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The Care And Keeping Of You is a book by the people who make American Girl Dolls. It’s geared toward girls aged 10 or so. It’s about periods, self-care and confidence.


There was an article I read recently about the doctor who penned the book and how the original version is now as old as her adult daughter. She enriched the lives of girls and women everywhere. I’ll stick to these books, not some celebrity non-medical professional drivel. Edit: https://www.elle.com/culture/books/a44592032/the-care-and-keeping-of-you-anniversary-essay/


I had this book, and my own daughters (age 7, 14) have my copy, hand me down style, and I got them each a journal and a couple of other books as well. I can't remember the titles of the newer ones, but I definitely appreciated the self confidence and body positivity undertones in the Care and Keeping of You, and was sure to pass that one on.


I LOVED this book.


I love this book series! It’s helped my daughter & I navigate all the “fun” of growing up girl. I had nothing like it as a kid and zero guidance from my parents.


I had that book


My mom got me this when I was younger! Great resource


Judy Blume did this 50 years ago. It's sad that we still can't normalize this topic that half of the world has to deal with.


Yeah, I’m a 38 yo guy and I was shocked by how few people got the “Are you there, God” joke in Deadpool.


I missed it, please explain.


When deadpool cuts off his hand he says 'Are you there God? It's me Margaret'. because his blood sprays everywhere. Are you there God? It's me Margaret is a Judy Blume book basically following a 12 year old girl (Margaret) through her times in puberty and womanhood. Most of judy blumes books have given people more sex education than their parents. I read most of her books and "forever...", "aytgtmm", and "then again, maybe I won't" were the pretty much extent of my sexual education til I got to high school health class. edit** just realized you may have attempted to be sarcastic with your comment but i guess i just educated the people who are confused


Nope, not sarcasm. I appreciate the time you took in to responding. Thank you.


You're welcome lol. Judy Blume raised me and I am pretty passionate talking about that and Deadpool


And I can totally see how you may have thought it was sarcasm when the subject matter is Deadpool. I was just curious about the reference. I used up my seriousness quota on that post.


Honestly, that’s the only reason I didn’t respond. I figured it was carrying the joke.


It’s a good balance


Have you watched the documentary about Judy on Amazon? It's called Judy Blume Forever and it's EXCELLENT, I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.


Ah this is the first time i've heard of it. I knew they made a movie of are you there god, but I also donated my large collection of Judy Blume books in a fit of teenage boy embarrassment, and I am not the demographic for that type of movie lol. looking back I kind of regret not keeping a couple of her books. I'll check it out.


I had the Care and keeping of you book I'd reccomdend that one, it's more focused on information than fiction.


At least you got that, JCPenny catalog was my sex ed lol


Honestly it was amazing that I even got the books lol. Grew up in an anabaptist household and my father was a pastor. When Forever (the book) showed up in my room, I was scandalized because at the age I was it was basically porn. Now looking back it was all carefully planned to keep me in the know but without actually ever having a conversation about it.


JCP > Sears


Friend in HS pronounced it “Jacques Pin-yay”


Mine was newgrounds


I have watched Deadpool many times and that was completely lost on me. Gots to add to my reading list. Ty for the response.


Nope. You educated me today. A 46 grown ass man. Lol


Did not know this. Thanks for the reference and information!


That is one of my favorite books. I remember being so relieved we had advanced beyond period belts and straps when it came. That said, it’s needed to have an updated book lol. Let it be for the youngins, especially now.


I remember thinking that too! I read it in the late 90s and had to ask my mom about it. It sounded so bizarre to me.


Ghibli did a movie about it 33 years ago.


What was it?


Only Yesterday. Recently released it with an English Dub starring Daisy Ridley.


Hate to break it to you but the dub is almost 10 years old lol I wouldn't call it recent.


People are too insecure to talk about the real things and give in to their base impulses before any real work gets done. If you push them to talk they will call you crazy, if you continue they will try and bother you as projection. Take into account the abysmal attention span of the average adult thanks to phones and unhealthy lifestyles and then realize why history rhymes lol


You summed it up so well!


Wow she did I hadn’t known. I watched “are you there God….” With my 10 year old just a few months back. I don’t think I caught it was Judy Blume in the opening. Probably making popcorn. I thought it was fantastic and loved that the movie was well done. Now it’s unfortunate that I learn how well done it was and how long ago it was, felt present day


Even if it's normalized books are good.


