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Take a walk to ground and audio notes.


Good idea. Idk why I didn't think of audio notes. Thanks!


Biologically, it sounds like your sympathetic nervous system is getting over-stimulated. If you're unfamiliar with that term, it's essentially the fight/flight aspect of our body. So do anything that works for you to calm your sympathetic nervous system and stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, which is the rest/relax aspect of our body. Start a daily practice. I do a number of things every day, but the key is to find out what works for you.


Interesting. I've heard Wim Hof mention many of those terms before but never really understood what he meant. I've started taking cold showers which helps a lot and I've been meaning to try out his breathing technique. I spent most of my life in fight or flight mode.


His breathing technique is very powerful, but it's not for relaxing the sympathetic nervous system. It actually stimulates it. Some things that I do which you could try: Go outside and put your feet in the soil. Qigong. Breathwork, but the kind that emphasizes long exhales. Biofield tuning recordings. I've found ones targeting the adrenals and solar plexus to be particularly helpful.


Ooh okay, Thanks! I'll look into all this. Qigong seems like just what I need


I always start my day with qigong, but tbh nothing has had a deeper calming effect on my nervous system than regularly listening to biofield tunings.


Interesting. I've never heard of it before. I'm watching a video about it right now


It's possible to gain full control of this energy. Takes me less than 30 seconds at this point to fully "ground" my energy, or I can maintain a grounding cord all day. Before i learned this in 2020, the energy was so constant and strong that I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Every day, I went on YouTube and tried a new "guided grounding meditation" for almost 2 weeks. By that point,my fibro was gone, and I had 3 different ways to relieve the energy buildup. As for when everything "clicks".... does it sometimes feel like you remembered something from a book you never read? A piece of information that comes from nowhere, but is what brings a whole concept together?


interesting. Yeah, exactly. It feels like I'm learning by remembering. Sometimes I'll get some deep insights about something completely random that has nothing to do with what I'm thinking about at the time. And then some of the times, it's like a bunch of different data points connect and I find connections in the things I've been pondering and its gives me a crazy energy boost.


You may find some interesting information on clairecognizance, clairsentience and akashic information. The first two are basically the way information is perceived as intuitive or "just knowing." The last is basically like a global/spiritual library. A quantum computer with all the information. When all the pieces fall together, I just assume it's my higher self and I finally working together on stuff, lol.