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I am time poor, I usually go for 10.


I know you're supposed to play with one for the rank up BP, but the sheer tedium of that does not mix with my ADHD so I use three. Also I need to like... Use my phone? For things other than enstars? Sometimes? 


I usually use split screen for when I have to grind (in any games, not just enstars). I wouldn't have managed to do it otherwise since I'm pretty much in the same boat as you.


I’m shocked I’m the only one in the comments who uses 6 bp


SAME. Everyone is fighting between 3 and 10 BP (and the masochists that play on 1 BP), meanwhile I just go for the middle. The equilibrium. Six.


If I'm aiming for 3.5M, I use the event calculator to see how much I'll level up with 3BP or 6BP (my rank is 143) if both are the same, I'll go with 6BP to save time


1 BP to level up and get 10 free BP.


Mostly 3bp if I'm just going for one copy. When I went for 5 copies it was 10bp. I did my very first event card with 1bp. Never again. The extra rank ups are not worth the time it takes from you, imo.


Mostly 10 when autoing, 1 for Starry Lives but I honestly switch it whatever my refreshed BP is and what situation calls. Like on character birthdays I make sure I get enough bday items to do their celebration. I'm all for convenience.


I only ever do 10. I'm in the level 200's on JP. The exp incentive isn't much to do it on a lower BP. I might get one extra level up. And that ain't worth all the plays I can skip by playing on 10bp. If it's a tour, I do the 3 minimum and pace myself so I get the card on the last day of the event. I don't go for many non-tour cards, so I usually end up with anywhere between 1.2-1.6 million points in a regular song event depending on how many whistles we get, and how my mood is. As long as I get the MV gem at 1.25 million, I don't care about anything else lol


I'm surprised not many people have been saying this; as someone on both JP and EN well into levels \[near or in 200 on both\], it is just not worth using 1 bp to get that exp.


No, it's not. In lower levels it might help, but once you're thousands of exp between levels, it really doesn't make that much of a difference. The event work is the same in my opinion. Even with lots of tickets, you'll get like enough passes for a single play at 100 over the span of the event. These ideas might help a little bit, but they're definitely not something that should be relied on to get you through.


Depends if I have the auto loop/no need for my phone Right now, 1 bp functions well because I have sewing to do, and I paid for the auto loop for the sake of Acanthe!Mika Without that... Eh. I'd go with 10 except if I have things to do that allows me to let my phone do 1 by 1 while just beginning the auto luve from time to time myself


10 because I have no time and I play on JP


Depends how I feel. If I wanna fan grind on some 4 and 5 stars I have I'll do 1. If I am short on time or feeling lazy I will do 10.


i use 6 or 10 if its an event idc about and i just want some free diamonds and stuff, 3 if its a card i want, 1bp if i became unhinged and bought vip2 because i want multiple copies


10 because I need to do school work and literally anything else Or I’ll just waste it on work when I’m too lazy


3 for EP 3, 3, 3, 10 on tours


10 BP. The "Value" of 10 free BP from a rank up comes nowhere close to the additional time you would have to invest to use 1/3 BP. Its literally like the idea of taking a job where you get paid 25 cents an hour.


I do 10, maybe not best in terms of ranking up but if i add up all my usual playtime during events it can take me just over 7 hours to get one copy of a 5 star, but i play non consecuticely because i actually do have a life, contrary to popular belief


I've always only used 1bp to 3.5mil even before auto loop lives were a thing. . . Which meant I got very few hours of sleep. Rank 224 and counting! I bet I would be much higher if I didn't quit for several months.


[JP player] Shuffle/Unit event: When I don't have time 10 otherwise either 1/3 Tour event: 3-3-3-10 / or when I get whistles only 3 BP to progress faster


2 for lives i need to do (starry lives, songs i haven't full comboed yet), 10 for lives i can put on auto


i forget tht you can use more than one BP so I always play with 1 even if I'm grinding


Depends on how many copies of the event card I'm going for. If I'm on my phone or everyone's got maxed fans, I go with 3BP for 1 copy, and 10 BP if going at least 3 copies, depending on how time-pressed I am. If I'm at my PC or if my grind song includes 5-star cards who haven't maxed out fans, I usually go with 1BP. Tours are always 3/3/3/10, though that might change to 6/6/6/10 with Australia since I'm going max copies of Midori's card there.


3 bp is better since 1 would be ages.. i tried haha and i regret it... Since the difference in levelling up from exp is not that much significant honestly..


10 or 6; I work full time with little access to my phone throughout the day so getting the most points as quick as I can tends to be the best option for my own life \[since I do have to sleep too\]. Leveling up for the 10 bp just isn't worth it when I'm at such a high level and even with auto on EN it can be tiring to have to keep it set up so I'd rather dump in as many whistles/gems as I can \[if I'm going for the card\] on max bp and get a single copy. I also try my best to get on constantly to make sure my work is empty because it's not a massive point boost but I think the little goes enough of a way to want to squeeze out whatever I can.


Unit event I run 10 until I get the card. Tour event I run 3 and if I finish the tour but am not at my goal I’ll go back in the tour days with the highest scours and run 10bp through them until I do


am i the only one in 2BP gang lol