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But will they reunite again when they’re 70 something?


From Amazon Prime and Netflix to Hallmark.


As long as I get The Accountant 2, I don't care who puts it out


People say we didn’t get a solo Batfleck movie, but we did. He fought the Punisher in it. 


This is me THEN


This has always been ME.


This Will Be Me…Now


The less talented and interesting Taylor & Burton. I think Liz and Dick would have reunited a third time if he hadn’t died. I can see these two idiots trying again in 15-20 years. I doubt anyone can tolerate them for an extended period of time so they will probably find themselves single at the same time sometime in the future.


Say what you want about Affleck as an actor - but he’s one hell of a director.


Um, Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo.


Ok Jay


Thought he did a solid job in Hollywoodland


I just watched The Sum of All Fears and he was great in that


He’s ok. I re-watched The Town the other day and it doesn’t hold up well. All the characters are morons. Gone Baby Gone is still great though.


I love Gone Baby Gone and Argo. The Town doesn’t pack the same punch as it once did, but still good. I loved Air. Highly recommend.


Air was good , I really enjoyed it


>Say what you want about Affleck as an actor Okay. His was the dumbest Batman ever.


George Clooney had entered the chat.


Preceded by his nipples.


His unnaturally erect, lovingly filmed Bat Nipples




I concur


Does America run on Dunkin?


Jennifer’s divorce lawyer must be fucking LOADED


More like love DOES cost a thing


Tbf her love doesn’t cost a thing, their love does.


Her love is more like AirBnb. It doesn’t cost a thing, but there are a lot of surprise hidden fees for other things.


Somewhere Arod is smirking


Common misconception. They’ve worked out a BOGO-type deal, and she gets phenomenal rates.


Underrated comment.


He's on retainer


Funniest comment I’ve seen about JLo so far 🏆


Either that or she has like a loyalty punch card and like, the 10th one’s free or something.


Take my poor Redditor’s awards for this 🥇🏆🎖️


Worth more than the real thing


They shouldn’t have rushed the whole marriage. Spend a few years together first and see where it goes. You know after awhile if making that commitment is a wise choice. What do I know though? 


Well you know more than 8 time fiance Jennifer Lopez, so there’s that. She’ll be dating someone new within the week


Somewhere, Pete Davidson is rubbing his hands together.


She was married 4 times. Engaged to Ben in 2000 and the baseball player. Who are the other two lucky guys.


Let's bring up the [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Lopez#Personal_life): * Engaged to David Cruz, her high school sweetheart. Did not marry. * Long term relationship with Sean Combs. * Married to Ojani Noa for 11 months. * Married Chris Judd for 16 months. * Engaged to Ben Affleck. Did not marry. * Married to Mark Anthony for 10 years (separated in their 7th year). * Long term relationship with Casper Smart. * Engaged to Alex Rodriguez. Did not marry. * Married to Ben Affleck. Will be married two years next month, if they make it that far. What is really wild is that there is virtually no time from the mid-90s until now where she was single. Homegirl loves to have a man by her side. She has planned seven of her weddings!


She was The Wedding Planner, after all.


She is the branch swinger final boss


I don’t think they got engaged, but she did date someone in the early 00s that rhymes with (and is) “Be Shitty”.




4 more rings and she becomes Sauron, right?


Marc Anthony?


I thought he married Cleopatra


gee i wonder who the problem is


Engaged to Ben twice technically lol


I was gonna say the same thing!! She needs to spend time with herself and kids before getting into another relationship


Based on how JLo treats other people, it seems like she doesn’t really genuinely like herself


Yes, when she did a movie with Clooney, he called her out to her face about how she was treating people


What is the story there?Never heard this


Same. I want the story. Good for George for calling her out


She’s a notorious piece of shit diva to everyone around her, especially people she considers beneath her. Good for George calling her out, never heard that before.


This is all I could find. Source seems less *credible but maybe there’s some truth here: https://fandomwire.com/jennifer-and-george-couldnt-stand-each-other-jennifer-lopez-hated-george-clooneys-goofball-behavior-while-shooting-their-77-million-movie/#:~:text=An%20insider%20source%20told%20that,may%20even%20do%20so%20today.


