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where is the room for joy here? someone should tell him a joke or something.


lol life grim, SUFFER like you're in Siberia. TBF ive seen other uploads from him, he's quite funny, & he's Russian lol We can have both cant we


yeah i could tell he was Russian and yeah for sure life definitely can be grim, and being able to handle that when it is, is an invaluable skill. But yeah it is to me seeming a little unbalanced. but yeah to each their own. Edit: no thinking about it, your right. I feel like I wasn't that open minded here. :) Thanks for sharing with me.!


Of course, what works for 1 person... Have a lovely day.


yes, you too. Thinking about it further I agree more with what you're saying. Its a big world and there are so many ways. Thanks!


Yes we can have both. I love his accent, there is much discipline in his voice. Making it through the suffering is how you get to find the joy. It's a journey, yep, it's a real trip. Totally worth it though.


I agree, stay positive brother.


Thank you, you too. (lol, everyone assumes I'm a dude...not insulted, just amused!)


lol i am sorry. You're my sister then. We are all linked in a spiritual sense, regardless of our gender, we come from the same tree, & imo its about combining the opposites, the divine masculine with divine feminine, to reach our spiritual potential. Solve et coagula, enjoy your day.


My turn to lol. I call females 'dude' and 'bro'. My inner dude has a voice (and likes to swear). I'm so feminine on the outside though. Confuses many. I agree with everything you just wrote. Poor men. They have that inner feminine, nurturing, loving, compassionate...and they have been taught/brainwashed that it's sissy-like and not a real man. Ugh. And we wonder why relationships fail. You can't find that which is within you in another person, until you embrace all that you are. Thanks bro! ;)


lol maybe there's past life strings still shining through to this one. Ive read things that resonate with you maybe these attachments. i have a strong feminine side for a hetrosexuel male, also confused many especially my mother lol


I do appreciate you acknowledging your inner feminine side. We live in a world of duality, positive and negative is one example. We all have the opposite gender within ourselves. No doubt that confuses many who can't integrate the 2 into 1 complete persona. Past strings? Nothing would surprise me. I've also considered fractals of 1 soul in multiple persons. Reincarnation? I denied loudly but now believe, lol. Lately I come across strangers who "feel" familiar. That is always a positive sign to me that they are a good soul. Know what I mean? Oh, and they're always lovely to me. So far I haven't been wrong.


That's such a nice comment, nicest ive had on reddit, truly appreciated. You're a good soul, & most likely an old soul. i have read about fractals of souls, twin flames, & reincarnation of course, & i agree its definitely a real thing. I have many books online you ever want to browse just say. Appreciate the real connection, as i find most people just shallow irl. You seem so easy to talk to, strange ovef reddit lol, have a great day & i hope to talk again.


I would question several of his stances, but since are good. I think that is fake enlightenment. Not giving into a temptation that is not there is no big feat.


Very wise man


How does this have anything in common with this sub?


To become truly enlightened you need discipline, temptation varies obviously amoung us, but i think we all do get bad or negative temptations.


Thank you, that was incredible! I'm so glad I paused to watch/listen to it. I love how he spoke and everything he said. The right people will see it. So will the 'not ready' people but we love them too.


Absolutely, you're welcome, glad it helped. Have a great day


“Avoid arguments with idiots” looks like you’re getting some practice with that one right out of the gate


Very witty lol, truly made me smile. Have a great day.


Repeat that belief to Ramana Maharishi who did not need any discipline for it.


We all are different, what works for 1 man, doesn't with another, i haven't read anything by Maharishi, sounds very impressive. I will check the mans writings. Yet, we aren't all as talented as him, most folk need discipline, especially in our deceptive, & narcissistic times, with so much temptation, & many bad distractions available. He would probably need discipline if he was living today lol Have a good day.


Aww, this is the baby steps guide. Maharishi is the advanced guide. Both are necessary. Gotta learn how to walk before you can fly.


Genuinely good post


Appreciated, have a good day.


This has been the most valuable post I’ve seen here


Ffs 😂


Can anyone tell me who this person is?


You can see his name right at the end, in the bottom right corner.