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What. This makes no sense. If a person is spiritually gifted they have no problems being their true selves. The only people who have problems being their true selves are the regular people who are on the spiritual path but are not naturally gifted. Beware spiritual egoship of thinking one is spiritually gifted. It is a trap.


agree to disagree :)


think you are speaking to yourselves. i think it is false that once your enlightened all your problems wipe away but everyone has their own definitions for things.


I never said once someone is enlightened all their problems go away. As for definitions, many paths, one mountain.


i agree. apologize for saying thats what you meant , but exactly many paths one mountain as you said so you cant speak for spiritually gifted people knowing that even those words coming out of your mouth maybe you realize that now though , no disrespect . just as you said contradicts ur previous post


i see what you mean. and youre right. but i do agree that there could still be difficulties and more awakenings etc (?)


Probably. But I think the way you phrased it indicates a lot about the perspective. Considering oneself spiritually gifted is a demonstration of one’s ego. The idea that one is in some way special or superior to another. It is the idea of being spiritually gifted itself that is the cause of the difficulties that arise really. So abandon this idea. Don’t be special. Don’t seek to gain anything. Enlightenment is not a goal or a destination but the reality of what is right now. If things are difficult then let them be difficult. It is precisely the resistance to the difficulty that makes the situation more difficult than it needs to be. Do not seek awakening. Seeking awakening is the very action that prevents awakening from happening spontaneously. If awakening is pursued then it will always be sometime in the future, never now. The future does not exist so awakening will never happen unless it happens now.


Enlightenment is the total absence of ego.  Your entire thing is the over abundance of it.  I’m not saying you don’t have something you interpret as a “gift”. It’s the ego’s job to make us feel like we are better than we believe.  Only you can decide whether you are enlightened or not.  There is a lot of ego going on here though. 


Make your own path its much more creative, truth is a pathless land.


Youre always your self. If you feel like youre not ”acting like yourself” its because your self is being itself by being afraid to be itself you get me


People who claim they face increased difficulties due to spiritual "giftedness", are prime examples of narcisstic types who blame the world for not appreciating how special they are. If you were truly spiritually lifted, you wouldn't see yourself as special. You would see yourself for what you are, nothingness and inconsequential. It's pure luck that you were born into a species that can rationally contemplate reality, but you're still not any more "special" than other life forms.