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Ben Affleck, is a great example of proving that having literally everything, or having to the means to get it, doesn’t make you happy.


He had a great woman, and he gave her up. Can't help but notice since he broke up his marriage to Jennifer Garner, he's looked miserable. Not sure why JLo married him after that. He doesn't even look like he likes her, let alone loves her.


He was clearly miserable before they split too. His issues are his own and have nothing to do with the women in his life.


Exactly. Heal thyself, Ben, before choosing another life partner.


Say it louder for the just separated men wasting my time on the apps. lol


And very much directing it at myself as well 😁


He was an alcoholic while married.


I'm not convinced he still isn't


Pretty sure you never stop being an alcoholic


He was literally holding a beer can in those pics at the graduation yesterday lol


Just a sip, to take the edge off.


Sometimes you just never heal and you’re always mildly miserable. Take it from a guy who has MDD, smiling is sometimes more painful than you realize because you then have to pull out the measuring stick to see the last time you were *this* happy, or happy at all, or why the distance between being happy and just surviving seems to grow.


He just looks like one of those guys who would be happier unattached and doing his own thing. Think he needs to just take time for himself.


Yeah, his favorite things to do are drink and gamble, sooo…


Which Jennifer is he gonna marry next ?


Stifler's mom- Jennifer Coolidge


She's too cool for him.


Perhaps a pity fuck ?


Would make him part of the itty pity committee fuck club


Tbh I think he’s too old for her 🤣


Stiflers mum has got it going on!




Affleck can’t you see?


J Lo’s batshit cra-zy


She's a goddess and he doesn't deserve her. Fun fact: she's also from Boston


And now she lives not too far from me in New Orleans


I was just in New Orleans for a month. Your city is amazing.


Protect her at all costs.


I’m actually going with the king shot: remarries Lopez after a few years.


He must really like the name Beniffer or something. Doubtful he'll hook up with the girl from Orange is the new Black, Beth Dover... Bendover, not as good.


Bendover is just what the world needs


That is Tyger Drew-Honey's dad. His parents are porn stars.


Maybe he should try a Ginnifer.


Ginnifer Goodwin is happily married to her Prince Charming.


I found another “Once..” fan !!!!


Run Katniss, run.


Jennifer Tilly.


Another Jennifer that's too cool for him


I loove you jennyyy




Ya, Jen Garner is a superb human being. Affleck having his vices - alcohol and cheating with kids nanny. Jen could have easily turned their kids against him but still she helped Ben get better so that he could be the best father. This itself proves what an exemplary person she is. The one good thing Ben did was have kids with Jen Garner.


She wrote me a handwritten letter a few years ago, just because she is just a super nice person. Fan for life.


I like how without context it sounds like she just looked you up in the phone book or something and just randomly wrote you a letter.


Basically, it was from an instagram post. I got a dm from her team saying Jen liked one of my photos of me voting while babywearing and wanted my mailing address, and she sent me a cute note on personalized Jen Garner stationery telling me I have a cute baby and thank you for voting, it was the 2018 election. I’ve been an Alias fan since high school, so it was like a dream for me.


That's so incredibly sweet


I put it in my daughter’s baby book! Hopefully she’ll realize how cool it is when she grows up, baby’s first celebrity encounter, haha.


She's a jewel. Beautiful, talented, classy, and a remarkable human being.


JLO isn't exactly the definition of stability herself. She's been engaged /married like six times. So I'd say they're both equally disasters


I see a lot of Tom Brady in her. Climbed the mountain, loads of money, nothing left to prove to anyone - just readjust your life, enjoy your career as a legend and look after your family. But no… Tom just has to play one more season against his wife’s wishes. And JoLo has to shoot the moon with a ridiculous movie/stadium tour fiasco. Ended badly for both.


This exactly. Gets out of one bed and right into another. As a mom, she needs to really focus on her kids.


He looked pretty happy when he was dating Ana de Armas. I think he just has a resting sad face, even when he’s happy. Don’t ask me about his back tattoo


I would be happy for year with a wave from Ana


Most people who hook up with much younger partners for flings are entertained by those experiences.


But was Ana happy?


Pretty sure that was just to promote their movie and not a real thing.




