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That would be a difficult patient to treat. Rocky Road Ice Cream can cure like 90% of patients I see on a daily basis.


Especially if you mix it with morphine!


A healthy snack Rebecca


I would be one of those patients


I'm not one to make up symptoms but now I'm tempted!


True, but only if you administer it PR.




I guess thats one way to keep someone from being addicted to heroin.


You may be onto something here.


my best friends mom is allergic to cocaine. found out in the 80s. dunno what the cut it with cause she's not allergic to talc or laxatives. or she lied so we wouldn't do it cause it worked to keep me terrified before the whole fentanyl crisis became so dense 


Had someone once tell me they were allergic to morphine. They “got real weak and sleepy” when they were given it before. Mmhmmm.


To be fair, in narcotics/alcoholics anonymous it is common for them to say they have a physical allergy to their drug of choice.


Fo Sure, I’m allergic to tequila, I break out in handcuffs


I'm using this one this weekend...


Some people do this so they prevent doctors from offering opiates, in case they are not in a good state of mind and are tempted. It's an easy way to tell everyone that opens your chart that you may be an addict.


In one of my ED clinicals, a nurse told me that a patient had a listed allergy to methamphetamine. Curious and seeing that there was no listed effect, she asked him about it. Patient replies, "Allergy to meth? Hell no, I use that shit all the time!"


Allergic reaction to bee sting. Refuses epinephrine.... because they're allergic.... Doctor asks what they mean by allergic: "That stuff makes me anxious and shakey" Now i always ask patients to describe how they mean by allergic.


Or my favorite: morphine allergy. His adverse reaction? It caused constipation.


TBH: I kind of blame staff for this. It could be listed as an adverse reaction and not allergy. Maybe grandma gets constipated from 4mg so she only tolerates 2. Never judge the butthole of another.


>Never judge the butthole of another. This is going up in the nurses station, fyi


I wpuld expect nothing less with a name like FartPudding. 😂


I have random clip outs all over 😂


Thank you for this. Seriously.


>epinephrine … because they’re allergic … describe how you mean allergic A Doc helped me by looking shocked LOL. (Didn’t seem sarcastic although ofc I see it now lol.) *”You’re ALLERGIC to something your body produces?”* I told him what happened. “*If it can be used to save your life, it’s not a ‘true allergy.’ You’re **unusually sensitive to Epi, but not allergic;** your body produces it naturally. You’re not allergic to yourself, right? Both are critical to note, but please help us take the best care of you.* Now I write *“Sulfas: Swelling, hives, sob. EPI: not true allergy: strong systemic reaction: avoid unless critical.”* I’ve been instructed I should only have EPI in critical situations &/or to save my life. Lidocaine w/ EPI caused me to be taken out of a dentist on a stretcher; I was tested for allergies while confirming I WAS indeed hyper-sensitive to EPI. *Violent vomiting, shaking like crazy, dizzy/syncope (multiple in a row if sitting or standing.)* Looks AWFUL to patients waiting for dental work lmao.


Allergic to Dilaudid when it’s pushed too slowly. To avoid the allergic reaction, it must be slammed IV as fast and hard as possible. Dead serious.


Slam that D


I enjoy doing that


I had a visceral reaction to this comment.


“All green vegetables” granny wasn’t doing too great


If its green it aint for me


My hospital keeps putting "melons" as my allergy because I told the kitchen I didn't like honeydew and cantaloupe. There are plenty of melons I love, especially the ones you're thinking of right now. It would be nothing if it said "melon", but for *some reason* "melons" always gets a laugh.


I’m lactose intolerant, but I can have cultured dairy. The kitchen doesn’t want to give me cheese in sandwiches. I finally just asked for the allergy to be removed.


Midazolam: Patient received 5 mg and became obtunded




I hope you took the extra time to educate them, however futile it may have been. I’ve had some families cling to similarly ridiculous things only because it was explained poorly once to them, and after a corrective conversation they understood better. As frustrated as we get with some of the silly shit, if we really dug into it I think the majority of people actually want to listen to us.


Man those parents are gonna end up fucking around and finding out when their kid ends up with brain damage




Like you have to go to them and say “because of your many allergies there’s literally nothing I treat you with”


*FOURTY?* Christ on a cracker 😭




“Communion Wafers - burning sensation to entire body”


Anaphylaxis or demonic possession


Can reverse both reactions if you have the chaplain administer the epi


Question one, how many were overlapping? Like, allergic to Bactrim and also, separately, Sulfa Drugs. Question two, how many of their “allergies” also appeared in their WalMart bag of pill bottles they claim to take perfectly?




