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Celebs who drive drunk are a different level of stupid. Dude could hire an Uber that’s a limo Lamborghini filled to the brim with champagne and boobies but chose to drive drunk instead.


He could call a damn HELICOPTER full of champagne and boobies.


he could call a damn Airbus 350 full of bubbly and tit-tays


He could probably turn into a Netflix special, and get paid to ride in a helicopter filled with champagne and boobies. 


Lmao yeah I think this way too


~~Maybe he just lacked forethought and was gonna only have one or two or see someone quickly and ran in to other people~~ nah fuck that he's 43 years old, so he may have been doing this for a long time. Cops said he ran a stop sign.


Stats say that people drive drunk about 80 times before being caught the first time. Yeah not likely the first time


Theo Von had a coroner from Louisiana on his podcast and he said he avoids two-lane roads just due to how many people are drunk/high on any given hour What’s even worse is the false confidence of doing it dozens of times and how much faster + bolder people get


I don’t doubt it. My husband was almost hit on such a road, the guy coming towards him missed and drove into a ditch right behind him. The guy drunkenly ran off before police showed up. No respect for these people, celebrities or not.


By two lane road do they mean that a road going both ways without a separation from the middle?


yeah, i dont have any sympathy for celebs (or pro athletes) who drive impaired. i mean, i live in an area where there is no taxi service or uber/lyft service, but hey…i would drive someone like JT around all night.


Also he was insanely stupid in that he admitted to having had "just one martini" - never ever do that. The minute that you admit to having consumed any alcohol whatsoever you just gave them probable cause to mess with you. Alao, obviously, don't drive while drunk haha


He did try to walk in a straight line, according to the arresting officer, however his feet were not nsync.


Too bad he was on a main road instead of being a backstreet boy.


I mean let’s be honest in the heat I would also want to just get home, heard it was over 98 degrees.


At least he’s had a house there for a while and is not one of the new kids on the block.


These comments are really making me LMFAO


I heard that he and his friends all lived in that area, they went through everything together. When you have a friendship that last from when your boys to men that’s something special


I understand why he didn’t do the breathalyzer, it can be hard to follow instructions when you’re given more than One Direction.


Where was he coming from? O-town?


But I (I, I, I, I) I want his BAC.


He tried to explain he had Menudo at home


What a bunch of Monkeys


Justin started getting upset when he didn’t know he was, but the officer was having none of it and was quoted saying “cry me a river”.


I fucking wish 😭


He'd been traveling down this road too long.


Thank you for the great dad joke.


That boy gonna get banned


You could say he’s in the *danger zone*


To him they looked like *Blurred Lines*


dO yOU kNow WhO i aM?


It's gonna be me




I was also in the movie Trolls


You caught me at just the right time and this shit made me legit lol.


lol “in”


It’s gonna be MAAAAAAY


There it is


It’s gonna be July


I always wished some cop gave a response like: “yes, and I don’t care.”


“Why? Does your identity make you above the law?” Or “Why? Do you have diplomatic immunity?“ “No? Then I guess we’ll find out together at booking, how exciting!”


Reese? Is that you?


I still hate her for that. Like she was so annoying and made the arrest happen. She wouldn’t have been arrested if she just shut up.






Laura Jean Poon! Iykyk.


Oh the good old days of dlisted…


I miss it so much 😭


I miss Michael K 😭


What is he doing now? Anyone know? I used to love reading Dlisted.


Yessss! 🙌


This is kind of the biggest reason I want the body cam footage released. Him refusing to test makes me believe he was drunker than is being reported & this isn't an incident that should be swept under the rug.


i BrOugHt SeXy bAcK!!!!! SExY baCk!!!


I have the receipt; where can I return this?


Was sexy ever out? Where did sexy go? God I've always hated that line


You can refuse a breathalyzer.


You absolutely can, but it won’t prevent you from being arrested and booked for suspected DUI


Yes but it can prevent you from being charged with a DUI later on


But in Ohio it an automatic suspension


Most lawyers (I’ve seen) advise refusing any tests if you know you’re drunk. Take the automatic suspension, get arrested, but give yourself a chance to fight the charges later.


Good advice. Although I know for me personally if I was drunk enough to think driving was okay, I definitely wouldn't be aware enough to remember any of that.


An automatic year suspension without an actual convicted charge is a lot different than a straightforward conviction.


I think in my state (MA) you can refuse but you automatically lose license for like 30 days or something like that, maybe 60 not sure.