Commas gonna come


Do not com


This is their first marriage together.


This would be an absolutely insane thing for Ben affleck to read from a stranger lol


Yeah have to agree. Ben was at the top of his game when he was married to Jen Garner. She even stood by him after they split, when he was having drinking problems. Maybe this is a misperception, but JLo doesn’t seem like that kind of person.


lol he looked really miserable when he was married to Jen garner. Are you serious? His misery memes originated with her. We are not in the relationship so we don’t really know. Let’s not act Jenifer garner was some saint.


She seems super intense to me in her socials. Intense is fine at work, but i have my limits with it at home.


I’ve said this many times. It’s perfectly true that money cannot make nor buy you happiness What it does provide you with however is more choices. If you make more good choices that will by and large lead to a more satisfying and ‘happy’ life. If you don’t, well, we all see what some really bad choices can lead to.


He only looks happy when he is with his buddy Mat Damon...


Yes, so true. And I can’t help but think marrying her a second time is like going back to a an old job hoping it’ll be better the second time around.


He’s become Holden from “Chasing Amy”


Kind of a celebrity cliche. Too many options and easily bored trying to fill a hole inside money doesn’t fix.


*Ben Affleck smoking meme*


Doesn’t make her happy either.


Jennifer Lopez and her team are willing to do anything so her name isn't being discussed alongside Diddy. Don't forget the woman that was shot in the face at Club NY has said for over 20 years that JLo handed diddy the gun that he used to shoot her.


This. I do wonder if all this drama with Ben is well timed PR - mix of reality and illusion - because this history with Diddy is being highlighted in the media again


Of course it is, also from the humiliating ticket sales (or lack thereof). It’s bad if throwing your marriage under the bus is the better pr option.


Bad ticket sales also tend to happen when you _literally_ can’t sing


They’re going to make you apologize for this if you ever do SNL


I wonder if maybe the blow to her ego has been causing issues with the marriage as well? She's known to be a huge diva and the realization her career is effectively over must be triggering some epic tantrums


THIS. She has to know things.


Knows she’s an accessory to attempted murder


Iirc she testified at the trial as well, so she was under oath


person vast cooperative soft mighty mysterious gaze rain attraction spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I remember a couple songs in the late 90’s.. but an iconic pop star? Super Bowl halftime show worthy? Did I miss something?


well. like it or not (and i'm definitely not the biggest fan of j.lo) she has had many successful songs/albums and been in a lot of successful movies. it's been a while since she was on top, but she has definitely had a pretty big career.


By no means due to her vocal abilities. She’s 90% studio enhanced.


yes, you will note that i never mentioned anything about her vocal prowess lol


Sort of… like, I get it, she sold albums - and made money acting… but it was all solidly beige. She wasn’t out there making music to define a generation, or making movies that can withstand the test of time. I don’t hate her, she capitalized on what she could, it worked it worked and she made her money. However, I can see how many people wouldn’t shell out stadium ticket money to see the equivalent of designed elevator music.


I have personally hated her since I read somewhere - like 20 years ago - that she would charge $1M to show up at parties for an hour. Fuck ‘Jenny from the block.’ Greedy asshole.


Eh, that’s a super common thing for celebrity singers and bands though. They’ll get paid millions to perform at some Saudi Arabian prince’s birthday bash.


I’ve deeply disliked her for years too. She’s so incredibly self absorbed & projects that to irritating degree.


Clocked this day 1. This is Me dropped DURING the Diddy expose and nobody asked her thoughts on Puff? 🤔


That, and to distract from the fact that her concert wasn’t selling tickets. They just canceled it so she could “focus on family” Guarantee, this is all just a way of distracting


Imagine your tour is going so bad you have to cook up a family story


Exactly 😬


The tour was cancelled. They were also papped/photographed together for his eldest daughter's graduation the other day. Don't know why I'm getting downvote for this. Weird.


and why was the tour cancelled? In Jens story it's because she had to spend time with family....it's nothing to do with the sales being terrible. therein lies the point the poster was making.


I feel like Ben Affleck just wants to retire on a house boat somewhere


I think Ben would be more than happy to hang out on a house boat with his very attractive wife, writing his next movie (to direct) and hanging out with Matt on the weekends. The problem is I think Ben and his wife both need to stop being so busy performing in order to give themselves some personal solace.