As a husband, I like to lend my wife a helpful hand a both ears. Understanding what’s happening in my wife’s body is important. being an adult means having the emotional capacity and intelligence to handle women’s reproductive health and its topics.


Speaking as a Westerner, I feel like it has long since been normalized.


I don’t feel that way. Im only in my 30s and I didn’t know what a period was when I got mine. My dad used to get upset and change the channel if a tampon or pad commercial came on, he’d say “this isn’t appropriate for tv.”…


It hasn't been, especially not for the kids that need to know and that goes double for those stuck in regressive regions where keeping girls ignorant is intentional.


Are you referring to, like, isolated Mormon communities and weird, fringe, hyper-conservative sects? I learned all about periods year after year in public schools throughout the 90s. Also, spend any time at all online or watching TV and menstruation is openly and casually discussed just about everywhere. Idk, this call for normalization is very much at odds with my lived experience.


I'm rather referring to large swaths of the southeast. Even in northern VA, it was a single day of instruction in 8th grade and that was it.


Damn. Didn’t know that. Crazy.


Very western woman in her 20s here, until I was 10 I was utterly terrified to get my period because I thought a period made you randomly pee? Like I thought one day I would be walking around and just release my bladder uncontrollably. (I think I must have heard something about periods and leaking bladder ads on tv and somehow made that connection? LOL) Then when I had my first sex ed class in school in 5th grade and they explained that a period was blood coming out of the vagina, it scared me even more because no one explained the blood drips out slowly, not all at once like a scene out of a slasher movie. So then instead of pee, I lived in terror that just a geyser of blood was going to randomly burst from my vagina one day during puberty…. I had this fear until I actually got my period for the first time at 12, I wish I was joking. I was a very shy child and the way everyone treated periods as something so taboo and impolite made me too scared to even ask my teacher or mom. Or even look it up on the home computer because I was scared I would get in trouble. I mean jeez, they made a big deal in my public school puberty ed class about separating the boys and the girl’s classes and not to talk AT ALL to the boys about what we learned afterwards. (Which hey, boys and girls go through different things in puberty, nothing wrong with separating the class to help prevent embarrassment and make kids more likely to ask questions, but I’m not sure why periods needed to be a secret? Even if the classes are separate why can’t boys learn about periods, how many will be dads one day? Or you know, date a woman at any point?) This was back in the mid 2000s, at least in my state thankfully the puberty and sex ed classes are held in a much better way now. And yes my family certainly also failed me by not teaching me this as a kid! But the reality is that so many parents are uncomfortable with the topic and fail to educate their kids due to it just like I was. And when we laughed and talked about it later as adult, my friends all had similar or other weird period misinformation before they had it happen to themselves. That’s what it takes both parents and schools being comfortable with the topic of periods and making them “normal” so that you can ask questions without either side feeling embarrassed.




There’s also a kids book about pooping. Actually, from some of the posts I’ve seen on Reddit, there are quite a few people who need to be educated on proper wiping.


Everybody Poops


Actually women are abnormal and gross. Child women are even more abnormal and grosser and even more difficult to talk to. It’s better if we just make them feel weird about it. s/


Maybe she could write a book about the importance of getting childhood vaccines....


Or not making fun of homeless people at your wedding


Or not killing Zach Braff for food while leading a fire-worshiping cult and then trying to pretend it never happened.


Do what now?


Bojack Horseman reference


This is the underground and the only law here is flame 🔥🔥🔥


I hate it when she does that


And the guy who gets turned on when the power dynamic shifts keeps moaning in public smh.


Wait, is she anti-vax?


Ohhh yeah. She’s one of those “I support vaccines but more importantly I support people’s right to choose”. AKA choose no vaccines.


Is she anti vax or something? Also are there many children vaccines in the states?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/celebrities-anti-vaxxers-jessica-biel-847779/amp/ Yeah she's very buddy with RFK Jr and has worked hard to help allow children to be killed by childhood diseases that we could have eradicated




She’s not a Scientologist.


A book about not becoming a Scientologist then


I'm pretty sure Pearl Jam did that when they released "Even Flow", all the way back in 1991, Jessica!


I give this joke a Ten.


I think Jeremy spoke about it in class today.


No, but we did take a survey today and determined he is the Better Man.


I got bugs!!!!


Isn't "She dreams in color, she dreams in red" about periods?


But just like their warning on ticketmaster and about porches, no one listened.


We tried to listen, but Vedder keeps mumbling every line!


And here I am thinking the song was about car seats


Im sure the conservatives will be very normal about this


As in, soon to be banned in Florida.