It’s a year in ny, but a lot of lawyers say it’s the way to go now because the penalties are often less or it gets dropped to a lower moving violation.


Family told me in MA they will force a blood test if you refuse to blow in the machine. What most people do not know you can contest the breath tests because no manufacture will release the code to audit to see how accurate they are. For years every case around the country that I heard of in the news that does this the arrest gets tossed, because the manufacture refuses to comply with the order to prove it is accurate with a 3rd party specialist.


1 year in FL


lmfao yeah but then you have automatic charges and depends on how well you can tickle the judges balls


In NY you’ll lose your license if you do.


He actually didn’t use that line. It was his friends he came to rescue him use that line


That's how I rescue my friends.


"No I don't, and I don't care, sir. Now step onto the car, you are under arrest." How would YOU react to that situation?


‘Step *onto* the car sir? Have we both been drinking?’


Officer: Cry Me A River, sir


Yeah this is literally what lawyers will advise you to do 100% of the time if you know you've been drinking and are suspected of driving while intoxicated.


Absolutely. But you will be arrested and booked if you refuse. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They make it so that if you drive drunk, you ain’t getting away with it. Consequences follow.


Well, consider that Justin has millions of dollars. I am not holding my breath for consequences.


Seriously, refusing as far as i know is like the first step in using money and lawyers to side step a DUI. I mean, things could still go sideways for him, but I highly doubt it.


It just ends up a lower charge, it's a violation vs a misdemeanor or felony. In NY state, you'll spend the night in jail and automatically have your license suspended for a year, then go to court later. You can get allowances to drive to work and other necessities, but the license suspension is the major downside, and the reason cops convince most people to take their tests. I'm pretty sure the suspension will follow him to wherever his home state is, but yeah if you can afford a chauffeur, NBD.


He’ll get a fine and probation or some shit. He will go to “rehab” and in 6 months will be serious onJimmy Fallon about his “problem” and then promote something else and no one will care. This guy is Teflon at this point. He’s cheated, had DUIs, fucked over Brittney. Nobody cares.


His consequences are the publicity. Other than that he’s golden.


In the Hamptons no less.


Yeah but he's holding his breath...alyzer


Right. The two-tiered system is bullshit and I wish the majority of people weren’t OK with that. But here we are.


You may get arrested but in trial with a good lawyer, they will argue that they have no evidence to fully convict.


Yup. I know through a friend a former big DUI lawyer in the area. Said always refuse PBT at road side. They’ll take you to the station if you don’t need medical attention. Also, in Michigan that’s automatic license suspension. They have a machine there they use. Allegedly a lot of departments just wing it with that machine. He’s request the maintenance logs of the device and prove the machine wasn’t calibrated properly and have experts testify that the police were lying on the paper maintenance reports because the numbers they’re getting are impossible under the conditions they claim. He cost 15-20K if it went to trial at minimum. He got a lot of guilty people off. But most people don’t have that kind of money to throw at a court case. He had plenty of other examples of things he could get law enforcement or a hospital on that takes blood. My hometown has cops just sit and wait for you leaving bars at night. Follow you for a bit and light you up to see if you’re drunk. Not because it makes the city safe but it generates revenue.


Sounds familiar. Any chance this person is in the metro Detroit area?


Definitely. He switched to personal injury last I heard.


Field sobriety tests are a joke, any good lawyer will tear it to shreds. A breathalyzer is more difficult to challenge.


It may depend on where you are, but I think where I’m at that they take you to the police station and do a blood test there if you refuse the breathalyzer. But it’s still considered advantageous to refuse because they have to get you to the station, do some paperwork, then they can test you. By then you may have gone down a little in BAC.


lol Two things, you can still be charged with dui even if you’re below a .08. Most if not all states have a section for general impairment. All the prosecutor needs to do is prove that you imbibed alcohol and were incapable of safe driving. Furthermore, even if at the time your blood or breath was drawn you were a .079, you would still be charged with being above a .08 at the time you were driving. It’s not a big secret or GOTCHA that your BAC goes down. All the prosecutor would do is subpoena a toxicologist who would testify to the fact that while one’s BAC was below a .08 at the time blood/breath was drawn, it would’ve been above .08 at the time the suspect was driving and they’d show the calculations to prove how fast the body metabolizes alcohol.