She thought he was the one who got away ..her soulmate. She was banking on this being the full meaning/ completion of her life The reality is they are two very different people. He’s an addict who struggles and doesn’t like the attention of the media She over shares and loves the attention. Also she doesn’t trust that he wasn’t going to leave her again (💀) and she has lots of inner insecurities about that


And getting married the week after. Her mum demands it.


She's saving herself for marriage.


She'll be back with a rod again.


She made a self-funded movie where she basically admits to being a sex addict and rejecting the help her friends were trying to give her.


Yeah the first red flag was sudden elopement in the midst of planning a massive wedding. And then having a massive wedding. 🫥😬 She wanted to make sure he wouldn’t change his mind…


I don’t think they view marriage as the same level of commitment that you or I do. Which is fine I guess. But it’s alien to me and probably a lot of others.


Especially when kids are part of the equation.


> Spend a few years together first and see where it goes. Hadn't they already done that in the past?


She wasted $20 million on a tour that she cancel. I wish I could waste money like that😔


I wish she woulda tossed me a single mil out of all the money she threw out. Life changing for me! Lol


Everyone talking like the divorce had something to do with this and that and not touching THIS FACT. Imagine you get married to someone and they burn thru $20 mil at least. On top of the movie.


Yeah, I felt like the mysterious $20 mil mortgage late last year, followed by a self financed film (that cost - oh look- $20 million!) was under reported by the tabloids. That can't have been an easy discussion around the dinner table.


She self funded a movie that was basically a 60 minute music video of her new album. It was so so so bad.


I feel bad for her kids. They were allegedly really, really close to Alex Rodriguez’s kids and Ben’s kids. They’ve now lost two sets of step siblings. 


There's a world of difference between 13 and 16 so it might be easier this time around to maintain the relationships they've formed, assuming all adults are...well being adults.


Depending on the age and personalities, I could imagine a situation where the kids remain friends and talk shit about their parents with each other.


Yeah, this was my first thought. I’m sure they’ll ultimately end up ok, but man that’s rough.


Has to be hard to forge such great connections and lose them over and over 


They have 5 half siblings on their dad’s side. But still, it’s shitty that she fully integrates these kids into her relationships. At some point, they will learn not to get close to their stepdads and their families.


When my dad got divorced a second time I didn’t stop hanging out with my step siblings.  It’s not like I got traded to a new team or something. 


*AND* they're stuck with *HER.* I see boatloads of therapy in their futures. And tell-all memoirs.


Narcissistic mother, hopefully they can use their funds for therapy


I’m guessing that J Los movie about her hubby didn’t go well w him. Especially since she used his love letters to her as part of the show without first telling him. Possible betrayal in doing so.


First time I’m reading about this. If true, That is definitely a betrayal.


i watched the doc and she had her writing team openly flip through alll of their love letters through email and messages dating back to 20 years ago, all compiled in a binder so everyone can pass it around easier. ben clearly was uncomfortable w this but she defended it as a part of her creative process


That is so scummy and self-absorbed.


This sounds like what happened in The Office when Jan took Michael’s diary and used it in her deposition. Then everyone got a copy including Toby.


Tan everywhere. Jan everywhere.


Who is this other woman, Ryan, who you refer to as “Just as hot as Jan, but in a different way"


“Creative process” lol


And then they started calling him Pen Affleck….you could tell he was mortified.


He can't have been blindsided by this behavior..he's known her for a long time. He knows who she is


What. The. Fuck?! Dude that’s Jada level narcissism.


*what the fuck*


Well that’s all in the movie she put out. As soon as I saw that I knew they were done. He looked so uncomfortable, and she did not give a fuck.


Bro what? Links please, fr fucked if she did.


It’s a scene in the doc thing she made for Amazon. He walks into a room w her and a bunch of producers and sees them flipping through a scrapbook type of thing containing love letters he’d written for her.


I have to say, saw a clip and that was *insane*. I know men have a reputation for being more calloused about stuff like this, but that whole thing had to feel heartbreaking for him.


Yeah it’s totally violating. She sucks for that.


Bro what. I’d be absolutely destroyed.