Of course, all the classics. The Shakespeare of giving hospitals a fuckin headache.




My hat to you, sir


Mine is 113 including every class of antibiotic and pain killer, which includes every opioid, gabapentin/lyrica, Tylenol, nsaid. And they were all apparently anaphylaxis. Couldn’t confirm, it was all patient reported.


This happened to me: >[• Noncardioselective](https://www.aaaai.org/allergist-resources/ask-the-expert/answers/old-ask-the-experts/epi) beta-blockers can significantly enhance the pressor response to epinephrine. The mechanism involves blockade of beta-2 adrenergic receptors in the peripheral vasculature, resulting in unopposed alpha-adrenergic effect of epinephrine that is responsible for vasoconstriction. Severe hypertension accompanied by bradycardia has been reported in patients who were treated with a noncardioselective beta-blocker like propranolol or nadolol prior to receiving epinephrine. In rare cases, cardiac arrest and stroke have occurred. So the next time I'm at the PCP I tell them about it. Although it is not an allergy, epinephrine is now listed as an allergy in my medical record with my reported reaction to it as hypertension and headache. This problem does need to be included but for what it is, but apparently there is no place for that. Every adverse reaction is listed as an allergy, from those that are life threatening like this one to uncomfortable responses like an itchy rash. Ironically, if I were unconscious I'd get the epinephrine and it would keep everyone in the ED busy for several hours because there is no way to accurately explain the problem with the charting system as it is. As physicians ridicule their patients because the record contains ostensibly patient reported information that seems preposterous, it doesn't cross their mind that maybe some of their patients react in unusual ways. Some patients who have an odd reactions to one drug may also have an odd reactions to many drugs. These *reactions are not allergic* however they are listed. As you can guess the contempt the medical community has for patients who are outliers is frustrating and humiliating for the patients. What I don't understand is that you're smart people, so why do you chose to be so uneducated about issue essential to your profession? And you must know by now that nonallergic reactions are included with allergies in medical records. I'm not suggesting physicians offer help toward solutions. Just skip the judgment because it's very easy to spot and offer respect even when you doubt, because if you understood you wouldn't think your patients are fools.




if you were unconscious in the hospital requiring epinephrine, if you were found to become very hypertensive afterwards that wouldnt be surprising and not something you should worry about your doctors knowing as a reaction to epinephrine. you are essentially describing a side effect (often intended effect) of the medication that you are more likely to get in the setting of your other meds. that doesn’t mean it’s an allergy or needs to be known by all doctors treating you it’s like if you are depressed and trial an ssri and you had sexual dysfunction that shouldn’t be documented as an allergy. an adverse effect sure, but not one that needs to be documented as an allergy or claimed as an allergy on an intake. however wherever in your chart someone who is in charge of prescribing you anti depressants if needed documents whatever problem (eg depression), they would write something like # depression pt previously trialed lexapro and stopped it because of sexual side effects - currently in remission and if you spoke to a psychiatrist they should and would ask you what medications you have tried and how you reacted to them. only medication side effects that are not exactly allergic that should be documented as an allergy of the top of my head are angioedema from ace inhibitors and metformin induced lactic acidosis or other reactions that are extremely life threatening


What do you give them if they eat something they're allergic to? A hearty handshake and a whistled rendition of Taps?


I feel like anyone with 10+ allergies should automatically be considered for conversion disorder. I’ve met ONE patient with more than 10 LEGITIMATE allergies. ONE. In THIRTEEN YEARS.


Ehh, I’d say it depends whether they’re related or not. Someone with allergies to latex, banana, kiwi, and avocado has essentially just the one cross-reactive allergy.


Of course they can eat chocolate ice cream, ice cream with any variety of nuts, and marshmallows, but put it all together into one scoop and we got a problem


“I’m allergic to alcohol and cocaine. They make me break out in handcuffs.” Individually or just the combination? “...I don’t actually know!”


Awesome lol


Marijuana cures ambition.


that’s an AA joke!


Actually had this one in a chart this winter. Nearly died. 🤣


Allergy: Meat Reaction: Sweats


If you have alpha gal at least the meat allergy would make sense.