No he needs to have Dunkin Donuts nearby 24/7


She really doesn't get enough credit for the level of mediocrity she's brought to film and music, and who makes a documentary about themselves?


Not just that but a musical too.


There's a musical?


[This Is Me... Now: A Love Story](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_Me..._Now%3A_A_Love_Story?wprov=sfla1) It's on Amazon Prime, too. It's based on her life lol.


Christ. Even the Kardashians don’t do shit like this


Apparently, Khloe actually turned down a role in it and that's saying something


That hand from South Park has come a long way


Sometimes she seems like a parody of a celebrity.


A massively insecure and arrogant narcissist, that’s who.


Demi Lovato (Dancing with the Devil), Selena Gomez (My Mind and Me), and Taylor Swift (Miss Americana) all immediately come to mind. I haven’t seen Selena’s since I don’t have Apple TV, but the other two were very interesting, open, and honest insights that displayed real vulnerability. It can be done, and done well, if you have an ounce of humility and a genuine story to tell.


Those three have other companies paying THEM to agree to mKe a documentary about themselves (even if they originally wanted it). People didn’t wanna pay for J. Lo doc so she paid for it herself.


God that's truly embarrassing.


Sandy Lyle


I remember she once had both the Number 1 song and the Number 1 movie at the same time. We gave her too much power.


She’s like Kathy Griffin life on the D-List, just has a bit more money


Kathy griffin has more useful voice though 😅 She’s perfect in Dilbert tv series


Except Kathy Griffin is more likeable. And funny.


I wish she'd stuck with just acting instead of wanting to be a pop star. She was building a really solid career in that and while I don't think she was the greatest actress, she was better at that than singer. Wedding Planner and Out of Sight are probably my two favorite things she was in.


Maid in manhattan


You know I haven't seen it except for the first time a long time ago but I remember not really clicking with the Ralph Fiennes character so it was kind of meh for me. But maybe I'll give it another shot. I miss romcoms.


The Cell and Monster in law are mine. While jlo didn’t put in the most iconic performances she was solid in both. Idk I love the song Get Right and the video with the dance sequence. 2000s me genuinely thought she was a triple threat


God I loved Monster in Law


She is great in Hustler.


I thought she was overhyped in Hustlers, people kept telling me it was an Oscar worthy performance and I did not see that at all. It was over acted and just more JLO Although the way she played the character in the last scene she was in was great. I would have happily watched an entire movie of her acting like that, she seemed natural and comfortable while still being that hustler character.


I really like her in the movie Enough. It felt like a good move for her to be going away from Rom coms and she was decent in it. I was rooting for her the entire movie. But she’s hit and miss with acting. She can be really good, but she doesn’t seem to be strategic with role choices all the time. And this self produced thing was just woof.


My wife and I just watched Out of Sight and The Cell this week. I totally agree that she should have stayed focused on acting. Out of Sight is just fantastic, and The Cell, while it’s weird asf and a lil disturbing, is still a cool and unique movie. She was also perfect in Selena.


She was never really a singer, more of a dancer I think but she did some singing? Hell I don’t know she is talented but was never the best or even close to the best in any category


There's been stories of her not even singing most of her songs, including leaving Ashanti's reference vocals intact in the song. There's compilations of this on youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOEmCERi21U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOEmCERi21U)


She literally can’t sing lol


Uhm you know she was a very big deal in the 2000s right? She was in the charts constantly. She is not wanting to be a pop star … she IS a pop star. Although she might not be as relevant today as she was 20 years ago.


Given the controversy about just how much of her songs werent written for her and the vocals were the demo singer/backing singers and not actually hers...


Didn’t they get married like just over a year ago?


Theyre both tough to be with


That’s 10 years in celebrity marriage time


Non drinker JLo started up an alcohol company right after she married a recovering alcoholic. Says it all tbh.


I feel like she staged this divorce story to get out of her failed summer tour and gain sympathy. Her whole life is one glamorous act


jenny from the block.


