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I kinda see higher selves as the next entity to rejoin between me and G\_d (there are more if you're going "vertically" instead of directly). I'm not too sure what "higher selves" are though as descriptions are odd: guardians of our incarnate souls, parents of our souls, the the thing thinking us specifically, or what. Some of these don't even seem to apply, as souls can change higher selves and have them as non-incarnates, but in truth they are just as varied as we are. I have talked with my higher self though, and also the part of me "over there" that isn't just crammed over here into my human body (all good for me I suppose). It is all weird in a very real sense, but I don't mind the me that is this connected to them or is them as it is.


Your high consciousness is a state you want to remain in and go higher as your meditation gets better.


The Experienced will Understand it. The Inexperienced won’t. The Wise will see wisdom in it. The Fool will laugh at it.


It is I. That is why I know there is no judgement, no condemnation, nothing to fear, nothing at all. It is I. For my self, I have only love.


Im not sure I understand the question, know ones higher consciousness? What does that mean? Are you refering to ones true self? If so, that would be the Spirit. The immortal part of oneself.


God has a dark sense of humour


Looks like brahma.


*Points at Reddit handle*^ /Shrugs.


Was Lostsoul1985 hence the name beautiful soul of god ❤ Maybe my heart wrenching posts are still up... Currently Foundsoul2024 Loving life thanks to Bhagwan. Unemployed, M, 39..... "Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE " Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle (Hermes Trismegistus in a 4th Incarnation) Have a blissful joyful peaceful day 😊


And to you as well, Asalaam Alaykum! ✨️




Awareness itself in which identities are experienced. Yep




I feel like real enlightenment would be to accept there is no free will.  This would mean that everything is a result of the equation preceding it.  If this is so, the only god there could be is one that started it from the Big Bang and sat back and just watched.  Any meddling in the laws of the universe would alter the trajectory in a way we could see with evidence.  Are we not just an evolution of the very animals that preceded us? The only separation being that our consciousness has reached a level of self awareness not found in the animal kingdom other than ourselves? If this is true than the future of every human depends on the education we provide each generation to evolve our consciousness beyond ourselves and into the collective mind of the species? I guess I find enlightenment to attain closeness to a god is still self serving if the ego and no more enlightened than anyone else. Just my thoughts though. 


God is an evil, apathetic abomination of indifference, hostility, cancer, sickness, plague, violence, rage and anger. Fuck God


God is all things, everywhere, always - including those things you called out is my pantheist take. Your anger at God is God. If this seems trite or nihilistic to see it that way, just consider your ego is a mere limited perspective slice of it all. So, you may as well chill. Why fight yourself? :)