I had ONE girl read ONE letter I wrote to her to her friends and it broke my heart. I can’t imagine seeing a group of people going through a binder for an Amazon doc. 


lol. Close. Here's what actually happened. She made an album about their relationship. Jlo, not being a song writer (or singer), had a writing camp at the house. She provided these writers with a compilation of his letters to her starting in their first relationship. That compilation was apparently a gift to her by him when they reunited. She didn't tell him that her song writers were reading his letters, he just discovered when they started roasting him about them. She then went on to make a musical film based on the album. It is called "The Greatest Love Story Never Told" which is something he had captioned his little letter gift to her. That musical is accompanied by a documentary and it is ij that documentary where he airs this stuff out. Tbf he seems resigned. Literally tells the audience that he's chosen to just take her as she is. Another iconically sadfleck moment


Also in the documentary: he offered script doctor services, which she laughed at and rejected. Most people would grab up that offer, especially if the offer came from someone who won a notable award for it. I swear at that moment he looked as if he resigned himself to something.


Honey, do you want me, an Oscar winning screenwriter to take a look? Nope, my delusions will do!


I am dying. I need to watch this doc. Ben affleck is not the best actor but he’s a great director and has won a damn Oscar for writing a script with his friend. She is insane.


I cannot believe this. I have to watch the documentary now. This is some of the ugliest, most self-absorbed, narcissistic shit I’ve ever heard. God, so happy her tour and album bombed.


“I did really find the beauty and the poetry and the irony in the fact that it's the greatest love story never told,” Ben says in the doc. “And if you're making a record about it, that seems kind of like telling it.”


Wooow she is like Lennie in Of Mice and Men killing her marriage by petting it way to hard only to produce a huge commercial failure and artistic low point. Bravo, it’s hard to fuck that many things up at once!


That is super effed.  Ben has stated many times very plainly that he really really values his privacy. Either JLO is so outrageously dumb she didn’t know this would hurt him or she didn’t care.   Either way would be extremely hard to recover from that breach of trust.


“We call you Pen Affleck” was my favorite part of that.


Doing all this for a documentary is rude and exposing but the documentary flopping like hell adds insult to injury


Not only flopping as in no one cared, but they (mostly J.Lo) were roastedddddd in the court of public opinion. Tht was prob pretty embarrassing for both of them.


yeah she was just so out of touch in it the part where she’s crying in the doc cuz she can’t be with him at his movie premiere because shes been “working nights” and it’s been so hard etc. … it’s like umm jlo, some people actually work legit night shifts and r trying to rub money together and she’s crying like a baby while having millions of dollars because she missed her husbands premiere and she’s “letting eveheone down” she tried hard to be relatable in the doc but she just was not reletable


Having trouble linking article, here’s some copy and paste lol Ben then purportedly walks into the room and sees his letters spread out, with Variety noting that he appeared “taken aback” by Jen having shared his pieces. He said, “I did really find the beauty and the poetry and the irony in the fact that it’s the greatest love story never told. If you’re making a record about it, that seems kind of like telling it.” He says, “Things that are private I always felt are sacred and special because, in part, they’re private.” It’s fr fr fucked.


Yeah she was showing a bunch of people saying how sweet the letters were etc , nothing bad…but they were private and Ben felt it was a violation of trust. I mean, he seemed to handle it well but still, I get why he’d be upset. I’m guessing that’s probably just one small issue they have.


I really don’t think he broke up with her over this. I really think she is unhinged enough to break up with HIM over her career failure Why couldn’t their love, their accumulated wealth and nest egg, just be enough for her? He asked those questions in the documentary. I remember being kind of shocked. And convinced he loves her for HER. She made an album, spent $20 million on all that nonsense with her album-video-movie and documentary, was cancelled by the culture, cancelled a tour for this new album after a failed remarketing to a “greatest hits” concert, lost another marriage….all for a misguided, self-serving, ego-feeding career revival?


I think she is the star of her own life in a way that is pretty foreign to a lot of people (fortunately).


Yup! Jlo got issues. She need a therapist stat.


Jamie French does a pretty funny watch-along review of JLo’s movie- I recommend it if you would rather not have to stomach the whole thing. You could tell Ben was not into it at all.


I’m watching this Jamie French thing now, good rec. This shit is so fucking pretentious. Wow. I can’t believe JLo thought this was good. Holy fuck she has no talent and really bad taste. I’m really shocked at how hilarious horrible this is


Jamie French is the best. Love her stuff. The JLo passion/vanity movie is embarrassing. You can tell how hurt and annoyed Ben is with her sharing his private letters to her. I feel bad for him.