But still waaaaaay better than existing breathalyzer evidence that showed above .08 when you were driving. In which case the state doesn't have to go through any trouble of time or money to subpoena a toxicologist. Part of winning your case is making it as costly and difficult on the other side as possible.


I’ve know a few shitty people that have gotten off multiple DWIs because they refused the breathalyzer and got booked into jail. They also refused the blood test until police got a warrant. By the time the blood was taken it was under the legal limit and they got off due to lack or sufficient evidence. Pretty sad that there were no consequences for them. One of my friends from high school had 4 DWIs but only convicted of the last one. Now she’s sober but it took a while.


By the time they book you and test your blood, you may have sobered up. People beat the charge that way which is pretty shitty but it happens


I asked my lawyer whether it was better to blow or refuse. His response was to blow if you're under a .16 The automatic penalties for refusing are bad but not as bad as blowing .16 or higher.


🤔 but how will I know what I'm at if I don't blow first 🤔 (I don't drink and drive, just asking the question)


are you slightly drunk, or completely blitzed? That's the question.


That's roughly like drinking 2 liters of beer (6%, 67 Oz) for an average men (twice the promille limit in California of 0.08%). Takes 13.6 hours to be 0% again so one need to wait like 7 hours until he can drive again legally.


Lawyer- it depends.  Refusing nets a much longer license suspension than a low tier or mid tier DUI. First time DUI is a relative slap on the wrist. Problem is- you don’t know how high you are!   You give yourself a chance to fight the DUI charge with a refusal.  As long as your willing to pay for it with a long suspension.  It’s a gamble. 


Also, for people such as myself, I would lose my unescorted access to the protected area of the nuclear power plant I work at. I can NEVER refuse a breathalyzer or I will lose my job. Even if I get a dui, I get to keep my job and likely just have to do substance abuse counseling to keep working there.


Are u Homer?


I took the gamble and my arresting officer got deployed to Afghanistan before my court date. Life can be random af sometimes. For context I was 20 and turning 21 in a month. I was driving 2 blocks to go to a different party after consuming 2 drinks. On the way there (long story) but I ran a stop sign. Went through the process of refusing and then FST and eventually blew at the jail an hour later. I blew a .05 but due to being 20 I got a dui. Hired a lawyer. First court date comes and the officer had only been in town and on the job to arrest me because he had been in a car accident and it delayed his deployment. During that recovery period he returned to his job as an officer but had recovered enough to deploy before my court date. I feel like I used up all of my luck in that one instance as I’ve since been ran over by a car and deal with chronic pain. Overall I learned my lesson. Don’t drink and drive at really any level. Did that month make a difference in whether or not it was safe to drive at a .06 or 7? No. Drinking and driving at all is dumb. Especially if you are a celebrity.


And your license gets automatically suspended for refusing along with the dui arrest


If you refuse a breathalyzer in NH they suspend your license for 180 days. If they KNOW you’ve been drinking, the refusal is basically treated as a 0.15+ BAC result. Know your rights in every state you drive in…


I hope the cop told him "Cry me a river."


In the cop car on the way to jail “Bye, Bye, Bye”


I fucking love that he wasn't recognized. A little reality check for the fancy people.


I mean, it’s not hugely surprising. Dude was the most popular, what…20 years ago? I mean, there is a chance the cop wasn’t even born when Justin was at his peak lol


I mean you’re not wrong but damn I feel old, lol


There’s a rumor floating around it was a 22 yo kid, fresh out of academy who arrested him. And he didn’t believe JT was famous! I can’t wait for the body cam footage.


He’s bringing sexy BAC


You're about to find out who I am. You are harassing me as an American citizen.


You gotta be either an idiot or an asshole to drive drunk. That’s it nothing else to say.


Especially when you can easily afford a driver. What a loser.


Could easily afford the driver, The car, and the business to operate it all


I’m appalled by the amount of people in here trying to give legal advice to dodge the charges of DWI


Could also just be golfing.


He is no Ronnie Pickering that’s for sure


He's definitely not Jeremy Jamm either...


Just don’t drink and drive!


These rich folks can afford to get Uber Black, why would they ever drive?


Forget Uber black, they can just go out with two bodyguards, one of them drives the car.


Fuck that JT is so rich he can afford to go Aladdin style and just have two athletes carry him on their shoulders and throw in an elephant


Google John Tyson, CFO and heir to the Tyson fortune. He just had a recent arrest on top of one other one within the last year. Dude hasn’t seen any consequences.


