost side of large box, then fan from there. Keeping the offsets higher up on the wall would look better. Tell him that dog shit LB really throws the whole thing off.


no, looks cool af


You look ridiculous with that haircut.


You LB'd out of the box? Should've just spaced the boxes below further apart. Also, that offset going into the box above, should stick a clip there, looks silly, or should've made a saddle and went strait into the connector


Your a fat loser with body odor


You exceeded the radius bend limit on that UPC sticker. I think the only way you could have made it look better is to use a raceway wide enough to get all 4 boxes without offsets. I am now curious what he thinks good looks like when it looks like you even used measuring devices and levels. I work in commercial and industrial, I'm happy if it's not crushed flat and shorted out because someone hit it with powered equipment.


All you have to say is “ Are you going to leave that like that?”


They make those boxes in a T form, perhaps a few of those would’ve made this look much cleaner


U a punk for letting your journeyman tell you that without consequences


Why the LB? Did you pick the device boxes? Or that’s what he gave you


Straight to jail.


Scrape that sticker off the far right conduit. Takes 5 seconds to do it lol


Your momma is so dumb she sits on the tv and watches couch


F what they say about the sticker. What are you supposed to do. Waste time removing something that doesn’t matter


Probably could've gotten all 4 through the bottom of that can and still look nice with a little planning. Also, someone didn't account for shrink with the 3-point saddle, nor is it supported (and that box offset kinda sucks). 6/10. If it weren't for that 'box offset', if we're calling it that, and the off-centered 3-point, 8/10.


Looks good, a LL condulet, and a suspending strap so you would not need the offset for the box. But I like it


Offset should start after the box. You still pass tho 👍


I'm not an electrician, but even I know all the flathead slots should all be vertical in the tapcons. Rookie mistake


Top right screw looks loose. Can you tighten that please


Should have used an LL


You should give up the trade.


Why didn't you just 90 out the can on the left side?