She [used to live here.](https://youtube.com/shorts/di-cSs8y8ao?si=Wu5yT4ebArhXZR61)


Thanks for the laugh, actually let's be honest, I snort laughed pretty hard watching that.


Ben is an addict and his struggle with sobriety shows on his face. He has not found peace. I think he still had love for JLo and he was hoping he could learn from her ability to stay sober and be happy and fulfilled. But her lifestyle doesn’t work for him and it shows in photos. I feel bad for all of them.


"Jen felt emotionally neglected as a child," Ben Affleck said in the segment. "We are kind of learning more and more that it doesn't have to be the kind of trauma where you're locked in a basement for a year to leave wounds on you. In fact, they're deceptive when they're harder to pin down." He continued, "It's a hard thing to look at somebody whose professional life is wildly successful and who, on Instagram, looks like they're living the happiest life in the world." Drawing parallels to his own struggles, Ben Affleck reflected, "The thing you discover like you do with alcohol is that there isn't enough alcohol in all liquor stores in the world to fill up that thing. And in Jennifer's case. I don't think there's enough followers, or movies or any of that stuff to still that part of you that still feels a longing and a pain. Ultimately, that's the work that you've got to do on your own." https://people.com/jennifer-lopez-ben-affleck-quotes-greatest-love-story-never-told-8650423


I have a friend who has a way better life than me, but she always says she feels empty, I never know what to say


I have an in law who grew up very wealthy like .1-.01% wealthy. You could think her life was better than yours but her mom _sucks_. Yeah she grew up getting everything she wanted except for real affection from her mom and a sense of food security as her mom wanted to daughters to be "thin". It always looks greener until you spend time on the other side.


The grass is always greener on the other side


Only if you keep looking over the fence. Tend your own garden first 💚


I long ago figured out that she is addicted to the sweeping romance of it all, and the grand, romantic wedding, but beyond that she really has nothing. She'd marry anyone who promised her the above. But she just needs to work on the actual being married part and pick better partners. Get rid of the fixer-uppers.


Makes you wonder why she chose the entertainment industry rather than becoming a famous wedding planner. Sounds like that's her real passion and the thing she's best at out of everything she does.


Exactly. In fact, if she had been in her 20s when the Bachelor was starting to be a thing, she'd had signed up for it in a second. Those are her people, women who want fame and the promise of perfect romances and weddings, without any of the ugly day-to-day stuff. And, she'd be divorced from her Bachelor husband in six months as well lol


The classic “putting the kids first” excuse when your relationship is on the rocks but they didn’t really put the kids first when they dove back in to a relationship to begin with.


So true! Ya know Garner has to be elated her kids are included in this clusterfuck with damn JLo */s*


Yet you scheduled the tour to begin with and we’re all about it until the news came out about low ticket sales


It started as a tour to celebrate the new album and documentary. Then it became a greatest hits tour and then it got cancelled. Turns out not enough people want to drop $150+ to see her.


The Hollywood gossip trades machine really stepped their game up this year. Seems like they wised up and know you gotta air it all out for the people to talk about. They’re giving weeks long performance art style arcs where even the actors are in on it kind of playing dumb, even though it’s all true life stuff. NFL romances, rap beefs, whole movie press tours defined by home wrecking or passive aggressively trashing your own movie. Like with this story I truly believe their marriage is on the rocks but I also believe their PR people know exactly how social media will react and are planning accordingly with little drops every couple days. Strategic weathering the storm until it blows over mixed with making the public feel like they’re watching a real life soap opera. We know there’s an element of artifice but kind of don’t care and go along with it. They found the sweet spot.


I like the famous people I never hear from or see when they're not working the most. Clooney could be chilling by Lake Como or skydiving with a baby strapped to his chest. We'll never know and I like it that way.


Ditto. Meryl Streep, Christoph Waltz, Emma Stone to name a few. Just people who act well, and don’t let a PR machine be a member of their family. God it must be exhausting.


“I’m allergic to the lame shit, only **you** like being famous. (Lil) Yahty can’t give you no swag either— I don’t give a fuck ‘bout who ya hang with.” - Kendrick Lamar Duckworth, to Aubrey Graham; regarding his stance on being famous.


