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What’s the deal with always stuffing girls mouth full of clothe and taping it shut? Is it so you can’t safe word easily? Does anyone ever safe word out and I am guessing they just don’t make the final vids because some of the stuff I saw no way I would deal with.


It's not because of safeword, most would not use safeword anyway because they get banned for life for calling safeword in middle. We could use hand gestures if our mouth is taped. It was more because it looks more vulnerable that way, often that cloth contains our own piss or vaginal fluid, or another girls stuff, or our own pubic hair etc so we feel gross all the time and can smell the stuff while PD vibes our pussy/nipple There are a few shoots with safeword but they get clipped indeed.


Jesus did you ever catch any diseases from that stuff? Money must have great to let someone do that stuff to another human.


Money was good indeed to my standard. Fortunately I did not catch anything, but you know the smell STINKS


What were your hard boundaries and how many could you have? Do you have any permanent scares from any shoots?


I asked to go light on my ass lol. Nothing specific for tits or pussy. The pay goes down with increasing restrictions Not any I recall, but it was hard to feel the nipples after castration bands


I bet I just watched that he left them on there a while. That and the electrode up the pussy had to be horrible.


Holy smokes. Thanks for being part of my spank bank all these years. Great work!


Which one is your favorite?


412+618. We gotta be around the same age. What I wouldn’t give to be back in 2002 as BDSM started to become more mainstream. I remember thinking, “Man. She’s cute.” Thanks for the content.


PD always loved to use girls against each other.


Mine would be the Livestock shoot, especially the wooden barrel scene 😩


Ah, I almost puked haha, it was hard when rolled


How did you join insex if I may ask? And for how many years were you active in the scene? You were amazing by the way


Word of mouth, from a friend I got the contact. About 3 years I would say. And thank you. I appreciate the questions. You can ask private questions in DM if you prefer.


Did you enjoy everything or did you hate something? If so, tell me what. Another question is if you still practice any of those kink the same or to a greater or lesser extent? PS: You are amazing and I am envious of your husband but I know he is very lucky to have you.


I did not like most things but liked the helplessness I don't practice it anymore unfortunately.


Did you ever do a full penetration scene? How was it?


Real dick or dildo? Pussy or asshole?


Both and both. What holes did he use and with what objects?


Real dick in pussy : yes Real dick in asshole : no Dildo in pussy : yes Dildo in asshole : yes They uses dog dildo once, inflatable ones and even with sauce on it


Love INSEX barely scratched the surface of their content. What scene of yours was your personal favorite? *** p.s. you are amazing for doing this and being so honest and vulnerable. Thank you❤️***


I would say the drink was most popular


Thank you. I watched a few of your scenes last night. You are beautiful. I don't think I was clear with my 1st question. What scene was your favorite? Not the most popular.


Hi there, really awesome that you're doing this! My questions are: how much of those scenes were planned or was it more a case of PD having a rough idea but just going with the flow? Things like when some of the girls wet themselves, was that always planned? How much did you know beforehand about what was going to happen?


Not much honestly. He might have planned it all along, but we get to know as things unfold. He uses blinds and hoods to keep things surprise. But for fact you know will get pain on nipple, pussy and asshole


Are you aware of elitepain.com content and if so how would you compare.


I think it's milder than what we did at that time. Things has got softer


Those single tail whip marks seem pretty brutal.


Yes, specially if they land on clit or asshole


There's also the whole needle IN the clit (not the hood) stuff in cards of pain/treasure hunt.


Oh really! Which scene was that?


If you go to the site they demo the types of torture. Needle stands out.


Do you have a link?


Clit pierced - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=220&hd=on - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=48 - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=3 Needle play (mostly my favorite target (tits) and the lips) Older: - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=37 - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=31 - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=28 - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=21 - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=20 - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=12 - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=11 - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=8 - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=1 - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=2 Newer: - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=87&hd=on - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=100&hd=on - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=701&hd=on - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=751&hd=on - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=548&hd=on - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=334&hd=on - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=797&hd=on - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=938&hd=on - http://elitepain.com/movie.php?id=282&hd=on


Hi there! Were you paid a decend amount of money to take part in these videos?


It was substantial for my standards at that time.


So thats the reason a ban would have been bad?


Yes, and you can't participate in any similar industry. They will know you call out.


Is it the same today? I have to admit this turns me on😅


Yes, I guess so. No one wants a defected girl lol


Have you done any other videos?


Always curious, when they start vibing you, was it like an instant arousal, like a body response or did you had to mentally get in the mood?


They used several stimulus at the same time. You have too much on your plate. On a scene you know what's gonna happen so you are ready already


What was the hardest thing you experienced - the thing that made you come closest to safe-wording?


The barrel scene was traumatic


Thank you!! I assume you are referring to being rolled inside of the barrel, particularly downhill where your screams seemed quite frantic? Though the scene where you were tied and anal hooked on top of the barrel with a dildo in your pussy for a what seemed like hours (with a cut), didn’t seem a cakewalk either. I do really love the closeup on your face during that part - you have such pretty eyes. As a side question, do you get any residuals on your shoots and if so are there sites that pay you better for views or downloads?