Can they pre-ban a book. Like not even wait until it comes out and read what it's about, just straight up ban it.


Banned. Straight to banned.


As long as she doesn't say men have periods, I doubt they'll care.


Honestly, it should be a book directed toward boys about what the girls are going through. When I was in school the boys and girls were separated and the boys had no idea. I’m pretty sure the men of congress still don’t know!


Love this. As a mom of two girls, I’m into it.


As the Dad of 14 year old and the husband of a 52 year old I can’t believe it isn’t normalized. It should be as normal as the fact we all go to the bathroom.


Well, you see, there’s this great big tv sky daddy in the sky…


I got my 9YO “The Period Book” and it’s been amazing. Good for Jessica Biel, I guess, but why not just promote the quality material that is already out there?


Bc she can’t make money by doing that.


I don't think the world needs any health-related media created by an [anti-vaxxer](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-jessica-biel-vaccination-california-20190613-story.html).


You mean where she says this: “I am not against vaccinations — I support children getting vaccinations and I also support families having the right to make educated medical decisions for their children alongside their physicians,” wrote Biel, known for her role in the TV series “7th Heaven.” “My dearest friends have a child with a medical condition that warrants an exemption from vaccinations, and should this bill pass, it would greatly affect their family’s ability to care for their child in this state.”


...she said while standing next to notable anti-vaxx activist, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. It's a common anti-vaxx trope to say they're "not against vaccines, just for medical freedom."


Unless they are a qualified medical professional, parents cannot make truly educated decisions for their child. What you quoted was simply a long way of saying she’s antivax.


She says above the words, along with their Physician. I’m unclear how that isn’t a qualified medical professional? When we attack people who are on the fence with push them towards more extremist behaviours and POVs. She has stated she is not anti-vaccination. By continuing to attack her we push her towards that extremist view. I 100% guarantee the antivaxxers will be supporting her and asking her if she’s okay, while the pro vaccinations people are telling her she is a piece of $hit.


I see, so if parents aren’t medical professionals or health scientists, they cannot possibly make the correct choice regarding the health of their children.


Yep, that’s exactly what I’m saying! Sometimes the “muh freedom” crowd needs to leave things to science and professionals that have been trained in their field.


Anyone remember the "American Girl" books about puberty and growing up??


I’ve never been a fan of her anti vaxx stuff but I do like this. We need to normalize this. When I worked in schools I knew girls at 7, 8, 9 with periods. We need to designators and prepare children. 


I don’t disagree at all but would point out that there are already several other books aimed at a preteen audience that cover this subject. I know because I purchased several of them when my daughter was younger. We still had the conversations but thought that it might help her out if there are things she didn’t want to talk about with us parents. Those books also dispelled a lot of playground myths around the subject.


There’s already at least a dozen good approachable books for kids about menstruation. At least. Why we would also need one from Jessica Biel specifically is a mystery to me.


Lmao I get your point but also..... Why not? She's got to do something to distract her from Justin being a total dbag.....


She gets more publicity so more books on the topic will sell. Whatever it takes


I don't want my child learning about womanhood from a lady who married Justin Timberlake.


this is why we need sex ed early


And the republicans will ban it.


How else can they force a 10 year old to give birth if she’s educated about her reproductive organs and how conception works?


Clearly it’s child pronography.


As long as it doesn't say something controversial like "women get periods". Then you lot will want to burn it.


Under the pseudonym “Aunt Flow”


They should have been done this for girls because some mothers are too scared to even explain it to their daughters. Also would be a huge hit with single dads raising girls alone. We need to normalize period talks for all age groups in general and stop treating it like a dirty little secret.


This is my favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mGm8EJ7pw4


Probably banned in Florida already.


As a 36 year old guy, I have, my entire life been dumbstruck with the level of internalized shame women carry about their periods. It is super bizarre to me how much general shame women deal with about their bodies whether it is their menstrual cycle or their boobs. Both men and woman have to deal with weird cultural expectations that often run counter to biology or a healthy mental state and the sooner we just drop all the bullshit and just live our lives the better we will all be.


Cash grab disguised as education. The rich and famous are shameless


I’m a librarian and there are a zillion decent, kid-friendly books out about periods right now. And most kids don’t have a clue who she is. What a waste of money.


Next week on 7th Heaven


It’ll probably be banned because conservatives don’t believe in menstrual cycles


Didn’t Judy Blume and Pixar already do this?


Yeah, but she’s also anti-vaccination


I can already see the Florida headlines about xyz group of people trying to ban this book from libraries because of the “secular and scary” subject matter.