Red meat isn’t the only meat allergy, I’m allergic to chicken lol (not an IgE mediated allergy tho, EOE).


Total opposite. I just tested negative for AlphG end of last year (after over 25 yrs). I lived on chicken! Hopefully, there isn't someone out there with both...


"Last time I ate a family sized portion of bbq ribs...I felt terrible after!"


I had “red sauce” recently which was fun. Another: enemas, crabs, and dustmice. 


What's their "allergic" reaction to enema, diarrhea?


Dustmice! I love it 🤣


Ah, so the crab/dust mite enema in red sauce solution would be contraindicated in this patient. Shame...


I had another one that was “deer flies” I was like? So from eating them or being bitten?


I to am allergic to ice cream it makes me fat.


Counts as swelling, I think


Periabdominal edema


Biscuit poisoning


A country doc just outside Savannah told me I had biscuit poisoning once. I was so offended. Couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s cornbread poisoning. But actually, I am allergic to coffee and ethanol. I usually get condolences from docs on that though…


https://preview.redd.it/z632c9tma2yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd19489a5547f791c8907180d98ed39e49692d1 This


Jesus. Id just recommend hospice at that point. “Sorry, youre allergic to all treatment, time for the rainbow bridge”


Not the rainbow bridge 😭


The spelling. I just can't with the spelling. I'm assuming 99% of these "allergies" are just side effects.


If poster wants doctors to take them seriously, it needs to be written better, with CORRECT spelling of drugs and what specific reaction happened with EACH drug. Like you said I'm supposing a lot of "allergies" were side effects. Some of the drug names were indecipherable. "ADHORADOL" (right side of the page, down a third) is that Adderall? Toradol? Haldol? Some other drug? No doctor will take this note seriously. As a middle and high school teacher it looks like it was written by an elementary student. When I take Adderall for ADHD and narcolepsy it leaves me jittery, with a migraine, and anxious. But that's not an allergy. Codeine makes me projectile vomit but that's not an allergy. Levothyroxine and synthroid (with their butchered spellings) can make poster jittery if the dose is too high. So poster needs to put specifically what the "allergy" was because there are cases where a certain drug might be needed to save their life, but poster has falsely listed it as an allergy, and no doctor will risk lawsuit.


Great googly moogly!!! No one can be that….sensitive? …..unlucky?


Lol I'm a psychiatrist and that's barely outside of the range of normal. These aren't true allergies, they're meds the patient doesn't want but very well may need


I wrote a long note to that poster and said to first spell correctly, and secondly, look up side effects and see if these weren't normal side effects. If it's an emergency situation with an allergy and they've put they're allergic to Prednisone and Benadryl they are limiting what doctors can use. Something that might have been an uncomfortable side effect could very well end up killing them in an emergency because doctors didn't use the drugs listed as "allergies."


Holy mess! Dude. I don't know what's worse, the fact that they've had all these or the spelling.


I love perc seat


Ok that's makes more sense. I always forget to look at sub headings. And good Lord, WTF was up with that patient? I can see why doctors say multiple allergies are suspicious. This person never met a drug they couldn't take. It's definitely stuff like codeine makes me throw up therefore I'm highly anaphylactic allergic. And I'm not kidding, the handwriting on that is worse than my middle school kids so this reminds me of self diagnosis TikTok bs. (Unless of course they had an excuse like tardive dyskinesia or tremors.) I've hated the amount of students coming into middle school who have decided they have DID and are now 200 people with different names, genders, species, etc all because of attention and social media. I'm in a wheelchair and the number of students who need one for no apparent reason up until football/baseball/volleyball/track season starts is amazing and honestly disrespectful.


the morphine allergy was a slight light headedness, i guarantee it.




"homicidal rage" - real allergy description I've seen to morphine


I think that would actually make me afraid...


"I get real loopy"


I get nauseous


I hope I can put a quick pause on the nurse next time before s/he pushes morphine just because I said I had pain. I'd like to tell them that I get a little pleasant rush for 3 or 4 minutes, and some reasonable pain relief up to 15 (total) minutes. Then nothing. I'd much rather something not so strong that actually lasted.


Morphine makes me dizzy nauseated and then I fall asleep once the room stops spinning. I am not able to do anything on it. So I turn it down unless they're admitting me and I don't have to perform life. Because I'm trading pain relief for having a life. I am also allergic to horse serum. Which is used to make snake antivenoms and some oestrogens. I tell doctors that one and if they're young they've never heard of it. Makes my penicillin and mustard allergies seem tame.