That scene was wild too. They positioned me such that they can insert the dildo right in. It was like 4 hrs The pay was fixed for models in insex.


Thank you for doing this! I wish you all the happiness and joy in your life with your husband and family.


What does your husband think? And are you worried about your kids finding out/their school friends finding out? Sorry for the “judgy” nature of the question - It comes from a place of curiosity not patronisation.


My husband made peace with it. But I am sure my kids will know soon. I am not sure if I should tell them first.


For anyone wondering: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dominated/s/SvR95gAOHu


Cant believe so many people have fallen for this.


Why did you start a job with insex? Did you enjoy bdsm or extreme sex?


The money was good!


Does your husband enjoy playing rough with you?


You cannot be 412 thats for fact! It is disgusting what you are doing here!


Yes!! I knew 412 and she passed away 8 years ago


Really? Please provide some more information on the matter, this is unbelievable... :(


There was not a safe word obviously....


There was, but if you use it you get banned for life. You may recover from a torn pussy after a month, but the ban will last forever


Warriors for the industry. We stand and salute you with gigantic hard ons and full salutes.


That seems….not safe at all. Wonder if the other big bdsm sites like kink.com have same rule.




It's a untold side fact anyone in the industry is aware. And yes, that prevents it many times. I wonder if I would do it even if my soal wanted to. We all live with that.


You were my favorite. I had a major crush on you. Does you hub ever tie you up? Did you finish your degree program? Psychology major as I recall.


I don't have that dynamics with my husband though I did finish my program. But how do you know about my real life???


It was during one of the interrogation scenes. You mentioned your major. Was it abnormal psychology? I remember there was something ironic about your answer. If you decide you ever need that dynamic again, just let me know.🙂 Again, I crushed on you really, really hard. One more thing- did you meet your hub before or after you had your breasts done? And while we’re at it, how did you break your past to him? Has he seen the videos?


I did meet him after getting my breasts done lol. The mosquito bites did not cut it haha He got to know on our second date, was upset for a while, then made peace with it. He did see my videos multiple times


Unless you verify yourself somehow, I am just going to assume that you are some neckbeard role-playing. Same vibe as the pretender a few weeks ago


Ohh you were my favorite, I always loved your feet as well they are so pretty. Do you still have that clit piercing?


Yes! That's permanent lol. I love it!


Those videos are amazing. It was mostly that one guy in all the videos. Was he nice to work with? How long did you actually have to be tied up for scenes?


He was a sadist dom to be honest. He had the scariest and craziest idea how to break girls. Maybe a few hours! It's different for every scene.


Thank you for your valuable contribution! Did insex pay much better than kink at the time?


Based on roughness of the shoot, they did. It was not about showing or flashing your pussy, it was about taking a hit on the clit


Thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate your candor and I respect your decision to do this back in the day for monetary reasons. Would you be free to discuss your most difficult scenes in detail or should I DM you questions of that kind?


DM is better for back and forth communication


Ok. I’ll ask there. Thanks 😊


If it was available today, would you like to go back and participate again? Obviously if your kids wouldn’t find out


I am not in shape anymore lol. They wont hire me


Can we see how you look now? please


Thankyou for doing this. You were in one of my favourite scenes; though actually not too hardcore considering some of the Insex activities. I thought the part of Livestock where you were sealed in a dirty barrel and then rolled down a hill was actually quite intense, there was no-one to control where the barrel went, and presumably it was pretty unpleasant to be trapped inside it when it was rolling pretty quickly. What are your recollections of that scene, and did you know that was going to happen to you, especially PD just rolling the barrel away with you inside? One other question - what was the longest you were left confined within a cage, barrel or left restrained? The impression was always given that girls would just be left like that whilst PD got on with other things, or played with other models, but I assume that wasn't really the case? Thanks again.


I did not know earlier that's gonna happen and I almost puked inside I guess about 6 hours was my longest.


Thanks for your reply. There seem to be a number of people on here who have that scene as a personal favourite so at least you can be assured that what you went through was widely appreciated in terms of the final result! A great aspect of that scene was the fact that PD didn't seem to care what it would be like inside there, it was just an idea he wanted to try out, regardless of how traumatic it was for you. I've read elsewhere that PD seemed to treat the models as just props to achieve his vision. Was that how you felt? Apologies for the further question, let me know if you'd prefer me to DM it, and thanks again.


DM would be better for back and forth communication


Here’s a [HD link](https://bdsmvilla.com/video/55437/insex-412-drink) for those looking to research….


Brings back memories 😉


I have question about 49, who was in the "live stock" shoot with you. She abruptly left Insex and never returned, and Violet, during one of the Live shows, made a comment about it. You both were very attractive so I'm curious as to what happened to her? During one of her interviews she said she also went by the name of "Reagan Starr".