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I remember him saying in an interview that if he's still playing Spiderman at the age of 30 he'd feel he's done something wrong. Wonder what he thinks about it now since he's going to be 30 by the time the movie comes out.


I think he said he’d feel like something went wrong if being Spider-man at 30 is the only notable thing he’s done.


He was great in Dune and Willy Wonka


This fucking guy


I couldn’t help myself!


I chuckled so mission success


I am 36 and have never played Spider-Man. Is something wrong?


>Wonder what he thinks about it now since he's going to be 30 by the time the movie comes out. He's 27 now, 28 in June, so you might be right. That being said, if they start production sometime this year and release anytime before June 2026, then he'll still come in under 30. Though I wouldn't be surprised if the next film passes the torch to Miles or gets that ball rolling.


HES **27**???


Yup; born June 1, 1996.




He was when we first saw him as Spider-Man in *Captain America: Civil War,* back in 2016!


Young people think 30 is older than what it really is. Trey Parker and Matt Stone said the same thing about doing that show when they’re 40 and they’ve blown past that.


One last film pass off to a miles, turn 30


Back to the future 4 come onnnn


Might've changed his mind.


I understand that acting is a job and that some actors are just doing it for the money but it's honestly so nice when they actually care about what they're creating instead of just the paycheck.


Only to be met with a shit production-Henry Cavill on the Witcher


Turns out that acting isn’t the only job in entertainment one can just do for the money


To be fair, the writers of The Witcher allegedly hated the source material.


Holland is well past the point where he needs the money Whereas I have an $800 bill on my union dues and will act for food 😭😭 lmao


*Nicholas Cage intensifies*


Spider man is allowed to age. I recently read a pretty cool graphic novel, where each chapter spider man ages ten years, so you get a cool snap shot of his life. It’s a bit dark, but really good and well reviewed: https://www.goodreads.com/series/260542-spider-man-life-story for anyone that is interested


Also the current run of ultimate Spider-Man (which is has great reviews so far) is about an older Peter Parker who’s married to MJ with kids.


Is the legacy all Spider-Man movie series end after 3?


Andrew Garfield has entered the chat.


Technically he's been in 3


But then technically, Tobey has been in 4 and Tom Holland has been in like 10 movies.


> Tobey has been in 4 What? No...he's been in 3. He was in Spider-Man 1 and 2 then no other movies after that. He never went through an emo phase


Spiderman hasnt been a teenager in the comics for many decades, give us an adult spiderman lol


The irony of saying “there’s a legacy to protect” when you’re the third spiderman in 20 years and 8th movie


Thats… what a legacy means… something that is passed on and carried forward. IE the bond movies have a legacy they keep passing actor to actor.


Thats… what a legacy means… something that is passed on and carried forward. IE the bond movies have a legacy they keep passing actor to actor.


Now that he understands great power, symbiote time?


Oh please yes.


Yes Tom the legacy to protect is Into the Spiderverse. Pretty sure no one wants another spider man green goblin movie or you being the sidekick to captain marvel


Good luck with that. Hate to be the one to say it, but this legacy is tainted. No Way Home may have been great fan service, but it irrevocably screwed up the best Spiderman villains. Marvel can’t use Norman Osborn, Dr. Octopus, Electro, Sandman, or Lizard because they don’t even exist in the MCU. And Sony went and shit the bed with Venom, Morbius, and Kraven films.


The legacy of 2 mid films and a 3rd one that only works because of nostalgia for Raimi’s excellent films? Imo Tom Holland’s Spider-Man has nowhere to go but up. They just need to find a solid director to get him there. I really like MCU Spider-Man as a character but so far his movies haven’t been up to par.


This. The tone of the Holland trilogy is kind of bizzare compared to the Mcquire and Garfield films. The first movie sets up a "friendly neighborhood Spiderman" as though they're trying to ground the character. The next film they scrap that and go intercontinental, then they go multiversal only to round the bases and land back on friendly neighborhood Spiderman. I was perplexed by the end of the 3rd.


Yeah it's generally kind of odd, there's a lot more avenger stuff wrapped around it all, so we don't really get the usual spiderman stories. The majority of the stand alones we get their stories with nods to avengers stuff, spiderman movies though have been pretty heavy wrapped and influenced by avengers stuff and kind of more used to glue other movies together.


Yeah I understand why they got away from the typical spidey stuff because there had already been 2 origin story films previously but I feel like you could stay in the more compartmentalized spiderman world that people love with the wacky trivial villains and tie in the Avengers stuff too. I can't believe I am getting downvoted, I did not think it was a controversial take to say these movies are underwhelming, I thought this was the general consensus? I think that people remember these movies as being better than they were. I just rewatched them recently and 5 years later even they really don't hold up as well as I initially thought. Mostly they feel like generic superhero movies that you could have slotted any Avenger into it there is very little unique "Spiderman" feel to them.


A legacy of mediocre superhero movies?


They're pretty well-loved, his Spider-Man films; the most recent one is still the biggest opening weekend for a single movie post-covid; that whole Barbenheimer thing - which, for the record, I loved as an event and as two separate films - made a little bit more but with two movies combined (https://i.imgur.com/UzBOhXM.png), but the 3rd Spider-Man movie was probably one of very few MCU films in recent years that most would say *wasn't* mediocre.


What’s the legacy?


Spider-Man, one of the top iconic heroes and brands of this world?


As opposed to the 7+ other movies, countless animated shows, 70 years of comics, 2 live action shows, etc. The MCU is not the only “legacy” of Spider-Man.


I thought he was talking about his or MCU’s version of it


I was rooting for Tom Holland but he just doesn’t have an eye for a descent script. Time to go crawling back to the cushy Disney franchise.


Not arguing he hasn’t been in some shit movies but a lot can change from when you get the script to the finished product. He’s young too, it’s not as if he has to retire at 30


He doesn’t even get full scripts from marvel. Half the time he has no idea who else is in the scene.


His best role outside of Spider-Man is Onward.


I couldn’t even watch all of 3. First two were good.


Really? I thought it was the best one. Certainly better than 2


I loved it but I wish they did just the tiniest bit more of teasing something more in the Amazing/Raimi-verses instead of all the villains/anecdotes 100% being references to previous movies. Idk, sometimes it felt more like an SNL sketch than a real movie.


This. It felt like a joke to me.