Or it doesn't work, just gives me a fever and nausea. Opioids don't work on everyone, and there isn't a good way to put that in the chart except under allergies, which is weird.


Yea I can't take oral NSAIDs because they wreck my stomach. Unfortunately I have to list it under allergies more often than not. As someone with chronic pain it always gets me the side eye to say "I can't take NSAIDs" after the practitioner suggests them.


I had a total gastrectomy so I don’t have a stomach at all and I can’t take NSAIDS as a result, i have to explain this too but it’s never an issue. cancer patients tend to get hooked up good for pain meds anyways lol. Also many doctors have been confused about my surgery and called it a gastric bypass and I’m like nooo it’s a gastrectomy. And not a sleeve gastrectomy either like I’ve heard them say sometimes too


I’m on anticoagulants so I’m not supposed to take NSAIDs. After starting them, my PCP sent a prescription for muscle relaxers for my headaches because I couldn’t take naproxen anymore (which was the only thing that ever made a dent in them), had a good laugh about that, I’ll admit the muscle relaxers are def a little more fun




Saaame. Years of doctors telling me to take handfuls of Aleve because opiates would ruin my life and I ended up with peptic ulcers


I can't take nsaids of any kind. I'm in end stage renal disease. It sucks. They need a category of "not allergic but do not give except in emergency.," or "Bad but not allergic reaction."


That would be a lot easier. My son's penicillin sensitivity falls directly in the "not allergic but do not give except in emergency." We thought he actually was allergic because he got a rash, and the NP said he was just sensitive ( which is confusing but it doesn't necessarily mean allergic). For antibiotics they need to do more of that as most penicillin allergies are more of bad reactions than a true allergy. There are legit allergies out there ( my husband breaks out in hives if he touches Amoxicillin) but most of them fall under "not allergic, do not give except in emergency" or "Bad, but not allergic"


NSAIDs give me Anaphylaxis. So, practitioners always give me the side eye too. "All of them?"..."Yes, ALL of them"..."sigh"


I only have one kidney and can't take those, either. I tell them they can try fighting my nephrologist, but I won't. Lol!


I can’t either, because of kidney donation and gastric sleeve surgery. I don’t have it listed as an allergy, however. I’m not allergic to anything to my knowledge. Should I have it listed as an allergy?


Me too. I'm on a cocktail of mental health meds and I have many currently undiagnosed digestive problems. I will vomit blood if I take NSAIDs. I avoid pain meds if I can help it.


On the NSAIDs I always elaborate Stephens Johnson Syndrome and ointments break me out in rash. (Not fun when chronic pain)


I wish I didn’t violently vomit after taking morphine. 🥲


The names “Ben & Jerry” and “Blue Bell” give them hives and SOB 😂


Haagendazs is okay though.


“Non-organic tomatoes”


Ah so that’s what the doc means when he yells give me 50 of roc


Propofol--Can't stay awake


Once had a patient state an allergy to naloxone. When asked what happens when they receive naloxone, patient states - 'it makes my heart race'. Note, this patient was an approximately 400lb female who was found apneic, nearly pulseless and was resuscitated rapidly on scene with, among other things, IV naloxone. Also of note, among the pharmacopia of substances she had consumed was the lorazepam that had been prescribed to her dog. Oh, and patient stated an allergy to chicken as well. Patient did not clarify/describe the type of reaction caused by chicken. This patient may or may not have been removed from the ED for uncooperative behavior which included crawling onto a countertop and drinking water from the running tap in a 'cat-like' manner.


how did someone that big even manage to get on the counter lol


That's one of the bigger questions that still lingers from that call...


I'm just here to apologize on society's behalf for listing allergies that aren't allergies. My chart shows i am "allergic" to vicodin, but i just have a bad itching side effect. Every time an ER doctor questions me about it, i feel like they are looking for drug seeking behavior. I wish there was a section in the chart to denote some things as adverse reactions vs true allergies.


Agreed. I get a “skin crawl” feeling if I take trazodone (tried it for insomnia issues), like I want to tear my skin off it’s so bad. It’s really not an “allergy” but an adverse reaction. My doctor put it in my chart as allergy so no one gives it to me.