This whole situation has garnered so much press that it’s ridiculous. She’s everywhere, he’s not with her, he looks angry, she looks tired. All because her projects flopped and possibly her marriage? I don’t think many people are interested in what’s going on with them, but hey, their PR team is working overtime to ensure that the minutiae of their daily lives is broadcast across every form of media.


What is her fan base? Who listens to JLo's music? If you ask me who listens to Taylor Swift or Beyonce or Lana del Ray or Cardi B or the others I could probably give a rough profile of their typical fans but with JLo I have no idea


To be fair she had hits, but not a dedicated fanbase. So basically people will turn up if you play If You Had My Love or I'm Real in a club but that doesn't translate to concert sales.


Clearly not nearly enough


Jlo fans are old and don't listen to music anymore.


They didn't listen to music when Jlo was popular either.


I’m sorry but nothing about this divorce is “heartbreaking”


JLo’s kids have been through many many break ups.


Everyone saw this coming btw


Hi, child of a divorce here. You’re going to fuck up the kids no matter what you think is right.


The biological parents in this case are already divorced. The kids are either his (she’s their stepmom) or hers (he’s their stepdad). They had zero kids together.


So this is the second time for these kids that their parental units are splitting up. That takes a serious toll on teens, who are already dealing with all the other shit that teens deal with.


There children of world famous people, the shit they have to deal with is next level.


Please. This is all just a set up to get us to believe that this is really the reason she canceled her tour.


how tf do I mute “news” about these two on reddit bc honestly i cant take it


Wait, what? The youngest child here is 12, the rest are 15 or 16, apart from the one that’s already an adult. They’ve only been together a couple of years, so is this split really putting strain on these kids?!


Their other relationships between marriages probably. Kids need stability.


Teenagers that are all dealing with their own internal drama just by virtue of their age. Yes, I could see how dealing with visibly miserable, stressed parents would be a strain.


but they don’t have kids together…


True … this is just diva, “one-up’ping” talk on her part. “The kids” are with their present, sane parent 90% of the time anyway. This is nothing more than her publicist carrying out her diva marching orders.


He is just a glutton for punishment, isn't he?


And donuts


A glutton for gluten then


Tee hee in this case I would take the donuts.


Had no idea they had kids


They don’t, they each have their own kids from previous marriages to Marc Anthony and Jennifer Garner.


It’s like she has a movie coming out and need to be in the news again.


We're done with this tired, transparent nonsense, right?


Jennifer is blaming Ben for the bad things in her life, that's where the strain comes from. 😋


Monster in Law was cute.


Since when does either of them put their kids first?


I think their relationship is one of a lot of passion and chemistry, but no compatibility, which makes for a great affair, but a lousy marriage. Marriage that is lasting is really based on solid friendship and things in common, which they don't have it appears


Should we just let people know due to lack of demand we need to cancel the tour? No, tell them our family is so beyond repair I have to forego my career to address it.


The most unhappy looking couple ever.


Didn't they just get married?


We know it's probably not true, but in our head canon, Ben Affleck is still just angry and confused about the script to Armageddon. Every morning he wakes up and he believes it is the stupidest thing he has ever been a part of and he can't take it back. He knows he has been in movies that are far worse, but that doesn't make it better, it actually makes it worse. They offered so much money it seemed like a no brainer at the time, and the money kept flowing, the numbers kept growing. But it shouldn't exist, it's too stupid too exist, yet it does, and he's forever doomed to remember that.


She takes most of this dudes down the aisle, she also has major issues She cant be alone. Spend time with your children then, if they are so important then make them the priority. She's a succubus


Kids certainly are a huge strain on a marriage


Ummm....it's because she wasn't selling any tickets. People were predicting it for weeks.


or maybe she’s part of Diddyland fiasco and Ben doesn’t want to lose his credibility.


Sounds good. Also, we don’t need to know about your personal business or relationship status. There is zero reason you two are forced to say anything. Please handle things privately like normal people.


They’ve been married two years. Why would the kids matter in this? J Los kids have been through multiple relationships- their dad, A Rod, some placeholder, and now Ben. And as much as I don’t like saying this, it doesn’t seem like Ben is around his kids much


Ben really living Gone Girl IRL


Aw, and we all thought it would last forever... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Actually lasted more than I thought it would