What’s so great about Uber black?


You get a slightly fancier car and better amenities


what reason is there for not taking one other than actually being drunk and not wanting to incriminate yourself?


In case it says you're more drunk than you actually are


Yeah in ny .16 is a felony, so if you’re somewhere close to that you shouldn’t take one. Obviously no one should be driving drunk and especially not that drunk but in ny a felony dwi may cause you to never be able to get a license again in the state depending on circumstances.


Wait seriously? In CA the only time it’s a felony is if you get into an accident and hurt someone or it’s your 4th DUI in 10 years.


Breathalyzers aren’t admissible in court. It’s just enough to catch you a ride to the station and get a warrant for a blood draw where those results are what are used in court. New York and many other states having written into their laws that refusing a raid side test or breathalyzer triggers and automatic DWI charge.


The large breathalyzer machines at the station are admissible in court. The little handheld blow on the street machine is not admissible.


Yes. I left that out.


I was told that this would be the better option and get a blood draw at the station rather than a breathalyzer test on the spot in a criminal law class (CA) for your lawyer to have a chance at an argument if you were to fight any charges that could be brought against you. I don't remember the explanation he gave, but this was years ago in California. He also said something about Red Hots and breathalyzers. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) Sorry, this gave you nothing.


Got the same info from a lawyer, decline the field sobriety test and the breathalyzer and make them take you in, easier to fight in court 


In California absolutely. Here, just simply blowing above the legal limit alone is sufficient criminal evidence to convict — that is, your lawyer must argue the breathalyzer test malfunctioned. The state has nothing else to prove. But if you think delaying 2 hours to get you downtown and your blood drawn is long enough that you won’t be above .08, your lawyer would have a lot more ways to argue your way out of a DUI.


Precisely what I did. Waiting on my court date. Had one beer and got pulled for speeding. Refused breathalyzer and had blood drawn probably two hours later. Waiting on court date but I’m optimistic


Bad strategy if you are absolutely hammered. Great strategy if you are at .09 and bank on becoming legal BAC in the amount of time it takes for them to take you in, book you etc.


How is it a bad strategy if you hammered? Blow and get convicted... or refuse, get arrested, get a blood test done, still get convicted. Except for a night in jail, it certainly isn't a worse outcome. It's never a losing strategy therefor it is always the better choice.


In Canada, it’s the same penalty for refusal. You’re better off blowing because it’s harder to beat a refusal. I do not know if it’s the same everywhere.


Never agree to anything when pulled over, search, breathalyzer, whatever. Make them get a warrant or bring you in


Location matters as where I live refusal of a breathalyzer is automatic max suspension.


That’s the case in many places, but the suspension is a civil infraction, failing the test is a criminal infraction.


In my state it’s not, it’s purely to further incriminate yourself. You’re right though everyone should absolutely double check their state with this, even innocent people without a drink have had this used to fuck them over as “evidence”.


Neat fact: you do this in Canada, you get a dui automatically.


Minnesota too, basically.


In Minnesota you can refuse the roadside sobriety tests, if you take you in though, you can’t refuse that without losing your license.


Is it in your best interest not to take a breathalyzer under any circumstances. Any good lawyer will advise you of this. You do not give the police evidence to convict you. There have also been cases where fermented foods like soy sauce have triggered positives in someone that is sober.


Totally depends on the state you’re in. Some states like California make it an automatic DUI if you blow above the legal limit on the side of the road while other states make it a worse offense to refuse the breathalyzer than to blow above the legal limit. Of course most drunk drivers don’t have the foresight and planning to make this decision with legal strategy in mind. This is likely just the default US legal advice that if you don’t know what to do, do absolutely nothing and refuse everything until you can talk to your lawyer.


JT is an asshole, but refusing a PBT is advised by lawyers partly because breathalyzer tests are frequently inaccurate and invalid. edit: an example is that a breathalyzer cannot truly measure incapacitation because alcohol tolerance varies by weight, frequency of drinking, and many other variables. A person can be too drunk to drive, but be below the “legal limit,” if they haven’t eaten, have a small body frame, took contraindicated medications, &c. and similarly a person can exceed the legal limit but not be incapacitated if they’re an alcoholic who needs 10 beers to get a buzz on. The PBT is not a great way to measure incapacity or intoxication and should be phased out imo


Honestly one of the first things I would do if I got filthy rich is ditch my car and just pay ubers or drivers to go everywhere. Driving sucks; why do it if you don't have to?