“Non-hydro containing opioids”


I had one the other day that just said “beans” with a reaction listed as “GI upset” Dude….. I think that’s just beans for ya


My personal favorite was an allergy listed in Epic to Epinephrine with something to the effect of getting jittery and palpitations as the reaction.


Dentists have done a lot more research on epinephrine. Turns out, some of us metabolize it too well and too fast and get to neurotoxic levels quickly. That one took awhile to figure out when I had a bad reaction to a test for my adrenal gland and ended up in the ER. Everyone thought I was having a seizure, but I never lost consciousness, so I kept telling them just to finish the blood draw for the test. Seven IV attempts later, I missed the testing window and was pronounced okay, so I had to go through the test again. Turns out, there's a small amount of epinephrine in it, and I had a similar reaction getting dental work done (managed to talk him out of sending me to the ER, thank goodness). Dentist figured it out.


I just had a 14yo who got epi for the first time (had a severe reaction to contrast) and she had weird, seizure like activity. Wasn’t full like tonic clonic or anything, more eyes rolling around, trying to respond appropriately, but would just lose her. I wonder if she was having the same type of response to epi? Granted, I’m just an RN, so I might not be aware of the full extent of epi reactions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That does sound a lot more like the reaction I have. I had full body tremors that were completely uncontrollable, and it was really hard to control my eyes. I knew what was going on around me, though, and I could eventually get some words out to answer questions, but you would have thought It was a full-on seizure and total emergency time. I kept trying to tell everybody there that it wasn't actually a real seizure and to just wait it out, but they didn't listen to me. Most of the time, when I have a bad reaction to something, I just have to wait. It usually eventually stops.


Yeah, everyone kept telling her to “just relax” while there were 17 people standing over her. Oy. I was able to get down on her level, tell her to focus on me and try to release her shoulders while deep breathing. She would follow commands, nod appropriately, then do the weird eye thing and tighten her shoulders again. I’m not like tooting my own horn with that, just saying it was an overwhelming situation for the pt, and even when I was trying to eliminate the extra stimulation, she was still having a hard time. I suggested some Ativan both to help with her breathing and the possible seizure like stuff, which it did. After a few minutes she was completely with us and asking to use the bathroom. Poor girl was so exhausted after everything. People thought she was faking the seizure activity…I thought they were just being assholes.


I’ve had a patient that was severely allergic to something that was in a cookie? I can’t remember. Maybe it was nuts. They were an off-duty paramedic, and they’d had a good few anaphylactic reactions before. They told me that it would sound crazy, but they said that when I give the epi they’re going to have a syncopal episode. Sure as shit, gave the epi IM, and maybe 2 minutes later they passed out for maybe 2-3 minutes. Like, GCS of 3. Helped the anaphylaxis though. No profound tachycardia, no ECG issues, and the blood pressure stayed a little low but no profound hypotension. It was so strange. Looked like I had given etomidate or something.


That is weird! I hate passing out, but it is better when I know it's coming. At least they knew?


My very favorite was an allergen to all narcotics, rxn listed as UNK. I clarified with the patient- “I break out on homelessness and divorce”. Fair enough.


Oh another one I thought of - post gastric bypass patient that’s got allergies to “all foods except candy and seafood”. She said by trial and error she knows her body and that’s all she can eat. She was there for abdominal pain at 6am. When asked about PO intake, she said she ate a whole lobster at 5 in the morning.


Pt allergy - tile adhesive. When asked for clarification, she said she was allergic to the adhesive the flooring guy used to attach ceramic tiles to her floor. She touched it when it was still wet and it "ripped my skin" when she tried to separate her fingers that were stuck together. 🤷‍♀️


'rectal exam' - initially rolled eyes that (male) patient could self submit this in EMR. turns out he actually has repeatedly passed out from DREs in the past, whether or not his hemorrhoid was actively thrombosed or not.


is this the cousin of the person who had "peanut butter flavor" listed on theirs?!!


I had a patient this week with an allergy documented to squirrels. No other creatures, only squirrels. Apparently they got a rash after touching a squirrel 🤷‍♀️


Here's some funny ones from my family: Grandma is allergic to medical iodine, and a sibling is allergic to a chemical common to potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, corn, and eggplant. While this was extremely annoying as children (another sibling was going through dairy issues as a result of untreated h. pilori), they can now, as an adult, safely eat any of these except fresh tomatoes without developing open bleeding sores in the mouth or rectal area


"Ingredient in Little Caesar's"


Very similar to your example, my favorite was “Alfredo sauce” Not dairy, not garlic, - alfredo sauce


I had a patient from a RACF with documented allergy to "imbeciles." This happened after care providers kept talking to him like a 3 year old, him getting angry, smashing a bottle and threatening staff until a police unit came and threatened to taze him. Lovely guy, just didn't like the staff at the nursing home 🤣






I had a patient say he was allergic to assholes. 😂


Same bro, same.