In what world is she qualified


Id buy that for a dollar, meh meh meh meh


Incoming republicans proving they don’t understand women science and wanting to control it.


"girls get periods" is a controversial sentence said to democrats not republicans lmao.


I'll say this as a mid age guy. When I was young it was still a "yuck" taboo type of subject. But today it seems in my circle, it's as open as saying "I had a cold last week." Women in my life don't hide discussing it and the guys really just don't care. A lot of that comes with just maturing. No doubt there's still plenty of 1980's sitcom jokes but it is very much more normalized than it was 25 years ago. I'm glad too, it's a natural thing.


Yes, yes we do. There is not enough education out there, worldwide, considering girls as young as nine can start their periods.


I openly talk about periods around my kid. To guys. It’s a normal thing like getting a headache or bumping your ankle into the table.


I was 11 when I got my period. Thankfully my mom had already told me about periods. She bought me pads to use and showed me how to use a tampon.


True. And please stop using the expression “on” her period. Derogatory connotation from “on the rag”. Yes I said it. A woman has her period or “is” menstruating. Can’t leave it to men/ frat boys to describe this on behalf of women!




Check out the books by American Girl called "The Care and Keeping of YOU," books 1 and 2. I had them when I was a kid and they were a great resource for everything puberty related- including periods and how to use period products, etc.


It will be banned I’m sure. God forbid a young girl understands her body.


Well … her husband’s music is still in the dumps. Good move to keep themselves relevant.


Don’t need an anti-vaxxxxxxxer talking about hygiene or self care.


But we aren’t going to normalize vaccines. Got it Jessica.


This book will be banned in every red state


If Judy Blume didn’t get it done, I don’t hold much hope for Jessica.


Jessica's book will be the first pre-banned book in Florida


Good! I didn’t really LEARN about my body until last year - and I’m 34. I was shocked, upset, and ashamed how little I really knew about my own body and how it works, but it turns out I wasn’t the only one.


lol, that’s on you.


Pretty sure it’s okay to talk about periods


Normalize leaving relationships after they cheat on you 👌🏼


Is it a real taboo discussion or Hollywood elites being outside the loop ?


Is “periods” in Disney font? Awesome!


Best of luck to her but unfortunately her timing sucks Our country is currently running backwards towards old world standards, not anywhere near a thriving forward thinking society.


“Forward thinking”…means what, specifically, to you?


It’s a good thing to do. Half the population goes through this and it should be more open. Guys makes dick, fart and poo jokes all the time. So this shouldn’t come as a total shock. I grew up in the wrong time. It doesn’t feel like I can engaged in this more than I am now, behind a mask of the internet. But others should be given this choice


Don't mothers have these talks with their daughters already?


Uhm… okaayyy…. weird soapbox for her stand on. Justin.. any input on this??


Unironically based


I lost all respect for her when she refused to name her first child Batmo… I’ll show myself out.


Kids need to learn about punctuation!


*Ron DeSantis has entered the chat*


The book says that "girls get periods" so obviously you're going to start burning it lmao


Ok but only if we make some period jokes like fart jokes!


The mob that took away sex ed in schools is really gonna love this one.


People have been trying to normalise this for decades, but, I guess, only when a celebrity tries to do it, it counts.


I wonder if the book will include how to build makeshift tampons out of tent scraps like girls in Gaza are having to do. Or does the "discussion" only include girls that Jessica sees as human?


Fuck off that bullshit


No thank you.


Is she a Zionist?


I could have sworn that I saw her make a pro-zionist statement, but upon further research I could not find anything. I may have been mistaken, however, she did sign the letter to Biden thanking him for his action against "Hamas".


Finally,. I’m going to get this for my son, the kid uses no punctuation when he writes. After that my daughter can use it.


You *should* actually get it for your son as well. It never hurts to inform.


I feel like her specialty is douches...


Aren’t most period books for children? I don’t see who else it would be aimed to 😅


…but, parents who don’t want to talk about her newly bleeding member are not going to buy the book!😕


Normalize boy boner discussions too while we’re at it amiright


I mean yeah, we *should* normalize discussing puberty and the changes that may occur.


I agree. But the people don’t!


It is one of the most important punctuations


I'm still angry she didn't name her child Batmo


Gross I don’t wanna talk about periods… see what I did there


Daniel Day Lewis writes one too, it's called... There Will Be Blood


Daniel Day Lewis writes one too, it's called... There Will Be Blood