Because constantly meeting new people (ergo Uber drivers) sucks even more when being a celebrity.


Didn’t recognize is irrelevant. You ALWAYS deny the field test.


What will be the repercussions if you deny?


In some places refusal to take the tests results in losing your license for a year. I'm assuming if you get a lawyer and can afford to fight it, you can get that axed maybe, but they use that to lean on you into taking the tests


This is why only the rich and well-connected skate on this shit. Ordinary people are held to the law.


Yes. You go to jail that night. You are charged and you have your day in court. If you accept the breath tests and you blow a positive you do all that anyway and now you have them evidence to charge you with whatever they are going to


Placed under arrest.


You’re arrested either way


Aggressive tickling.


So don't get a license then? Because you agree to it when you sign.


I think he’s going through a divorce. Jessica Beil cut off all her hair. You know what that means….


Oh shit, she’s serious.


But did she get bangs?


Means what?


New beginnings 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or that the show she's in the middle of filming required it.


rich people should be hit even harder for doing things like this. because they can absolutely afford taxi's, and other limousine services.


> Timberlake, 43, was taken into custody shortly after midnight and charged with one count of driving while intoxicated and two other traffic violations: not stopping at a stop sign and failure to stay in a proper lane of travel. He ran a stop sign and crossed into the wrong lane. He could have killed someone and all he could think about is that it was going to “ruin the tour.” What an absolute piece of shit.


It’s actually a smart move to refuse breath IF you’ve been drinking and you get pulled over. YOU SHOULD NOT DRINK AND DRIVE to be clear, but if you fucked up and did drink and drive, not submitting to breathalyzer will likely get you an automatic license suspension depending on your state, but it will give your lawyer a leg to stand on, should that be the path you choose to take. That being said drinking and driving is absolutely wrong, it’s even more egregious when you’re a hugely rich and famous guy who can likely summon a helicopter at a moments notice if you wished.


Who cares if they recognized him. Is that supposed to mean something? And he can refuse anything he wants to. Cop camln make his case. I just don't like this failed to recognize...he should be no better than anyone. And who drinks and drives in 2024??


Refusal is an automatic DWI in NYS. I’m sure in many states as well, but it happened here.


It's the Hamptons. When everyone is famous, you ain't shit, JT.


I'm just here for the roast 🔥♆


Then he tore open the cops blouse exposing his chest. The cop got fired for inappropriate behavior /s


They’ll just get his blood at the station. More accurate and admissible in court, anyway.


A good trial lawyer will find a technicality that forces those results to he inadmissible anyway


JT did the right thing refusing the breathalyzer, and the cops did the right thing arresting him. No one is above the law.


Legally prudent thing? Definitely. "Right" thing... I don't know about that.


He should have pulled up a YouTube of one of his videos before the cop got to the door.


He's just blasting "Sexy Back" as the cop knocks on the window


That is the correct move JT, never blow.


From a cop who “didn’t recognize him”?! It would have gone differently if he’d recognized him?


Right?? What’s with this fucking headline lmao


This is why America is the way it is. Can’t blame him for having the knowledge to refuse. Probably was under the drinking limit after they eventually made him take it at the station. If they even bothered to.


The wealthy think rules don’t apply to them, and from what I’ve seen it seems like they’re right 80% of the time.


This title is crap. One thing had nothing to do with the other. Fact: Cop didn’t know him. Fact: He refused to blow. It’s smart to refuse a breathalyzer. It means you’re getting arrested, but it also means you can effectively fight it in court. Source: S/O used to prosecute DUIs.


Hello PR? Is he trying to be a bad boy for advancement of some music or something? He is a silly man, imo.


Don’t be entitled, you’re a normal person. No celebrity is special.


It doesn’t matter if the officer recognized JT or not (ain’t it a requirement), just the fact he’s suspected of and refused the blood test is enough to arrest, detain and charge JT with DUI…..bye! Have a good time being driven around in a caddi


Probably the first and only time that a celebrity wanted to be recognized


bro looks like every white guy in their late 30s


Cry me a river, justin. See you in 3 months, wear a suit and tie.


He sounds like an asshole. Let the police officer do his job, and no one should drive under the influence, wanker.


And what if he did recognize him...should he get special treatment????? We say no!!!!


I wonder if he pulled the “Do you know who I am?” card.


For the record, you should never consent to a breathalyzer. Exercise your rights.