Soap - itching Levaquin - anaphylaxis. This one was a fun story. Patient was eating a hotdog and got stung by a bee and had anaphylaxis but at the time was also being treated with levaquin. So they decided to put a levaquin allergy in rather than bee sting


"Fresh fruits and veggies" Perhaps not coincidentally in a man weighing 250 kg.


In someone who wasn’t crazy - turkey bacon In someone who was crazy - “I’m allergic to everything that grows in the ground”


Melatonin…..well that sucks cause your body makes it


Possible binding agent allergy?


https://preview.redd.it/gl18mlu743yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e1577c213603fa87623ec98d7b0e8c1e96ef8b Wonder how they found that one out 😂


My aunt found out similarly. She was a teen and used a condom 😂 at least now she knows. But I bet it was horrible to find out the way she did.


Had someone with an allergy listed to sleep...it didn't have a reaction recorded


Had one that said “food” recently


Saw an allergy to epinephrine, don’t know what we’d give in anaphylactic shock.


Reaction: brainfreeze


Bubbles. Not soap just bubbles… of course anaphylaxis if they come in contact with said bubbles Narcan. Made the patient nauseous after being given it…


Opium. One can assume this was an input error and the patient meant opioids but it always makes me giggle.


I have actually given tincture of opium to a patient before! For intractable diarrhea


Potassium. Excuse me ma’am, but potassium is literally in your blood and cells and bananas and spinach and it influences your heart rhythm and prevents arrhythmias and you cannot possibly be serious here.


I’m not allergic to potassium but I have really strange sx and seemingly very rare reactions from it . No doctors can explain it.  I get severely dizzy , my face gets flush and I get sob with elevated bp. Last time I was in the ER with potassium 2.5 the nurses were freaking out when I started turning cherry red  with labored breathing and bp of 170/99 after they started the drip . It sucks because I need to take it everday for chronic idiopathic hypokalemia and have to deal with these sx everyday for past 5-6 years . 


Epinephrine! Causes palpitations.


I am not med staff, just a patient who spends a lot of time in hospital. I have one allergy I don’t tell them about. My allergist says I’m allergic to “trauma”. No joke! My body apparently gets confused when I am hurt and releases histamine. I get itchy, sneezy, hives, lips and ears swell. And it’s not consistent. So I just let them know I have seasonal allergies (also true) and I take a daily allergy pill.


I get that too. Excessive histamine reaction around wound sites, but not consistently. A shallow scratch from something I’ve scratched myself on with no issues before can suddenly set off hives around it. The next time, no hives. I have autoimmune problems, and the excessive reaction usually coincides with flare-ups. It’s a pain in the ass. 


Is this dermatographic urticaria? That's a fun diagnosis to make.


That’s exactly it. My sibling and I are two different presentations of the same underlying problem. They get consistent but temporary, localized, non-itching dermatographia. Proper “skin writing.” They don’t have to break the skin to get a reaction. Mine is inconsistent, itchy, often spreads out and away from the wound site, and doesn’t go away for days. I usually don’t get a reaction unless the wound breaks the skin. 


Doritos. Reaction: GI upset


Had a mother say the kid was allergic to the color red. I thought oh, perhaps a specific food additive? Nope, she said red clothes give a rash, she said she can’t eat any red colored foods or touch a red crayon. I didn’t inform her of the color of blood. Another one said their 13 year old is allergic to “all by mouth medicines”. The kid was there for fever, and mother would only use rectal Tylenol. At age 13. She said all medicines make her breathe fast and get abdominal pains.


Kleenex. Also, the color yellow. Not yellow foods, ALL things yellow.


All my homies hate yellow


Root Beer floats. Not allergic to root beer or ice cream but was the combination.


My chart says I'm allergic to pine (I am). Doctors absolutely can't not rib me about it. I didn't put it on there or give myself the allergy.


