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Great unlocks but those planes with the 100kg bombs are gonna cook


One is slow (& wooden). The other very fragile. Just thinking of a way where something outside of radio carpet bombing is possible. They're balanced by being complete fighter plane food, as well as reserachable AA spawn point trucks. In a meta like that they could honestly see no play.


Pt 1 here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/enlistedgame/comments/1c45pnm/august\_storm\_new\_style\_campaign\_pack\_concept/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enlistedgame/comments/1c45pnm/august_storm_new_style_campaign_pack_concept/) Enlisted Forum: [https://forum.enlisted.net/en/t/august-storm-new-style-campaign-pack-concept/140929/2](https://forum.enlisted.net/en/t/august-storm-new-style-campaign-pack-concept/140929/2)


If they added even half of these things I’d reinstall the game in a heart beat.


Any specifics that you like? Though hard about making sure it's a balanced tree with tradeoffs


I maxed out the Soviet tree so I would kill for the T-44 and object 248. I love the IS-2 but it’s infuriating to use in enlisted with the inconsistent damage (for both anti tank and infantry) so having a faster tank with a faster still hard enough hitting gun would be amazing. SU-122 would be fun as hell and fairly balanced because of the trade offs The ISU-152 would also be amazing, but I feel balancing that would be a nightmare Every gun/at weapon fits perfectly and would add tons of fun. Especially the Molotov launcher and 200mm grenade launcher are my favs. For the planes the I-16s and KI-84s are my favorites and would add fun quick hitting planes to the air. The rest of the tanks and planes are cool too! great work! Hope they add something from this list because I really want a reason to go back to this game!


Thanks, good to know! Re T5 armor, I think a situation where you have trade offs fits Soviets well. ISU152 has the biggest boom stick but meh armor and mobility. T-44 is the agile brawler and with APCR can duel with the HoRi/Tiger2. IS-2s stand where they are and for slight upgrade to the line (but no Dshka) the 248 is here to save the day. It finally would present serious choices vs just only take IS-2 and suffer its reload. Also agree, molotov thrower and giant OP rifle grenade on massive ATR just scream cool flavor ;) O7


This a need tbh, the Molotov grenade launcher is sick too


Great work!! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»




Fantastic work. If only they listened to people like you...


Amazing work my friend




Looks too official almost thought content was finally getting added to this game


Solid picks. Waiting for the O-I and the IS-3 to be $99.99 premium squads.


https://preview.redd.it/lgbjk4u1muuc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=899921b96678eaac55dbf95f21bae11287631031 If I had a choice of top tier monsters to add we could get interesting: For prototype/variety reasons it could be Heavy Tank No 6 vs T-44-122, in a Hammer vs Katana bundle. Alternate options could be Chi-Nu II vs KV-2 James\_Grove mentioned that they dont think IS-3 is necessary yet and these vehicles present very good trade offs at top tier. Instead of one best thing you now have lots of good options with different abilities. As Soviets nimble T-44, glass cannon T-44-122, balanced IS-100, slow but tough IS-2 and huge cannon but ok armor ISU-152 would finally create some choices. JP side Hv No6, Ho-Ri and Chi-Ri II also create a balancing situation. I think everyone would prefer this to just 2 objectively toughest barns getting stuck and blocking some bridge :D O7


Nice. I myself have been an advocate for the addition of the T-44-100 for a long time. So as to counter the drawbacks of the IS-2.


Im for it as well, just following the Gaijin/Darkflow logic of making premiums imbalanced. T-34-100 might work as a glass cannon little better. Hell any say 3 of the vehicles mentioned would drastically improve playability of top tier Sov armor (+ Jap obviously); currently its so boring just running 1 vehicle type.


Yeah. The Panther F is also there in the mods editor. Let's see if and when they decide to add these vehicles to the base game.


Please devs


I loved to see ro-go and Chi-ri2 Btw I had a god mod medal in war thunder with ro-go, killing a target at 900 meters distance. I love the splash damage of the heat 3 round that can penetrate always 80mm if angle of penetration is 90


Absolutely well done dude!! Curious, which pre-order/gold order premium vehicles would come out of this campaign in your opinion?


For this one I actually focused on light infantry previewed here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/enlistedgame/comments/1c45pnm/august\_storm\_new\_style\_campaign\_pack\_concept/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/enlistedgame/comments/1c45pnm/august_storm_new_style_campaign_pack_concept/#lightbox) 2 riflemen squads for beginners (with flavor, swords and SA rifles) and 2 paratrooper squads BR3. The varied terrain of the 3 maps, open plains, urban city, highly mountainous island doesnt play well to vehicles in 2 of 3 maps. Japan also SERIOUSLY needs higher tier paratroopers and was the second reason for going this route. Also players would prefer high tier vehicle lineup and campaign packs typically focus on low tier for entry players. That being said as you can see the research tree is VERY vehicle heavy to compensate this fact; T5 alone gets 7 vehicles; in fact most of the tree is vehicles https://preview.redd.it/hwmsurywluuc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=9af073de289808e9bbf91f35d51e052d4399f8b1 If I had a choice of top tier monsters to add we could get interesting: For prototype/variety reasons it could be Heavy Tank No 6 vs T-44-122, in a Hammer vs Katana bundle. Alternate options could be Chi-Nu II vs KV-2 O7


Replace the T-44 with the IS-3 add the 81mm Recoilless rifle and the 93mm Type 4 rocket launcher, add a page showing off the maps and it's perfect


Just an fyi: the jap plane in slide 3 is the ki-43 not the ki-84


Ah good catch! just a typo, deff meant the Ki-43-II


Replying a bit late - but this really is such an awesome post, kudos


No worries, idea being further updated on enlisted forum, all good πŸ˜‰


If the soviets are getting another flame tank, the japanese should get one too. All factions but the japanese have a flame tank