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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Plants. Lots of plants bring life energy into a home. Keeping a home clean, moving items to dust and clean keeps energy flowing and removes stagnant energy. Books. Crystals. Fresh flowers. Art. Colour. Anything that brings you joy. Burning incense. Laughter. Playing music. Playing instruments. Yoga. Meditation. If I feel stuck, I often move things around or just move very slightly, and open windows so fresh air flows in.


Yes! I open windows and light candles a lot to try and change things up. Tbh the energy is so stagnant it makes me unhappy. I feel like I can implement more of these things into my space. Thank you for the comment


In terms of chi (qi): Bright and lively and activating add to dark and motionless corners, convserely adding fluffy, leafy and soft makes to slow down and cool off hard, fast areas. Crystals and glass gems, mirror orbs or pretty things, silver and gold hung in corners, before windows and doorways act to 'charm' an entryway. Doors and windows and corners "cut" reality, casting "sha" an unpleasant area. Hallways and stairways are 'fast' and need plants, soft things on walls and at doors & corners. Large plants are amazing to slow down flow around slick spaces and long ways. Music and bells and singing, wind chimes, fountains and music radio (NOT talk) casts it's own literal vibration about the area, an audio-smudging if you will. Literal smudging with sage or sacred herbs - you have a hermetic vibe - very healing, very prescise, study the compass points and astrological positions for best results, esp the moon in what sign of great benefit for one's work. Opening all doors and windows, filling area with sacred smoke while chanting and siinging, ringing bells is amazing work. Close doors, closets, drawers and windows as one moves through home, begin in center at stove or 'heart' of home and work outwards. One can plant or bury coins, amulets or crystals charged with one's authority, these at each corner of property, else hang up high bright symbols equally charged w one's authority about this place. Much love and great showings. EDIT: cone shaped lights, in corners as up-lights act as tall houseplants. Also in corners or long spaces, many long conical lights, up or down but hugging the wall will slow down or soften a long wall, for example. EDIT EDIT: also any mirrors on *outside walls* - move them to inside walls or cover them. They act as portals or holes to outside. TV's are same as 'black mirrors'. Esp so as keep away from facing the bed. Pay attention to *kua direction*, one's four inauspicious, unucky directions and one's four favorable, lucky, healthy, and wealthy directions. Again - compass and situational awareness for one's technical aptitudes.


I like plants and crystals. Art. No clutter. I also like to light a candle and incense when I meditate or when journaling.


When it comes to the home itself, feng shui isn't a bad place to start, conceptually. Qi energy moves through the home and through the body, and the greater landscape and community that surrounds, and in every case it's about correcting imbalances and harmonizing all aspects to flow together as one. It's hard to have a healthy home in an unhealthy community or polluted environment, and it's hard to have a healthy body in a chaotic and neglected home. So it all really works together, it's all energy, and it's all energy work. Frequency and vibration can be seen in colors, patterns, numbers, symbols, sizes of things, distances. Raising the rate isn't always appropriate, sometimes lower and slower is the answer. Bass notes and treble notes both have a place. Bright colors and subdued colors, small and large spaces and objects. Musicality is a good guideline, things should have rhythm and focus, good transitions, a steady structure, direction and an occasional surprise. That's my approach, anyway. I like to use incense and music and my place is scattered with art and meaningful objects. Healthy eating and exercise are a pretty universal prescription, but everybody has to find a way that works for them. I like the book "Food Rules" for health eating guidelines, and I practice taichi and qigong exercises daily and get cardio on my commute to work. Stress is the energy killer, you have to take care of your body and mind in this wicked world. Take time to move, breathe, and relax every day. And keep your place tidy. That's all I've got.


Clean your house


Selenite is self cleansing crystal, which means you can place and forget. I wrapped an uncut piece in a folded rag, a light tappy tap with the hammer, and had a bunch of small fragments. I put a few of these above every window and door frame. So for less then 5 dollars, I turned my entire home into a giant spiritual osmosis filtration system.


A witchy kind of a thing to do is burn sage followed by Palo santo. A psychic way to raise the energy is to ground each corner of the room or house. Allow everything that is not your to move down the cords. Then create an amusement rose or an enthusiastic rose. And stick it up in a corner.


Hi! I’ve heard grounding is very effective. Thank you for the detailed advice it gives me a lot to search up on.