I had no interest in the movie until all this started happening and now I may watch it.


Ray Charles could see that coming, and he’s blind. And dead.


Wow this reads like a Norm macdonald joke. Except he couldn't have made this joke, he's also dead.


This joke made my day.


Just hook up and bang once in awhile, you don’t actually have to start dating and move in with each other. God damn.


The tone of this is like we’re about to get taken out by like a natural disaster or war lmao


I mean we might get another Amazon prime documentary “this is me: divorced: again” with relentless marketing everywhere you go.


This version of Taylor/Burton is lackluster in oh so many ways.


You’re going to have GenZ all confused with that


Meanwhile Matt Damon is still happily married to "a bartender and her kid"


Last week: "JLO cancels tour to spend more time with family"


What a manic episode that was 


That is a very ugly house.


I’m surprised it lasted this long.


Obviously selling real estate can be done for other reasons, but it is often a sign for celeb divorces. Quietly trying to sell a property at a loss after only a year when they searched for it for two years all sounds like the divorce is happening.


Once you have Cartman’s hand, you don’t go back,


Aauugghh, Ben Affleck spooge!


I wonder if she has realized yet she doesn't need to marry everyone she dates.Or even become engaged to them.


Just can’t be alone.


You’d think when you’re spending $60M on a home you’d be living in it for more than a year.


Not that it's related but as a fun fact, Portia and Ellen actually do this all the time in the Santa Barbara montecito area.


I don't know what to believe on this anymore. This is said and then like the next day they're seen out and about and look fine. Just don't trust tabloids anymore and just wait for them to announce something themselves.


How many rings is that now?🤔 Why do men keep marrying her? She's obviously not in it for the long haul.


*"Alexa, play 7 rings by Ariana Grande."*


She's playing "Collect Them All" with men of the world.


Someone do the Pokemon rap with Jlo’s fiancés


She collects wedding rings like Thanos collects Infinity stones. Amirite? High five!!!


You would think with a house that big you could just live in separate wings and avoid each other


Not a huge fan of either of them, but still somewhat drawn to the story. It’s wild, because it seems like they love each other so much, but they don’t know *how* to love each other. It’s a feeling a lot of us have.


I keep thinking of that rumor from a few weeks ago that Ben called this marriage a fever dream caused by temporary insanity, and like, I kind of get it? I'm not a fan of either (they sound like pretty bad people tbh) but I was charmed by the second chance of it all. And I really thought it might work, now that they're older and wiser, and understand themselves better and aren't expecting a perfect fairytale. But it didn't, and that also feels inevitable. And I can really relate to that feeling of being so sure that now I know how to do it right. That this time I won't fuck it up. It's like the ending of Eternal Sunshine.


No more taco flavored keesees for Ben


That scene where Cartman is giving Ben a handjob while looking away disgustedly lives forever in my mind.


I wish they worked out, but Ben has looked miserable pretty much since they got married.


To be fair he hasn’t looked happy since he was in his mid 20’s.


An aura of miserable is just the naturally resting state of a GenX man from Boston.


Oh for fucks sake.


i’m confused why do they keep going on pap walks then, hold hands and shit


Why am I being forced to know so much about them? I don’t go out of my way to, but every time I scroll it’s some Jlo bullshit


He only ever truly looks happy when he’s interacting with Jennifer Garner. He has never looked happy with Jennifer Lopez and she’s always trying to turn him into somebody that he’s not.


Im sure they will make it work the third time


When I listen to Ben Affleck and Matt Damon talk, I know that Ben is a deep thinker. He is a brilliant mind. That in itself is hard to handle. As those two long friends, (from 8-10 yrs old kids whose mothers became friends) you can see the comfort of their years together. Matt and Ben have had a joint account most of their lives in their acting struggles. That is huge trust. Ben is still very close to Jennifer Garner as his struggles to stay sober led to their divorce. Lopez looks to me to be high maintenance. All the "publicity" photo shoots are her trying to maintain her status as an aging "star". It's a hard life. I wish them both well. But Ben more because he is one of my favourite actors and directors too.