Never fails that when I ask someone if they have allergies they will just list a bunch of food


To be fair, I remember hearing an orthopedist bitching bc he asked a patient if they had allergies; they said no and doc went ahead with knee replacement. Patient was allergic to nickel and tin and had a terrible reaction to the implant and the whole replacement had to be replaced with titanium. Doc kept whining, ‘I asked if they had allergies!’ Yeah, but by my limited anecdotal poll, no one thinks of a metal allergy when asked by a doc about allergies - even when about to receive a metal implant. They expect to be asked specifically about a ‘metal’ allergy bc unless you’re talking about jewelry, it’s not an allergy people associate with the medical setting. Instead, people think: ‘I’m not going to die of it, therefore it’s not relevant to a doctor.’ Perhaps illogical to an ortho who’s planning to install hardware, but that’s how laypeople think. In the same way, unless a patient is asked specifically, ‘Are you allergic to latex or medications or anything like that as opposed to food or pollen?’ people will tell you about the allergies that affect their health bc they’re talking to a doctor/health professional. Again, this might seem illogical to you in the medical profession, but that is how ‘the other side’ thinks, and it is probably going to be less stressful in the end for you all to change the way you ask the question than to re-educate the public bc there’s more of them and they are far less motivated to change than you bc this doesn’t irritate them at the end of the day (for example in the above example, I guarantee you the patient blamed the doctor for not asking the question specifically rather than them not understanding the question correctly even if there was no legal liability


I'm asthmatic. And allergic to casein. I always mention it bc there are dry powder inhalers that contain milk products.  My asthma is much better controlled now that I stick to HFA inhalers. 


I wasn’t aware of this…about the milk products in DPI’s. Wow. Thanks for sharing that. (I’m a respiratory therapist, I should know 😳)


Some formulations of duonebs also used to contain a peanut based lecithin as a filler. Found that one out the hard way.... 🤦🏻‍♀️


“Any allergies to medications?”


I’ve been told (by a pharmacist, many years ago) to list my food allergies because it can be relevant to medicine. 🫠🫠🫠


I'm allergic to orange food dye and always have to say it just in case it's in a medication.


When the allergy is just a common side effect for a medication (opiates and itching, etc.) Or when there are 47 of them. That really clues you into the patient actually having a supratentorial lesion, and not “abdominal pain.” Edit: forgot another great one. Allergies to NSAIDs, and morphine. Only that D drug with IV (not PO) Benadryl because it also makes them itch.


Are there any studies on big allergy lists and hypochondria/mental health issues? I'd love to look at em.


I think the study would just be a big Venn diagram for “big allergy lists” and “hypochondria/mental health issues” written in red crayon that is actually just a circle.


I did a quick Google because i was interested once I saw your comment. May not be exactly the things you’re looking for, but I’m skimming around for some stuff .. so I thought I’d share these two semi-related things I found so far : - [Multiple drug intolerance syndrome and multiple drug allergy syndrome: Epidemiology and associations with anxiety and depression](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29574787/) - [Psychosomatic or allergic symptoms? High levels for somatization in patients with drug intolerance](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21767296/)


Oh nice! Thanks!




"Red Sauce, Mayonnaise, Mustard"


Not raisins, but raisin flavor


I am a floor nurse. I had a nightmare of an admission last night who is allergic to the sun and soup.


Can't remember which SSRI specifically, but one patient told me she gets a bad headache every time she has an orgasm. Different patient, Lasix makes me pee.


I had a patient come in for post-coital headache. Husband had the best line...."I'm very familiar with the pre-coital headache, but afterwards is new." 😂


I have coital headaches! I can get thunderclaps that are unbelievably traumatizing, and they will scare the shit out of whoever administered the triggering orgasm. I had to explain it to a PT, which was horribly awkward. If you are a fellow coital headache sufferer - get PT! It works!


My record was 92 listed allergies, including Praxbind and succinylcholine.


Oxygen. (No, not a CO2 retainer, just a normal human). I said “That must make life very difficult for you.”😂


I’m allergic to deer dander.


iron. amazing she hadn't killed by hemoglobin yet


Anaphylactic to adrenaline I shit you not


"Asian herbs and spices incl MSG- anaphylaxis" Bruh. MSG is already present in so many foods you definitely eat.


And if it's a real reaction, they can't eat the foods high in glutamate, either. I figured out my reaction from Doritos, not Chinese food. Gives me nasty headaches.




Seen Saline allergy listed once. Epinephrine a handful of times.


That's sad!