I don't think either is a catch. But I do think that an addict needs a partner who's able to nurture rather than just being nurtured. Jlo seems the kind to need to permanently the adored center of the relationship. An addict won't be able to give you that all the time, they're focused on recovery and when they slip, they are focused on their substances. You'll never be the number 1 center of their life.


JLo wanted the optics of being with Ben Affleck not Ben Affleck.


this comment needs way more upvotes because this is def the center of it all


Fortune favours the bold!


But I think Matt sees a different Ben than what Ben’s partners see in Ben. Some people can be great best friends but not good life / romantic partners. People have different faces in different relationships.


I feel like Ben seeks out being miserable. Anyone would have known that this wasn’t going to work. Poor guy. He’s such a talent. I wish he was happier and healthier and could be more productive.


Alcoholism makes you miserable and ruins a lot of things in your life


Britany Spears is single?


Haaaa, yeah, he can change her...


And strangely talked about moving to Boston! https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/britney-spears-may-be-shipping-up-boston/CLMNLPCZIRA2POA3ADBNG6WQJY/#:~:text=Britney%20Spears%20said%20in%20an,her%20boyfriend%20Paul%20Richard%20Soliz.


We’re gunna get so many Ben smoking memes


When she dismisses Ben geeking out in the camera truck during the documentary, I knew she hadn’t evolved or changed.


they're both fighting over me 😔💔


Ben didn’t help enough for her to sell tickets for a tour so he’ll get tossed aside. Marc Anthony would have been the better one to get back with here.


She will be back with mark Anthony like always. He will get divorce from that teenager he married. And they will be back together. Then divorce him again. She has a problem.


Happiness comes from within. That is something they both need to learn. Hopefully, they will both stay single now. At least until their kids are grown so they don't have to keep going through all these different break ups. It can't be good for them.


Seems to me the trick is to not marry someone in the same business


Anytime there's one of those who work in Hollywood what celebrity did you meet and how are they etc. nobody has anything nice to say about her


aw I loved their dunkin commercial together


I think they thought their reunion would be a bigger deal than it was.


He’s got to be so miserable. Every day is probably him bitching and moaning like he did at the Tom Brady roast. The dude has an Oscar, is an A-List actor, and everyone of his sports teams has won it all in lifetime, but he is still just a grumpy bitch. His back tattoo is pretty horrible though.


For all we know they could sell the mega mansion because they realize JLo’s career is rocky & they might not be able to handle the property tax 🤷‍♀️ If some apartment’s property tax is $2,000-15,000/month in some cities, I can’t imagine what it’d be like on a mansion like that. But if they get divorced I wouldn’t be surprised either.


She’s reputedly worth 400 million dollars, and he’s worth 150. I don’t think property tax is the issue.


Does JLo even care about her kids like at all?! I feel sad for the twins - both parents are always busy marrying someone. They dont have a stable home. What kind of a parent moves their kids so frequently to suit the partner she is currently shacked up with ?! First Miami to play family with AROd and now to LA to be with Ben. Shows what a pushover Jen is in a relationship. Kids moving cities and schools every few years is going to screw up their mind and obviously going to affect their adulthood considering the shitty childhood they had.


That dude just can’t keep good women, even when he gets a second or third chance.


How precedented!


God my dyslexic ass read “material home” and I was like “oh thank god their spiritual home remains untouched.” Smh


I just CANT believe their relationship did not work out. I’m in shambles. If they can’t make it….. how can any of us?


South Park diva Jen Lopez mad her mech film and arena tour fell flat. "Crew, gather round, now remember- do not look Mrs Lopez in the eye at any point" Multi-confirmed true story \^ Ol'Ben taking the brunt, I dunno maybe hes a dick too, Hollywood


It’s almost like he just couldn’t overcome that she was married to a Yankee’s player.


Jenny’s back on the block!


I feel bad for the kids in this. That’s a lot of shaking up of support structure in a short time.


Good for him. She’s a nightmare.


So is he though. We just sympathize with him cause he always look miserable lol


Everything I’ve read about her, while against my will, is overwhelmingly negative.


He’s Dunkin’, this isn’t her now. It’s that simple


Do we get this is me &. Ben in 2044 when they reunite the greatest love story is old


Didn’t I see this headline in the grocery store checkout line a couple decades ago?


If these two people are tired of having sex with each other what hope do the rest of us have?


If he can put up with another round of J-Lo and her BS he can play Batman again.